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Entrusted by the Creator of the Universe

World-Wide Education | Healthcare | Religious Reorganization | founded in the East the birthplace of mankind ------- China

Please respect God created your ancestors give you life n living

《The Bible 》MUST replace《Holy Bible 》

Catholics | Buddhism | Christianity (most)

must NOT hinder persecution of God Creation Education Creation Witness Global Thanks for your support

受 真 神 造 物 主 委托

杨晓云天命打魔 教育 医疗 宗教整顿

全球神创教育在人类的发源地 -------- 中国.上海 面向全球

天主教 | 佛教 | 基督教应尊重神创教育 不可阻碍迫害

《The Bible》受神旨意必须取代《Holy Bible》

《The Global Mission》将冲破阻力 遍及各国 网站不隶属于政府或其他个人


神创教育网 感谢支持

真神教育 尊重人类发源地国家领导人 神真诚希望与世人分享普世乐园的美好规划

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Creation Witness Global 全球神创组织

God Image Bearer 杨晓云 50 yrs Photo 留影 (2021) Global Education | Medical | Life style Reform Best E-book for your child and whole family


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Paradise Yun Living 神的乐园 人之未来

A True Creator and false religions 认识真神 世界宗教根本

X Catholic 天主教:

Catholic founded by the‘Vanti City’------ Centre of world false religion.

Vanti City was the major supporter of the World War II launched by Hitler!

Devil lured the first girl created by God, promised a false idol ‘Virgin Mary’ !


魔引诱神的第一对儿女,赐予皇权与假偶像,制造“XX 玛丽亚” 。使用虚假圣经。

X Christian 基督教 (大部分) :

‘Triune God’, means father Creator and the son Jesus is the SAME, no difference ?

So Jesus son can replace father Creator, Jesus is the focus and warship of Christian.Catholic and Christian use many fake《Bible》,check this book P55.


因此基督可以取代真神,一切以基督为中心。 使用虚假圣经。

X Buddhism 佛 教:

‘No Creator’, universe has no beginning and no end, no such thing of God!

Han dynasty of China, king Han Ming said:“Western has a Creator, he’s name is Buddha. ” Changed God name to Buddha? Buddhism made ------ Ghost realm、

Hell realm、 Asura realm, which is total innocence and meaningless !

‘无神论’ 。不承认真神,“西方有神,其名曰佛”汉明帝改神为佛。


西方 XX 玛丽亚,东方 XX 菩萨,政治 XX 女皇。政教合一,将人民引向伪宗教与苦难生活!

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The Global Mission 神爱心与伟大的教师 [创造 - 新闻]

神的旨意非常美好!A true Creator, God will is very good!

可如今人的生活承受着千万的房价、瘟疫的流行、土壤癌症化 (蔬菜营养只剩 20%) 、

三岁早教、40%的离婚率、成人早出晚归、农村贫困、商业欺诈、网络问题 (网聊网恋

网络游戏网络色情网络监控网络数据盗窃等) 、社会暴力犯罪、军事战争不断、中医


But today people’s lives suffer from:tens of millions of housing prices, the uncontrollable spread of the virus, 40% divorce rate, adults working too hard, rural poverty, commercial fraud, Internet Problems (online dating, online games, online pornography, network monitoring, network data theft, etc. ) , social violent crimes, constant military wars, medicine scams, religious scams ; Brothels, casinos, drug addiction, homosexuality 。。。

Share or Sale this E-book 分享、出售、打印电子书

Please help to translate into multiple language 帮助翻译多国语言

教育孩子一段真实的历史 [ Chinese / English ]



真神仁慈智慧,承担了 70% 的总体设计、结构创造、基础材料、成品制造。


咐 进 行地球上万物的生产复制与管理。天使长,十位大天使,众多小天使积极工作,

承担着 30% 的生产工作量。 ( 不幸在创造过程中,恶天使也创造了虎狼狮豹蛇鲨鳄虫)

地球的创造耗时 1000 年!第一对人类创造在中国的上海!因此中华文明只有 5000 年!



据,各自为王,皇权、钱财、美色、崇拜,使整个天使群腐败脱离神 (地球目前有近

300 个国家) !天使长 [魔] 操控天使团队也开始彼此战争侵略,他们通过人间母体一



刀割折磨人体!神必须恒久恢复人体无病、 自然康复的理念!



杨晓云推广真神教育,会受到天主教/ 伪基督教/ 佛教的联合迫害。因为 5000 年的人

类历史潮流中,伪宗教一直想取代真神,压制真神。中国是人类的发源地, 目前是佛

教大国“南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中” ,同时也有不少的天主教堂。

这位 5000 年叛乱的天使长, 曾经的希特勒,现在的‘南京菩萨’ ,再次出现在地球,

是佛教与天主教真正的创立者!佛教胸口的标记与希特勒标记是相同的 (为引起怀疑

标记转了一个方向) ;天主教是希特勒资助的二次世界大战后盾 ’梵蒂冈’ 设立的假偶



真神将在全球范围设立“Creation Witness Global ”,全球神创教育将突破地域与国界!



Teach your children a true history!

How did the earth and people's lives become the misery and chaos they are today?

There is indeed a "Creator" for the beautiful things and the wonderful human body on the earth! She is generous and intelligent, and undertakes 70% of the overall design, structural creation, basic materials, and finished product manufacturing.

The universe is huge and the earth engineering is huge. God first created a large number of angels with certain design and manufacturing capabilities, they were instructed by God to carry out the production, replication and management of all things on earth. The archangel, ten archangels, and so many little angels work actively and undertake 30% of the production workload. (Unfortunately, in the process of creation, the evil angel also created tigers, lions, leopards, snakes, sharks, crocodiles,pest insects etc,limited human living land,read...) The creation of the entire earth took 1000 years! The first pair of human beings were created in Pudong, Shanghai, China! The birth place of Yang xiaoyun, me!

So Chinese civilization is only 5000 years old.

God worked closely with the archangel, and after the creation was completed, God wanted him to lead a team to assist in the future management of the earth.

It was at this moment that the archangel revealed his rebellious and evil ambitions! Lured the entire angelic team to enter the earth alone, separate the land、earth imperial power、money and beauty、false religion idol worship, so that the entire angels group is corrupted and separated from God (there are currently nearly 300 countries on the earth)! The archangel [demon] manipulated the team of angels to start wars and aggression against each other. They were born on the earth from generation to generation through the human mother body and enjoyed the dignity of the emperor, but the earth countries are fighting in war and never had peace.

Thousands of years of war, pollution of the environment, deterioration of human hearts, increase of disease. Not only separates the land, but also created medical treatment, cutting the human body causing huge pain!

The devil's partner is the incarnation of a big fish. The devil hopes that the human body will be sick and the fish will become a good doctor! If people are not seriously ill and do not die, how can fish become good doctors? !

【 hard to believe but it is TRUE! 】

Yang Xiaoyun promotes the education of true God, and will be persecuted by Catholicism/ pseudo-Christianity/ Buddhism. Because in the 5,000-year trend of human history, false religions have always wanted to replace the true God and suppress the true God. China is the birthplace of human beings. At present, it is a big Buddhist country with thousands temples, there are also many Catholic churches. But hard for the true god education to enter.

The archangel who rebelled for 5 , 0 0 0 years, the former Hitler, and now the

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" Nanjing Bodhisattva" , has reappeared on Earth and is the true founder of Buddhism and Catholicism! The symbol on the Buddhist chest are the same as Hitler's markings (turned in a direction to raise suspicion), Catholicism is a false Virgin Mary set up by the 'Vatican', the backing of World War II.

Entrusted by the creator of the universe, Yang Xiaoyun, incarnated in the image of a true god, descended into the world, destined to fight demons!

It also represents God expelling the entire team of angels from the earth forever!

True God will set up "Creation Witness Global" on a global scale, and global God Creation Education will break through geographical and national boundaries!

Return a piece of peace to the earth and never war ; Return a piece of free land to the people to live in peace and contentment ; Return a piece of pure clean land to nature and no longer cause serious pollution ; Return a piece of truth and kindness to the human heart and no longer selfish and vanity!

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起学习《生命从何而来》 ,知道人身从何而来?地球与人应该过怎样的生活?一生正

义,怀具信心,爱生命,爱父母,爱公益,爱地球,爱天上的“真神” (创造者) 。




等教育, “宇宙爆炸论” ,爆炸能炸出鲜花蔬菜可爱的儿童?传统,长辈,学校,使


As parents, we all expect our children to walk a happy and smooth road without bumps in their lives. You are welcome to study《Where Does Life Come From》

with your children, do you know where does the human body come from? How should the earth and people live? Life is righteous, with confidence, love life, love parents, love public welfare, love the earth, love the creator in the heaven.

In the past twenty years of my life, along with my grandparents and parents, I have also burned incense and worshiped false idol. There is no doubt that the Buddhist scriptures are difficult to understand, only know that everything in the world of life is an illusion and the suffering of disease and death ; since childhood, school education people are evolved from monkeys and chimps, monkeys and chimps can invent nuclear weapons? missiles and the Internet?

Higher education,“cosmos explosion theory”, explosion can blast flowers and vegetables and cute children?Traditions, elders, schools, make us never think about where this world comes from? How should people live ?


化修正,未来向全球推广真实的新时代圣经《杨晓云圣经》《The Bible 》!当时面对厚


神将一本薄薄的英语的小册子展示在我座位上,题目是:“一个年轻地球的证据” ,出

自一个叫 CMI 的国际创造论组织,我欣喜地赶回家中,打开电脑,打开 CMI 的网站,

饶有兴趣地订购了这套宣传册,言简意骇地阐述了:碳 14 检测法;创造的自然证据;


【 “创造杂志”发行于全球 110 国家】

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"Creation Magazine" is published in 110 countries around the world”

CMI 创造论组织的创始人 Carl Wieland 教授就居住在晓云的第二故乡昆士兰,他原是一

名普通的医务工作者,1968 年一场致命的车祸及以后五个半月的头部颅骨重整手术,


不住问胸腔科医师: “我的肋骨够用吗? ”胸腔科医师告诉他: “肋骨在保持骨膜完

好的情况下,是可以不断生长的,也是人体唯一可再生的骨骼。 ”其它手臂、腿部任


圣经《杨晓云圣经》《The Bible 》,神的旨意,普及全球了解关于创造与生命的真意!

Yang XiaoYun is the incarnation of the true God image,and has given me the talent to understand Chinese to simplify and revise the devil involved Bible.Follow this book you will keep read the New Age Bible《 The Bible》 globally replace

《Holy Bible》 ! At that time, I was still unable to write in the face of a thick Bible, because I was not familiar with Western history. One day, when I was out in the car, God displayed a thin English-language booklet on my seat with the title: " Evidence of a Young Earth" , from an international creationism organization called CMI, I rushed home with joy, turned on my computer, opened CMI website, and ordered this set of brochures with great interest: carbon-14

testing ; natural evidence of creation ; Why does God allow human suffering. . . . . .

Professor Carl Wieland, the founder of CMI Creationism Organization, lives in Queensland, XiaoYun's second hometown. He used to be an ordinary medical worker.

In 1968, he suffered a fatal car accident and underwent skull reconstruction for five and a half months. During the operation, the thoracologist kept taking out his 'ribs' for reconstruction of the head and body parts. Finally, one day, he couldn' t help but ask the thoracologist : " Are my ribs enough? " The thoracologist told him : "The rib can continue to grow under the condition of keeping the periosteum intact, and it is also the only regenerative bone in the human body." Other bones in the arms and legs cannot grow again. . . . . .

If you are interested, please wait patiently for God' s image bearer and spokesperson Yang XiaoYun to release《The Bible》replace《Holy Bible》, God's will, to spread the world to understand the true meaning of creation and life!

我的心豁然开朗!感动、感恩,神创造了我们,创造了原本一个美丽的家园 --------- 地


《圣经》说:“神按照自己的形象创造人。 ” 有爱心,有感情,有智慧,有想象力,

有选择权。 人与动物的区别是人具高等智慧、道德感、信仰追求!如果生命的起源不



心,对生命本身充满热爱,更爱戴仰望创造我们的‘神 ’,他创造了我们,也一定让

我 们衣食无忧!这泥土大地本就是神的恩赐,免费的居住地,鸟儿筑巢、动物打洞是


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皇权 (钱最初名称是“刀币”) ,于是,结局怎么样呢?亚当曾做了“秦始皇” ,在


数!造完后,魔也让他死了,死时年仅 50 岁!并落下了一代暴君的千古骂名!可怜代


La八d Free


My heart suddenly opened up! I am moved, grateful, and grateful that God created us and a beautiful home ----- the earth ; I am touched by God’s enlightenment to my heart, and I also use my pen to enlighten more beautiful human beings, beautiful soul!I will teach you how to build a house in one day on FREE land.

The Bible says : "God created man in his own image." There is love, emotion, wisdom, imagination, and choice. The difference between humans and animals is that humans have advanced wisdom, moral sense, and faith belief ! If the origin of life is not random and accidental, life must be a purposeful intelligent design! What is the purpose? Full of love is the foundation of the human soul.

Loving, loving, caring, deeply loving for different people in life, full of love for life itself, and even more loving and looking up to the‘God' who created us, he created us, and he must also Let us have no worries about food and clothing!

This earth is the gift of God,land FREE, a free place to live ! Birds build nests

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and animals dig holes,humans are the spirit of all things and higher animals,to build a living place is not hard !

People have come to such a stressful life today. . . It was the first pair of children who followed the devil. God originally wanted them to live happily, manage the earth, and spread correct knowledge. However, the devil exchanged imperial money and power, and they followed the "killing Currency"with imperial power, so what happened? Adam once did "Qin Shi Huang", one of the most famous king in ancient China,under the manipulation of the demon's puppet, he enslaved the people to build the Great Wall and build the emperor' s mausoleum. These huge and meaningless projects caused countless casualties! After these project, the devil also let him die, when he died, he was only 50 years old! The poor descendants live habitually under the wrong guidance of the devil.


2019 年 7 月,我出售了澳洲二处房产,面对灭门的追杀阴谋,长达半年的彻夜失眠,

完成前半部分手稿 --------《杨晓云圣经》《The Bible 》,2019 年 11 月,我启程回到祖


旬,她有一个小弟,性情刚烈,2020. 01. 11 ,母亲的小弟突然去世,三年失去二个弟

弟 (无规律的生活与饮食使他们六十多岁就失去了生命) ,母亲也甚为伤感。另一位

男性,是我丈夫的弟弟,其所在公司莫名其妙申请破产,2020.04.02 所有管理人员被同

一天抓捕入狱。写本文时将近 2022 年 1 月,尚无消息,年近九旬的老人思儿心切,政


Entrusted by the creator of the universe, I need to return to China, the birthplace of mankind, and spread the education of true God to the world!

In July 2019, I sold two properties in Australia. In the face of the murderous conspiracy to kill the whole family, I have sleepless night for half year, and completed the first half of the manuscript ------《The Bible》, November 2019, I set off to return to the motherland.

Thinking that there are two male relatives in my family can seek protection, I have no brothers and sisters, my mother close to eighty years old, she has a younger brother, 2020. 01. 11, the mother's younger brother died suddenly , Losing two younger brothers in three years, my mother was so sad. My husband two younger brothers, whose company filed for bankruptcy inexplicably, all managers arrested and jailed on the same day on 2020.04.02. (At the time of publish this article, it is July 2022, and there is no news yet. The elderly in their 80s are anxious, but government does not allow them to meet.) 我与二位老人一起居住时, 曾受到公安骚扰,我写了一封信给我的丈夫,也是我给他



孤立的我寻求官方的援助, 曾给上海市市长 龚正/市委书记 李强发送二次电子邮件,


我向“澳大利亚驻中国领事馆”申请‘宗教政治避难’,领事馆回复 2019 年起领事馆







When I lived with two elderly people, I was harassed by the police. I wrote a letter to my husband, which was also the last letter I wrote to him, reviewing the years of life and the mission of God’s Education, because he is a Buddhist Disciple, do not believe or support creationism, I reminded him of the possibility of killing in our family. After that, head to Beijing to live and submit petition!

In isolation, I sought official assistance, and sent a second email to Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng / Municipal Party Secretary Li Qiang, mentioning the religious and political conspiracy to against creation education, but nothing happened ; I applied for‘ religious and political asylum' to the " Australian Consulate in China". The consulate replied that the consulate policy has changed since 2019 and can NOT accept written applications ?

I sought legal advice and protection from a lawyer in QLD Australia and emailed

‘your mail rejected and destroyed'?

I understand that maybe God requires me to do this alone! Because people and society are corrupt! God deeply disappointed in the man he created! My heart

is firm and I have no fear!

In the land of China, for five thousand years, God has never had the opportunity to communicate with his children. God has been suppressed by the human system under the guidance of the existing system demon controlled for too long.


Bible 》。回国后不久,2020 年 1 月,就爆发了全国乃至全球性的“新型冠状病毒疫情”,

此期间,各国航空阻断,机票价格飞涨,各地隔离, 我进一步将一些优秀的创造书刊,

杂志,影音整理成册,复原了被教会压制绝版十多年的 《生命从何而来?》 (也是神

的嘱托) ,制作了 www. yhwh. global 网站 (含义是:www.神的名字.全球) ,2023 年

将定名为 然而听说国内不少圣经宣传的网站都被封锁了,中国的网



受了太多的苦难,目前全球平均离婚率是 40%,无数的单身妈妈承受着工作事业、养儿




也用未来 30 年的历史,让东方的人们看到神与魔的区别,你们有权做第二次选择。

This was an extraordinary period. I had sleepless nights, and after half a year of sleepless!I completed the first draft of the《The Bible》. Shortly after returning to China, in January 2020, a nationwide and even global "COVID - 19"

broke out. During this period, airlines in various countries were blocked, air ticket prices soared, and various places were quarantined. I further created this excellent E-book, magazines, videos, restored《 Where Does Life Come From 》

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(God entrust), and created the website (meaning : www.God’s name.Global), but I heard that many websites relevant to God and creation in China have been blocked, and China’s Internet police have the right to Block anything they deem inappropriate! My website ran aground but now up online!

God's "blueprint" became more and more apparent in my heart! Why I was chosen to be represented the image of God as a single mother, because women have suffered too much, the current global average divorce rate is 40%, and countless single mothers are under the double pressure of work, career and raising children. God think male Selfishness, deeply worried about the easy abandonment of women ; God hopes to show a world where peace can be achieved with the glorious humanity of kindness, without the need for nuclear weapons ; tell the people of the East, more than 5,000 years ago, you were in here separated, the first pair of human beings followed the devil and were tempted by money and power ; and also used the history of the next 30 years to let the people of the East see the difference between gods and devils, so you have the right to make a

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second choice !


的名字,叫“庄产权” ,产权在人的心目中是异常紧要的一件事,尤其现今每个人或



文本身便是魔的发明,我查询了一下“仓颉造字”:仓颉双瞳四目 (4 个眼睛) ,身披





文字赋予真正的民族光辉! (仓颉,非人类,邪灵化身 Devil Create Chinese) God inspired me to think deeply about the meaning of Chinese character. I first thought of my husband’s father in the family. He has an interesting name called

“ Zhuang Asset Property” . Property rights are an extremely important thing in people’ s minds, especially nowadays. Every person or family is eager to

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have the permanent real estate, it represents asset, it can add value to people's wealth, it can be passed on from generation to generation, the powerful can accumulate multiple properties, and corruption and bribery also arise from this . God revealed to me that Chinese itself was invented by demons. I searched for "Cangjie made Chinese characters" . Cangjie has two pupils and four eyes ( 4 eyes) , and he was wearing fish scales and leaves. He invented Chinese characters with the footprints of beasts? When you check further, a lot of Chinese words has a ‘knife’ in writing,especially some teaching words,so the education itself is wrong under the devil! Later in this book I mentioned global education and medical reform,keep reading ... (see picture above) 这一切都不是真神所期待的,创造主即不希望我们品格优秀而物质匮乏;也不希望我


为了房产、财产所造成的各种官司纠纷。神说:“我把大地给了你们” |“你们要管理

大地” |“你们的神原知道你们需要什么” ,第一对男女‘亚当夏娃’的孩子们为了产




于是,我领会神交予我的第二项使命,便是“快建房屋的研制” 。在澳大利亚居住期

间, 曾多次有机会亲临建造现场,海外的民居建筑整个结构并不复杂以木条板材为主。

神希望超快速的建房,普及青年一代人人学会! 目前地球 65%人口居住在沿海岸 100




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未来晓云会制作一个“一 日快建房”网站,将建房的过程制作成录像、需要的建材、


定能为自己快速建房!相信真神,青年人你的人生不是梦!协助推广《The Global Mission》

www.1daybuild.global2027 online

The second mission God entrusted to me was " the development of fast- build houses" . During my stay in Australia, I had the opportunity to visit the construction site many times, he whole structure of overseas residential buildings is not complicated and mainly made of wood slats. God hopes that super- fast housing construction will be popularized among the younger generation and everyone will learn! At present, 65% of the earth's population lives within 100 km coastal land, and a large area of land is idle and not used for living! On behalf of God, Xiaoyun has conceived a comfortable and beautiful home that can be built in one or two days! I sincerely hope that this once-in-a-lifetime self-built housing learning program can be supported by all sectors of the government without obstacles in the future! I sincerely wish everyone join the Creation Residential Education team in the future! Future, Xiaoyun will create a website of "Build a House in One Day", which will make the process of building a house into videos , necessary building materials, materials suppliers, community mutual assistance, etc. If birds can build nests, and if animals can burrow, I believe Children of God, you must be able to quickly build a house for yourself! Believe in true God, young people, your life is not a dream! Please help to promote《The Global Mission God a loving teacher》.

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How to build a house in one day ?

前面谈到‘土地免费化’和未来五年将搭建的‘一 日快建房’网站。


活 --------- 太阳能 (房屋、热水、照明、车、船、充电站等) 。未来的青年人,要坚决



争夺战争;石油制造的柴油汽油/ 塑料/ 药品/ 橡胶/ 化纤/ 食品(石油蛋白)/ 清洁用



演变成黑色的液体,西方称之为“魔鬼的汗珠” ,中国宋朝科学家命名“石油”!在

《The Bible 》中我特别写了“神创海洋与生命健康”,因为人体的五脏健康依赖大量海


大海,为占地球 70%面积的大海带来新一代的生机!

【略谈一下‘鱼虾贝藻参’ ,它们是没有血液没有神经没有思想,离水不久不再活动



Earlier I talked about the "Free land" and the "One-day fast house build" website that will be built in the next five years.

With free land, after learning to build houses quickly, young people must learn to use God's clean energy to create a comfortable life for themselves ------

solar energy ( houses, hot water, lighting, cars, boats, charging stations etc.) Young people must resolutely give up the use of oil! "Petroleum energy" has brought huge disasters to human society and environment! Oil exploitation undersea leaking duo to limited technology, causing catastrophic pollution to the ocean, rock mining cracks and contaminates underground rock formations;the fighting war among countries caused by oil extraction; the economic monopoly of oil trade ; oil- made diesel gasoline/ plastic/ pharmaceuticals / rubber /

chemo-fiber / food(petroleum protein) / cleaning supplies, all these causing the environment secondary pollution!

How is oil formed ? Many animals created by God in the early days were wiped out on a large scale by the demons. The demon used a special kind of bacteria to make the animal body gradually evolve into a black liquid underground and under the seabed, western call it "the devil's sweat". Song Dynasty of China a famous scientist named it "petroleum"! In《The Bible》, I wrote "God created ocean and life health" , because the health of the organs of the human body depends on the nutrition of a large number of seafood,therefore, Xiaoyun eagerly expects that the younger generation will be committed to the remediation and

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cleaning of the marine environment, bringing a new generation of vitality to the sea, which accounts for 70% of the earth's area .

Let me talks about the fish, shrimp, shells, algae,they has no blood, no pain nerves, no thoughts, and it will NOT be long after leaving the water. A natural food can be eaten with NO killing, God's design is merciful!

The younger generation should take the right path,the God's path, popularize and deeply study the utilization of solar energy! Solar energy replace oil!

..................................................................................................................................................................... ...................

--------- 人的最佳居住方式与生存版图 ---------


目前 2022 年,全世界 65%的人口居住在沿海岸 100 公里的范围内,高楼林立、人口密




林地区等,使人类无法进一步生存!并且它们大量捕食神创造的牛 羊 鸡 鸭 鹿 兔之




永恒保护善良的动物和人的居住土地,使 77 亿人口能真正分布均匀、环境美好、安居

乐业! 回到神创世的美好设计 (如图) 。人的最佳居住方式是什么?欢迎青年一代参

观杨晓云在澳大利亚的第一个居所:18 Defiance Rd, Logan Central QLD Australia ,也

参观美丽的昆士兰。神推荐这个居住的特色与众不同之处:双层、 占地面积小、环形

(圆形) 建筑小区、中央大片绿化、隐私良好、各国居民、生活丰富、中央泳池凉亭。

---------- The best way to live and the map of survival ----------

Land, houses, solar energy, now we need to understand the best way to live and the map of survival.

At present, in 2022, 65% of the world's population lives within 100 kilometers of the coast. There are many high- rise buildings, dense population and skyrocketing housing prices. What is preventing the survival of human beings?

One is the wrong idea of commercialization of coastal cities ; the other is that there are a large number of cruel animals created by demons and evil angels on the earth: snakes, wolves, tigers, lions, leopards, crocodiles, etc. They occupy the coastal plain、Parks、tropical rain forests、glass land、mountain forests. , make it impossible for human beings to live further. And they prey on a large number of cows、 sheep、 chickens、 ducks、 deer、 rabbits created by God. Therefore, the younger generation must get rid of the concept of

" protecting wild animals" ! In order to expand the survival territory and livable land of human beings,God allows you to properly use shotguns to kill these cruel and ferocious animals .To expand the living space of human beings

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on a large scale, also all residential areas are built according to the terrain, integrate the natural beauty, do not need to be flat! God is merciful, in order to protect the land where kind animals and people live forever, so that the 7 .7 billion people can be truly evenly distributed, beautify the environment,everyone can live and work in peace! Back to the beautiful design of God see pictured below my second hometown. What's the best way to live? The younger generation is welcome to visit Xiaoyun's first residence in Australia: 18 Defiance Rd, Logan Central QLD Australia, where my husband most likely to be gut shot for this book! Welcome also visit beautiful Queensland.

God recommends the unique features of this residence: double storey, small footprint, annular (circular) building community, large central greenery, good privacy, global residents, kind neighbour, central pool pavilion, etc.

God permit you to clean-up the cruel!

Expend the land territory, Build more beautiful homes

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拓展生存版图 建造更多美丽家园!


------- 肥沃的土壤、充沛的阳光、正确的餐饮方式 -------

“万物土中生” ,纵观古今中外,都没有做到正确、有效、简单地肥沃改善土壤。或



互补互惠。因此,‘人体排泄物’在正确的处理状态下,可以迅速成为 无色 无味 无

臭 无菌的类似于‘冰淇凌’的产物






二个小时就成为‘冰激凌’了 (当然彻底无菌需要一些时间) ,土壤自然肥沃,一切

就自然成长了,大家就可以毫不费力地享受 100%营养有机蔬菜瓜果,您明白了吗?

原理以及温度时间控制请学习《The Bible》。





Young generation should learn the important basic knowledge how to make the land naturally fertile, the plants、vegetables and fruits grow quick、healthy and prosperous:

-----Fertile soil effortless,abundant sunshine,correct way of eating -----

“Everything is born from the soil”. Throughout the ancient and modern times, there is no correct, effective and simple way to fertilize the soil. Perhaps young parents and children are reluctant to face the embarrassing and unpleasant problem of 'human waste'? And this is precisely the important life foundation that young people must know how to deal with. God's design for all things on earth is to recycle, complement and benefit each other. Therefore, ‘ human waste' can quickly become a product similar to‘ice cream' that is colorless, odorless, and sterile under the correct processing state, and then the‘ ice cream' should returned to the soil. In this virtuous circle, we can plant and enjoy all kinds of vegetables and fruits without any hassle, let them thrive freely!

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God doesn’t want young people to collect and landfill excrement, nor does God want you to filter the waster and drink it, nor does God want you to work hard to plant, use fertilizers and pesticides. This process can be automated and mechanized. As long as there is a collection area for 'human excrement', the coconut shells、wood shavings、grain bran、corn stalks、peanut shells will be broken smashed and thrown into mixing and stirring, it only take one or two hours to becomes the 'ice cream' (it takes some time to be completely sterile), the soil will be fertile, everything will grow naturally, everyone can enjoy 100% nutritious organic veges and fruits, hope you understand!

For the principle and temperature and time control, please study《The Bible》.

Writing this in 2022, people are busy making money every day, then they go to buy chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and even veges and fruits that are scientifically researched on molds. They seem to be good but little nutritious, then put into the fridge for another few days... we are used to this kind of life. Because the first pair of God's children were seduced by the devil and turned away from God and the correct knowledge. Devil does NOT want human beings to know the right way to survive!

Result 结果





水质、人为造成的某些污染,在开花结果时, “光合作用”就将毒素解除了!并且良



念,绝不盲目误入科研歧途 --------- 目前逐渐流行室内无土培植、氮磷钾营养水、科技

灯光照射、哈茨木霉菌晚上 18:00 以后混入土壤,所有这些都没有“光合作用”!不










So what sort of foods should we eat? There is a basic standard, which is

“photosynthesis”. People and clothing need to bask in the sun, sunlight, air, water, and soil. Why is sunlight in the first place? God's design for the sun, in addition to lighting at an appropriate distance,providing warmth,and more importantly, disinfection、 sterilization and furthermore, " photosynthesis" ,

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which is a special design of God.

"Photosynthesis" can remove toxicity, such as the growth process of plants. Due to some pollution caused by soil,water quality, and man-made containment, "photosynthesis" will remove the toxins when they bloom and bear fruit! And a good "photosynthesis" can promote the oxygen transport of red blood cells in the body, and it is not easy for bad cells to grow with sufficient oxygen. Therefore, we must understand this important link and function, and use this as the standard! It is necessary to cultivate the correct concept of plant growth from an early age,and never blindly go astray in scientific research - - - - - - Indoor soil- less cultivation, nitrogen 、

phosphorus and potassium nutrient water, scientific and technological lighting,Trichoderma harzianum mold evening mixed into the soil after 18:00, all without“photosynthesis” ! It does not have the ability to detoxify and the nutrition is not balanced.

Once again, God's design has been completed, children even adults should learn the correct design and operation of higher wisdom from Creator,live a normal and good life!

Why do some small mushrooms appear on the lawn after the rain, but as soon as the sun shines, the small mushrooms disappeared in half day, because it is the product of devil, the growth and cultivation cannot see the sun. The devil also designs many animals/ plants, all of which are vicious. Traditional Chinese medicine, whether it is the‘winter worm’ in the soil or the roots of various plants, have toxins to varying degrees, because there is no sunlight underground, and there is no“photosynthesis” ! Brewing, the same brewing and fermentation

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process is in the shade, because sunlight will sterilize and detoxify, how can it be fermented into wine without various molds? ! So we have to walk the right path, not the devil path. Remember the criteria for“photosynthesis” !



X 高温、精油、白糖、酱油,魔的设计,我们的味觉被误导、被欺骗、被局限X

大家想一下,蔬菜在 250°C 以上的高温热油下,再炒 5-10 分钟,还有没有营养存在?

没有,营养归 0!200°C 热油还释放有毒物质,直接诱导人体的氧化衰老疾病,所以

要健康要保持年轻,请从今天起改变饮食结构基础: X 放弃 250°高温精油炒菜 X

没有了营养,为什么我们还愿意去吃?因为加入白糖、 白盐、酱油、料酒。

X 白糖:矾石 成分导致全身疾病 (凝血 凝蛋白 腐蚀性 血糖 脂肪肝等) ; 白盐,细


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甜味可以大量种植:‘甜菜’ (自然甜) 、咸味可以用海英菜 (天然生物盐)、

学习千禾酱油 (有机天然酿造)



要彻底改变饮食结构 -------








150°C 烤箱食品;低温黄油煎牛排羊排鸡腿;冬天的火锅;传统的煲汤;无油气炸锅





The above is what the young people of the earth need to learn and practice !

With a healthy life concept and lifestyle, how to make them into healthy food?

X high temperature, essential oils, sugar, soy sauce, white salt - - - - - -

devil’ s design, our taste is misled, deceived, limited X

Think about it, if veges are fried for 10 minutes in high-temperature hot oil about 250°C, is there any nutrition? No! nutrition returns to 0! 200°C above

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hot oil also releases toxic substances, which directly induces oxidative aging diseases in the human body, so if you want to stay healthy and stay young, please change the basis of your dietary structure from today onwards-------

X Give up 250°high temperature Oil cooking frying! X

Without nutrition, why are we still willing to eat? Because white sugar, white salt, soy sauce, cooking wine are added.

X white sugar: alum stone components cause systemic diseases (coagulation, coagulation, corrosive, blood sugar, fatty liver, etc.) ; white salt, cells are easily dehydrated ; soy sauce, many chemical bonding ; cooking wine: all wines are fermented by mold.

For sweetness, you can plant a large number of‘beetroot' (natural sweetness), for salty taste, you can use Haiying Vage (natural biological salt).

People can no longer let the land continue to be barren, eat NO photosynthesis food, can no longer tolerate the chemical fertilizers, pesticides and molds, and can no longer continue to be fooled and lead to diseased daily diets.

Humans have high wisdom, and although they are not as good as gods, they cannot be fooled by demons!

To completely change the diet structure -------

How to eat vegetables and seafood : scald it in boiling water or cook it for a minute or two, it will be good to eat ; seafood is also boiled for a minute or two, fish is recommended to be steamed or grilled; winter Humans love delicious food, and seasoning is the key. Encourage young people who love food to contribute to human health, actively develop rich seasonings,

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and mix them with lettuce/cooked vegetables to eat: salad dressing, hoisin sauce, tomato sauce, sand tea sauce, avocado Sauce, Oyster Sauce, Lamb Steak Sauce, etc. . . . . .

Nature also provides us with hundreds of plant leaves that can be made into seasoning powders with different flavors that are beneficial to the human body and enrich the taste.

There are some healthy eating methods in the West that we should learn from, such as:‘salad' of mixed vegetables, fruits, eggs and seafood ; 150°C oil-free oven food ; low temperature butter fried steak,lamb chops and chicken legs,

Winter hot pot, soup, Air fry,You can also refer to the‘Mediterranean Diet'.

To sum up, I hope that everyone to know there is a caring God, trust the true God, and fully recover from the spirit to the body!

[ Your life is no longer about living to repay the loan, and finally getting a serious illness, daily life uses a computer all the time.]

Hope to spread the knowledge of life on earth to the whole earth human beings!

Hope young people in the future will enjoy the healthy delicious food!

Steam fish / Seafood 清 蒸 鱼 类

Delicious Soup 滋 补 煲 汤

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Boiling water Cook + Sauce 水煮 + 酱料 Boiling Cook + Creamy Sauce 综合水煮 + 酱料

Small Oven 家用小烤箱 Air Fry ( non - oil) 无 油 气 炸 锅

All sorts of Salad 各 种 色 拉

一项重要的教育 --------- 产品道德 天然配方


混合的。 目前最糟糕的是魔的金钱体系与化学配方为引导,完全丧失“产品道德”!



[‘嗜热链球菌’称为是:希腊雅典大学的研发贡献 ? ]






维他命 E (多数) : 醋酸生育酚、明胶、豆油、甘油、山梨酸钾

大家可以用二个月的时间做一个记录,家里购买的包装食品以及所有生活用品 (清洁、

化妆、婴儿等等) ,将反面的产品成分中许多奇奇怪怪的化学名称记录下来,每天坚







上面图片中:家用小烤箱 和 无油气炸锅,也是方便健康的选择。避免高温油炒油炸!

An important education----product ethics, natural recipes in addition to hundreds of God-created natural foods, human beings will develop

their own variety of dim- sum cuisine, natural ingredients can be mixed.

Currently the worst is the magic of the money system with a chemical formula for guidance, loss of“Product Ethics” ! Give some examples of popular products that everyone likes, harmful chemical formulations:

Yoghurt : Streptococcus thermophilus,low-grade starch,10% sugar [Streptococcus thermophilus is called: Research and development contribution of the Greek University of Athens ] Coco-Cola : phosphorus, sugar, high purine, carbonated milk tea: essence, cream, edible gums, sugar puffed food: puffed agent, lead, aluminum, low-grade starch. Artificial seafood : gelatin, essence, whitening agent, Snack chips : salt sugar, fat, additives Artificial VE: tocopherol acetate, gelatin, soy oil, glycerin, potassium sorbate.

You can take two months to keep a record of all the packaged foods you bought at home and all the household items (cleaning, make-up, babies, etc.) , make a note of the many strange chemical names in the ingredients of the product.

Keep a note each day and you will find hundreds of these strange names! These chemicals leave the factory as bags and buckets of white powder, which are mixed into a variety of flavors/ingredients. Blind food ingredient brings disease!

Please look at the product ingredients on the back before buying the packaged products! In fact, this is the regret of education, no one taught us to use a variety of fresh fruit skins, they can become: natural flavor, natural pigment, natural pectin, natural stabilizer, natural additive, natural coagulant, and have certain nutrition. Please continue to study《The Bible》 !

-------- 森林砍伐 vs 家居家具 --------

晓云的故乡中国在 1998 年《全国生态环境规划建设》曾经提出防止腾格尔、八旦吉林、

乌兰布 3 大沙漠连接!因为目前每年新增沙漠化土地 2450 平方千米(相当于二个香港)。

人类对森林的极度砍伐;现代中产阶级对家具的随意更换丢弃;40 年代以来世界人口


云郑重向大家介绍优质家具材料 ------ 竹制家具!


料。在自然界,一片 3 万公顷的竹林,每年废气灰尘吸收可达 3860 万吨。且竹子无需



中有天鹅,竹林有熊猫,人类丰衣足食。。。。。。当然,魔也设计造了 蛇 狼 虎 狮

豹 鳄鱼 鲨鱼,在未来世界中都是可以去除的。

2020 年,全球原木消耗量,美国 10 亿立方米、中国 8 亿立方米、印度 8 亿立方米、巴

西 6 亿立方米、加拿大 4 亿立方米、俄罗斯 4 亿立方米。。。。。。每年还在不断增


竹 地板家具特别凉爽、外形也可以设计类似原木。希望人们能爱惜地球,保护地球,



(可干压与湿压生产) !减少纸板,循环利用生产纸板家具,将废弃纸板溶解加固也


Xiaoyun's hometown, China, proposed to prevent the connection of Tengger, Badan Jilin and Wulanbu deserts in the《National Ecological Environment Planning and Construction》in 1998! At present, 2450 square kilometers (equivalent to two

Hong Kong) of desertification land are added every year. The extreme deforestation of human beings ; The modern middle class changes and discards the furniture at will ; The unbalanced and sharp increase of world population since the 1 9 4 0 s. Therefore, young people in the future must have a clear understanding of the materials used for living furniture. Xiaoyun solemnly introduces high-quality furniture materials ------ bamboo furniture!

As we all know, the air in the bamboo forest is especially fresh, which is a natural furniture material and air refreshing material designed by God for human beings. In nature, a 30,000 hectare bamboo forest can absorb 38.6 million tons of waste gas and dust every year. Moreover, bamboo needs no care and grows rapidly. At the same time, God has also designed the giant panda to eat tender bamboo and balance the excessive grows of bamboo forest to prevent it invade into other plants. In the eyes of God, people, animals and plants coexist harmoniously. There are birds in the sky, swans in the river, pandas in the bamboo forest, and human beings are well fed...... Of course, the devil also designed and built snakes, wolves, tigers, lions, leopards, crocodiles, sharks, which can be removed in the future world.

In 2020, the global log consumption will be 1 billion cubic meters in the United States, 800 million cubic meters in China, 800 million cubic meters in India, 600 million cubic meters in Brazil, 400 million cubic meters in Canada, and 400 million cubic meters in Russia...... It continues to grow every year. The furniture industry is the main consumption! The world is increasingly short of wood. Bamboo has excellent dust absorption and moisture absorption

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performance. Bamboo flooring & furniture is particularly cool in summer, and its shape can be designed like logs. It is hoped that people can cherish the earth, protect the earth, prevent global warming and greenhouse effect, and prevent large-scale sandstorms. The young generation must change their minds!

As modern human life increasingly relies on express packaging cardboard, please cherish the earth, use bagasse to make packaging materials, reduce and recycle the cardboard to make it modern office furniture, dissolve and reinforce waste cardboard, dry press or wet press production, color can be added.

----------- 重大疾病发生原因 -----------

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神的又一项安排,6 月时,新闻得知中国首支价格 120 万人民币的抗癌神药在医院启用,

称为 CAR - T 疗法,据说医院每天接到上百个电话,也据说有被治愈的,在我前往北京

小住期间,2021 年 7 月,神的托付必须恢复自然理疗!摧毁这种不合理的医疗体制!

* 神启示我童年的居住环境和抗生素导致的体弱多病?

* 神启示我粪便粪池的水经过几道过滤能作为城市饮用水吗?

* 神启示我伤害五脏人体的烹饪配料来源?

* 神启示我人人在死亡前的第二次医疗折磨?。。。。。。

在此,神启示中国和全球的人民,要避免魔的化身“卢姓” 的组织、产品、偶像:

1. 魔化身中医鼻祖“扁鹊”(降世人间姓卢) ,《中华人民共和国药典》有毒中药 72 种。

2. 魔化身虚假人物卢梭 (在人间姓卢) , 白糖工艺对人体营养、免疫、血液的大伤害。

3. 魔化身佛教六祖惠能 (降世人间姓卢) ,创造培养几十种含大量霉菌噬菌体的菇类。

4. 魔化身南京观音菩萨 (降世人间姓卢),带来天眼算命以及假观音菩萨崇拜,伪宗教。


** 人要懂得土壤的贫瘠改良、水质的污染源、癌症发病原理、 白糖与血管肝脏、酒与


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半年 2022 年初,完成神的又一项托付!

Knowing the basic living and environmental protection, Xiaoyun will provide you with some necessary knowledge for your sickness and health!

It is another arrangement of God. In June 2022, the news learned that World's first anti-cancer drug with a price of 1.2 million yuan was launched in the hospital, called CAR-T therapy. It is said that the hospital receives hundreds of calls every day, and also it is said that some have been cured. During my stay in Beijing, in July 2021, God's command must resume natural physiotherapy!

Destroy this unreasonable medical system!

* God remind me when I was little the poor living environment,the weaken of the immunization caused by the antibiotics.

* God has revealed to me the water in the septic tank can NOT be used recycle as drinking water for the city after several filtration.

* God revealed to me the cooking ingredients hurt the human organs.

* God revealed to me the second medical torture for everyone before death . . .

Here, God revealed to the people of China and the world to avoid organizations, products, and idols with the " Lu surname" , the incarnation of demons : 1. The demon incarnates as the originator of traditional Chinese medicine "Bian Que" ( surnamed Lu) , and there are 7 2 poisonous Chinese medicines in the

《 Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China》 .

2. The devil incarnates the false character Rousseau (surnamed Lu), and the white sugar process does great harm to human nutrition, immunity and blood.

3. The demon incarnated as the sixth ancestor of Buddhism, Huineng (surnamed

Lu), and created and cultivated dozens of mushroom products containing a large number of mold phages.

4. The demon incarnates the Nanjing Guanyin Bodhisattva (surnamed Lu), bringing fortune- telling and large- scale long- term COVID antigen testing.

Long-term continuous detection and stimulation of the upper respiratory tract mucosa will weaken the immune barrier of the human respiratory tract and make it more susceptible to infection!

Life, we all need sunlight、air、water、soil ! All things are born in the soil!

People need to learn the improvement of soil barrenness, reduce the source of water pollution, the pathogenesis of cancer, sugar and blood vessels, liver, alcohol and liver, kidney, diabetes, pancreas, and heart disease. These are all solutions given by nature in my book《The Bible》,pls distribute the book globally. At the beginning of 2022, another mission from God completed!

其中有二项惊异的发现,葡萄原是神创延缓衰老的水果, 内含珍贵营养成分,需每日


一项发现便是大量中药 (植物根) 含有不同程度的某些毒性,它们本是神设计用于驱


中药材是错误和险恶的用心,请问你们哪位有依靠中医、西医治愈癌症的?癌症手术 3

年复发率 80% ,5 年 90% ,10 年生存率仅 5% !人体确实是靠神赋予我们的免疫力而不



的几十年就是工作税收,房产税收 /土地税收,营业税收等,要看病医疗是一大收入,

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There are two surprising discoveries :

Grape is the fruit to delay aging, it contains precious nutrients and needs to be eaten every day! But it was made into wine raisins, rotten grapes and iron stainless steel utensils fired toxins to damage the body ; another discovery is that a large number of traditional Chinese medicines (plant roots) contain different degrees of certain toxin, even some poisonous cordyceps, centipedes, snake skins, etc. are used in Chinese herbal medicines are wrong and bad intentions! Which of you has relied on traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine to cure cancer? The 3-year recurrence rate of cancer surgery is 80%, the 5-year recurrence rate is 90%, and the 10-year survival rate is only 5% !

The human body is indeed maintained by the immunity bestowed upon us by God rather than by all sorts of medicines. We need to consensus and change in concept!

The concept of evil is to set a certain life limit for people, that is, food leads to death within the specified time limit, then the decades of life are work tax, real estate tax/land tax, business tax, etc. Medical treatment is a big revenue, these all constitute important fiscal revenue!

Delay Aging


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【 癌症的元凶:噬菌体 非地球生物 The cancer Devil: bacteriophages, non-earth creatures】

【 大肠杆菌 噬菌体复制 E.coli phage replication 】

【 癌症晚期病人的细胞 Later stage cancer cells of patients 】

5 000 yrs of ignorance and suffering of ordinary people.

Let’s see some truth ———

五千年普通民众的无知与苦难,一些真相 ———-

1. 白米:抛光后的白米没有营养,米的营养被恶意抛光掉了!应混合食用 红米、糙

米、黑米等,营养 80% 。

2. 白糖:矾石/二氧化硫 成分导致全身疾病 (凝血 凝蛋白 腐蚀性 血糖 脂肪肝等) ,

要广泛种植‘甜菜’ 制作原糖 Raw Sugar。

3. 高温+精油:中国式烹饪高温 200°C,精炼油提炼 250°C,高温+精油反应出一级

致癌物‘苯并芘’ ,请关注‘地中海式饮食’ ,请大家共同配制‘天然植物调料’ ,


4. 面食:发酵粉是啤酒渣料/农业废物,含大量大肠杆菌,一级致癌。面团从小膨胀


5. 蛋白质: 白蛋白营养 球蛋白免疫,化学:酸碱反应、尿素、射线、高温,首先破


6. 各类酒:毒素 霉菌,少量 3 年后,酒精肝 胰腺萎缩 炎症 糖尿 肾病等。

7. 中医:许多植物根含驱虫除菌的特异毒性,入药,与其说是治疗,不如说是人靠免


8. 西医:1914 年第一次世界大战,同时开始 霉菌提炼出 青霉素/氯霉素/红霉素,之

后头孢抗生素!1915 年 – 1917 年,‘金黄色葡萄球菌’ (头号菌种) ,‘大肠杆菌’

(癌症温床,并且母婴直接遗传) , [ 噬菌体 ] (请百度图片,非地球生物,魔鬼

设计变幻) ,破坏人体细胞目前被应用于西医治疗!

9. 疫苗:5000 年来阴魂不散的一根针!蚊子吸血传播病源一根针,中医针灸一根针,

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胞) ,全球疫苗一根针! 目前 3 – 12 岁的儿童也要推广接种一根针?

10. 蘑菇:成分 —- 牛粪、石膏粉、废玉米芯、石灰水、尿素、甲醛消毒 [ 发源地:

六祖惠能真身寺 ] ,无根无叶无种子无光照的合成食物,魔设计它的可爱形状,大


11. 基因工程:最近二年,中国已建成世界级基因基地‘深圳大鹏基因基地’背山面

海风水一流, 目标 100 亿份基因组,认为是: “ 一个民族的生存与未来 ” ?

12. 生物菌种化肥:同样用霉菌培养提炼!原理类似于第一次世界大战研发的抗生素,


人食用抗生素蔬果,免疫减弱, 日久必定重病依赖医疗!

这是世界的悲哀 ,是人类的悲哀 ,是子孙后代的悲哀!

远离化合产品 ,使用天然配方 ,注重生产道德! 回归神创自然

Away from chemical compound food , use natural formulas with moral in mind.

Back to the heavenly Creator God, back to natural creation!

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魔变幻的癌症二大助手 (有科研实验介入)

Devil strain assistant Cancer ( with scientific research Assistant)

【头号菌种:金黄色葡萄球菌 Number one strain: Staphylococcus aureus】

【 噬菌体复制:大肠杆菌 E.Coli Phage Replication 】

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White rice: Polished white rice has no nutrition, and the nutrition of the rice is maliciously polished! Should be mixed with red rice, brown rice, black rice, etc., 80% nutrition

White sugar: Alum stone/ sulfur dioxide components cause systemic diseases ( coagulation, coagulation, corrosive, high blood sugar, fatty liver, etc.), so it is necessary to widely plant‘ beets’ to make raw sugar.

High temperature + essential oil: Chinese cooking at a high temperature of 200°C, refined oil refining at 250°C, high temperature + essential oil reacts to the first-class carcinogen ‘ benzopyrene ’ , please pay attention to

‘Mediterranean diet’, please prepare ‘ natural’ Plant seasoning’. These are explained in detail in the Yang XiaoYun Bible.

Baking powder: beer residue/ agricultural waste, contains a lot of E. coli, and is a breeding ground for cancer. The process of the dough expanding from small to large can be seen as the process of cancer spreading and growing in the human body! There are natural products that can replace fermentation.

Protein: albumin nutrition, globulin immunity, chemistry: acid- base reaction, urea, radiation, high temperature, first destroy protein.

All kinds of wine: toxins, molds, a small amount of alcohol, liver and pancreas atrophy, inflammation, diabetes, nephropathy, etc. after 3 years.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Many plant roots contain the specific toxicity of anthelmintic and sterilizing. When used as medicine, it is better to say that people rely on immunity to recover!

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Western Medicine: First World War in 1914, same time, the mold extracted penicillin/ chloramphenicol/ erythromycin, and then cephalosporin antibiotics!

1915-1917,‘Staphylococcus aureus’, ‘Escherichia coli’ (cancer hotbed),

’ Bacteriophage ’ (google pictures! non-earth creatures, devil ’ s design), destroys human cells and is used in western medicine treatment since 2008!

Mushroom: Ingredients — - Cow dung, gypsum powder, waste corncob, lime water, urea, formaldehyde disinfection [Origin: Sixth Patriarch Huineng Zhenshen Temple]

Synthetic food without roots, leaves, seeds, and light. Evil designed its cute shape, and it has been cultivated and sold in large quantities to cause cancer in the human body.

Genetic engineering: In the past two years, China has built a world-class genetic base. Said to be“the survival and future of a nation.”

Fertilizer biological strains: also cultivated and refined with mold! The principle is similar to the antibiotics developed in the First World War and used in crops!

On the surface, it appears to be bactericidal, strong roots, and long leaves. In fact, antibiotics and molds mutate into vegetables and fruits and enter the human body. People eat antibiotics fruits and vegetables, and their immunity is weakened. Over time, they will become illness and rely on medical treatment!

This is the sorrow of the world, the sorrow of human and future generations!

Vaccines: a needle that haunts 5,000 years ! One needle for mosquito blood- sucking transmission pathogens; one needle for traditional Chinese medicine

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acupuncture; one needle for Western medicine; and World Health Organization logo a needle and a snake; a needle at the bottom of a‘ phage’ (piercing human cells), a needle for a global vaccine! Currently 3 - 1 2 year olds should also promote a shot?

Wake up parents !

This is the sorrow of the world, the sorrow of mankind, the sorrow of future generations!

魔下世地球时,曾带下 10 多位反叛大天使,协助他分管人间:

1.经济命脉(刀币) 2.害虫细菌病毒 3.发展军事战争







When the devil descended to the earth, he brought more than 1 0 rebellious archangels to help him in charge of the world: 1. Economic lifeblood (knife currency)

2. Pests, bacteria and viruses

3. Develop military warfare

4. Virtual high-tech addictive

5. Rural poverty system

6. Wrong medical medicine

7. False-religion

8. Social violent crime

9. Commercial trade system

在《杨晓云圣经》《The Bible 》一书中,我谈到,我也曾积极参与和平性的主题论坛,

也曾认为“世界宗教是一家” ,宗教的团结有利于世界的和平,可是许多世纪以来,

世界有没有真正的和平?宗教领袖有没有真正去带动和平或是参与战争? 目前这个世

界每日新闻都有各国战争报道。“大道至简” ,如您有几个小时,您可以通读我的书。

愿圣经不再深奥! 愿神的旨意美好而简单! 愿您子孙后代的生活永无压力!


1 建筑,土地与基本生存的问题?

2 杀生肉食与 人口 教育 宗教 的关联?

3 人的死亡问题,大量癌症、肝肾、心脑血管病的来源?

4 普世的高离婚率的根本原因,金钱综合症?

5 神的乐园 * 生态住宅 究竟是怎样的,希望您协助样板工程!

6 您是否愿意接受天上的‘真神’ ,将心灵归属于他?

In the book《The Bible》, I mentioned that I have also actively participated in forums on the theme of peace, I once believed that “the world's religions

are one family” , religions should conducive to world peace, but for many centuries, does the world has the real peace ? Are religious leaders really promoting peace or engaging in war ? At present, the world daily news has reports of wars in various countries. If you have a few hours, you can read through my book.

May the Bible no longer hard to understand! May God's will be good and simple!

May your children and grandchildren live a stress- free life!

After reading, please recall a few key questions: 1 A question of land housing and basic survival ?

2 The relationship between killing meat and population/education and religion ?

3 The problem of death of people, the source of a large number of cancer, liver and kidney, cardiovascular diseases ?

4 The root cause of the universally high divorce rate, the money syndrome ?

5 God's Paradise Garden Place What is it like,pls support me to join the project we are recruiting globally for the sponsor,zero money down !

6 Are you willing to accept the‘Creator' in heaven, assign your soul to him?

2022 年 1 月底春节前,我准备回上海陪母亲一段时间,期间又发生了一件奇怪的事情,

二个多月前,母亲胸口的皮肤突发病变,逐渐蔓延成严重的‘蛇盘疮’‘钱币疮’ ,

母亲的皮肤一直良好从未有任何皮炎,医生不能确诊说可能是‘皮肤癌’ ,大片反复





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似 的英文名称:HIV、HBV、H1N1、HHV、HPV、HCV、EBV,这些病毒的外形也相似的有

‘刺突出’!这些病毒,这些名称,这些外形,究竟来源于哪里?------ 现代科研破


图。《The Bible》中有章节描述,晓云希望父母们教育好自己的儿女,下一代切不可


In January 2022,before“Spring Festival”I was plan to go back to Shanghai to accompany my mother for a while. During this period, a strange thing happened.

About two months ago, my mother's chest skin had a sudden change, which gradually spread into a serious‘Snake coil sore’ 、‘coin sore", my mother's skin has always been good and never had any dermatitis. The doctor could not diagnose it and said it may be "skin cancer". It has been repeatedly. According to my research and investigation, this is not a normal disease, but caused by Evil!

If you are interested, you can take a look at Google pictures,you also know that there are indeed many diseases in the world that can be caused by evil spirits. There are millions of evil angels on the earth, and there are also descriptions in the Bible! I know Evil hate me.


2022 年 3 月 4 日,这一天应该是未来中国乃至世界神创教育推广历史值得备注的一天!

上午,母亲照常约了几位老友来打麻将,下午 5 点不到,麻将即将结束时,整个住宅



打地铺, 由于寒冷,三位老友只能分别在我们家和楼下俞伯伯家过夜!事情的突然,

是因为据说有密切接触者发现在 19 号楼,因此所有居民与访客都必须集中到 34 号楼

进行‘核酸检测’!直到深夜近 12 点,毛毛细雨中仍然有居民在排队等待检测。我由

于澳大利亚护照,与中国的‘健康码’ 、‘健康宝’ 、‘随申码’ 、‘健康云’等等

太 多APP 不能兼容登录,等待调整。所有人居家隔离!当晚,因为周伯伯八十多岁刚

动完手术不久,我和母亲让出一个房间给他过夜,洪叔叔去楼下 (5 楼) 俞伯伯家过夜。

隔离到 3 月 18 日住宅区的安全门被愤怒的居民们损坏,所有被困的访客得以‘逃离’!

第二天警察维护,居民们继续隔离!今天是 4 月 4 日,期间经历了:单独检、混检 (10

个人唾液放一起) 、上门检、家庭检、抗原检,不断地检测,幸好目前基本没有造成

人员的死亡案例。 (虽然这是一件突发的小事,但神的旨意也是值得记录的,未来无


After the Spring Festival, another strange thing happened.

March 4 , 2 0 2 2 , should be a day worth noting in the future history of the promotion of creative education in China and the world! In the morning, my mother asked several old friends to play mahjong as usual. It was before 5 o'clock in the afternoon,end of mahjong, suddenly the whole residential area were closed, and no one was allowed to enter or leave! Many visitors in the community are in a mess,three friends have dinner at our house in the evening. How about

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the accommodation after dinner? The neighborhood committee can only provide tables n chairs or floor tent temporarily. Because of the cold, three old friends can only spend the night in our house and Uncle Yu' s house downstairs! It happened because a‘close contact’ found in Building 19, so all residents and visitors must gather in Building 34 for‘antigen test'! Until midnight at nearly 1 2 o'clock, there were still residents waiting in line for detection in the drizzle. Due to my Australian passport, I can't log in compatible with many Chinese APPs such as‘Health Code ',‘Health Treasure ',‘Suishen Code ', and

‘Health Cloud ', so I'm waiting for adjustment. Everyone started to isolated at home! That night, my mother and I gave Uncle Zhou a room to spend the night, because he was over eighties and just after the operation! Uncle Hong went downstairs (the fifth floor) to Uncle Yu's house for the night. The security door isolated to the residential area on March 18 was damaged by angry residents, and all trapped visitors were able to‘escape' !

The next day, police maintained and the residents continued to isolate! Today is April 4,during this period, we have gone through : separate test, mixed test, door-to-door test, family test etc,Fortunately, there are basically no deaths.

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On the occasion of the global 'COVID - 19' for two full years, Xiaoyun will share with you some terrible infectious diseases of human beings: They have strange and similar English names: HIV、HBV、H1N1、HHV、HPV、HSV、EBV, these viruses are also similar in shape with ' thorn protruding' ! Where do these viruses, these names, and these shapes come from? ------- Modern scientific research destroys serum protein immunity, gene recombination / gene sequencing

/ gene mutation, the name of the spine is called 'spike glycoprotein', please see the picture below. As described in detail in《The Bible》, Xiaoyun hopes that parents will educate their children well, and the next generation must not engage in work related to laboratory genetic engineering! Don't hurt others, don't hurt yourself !

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神创造了宇宙/ 地球/ 人类,可是神从未得到人类真实的爱,神是悲哀的,作为神的代


于我,如果有人愿意战胜魔的力量 (魔对神项目的反叛) ,与我一起去实现展示一个


创造者,所有的‘进化论’‘宇宙爆炸论’‘量子力学’‘圣母 教皇 十字架 真主 阿


都是企图推翻神的存在! 整个世界在说谎! (见下图)

Writing this, as the God image bearer entrusted by God to come into the world to make the future of the earth, and the descendants of thousands of years will have a new beginning, not only free land, A healthy diet system, a beautiful living environment, and human morality also need to be comprehensively improved!

What is the image of God like? Kindness、love、patience、peace、wisdom、power!

Everything Xiaoyun did and endured in the rest of my life was not for myself!

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God created the universe/earth/ human beings, but God has never received true love from human beings. God is sad. As God’s image bearer, it is also impossible for Xiaoyun to receive true love, or even true understanding and support in my life.If anyone is willing to defeat the power of demons, join me to help publishing the E-book,to realize a beautiful paradise on earth, let's walk side by side! I justify my name for the sake of God's name! God is the real creator, and all the ' evolution theory' , ' cosmological explosion theory' , ' quantum mechanics' ,‘Virgin Mary’, Pope, Cross, Allah, Amitabha are false!

All attempts to overthrow the existence of God! The whole world is lying !

真神组建全球“Creation Witness”组织,期望也感谢世界各国领导人的理解与支持!

如果您有幸看过一个纪录片叫<神州>,您会知道 5000 年来真神的传播者为来到这片土

地所遭受的杀戮与艰难,《圣经》永远是神圣的圣经! 《The Bible》将在全球范围内

取 代魔参与编写的《Holy Bible》!圣经不可能是佛教圣经,玛丽亚圣经,十字架圣


True God has established a global " Creation Witness" organization, in the struggle between Creator and Devil, desire and thanks all the top leadership

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will support for creation Education! If you are fortunate enough to watch a documentary called < Shenzhou> , you will know the slaughter and hardship suffered by the true God's communicator for 5,000 years to come to this land.

《The Bible》will replace the 《Holy Bible》worldwide which written by Devil!

It can NOT be the Buddhist Bible, the Virgin Mary Bible, the Cross Bible, the Science Bible! It is very difficult for the《 The Bible》 to be popularized in China and the world. If you are willing to assist in the promotion and distribution, your name will coexist with the book as the publisher!

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【 《The Biblefuture historic memorial site in Beijing

Fu Qian Second Street. Shun Yi District Beijing China

【 《TheBible 》纪念地: 北京. 顺义区 府前二街“北大资源文化”】



酸检测’ ,记得 2003 年时, 曾爆发过全国性的 SARS ,但 SARS 病毒是惧高温的,因此

当年夏天 38°C 高温时病毒也就消亡了。SARS 是怎样发生的?是否是科研人为,现在

已无从考证,但这次至今长达二年多的“新冠病毒”[SARS-CoV-2 ,国际称:COVID-19 ]

疫情却已证实是高等科研的道德沦丧、实验人为!在《The Bible 》中有确凿的证据:

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*美国流行病专家 --------“冠状病毒之父” :

*“ 现在我们有能力设计、合成各类 SARS 样冠状病毒。 ”巴里克在论文发表时!

人类历史有七次大瘟疫: 鼠疫、黑死病、霍乱、病毒流感等,这些世纪性瘟疫的幕后,







其实疫苗中有相当病毒没有被灭活,所以许多人注射后有几天的不良反应 (晓云周围

统计有高烧、有休克、有肌肉痛、有连续感冒、有病一周) ,但人有免疫力,科研也

知道!所以人很可怜,被错误的教育医疗体系引导,如同‘小白鼠’ ,为什么实验室

选用‘小白鼠’ 作实验,我认为也是对神的形象化身杨晓云的极大讽刺与挑衅侮辱!


[ 神的形象是怎样的? --------- 仁慈、爱心、忍耐、 自然、和平、智慧、能力 ]

After the Spring Festival, life in Shanghai for two full months ( March and April ) is paralyzed!

Shanghai and several other major cities are caught in a sudden lockdown! I don't like wearing masks and I'm more tired of the endless‘nucleic acid detection'.

I remember that in 2003, there was a nationwide SARS outbreak,how did SARS happen?

It is impossible to verify whether it is a scientific research man-made or not, but the "new coronavirus" epidemic that has lasted for more than two years has proved to be a moral decline and experimental man-made by advanced scientific research! There is solid evidence in《The Bible》 : American epidemiologist -------- "Father of Coronavirus":

" Now we have the ability to design and synthesize various SARS- like coronaviruses." Barrick when the paper was published! (picture above) There have been seven great plagues in human history : plague, black death, cholera, viral influenza, etc. Behind the scenes of these century-old plagues, scientific research experiments are involved! Therefore, human beings must know how to get away from chemistry and return to nature!

God' s creation is complete, perfect!

You don' t need to make manual changes or malicious changes!

Although God is an invisible Holy Spirit, God is full of love and holiness, and she wants to restore this beautiful world of God that she has created! Some

leading scholars of advanced scientific research are also the incarnations of many lost angels, but they use higher wisdom to break the divine creation of nature, such as gene sequencing and gene fragment interception, which are becoming more and more popular, turning natural genes into‘ Synthetic genes'.

In fact, quite a few viruses in the vaccine have not been inactivated, so many people have adverse reactions for a few days after the injection(Around Xiaoyun, there are high fever, shock, muscle pain, continuous cold, illness for a week), but people are immune, and scientific research knows it! Therefore, people are very pitiful. They are guided by the wrong education and medical system. People are like "Little rat". Why the laboratory chooses "little rat" for experiments, I think it is provocation and insult to Yang Xiaoyun, the God image bearer!

Because I'm a rat, what can you do with scientific research?

[ What is the image of God?------ kindness, love, patience, peace, natural, wisdom, power ]

3 月 4 日 ~ 5 月 4 日, 目前隔离已达二个月!许多居民纳闷,病毒潜伏期一般是 14



我在某生物公司的检测试剂中发现“山羊抗鸡” ,产品描述是从羊与鸡的体内提炼的









From March 4th to May 4th, the quarantine has now reached two months!

Many residents wondered that the incubation period of the virus is generally 14 days. Under strict isolation, there is no communication between people, no shopping, no going out. Why do positive patients continue to“appear”in the living area ? Could the incubation period be as long as two months? I found

" goat anti chicken IgY" in the detection of a biological company. According to the product description, it is an antigen extracted from sheep and chickens?

Billions of people and billions of innocent animals ?

During this period of life in isolation and seclusion throughout the city, I was interested in studying the cosmetic formulas of international brands, and was surprised to find that a large number of artificial snake imitated small molecule peptides were used, which are divided into one peptide, two peptides, three peptides, four peptides, Pentapeptide, hexapeptide, heptapeptide, octapeptide, nonapeptide, and decapeptide have the effect of stimulating facial nerves in the short and medium term, so NO woman can really delay aging from cosmetics, but everything is a game of commercial money!

As written in my book, what are the largest and easiest to make money on the planet? The soil of the earth, the human body, and false idols, so the soil is divided and traded endlessly, the human body is endlessly sick and medical, and the false idols are endlessly donated and worshiped! And thinking more

deeply, these incomes are not one-time, they belong to Residue Income, that is, income that can be obtained repeatedly!

在上海隔离的生活,我对北京的气候、阳光、雪景还是留恋的,那是一段清闲、 自在、


非常思念远在澳洲的亲人,要回到澳洲不容易 (检测/ 疫苗/ 预订/ 申请/ 隔离) 。


此期间,世界互联网发生一件大事 ------- Yahoo!作为全球最早的搜索引擎,于 2021.

11. 01 宣布将于 2022. 02. 28 全面退出中国邮箱业务,其他各国的邮箱业务将保持不变。

20 多年来晓云作为 Yahoo 邮箱的忠实用户,感谢 Yahoo 提供的便捷服务,感谢 Yahoo 对神创教育事业在中国普及的关注!感谢 Yahoo 牺牲中国业务向全球互联网发出的呐

喊!因为神与晓云都希望读者将此长篇全球推广,同时《The Bible 》也将在全球范围广


During the period quarantine in Shanghai, I think I like the climate, sunshine, and snow in Beijing. It was a leisurely, comfortable and meaningful life.

Compared with Shanghai's cold, wet, cloudy, and allergic, I actually prefer the northern climate. At the same time, I miss my relatives far away in Australia, and it is not easy to return to Australia (testing、vaccination、reservation、

application、isolation). How did the world become like this? !

In these months, a major event happened on the world Internet ------- Yahoo!

As the world's earliest search engine, it announced on 2021. 11. 01 that it will completely withdraw from the Chinese mailbox business on 2022. 02. 28, and the mailbox business of other 191 countries will remain unchanged. As a loyal user of Yahoo Mail for more than 20 years, Xiaoyun is grateful for the

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convenient services provided by Yahoo, for its attention to the popularization of God education in China, and for Yahoo for sacrificing Chinese business to announce their support for the print and publish of this book globally! Both God and Xiaoyun hope that readers will widely promote this E-book, you welcome to sale it at reasonable price ! This website will also be widely copied around the world, which is conducive to the education and missionary work of True God.

5 月隔离继续,晓云想借此机会与大家聊几句关于《圣经》《Holy Bible 》的虚虚实实。

圣经各种译本多达千种,分<新约> <旧约>二部分。 <新约>普遍采用 --------- 梵蒂冈抄


主教” 的主要后盾!之后,经过马太、大圣经、 日内瓦、主教、英王御译、修正本、

美国标准本、新英文圣经、1989 年新修正译本、新犹太译本、当代英文译本等等。。。。。。

各种版本圣经,神的名字被称为:上帝 (统称) 、全能者 (尊称) 、主 (俗称) 、雅

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威 (犹太学者) 、天父 (天主教) 、耶和华 (美国标准圣经) 、伊阿奥 (死海古卷) 、

哈利路亚 (希腊语圣经) 等。。。。。。

通过前文相信您已了解生命健康与疾病的一些根源内幕,为什么《The Bible 》受神的旨


希望读者将《The Bible 》神赐予的疾病治愈及本书都广泛传播,惠及尽可能多的人群!

人不可自私,要有‘爱人如己’之心! ‘利他精神’是神创造人不同与动物之处!

相信《The Bible 》《杨晓云圣经》同时带给所有的儿女正确的人生观与一生的平安喜乐!

【欢迎您在家工作,打印《The Bible 》|手机转发或出售电子书 E-book ,内容不断更新。】

As the quarantine continued in May, Xiaoyun would like to take this opportunity to chat a few minutes about the fake《Holy Bible》.

There are thousands of different translations of the Holy Bible, divided into two parts, the New Testament and the Old Testament. <New Testament> Universal use - -- -- -- Codex Vatican. The Vatican was the main political and economic backing for Hitler to launch World War II, and the main backing for the world's largest religion, "Catholicism" ! After that, it has gone through Matthew、

the Great Bible、 Geneva、 Bishop、 the King' s Royal Translation、 the Revised Version、 the American Standard Version、the New English Bible、the 1989 New Revised Version、the New Jewish Version、the Contemporary English Version, and

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so on. . . . . . In various versions of Holy Bible, God's name is called: God (collectively), Almighty (title), Lord (commonly known), Yahweh (Jewish scholar) , Heavenly Father (Catholic), Jehovah (American Standard Bible), Ia Ao (Dead Sea Scrolls), Hallelujah (Greek Bible), etc. . . . . .

Through the previous article, I believe that you have understood some of the root causes of death and disease. Why《The Bible》 must replace《Holy Bible》

by God's will and can no longer harm mankind!Please see the false description of the root cause of disease in 《 Holy

Bible》 :

I hope readers will spread《The Bible》God-given disease healing and this book widely to benefit as many people as possible! Use your mobile to share others!

People should not be selfish, but have the heart of ‘love others as themselves' !

The“ benefit all spirit” is what makes man different from animals!

I believe that《 The Bible》 and《 The Global Mission》 will bring all children a correct outlook on life and peace and joy throughout their lives! Welcome use your mobile to share others!

【Thanks God work from home, print《The Bible》,share or sell or print this E-books,content refresh every month!Your life and others' are full of meaning!】

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2022 年 6 月 18 日,历经整整三个半月疯狂的密集隔离检测!上海逐渐开始复工复产,



在他 3 岁半 ~ 7 岁半在中国生活期间,随长辈和国内常规的医疗模式,频繁使用抗生


3 岁半之前在澳洲幼儿园,幼儿教育工作者不允许给孩子使用药物,完全自然康复!7


自然康复!晓云孩子目前 24 岁,在澳大利亚生活期间,没有吃过一次抗生素;没有吊


家休息 --------- 多睡眠、多吃维 C 、多喝水、多吃粥,二天也就完全恢复了。


中华与世界,要将怎样的健康医疗模式带给我们的后代子孙, 这将是杨晓云极大的抗争!

不是每个人有机会读到《The Bible》,我将神的医疗改革、教育改革、生存改革的愿


In June 2022, after three full months of crazy intensive isolation and testing!

Shanghai is gradually resuming work and production, people can enter and exit temporarily by presenting the card with a limited number of people. Some residential area has been re-shut again. Xiaoyun was suddenly inspired by God and had to share a fact with you:

Yang Xiaoyun's children are here to bear a testimony for God -----------

When he lived in China from 3.5 to 7.5 years old, he frequently used antibiotics, injections and dripping needles, chest X-rays and blood tests, even hospitalized in accordance with the elders and the conventional medical model.

In Australian kindergartens before the age of 3.5, early childhood educators are not allowed to use drugs for children, and they will recover completely naturally! After returning to Australia to study at the age of 7 . 5 , he occasionally feel unwell, never used antibiotics or needles, and never was hospitalized. He also recovered naturally! My child is currently 24 years old.

During his life in Australia, he has never had an antibiotic ; never had dripping needle ; never been in a hospital! Occasionally unwell (cold, cough and fever), very occasionally will have a blood test, then go home to rest --------- sleep more, eat more vitamin C, drink more water, have some porridge, normally will fully recover in two days.

The popularization of natural immunization by Australian educators and medical workers is worthy of our reference and thinking!

Children of the world, what kind of health care model should we bring to our descendants? This will be a great struggle for Yang Xiaoyun and worth fighting!

Pls help spread this article!


在“千古之谜”栏目有一份令人震惊的图片文件 (欢迎下载并广泛流传) 。其中也包


问题出在哪里?请看下图,现代农业使用的“菌种化肥” ,以‘哈茨木霉菌’为代表,

从种子播种就与它混合,同时还有 恶霉菌 / 霜霉威 等,都是高等科研霉菌提炼并采

用转基因技术!表面上看驱虫壮根长叶,实质天然营养被破坏,还剩 20%!科研实验





在此,晓云有三个心愿 ----------

. 希望有商业人士投资真正的有机农业、有机蔬果食疗店,创立自然神创食疗康复体

系,可以全国连锁经营, 良好的盈利,造福人类健康! (食疗配方《The Bible 》,有志

者杨晓云很愿意与您进行创业交流 15201831057 ,深表感谢!)

. 希望有家长培养子女成为真正的“环境与健康专家”,致力于正确的土壤、水质改


(改良方式《The Bible 》,您的儿女一定会世代受人尊敬,深表感谢!)

三. 任何学生、社会人士、在家人员,广泛出售这本电子书,网络转发每份 50 元,您

一个月也可以轻松获取万元的收入。 良好稳定的收入也帮助更多人了解伟大生命意义!

(销售方式:1 手机转发’千古之谜’图片 2. 转发出售此电子书 3. 打印出售《The Bible》) 所以,帮助杨晓云,让我们共同成长,推广全球性的教育改革!全球性的生命改革!

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植物根部农业抗生素转基因 Transgenic Artificial mold Penetrate The Root From the global COVID virus we talked about the importance of natural health education! The root of all social disadvantages is the error of education!

There is a shocking picture file in the web "Mystery" column (www. download and spread widely). It also includes the natural food therapy to cure cancer, but everyone should note that the veges and fruits from the supermarket can NOT cure the cancer!

where is the problem? Please see the above picture. The“bacterial fertilizer”

used in modern agriculture, typically‘ Trichoderma harzianum mold' , it has been used to mix with the seed sowing! Use transgenic technology! Look like kill the worm, grow the veges n fruit BUT the natural nutrition is destroyed, there are 20% left! The most commonly used equipment in research laboratories are 'mold boxes' and 'mold electric container'!

The seriousness of the problem is that the children of the future generations will become more and more bitter, the life span will shorter and more pain !

Because science laboratory has lost morality, wrong education, scientific research for money benefits and sales,science/medical become industrial chain!

Here, Xiaoyun has three wishes -----------

1. I wish there are business people to invest in real organic agriculture, organic veges and fruits therapy stores, and establish a natural gods and dietary rehabilitation system. It can operate nationwide, good profit, and benefit human health! (Food therapy formula 《The Bible》, Xiaoyun wish to guild you and willing to have entrepreneurial exchange with you: 15201831057) 2 . I wish that parents will cultivate their children to become a real

" environment and health expert" , commitment to the correct soil and water quality improvement, establish a new generation of god creation life and health systems, and drive the nationwide God creation health education in the future, cultivate more people! (The improvement method《The Bible》, your children will definitely be respected for generations, thank you deeply! ) 3. Any student, social personnel, family members sell this e -book extensively.

This online report can be sold $27 each. You can easily obtain an income of $5,000 a month. Good and stable income also helps more people understand the meaning of great life! 1.Mobile share 'mystery" picture file 2. Repost and sell this e-book 3. Print and sell《The Bible》)

All, help Yang Xiaoyun, let us grow together and promote global reform!

Global education reform! Global health reform ! Global lifestyle reform!

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神托付 杨晓云代为执行的几项使命

God wish world-wide Education/ Medical/ Living Reform. 全球人类应放弃大部分的中医医疗;




1 . Health is the foundation . In view of a large number of toxic Chinese medicine ingredients and the devil intervention of Western medicine ( see picture) , various improper genetic engineering damages the normal genes and immunity of the human body. God hopes to bring the natural healing concept of human recovery into China and world.

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二. 目前世界的教育存在根本的错误!




《生命从何而来》《The Bible 》、 自然科普、综合美学、营养基础、太阳能利用、城镇规划、

旅游启发、土壤水质改善、慈善关怀、道德价值观。去除危害生命与和平的课程: 化学、奥数等。

2. There is something fundamentally wrong with education in the world today!

Chinese: China, teacher, culture, chemistry, real, these words related to education have a knife in writting! Education reform basic and higher education, some subjects: where does life come from, natural knowledge, comprehensive aesthetics, nutritional basis, solar energy utilization, town planning, tourism inspiration, soil water quality improvement, charitable care, moral values. Removal of courses that endanger life and peace: chemistry, math Olympiad, etc.

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神希望在人类发源地规划世界性居住样板工程:Paradise Yun Living (如图所示) 神希望按以下方案并由杨晓云主持,也给全球人民一个美好的祝愿!

3 . After the ancestors of mankind left with the devil, people have never enjoyed the living environment of the real paradise of divine creation.

Yang Xiaoyun will on behalf of Greator plan a model project for worldwide living: Paradise Yun Living (see picture above) This project will be built in the land of China, the birthplace of human beings, and it will also give people around the world a good wish!





显而易见, 目前的教育课程是从魔的商业化、污染化角度去引导,教育与经济相挂钩,

学生毕业后按所学寻找相应的工作,无法脱离这个体系。完全违背神的循环利用、 自





晓云的形象必须出现取代三大形象:1 女皇皇权尊贵 2 天主教圣母玛丽亚 3 佛教

人造观音菩萨。 因为真神希望将正确的宗教与教育留存世间!

The above is the life record for the past three years. In Creation Education, Xiaoyun talked about the origin of Chinese、first man and empire、false <Bible>、

free land、 rapid housing、 solar energy application、 human living territory、

natural soil fertilize、importance of photosynthesis、proper way of cooking、

natural receipt production、truth of cancer、back to natural health、staying away from anything chemical、rejecting petroleum products、do not participate in genetic engineering、 opposing mold research and apply.

Obviously, the current education curriculum will lead to commercialization and pollution of demon’ s will. Education is linked to money! After graduation, students go find corresponding jobs according to what they have learned, they cannot break away from this system. Completely contrary to God' s recycling,

natural degradation, clean energy, and resource sharing.

It is hoped that all sectors of society will have more understanding and support for Yang Xiaoyun. Human beings need a comprehensive education reform, life reform, health and medical reform, so as not to go to the end of the road under the guidance of thousands of years of suffering and mistakes. . . . . . Xiaoyun personally has no interest in imperial power and wealth, nor does want to engage in personal worship. Due to the mission of the creator of the universe, Xiaoyun's image must appear to replace the three major images : 1. The Queen's Royal Power 2 . The Catholics Virgin Mary 3 . The Buddhist False Guanyin Bodhisattva .

Because God wants to keep the right religion and education in the world!

每年的 7、8 月是中国的学校暑假,也是西方国家的寒假。衷心希望现代的孩子在漫



这个问题要引起当代教育工作者与家长们的高度重视与配合!5000 年后的今天,许多

家长已经在面临一个重大的社会问题:1990 年后出生的年青人,大量不婚不育,有些

闪 婚闪离,这是房价经济原因吗?显然不是!新一代年青人对社会对世界已经失望,

他们的人生观就是“过好自己” 。所以神为了千秋万代孩子们的未来,不得不使这个


Every July and August are summer vacations for schools in China and winter vacations in Western countries. I sincerely hope that modern children will not only play computer games and chat through computers or mobiles in addition to homework during the long vacation! There are different stages of life, childhood、teenage、 youth、 adult、middle-age and old age. God hopes that

children and teenagers can fully experience nature and develop a variety of activities. This issue should arouse the great attention and cooperation of school teachers and parents! 5 , 0 0 0 years later today, another major social problem is that a large number of young people born after 1990 doesn’t want to marry and infertile, and some of them are quickly divorced. Is it just an economic reason for housing prices? Obviously not! The new generation has been disappointed with the society and the world, their outlook on life is to “live well on themself”. Therefore, God has to make a complete change in this world for the future of the generations to come!


爱并有感触。希望学校不给假期‘留白’ ,希望家长们放下手机共同参与,让童真少

年们的心灵丰富而充盈 :)

我出生于 1972 年,那时候没有电脑,手机,平板,互联网络,没有脸书,网游,微信




Here, Xiaoyun shares my after- school life in my childhood, the various entertainments in different seasons of spring、summer、autumn、winter. I hope you will like it and feel it. I hope that the school will not leave "blank"

for the holidays, parents spend less time on mobile also participate in the planning, so that the hearts of the innocent teenagers will be rich and full :) I was born in 1972. At that time, there were no computers, mobile phones, tablets, the Internet, Facebook, online games, WeChat,Whatsapp. As a teenager, I was

not locked in front of an electronic product, nor did I attend weekend schools .

Classmates are not virtual network communication but real friends n playmates!

We would play badminton, jump rubber bands, play chess, learn draw together.

We would each show off the animals we were feeding......



‘米兰’ ,尤其它能在冬季,在室内温度还适宜的情况下,依然盛开,带来满室芳香;


“慈母爱心培花卉,生机盎然;人若有情春亦早,草木知报。 ”由于我们住在底层,

所以还有一个不大的后院,种了一颗‘枇杷树’籽,到我十多岁时, ‘枇杷树’已经

长 成,每年某个季节,树上都会结满了一串串的枇杷,嫩黄色的,特别甘甜,因产量

多 ,每年我们都会与邻居小伙伴们一起品尝!春天,也是小动物最愉快的季节,我们

喜欢养‘热带鱼’ ,色彩瑰丽,形态各异,通常是一对一对的,我们共养了六七个品

种,常常去‘花鸟市场’ ,那个年代的‘花鸟市场’是十分热闹的,我去购买鱼虫,

鱼 草,氧气棒,这样小鱼会有食物与美丽良好的环境生长。有些人喜爱养鸟,我逗鹦


小 伙伴有一只小白兔,兔子是温和的动物,非常的乖巧,我最喜爱的是养猫,我的小


Spring:My friends will cultivate some flowers and plants together. Fortunately, most of our parents love flowers and plants. Under the leadership of the elders, each of us cultivate some different varieties of flowers. My favorite is the

'Milan' with golden particles,especially in winter, when the indoor temperature is still suitable, it will bloom, bringing the room full of fragrance ; ‘Clivia'

is also a good flower with rare blooming time, I once wrote a poem: "A loving mother cultivates flowers with love, and it is full of vitality ; if people care them with love, it will be early in spring,the vegetation is responding." Since we live on the bottom floor, we have a small backyard and planted a 'loquat tree' seed,over the years, the 'loquat tree' has grown. In a certain season every year, the tree will be full of strings of loquat. They are particularly sweet,because of the large output, we share it with our neighbors every year!

Spring is also the most pleasant season for small animals. We like to raise

‘tropical fish', which are colorful and different in shape, usually in pairs.

We have raised six or seven species in total, and we often go to the ‘flower and bird market’. The‘flower and bird market' is so lovely, I go to buy fish grass, oxygen bars, so the small fish will have nice food and a beautiful environment to grow.Some people really like raising birds,I like to make parrots learn their tongues, teach them to say a few simple greetings, it can learn quickly, which is really a great joy and fun ; my friend has a little white rabbit,the rabbit is gentle animals, well-behaved, my favorite is to have cats, my kitten is very smart, it will lie on my lap and watch cartoons with me, once watched the TV for half an hour without moving!



做的罐,吃一点水果类,每过几天我们斗蟋蟀比武! 由于我是女孩,我只能得到几只

不太强壮的被斗败的蟋蟀,然而内心竟然如获至宝!几乎每天会去捉‘知了’ ,是否



看着蚕一 口一 口吃,可以观察很久,心中满满的喜悦与爱!初夏,也是放风筝的好时



探访亲戚好友,我有亲戚在‘淀山湖’ ,那个时候淀山湖的水是澄清一望见底的,乘





与照料,碧水肥田,庭前院后, 自然美食!于是童年的我,对自然乡村清新美丽住宅


Summer: vacation is a good time to catch‘crickets' and ‘beeping insect' ! Those are two kinds of small insects that grow in the grass and on the trees respectively. They chirp crisply and are the favorite of boys! I also learn to raise crickets, need a pot made of special clay, eat a little fruit,every few days we fight crickets!In my heart it is a treasure! Almost every day, We will go to catch‘beeping insect’. But now due to pollution it is extincted.

Summer is the season when the silkworm baby grows vigorously,we need to collect mulberry leaves, climb the fence to collect them piece by piece, and harvest a lot. Watching the silkworms eat, we can observe for a long time, and our hearts are full of joy and love! Early summer is also a good time to fly kites,it is not complicated to make kites. When the wind blows, slowly let the kite float far into the sky, which is a kind of pride and scenery.

At that time, the neighbors seemed to be a big family, helping each other, respecting and loving each other. We also had the opportunity to visit relatives and friends in the countryside. I had relatives in 'Dianshan Lake'. At that time, the water of Dianshan Lake was clear and bottomless. Yes, take a boat to visit them, their house is self-built,no land cost, there are four rooms up and down, there is a clear small river not far from the house,people swim in the small river, shrimp in the river is in a state of harmonious co-existence with fishes and humans! Behind the house is a bamboo forest, which is pleasing to the eye. There are always uneaten self-cultivated fruits and veges in the nearby fields. At that time, the land was relatively fertile, soil quality was good and undamaged, and it did not require much time and care. Natural food!

So when I was a child, I had a great yearning for the fresh and beautiful residential environment in the natural countryside. I think the use of the free land, the distribution of the population, the construction of the houses is also more reasonable!

秋 天:大楼的共用长廊及门前的大片空地,便是小伙伴们的娱乐地,我们会聊聊天,


子棋,也喜爱听长辈们讲各种聊斋故事,所有这些都需要 2 - 4 人的团体,这些都是对


我们也时常去‘少年宫’ ,‘少年宫’有滑冰,有书法,有戏曲欣赏,有猜灯谜等等,




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上 聊天恋爱,看着真真假假的各种图片消息文章。。。。。。现代的父母如此,孩子

们也在学习父母。 自然生存环境在日益恶化,人远离自然,在高楼钢筋水泥中,在电

子 产品中,心灵日益空虚,这就是魔创造的‘虚空法界’!细想,这对于孩子们的未

来 ,乃至子子孙孙的后代,会造成什么深远的影响呢?这是未来人类世世代代的生存

方 式吗?难道做父母的我们,真的希望孩子三岁上早教补习班,开始学会手机,那是

应该享受童真快乐的年华啊!长期面对电脑,晚睡, 白天乏力,这对于青少年身体健

康 ,心灵的健康也是一种侵蚀!这种改变,需要社会性、国际性的关注,需要政府有


“神创教育网” ,呼吁广大的家长、教师监督青少年的网上行为,呼吁各国政府有良

知 控制甚至取缔网络游戏的发展,要有政策化的限制!家长周末多带孩子户外活动或

短途旅游 (父母要以身作则,周末不要再忙于工作金钱,也不要一昧注重考试分数线);

也建议各国政府未来建造‘超级少年宫’ ,给孩子们一个天地!

* 幼儿、青少年从小要控制他 (她) 们的电脑网络:点击网络右上角


多工具’-----> ‘青少年模式’-------> ‘立即开启’ ,这样过滤上网内容与时间!

平板电脑:‘设置’-----> ‘健康使用平板’-----> 开启-----> ‘孩子使用/学生模式’[密码]

欢迎家庭带动青少年欢迎积极参与大量出售发行《The Global Mission》《The Bible》

Autumn: The large open space in front of the building are the entertainment places for children. We will chat, dance, rubber bands, boys will play football together. I prefer to play badminton. Sometimes, we play chess,checkers, and also love listening to the elders tell various stories about ghost, all of which require groups of 2-4 people, these are beneficial to children's physical and mental health, and are conducive to children's spirit of unity and friendship.

We also often go to the“Children's Palace”. The“Children's Palace” has ice skating, calligraphy, opera appreciation, lantern riddle guessing, etc. It is a place for children to delight their minds and cultivate their hobbies. I liked to draw, and I would spend a weekend afternoon imitating a sketch.

“ Children’s Palace”outdoor activities are gradually disappearing from the lives of modern children! Modern children follow society and are accustomed to computers and mobile phones. Boys love shooting and fighting games, adults hold mobile phones, WeChat and Facebook, and young people chat and online dating . . . . . . Modern parents are like that, children are learning from their parents. The natural living environment is deteriorating day by day, people are far away from nature, in high- rise reinforced concrete, in front of electronic products, the mind is increasingly empty, this may be the "Virtual Dharma Realm" created by the devil! Thinking about it, what profound impact will this have on the generations? So we going to survive in the electronic life ? That is the time children should enjoy the innocence and happiness!

Facing the computer for a long time, going to bed late,feeling weak during the day, this is also an erosion to the health of young people's bodies and minds!

This kind of change requires social and international attention! Requires the government to have a conscience and awareness,requires the schools and parents to fundamentally improve! We DO need to change the mode of study and employment!

冬天:晓云怀念那个年代的皑皑白雪! 曾几时起,上海的冬季不再有积雪,不再有飘




欢晚会” ,送一大包的礼品那么虚套与程序化。那时,孩子们要与父母一起准备各种






暖!过完年是‘元宵’ ,元宵吃汤圆,孩子开始游行‘兔子灯’ , ‘兔子灯’是用薄




Winter : Xiaoyun misses the white snow of that era! no more drifting snowflakes now in Shanghai, the climate was warming rapidly. I miss those winters with snowball and snowmen,we have snow fight. Watching the snow-covered mountains and rivers of the motherland, the amazing creation of nature, another masterpiece of God! In those days,celebration New Year was a series of pleasant activities. It wasn' t just ordering a table of banquets, watching the TV

show, and sending a large package of gifts.

At that time, children had to prepare various handmade meals with their parents,this is also the hands-on ability and dining aesthetics.Children and parents set off firecrackers in the open space, after the fireworks were gorgeous,it will still leave children a toy handicraft, which can be collected.

We will also collect and make some of our favorite small crafts, such as: carving,

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embroidery, wood crafts, etc.

In winter, parents will prepare thick winter clothes and boots for their children, and start building a snowman. Friends will roll out a huge snowball first, build the body and shoulders of the snowman, design its eyebrows and nose, and start snowball fights after completion,children’s heart was warm!

After the New Year is 'Yuanxiao', tradition to eat the rice ball during the Lantern Festival, and the children start to parade the‘ rabbit lantern' , can shine, beautiful and cute! This traditional commemoration and entertainment cannot be enjoyed by modern children. It is a pity for modern children!

杨晓云有一份美好的心愿献给全球的孩子 -------



On behalf of Creator,Xiaoyun has a beautiful wish to dedicate to the children of China and worldwide ------ Build a “Super Children's Palace”in every city!

Parents' Dreams Children's Dreams are there to come true!

Give the descendants a world, a world to their prosperity future!

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这个心愿要实现是相当困难的,就‘少年宫’的内容做了一个调查, 目前‘少年宫’

主要是:名人典故、名人雕塑、戏曲舞蹈、电子玩具、编程学习、3D 打印、培训班,

倾向于虚拟科技基础, ‘少年宫’的建筑很多是庄严的石头建筑,这与少年时代的活

泼格格不入!请允许晓云揭露一些魔的建筑秘密 -------- 大教堂、赌场、大酒店、白宫、


筑 是魔的建筑标志与特征。‘少年宫’的活动内容没有少年时代应具备的活泼多样,


杨晓云的“超级少年宫”规划方案如下 -------

* 艺术气球房 * 滑冰场 * 艺术鸟房(200 平米) * 简易花卉盆栽

* 小动物 (小乌龟/蚕宝宝/小金鱼) * 书法 / 水彩 / 素描 / 国画

* 爱猫小楼 * 音乐儿童书房 * 自由舞蹈 * 手工陶瓷彩绘

* 超级‘乐高’ * 超大游泳池 * 巧妙基础木工 (不用钉子) * 美丽鱼塘

* 戏曲欣赏 * 有奖猜谜 * 意义短片影房 * 收集爱好分享(参展)

* 自然百科知识 * 小点心设计制作 * 放风筝 * 草坪帐篷区

* 室内篮球场 * 乒乓球/桌球 * 户外羽毛球 * 短途旅游兴趣班

* 各国历史交流兴趣班 * 室内及建筑设计兴趣班 * 健康食品配料兴趣班

鼓励全球青少年及家长积极参与‘全球神创教育’ ,远离有害过度的网络产品!

In the future, the “Super Youth Palace” in major cities around the world is indeed a great wish of Xiaoyun! Hope you help to realize it !

It is quite difficult to realize this wish, and a survey of the content of the

“ Youth Place”at present mainly: celebrity allusions, celebrity sculptures, sing and dance, electronic toys, programming learning, 3D printing, training

courses, basically the foundation of virtual science and technology, many architectures of the“ youth Place” are solemn stone architecture, which is incompatible with the liveliness of the youth! Please allow Xiaoyun to revel the secret of stone architectures ------ casino、church、hotel、white house、

Vanti city、leading university、Pyramid、Roma fighting field,they all use huge stones to build up the magnificent style! Large stone architecture is the devil architectural logo and characteristics. The content of the “Youth Palace”is not as lively and diverse for the youth. It should close to nature, creation knowledge, animals and plants, all kinds of interests, sports activities, etc., truly entertaining and learning at the same time!

Yang Xiaoyun's“Super Youth Palace”plan is as follows --------

* Art balloon room * skating rink * Art Bird Room (200 square meters)

* Simple flower potted plants

* Little animals (small turtles / silkworm babies / small goldfish)

* calligraphy / watercolor / sketch / Chinese painting

* Love Cat Little Tower * Music Children's Studies * Free Dance

* Handmade Ceramics Painting * Super ‘Lego’ * Super Swimming Pool

* Small basic carpenter (without nails) * Beautiful Fish Pond

* Opera appreciation * Award guessing puzzle

* meaning short film movie room

* Collect hobby sharing (participating)

* Natural Encyclopedia knowledge

* Small snack design and production

* kite flying kite * bumper car * Indoor basketball court

* table tennis/billiards * outdoor badminton * short -distance

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travel interest class

* Historical exchanges and interest classes of various countries

* indoor and architectural design interest classes

* Healthy food ingredients interest classes Encourage global youth and parents to actively participate in‘Global Creation Education' and stay away from harmful excessive online products!


1. 虚空法界:在几十层的高楼中,远离花草动物、自然美景,并承受着庞大的贷款压力。

2. 虚拟世界:远离自然后,青少年只能面对一台电脑,5G / 3D / VR ,网络聊天、网络



3 . 虚拟币炒股:未来的青年人,面对虚拟的生活,经济来源如何解决?老股民需要去




与‘抽象艺术’‘AI 绘画’‘新媒体艺术’有很大的差别,是愉悦纯净的视觉。


On behalf of the Holy Spirit of God to save the future children, the virtual life of the devil design as follows:

1.Virtual Living : In dozens of high -rise buildings, stay away from flowers and plants, natural beauty... bearing huge loan pressure !

2.Virtual World : After staying away from nature, young people can only face one computer, 5G / 3D / VR, online chat, online dating, virtual life, virtual business, online shopping, virtual casino, virtual nightclub.. .

At present, virtual fitness, virtual skating, virtual tennis, etc. have all appeared! Virtual life away from creation natural is all devil wants!

3. Virtual stocks : How can future young people solve the income source in the face of virtual life? Traditional stock trading need to go to the stock trading hall. In the future, it will be virtual currency stocks even virtual fraud!

Xiaoyun hopes that more parents and children will see Xiaoyun’s photography.

This beautiful world, hearing and believe that there is a true creator in this world, which can bring children more beautiful, more comfortable, more cleaner and pure life quality! Xiaoyun' s photography is very different from the

‘abstract art’ ‘ AI painting ’‘New Media Art’, which is pleasant and pure vision.

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This large group of fallen angels,reluctant to leave the earth, trying to turn it into an illusory magic ball...

Robotic reception

Virtual glass


obot recover

Virtual skiing






事业机会, 共同将地球变得清洁而美好!为了神创组织能在全球稳固长久的发展,《The

Bible 》会稍后公开,无论发生什么,希望您从这个网站认识神,相信神。


日本首相‘安倍晋三’被暗杀(枪杀) ,毕竟是令人伤心的事件,与政治宗教可能有一定

的关联。之后,七月二十六日,佛教界的‘净空法师’突然圆寂 (去世) 了,晓云曾

长期与各大宗教有往来,特别是佛教,2018 年,‘净空法师’曾交给杨晓云一份文件,


沟通,真实不虚!七月初我曾写下: “天堂、地狱确实不存在,鬼道也确实不存在,

我们不能将错误的宗教和教育留给我们的后代子孙。 ”二周后净空法师的圆寂与杨晓




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7- 11 月,我一直在电脑的维护中生活! 电脑监控、病毒软件植入、上网中断、

文件丢失、Facebook/Instagram 个人账户封锁、网站程序问题、甚至指纹不能登录。。。。。。



怜的童工、使我思考了很多,当然互联网中亿亿万万的网瘾青少年,也是神要拯救的! 一页网站,也是通过网络给青少年一份另类的思考,在这个快餐式

的浮臊的互联网世界里,通过设计启发你们关注内心,关注神创、沉静思考, 内心所

真正需求的,自由的成长,自己的兴趣爱好?不为学位 / 谋生 / 父母逼迫去学习某些


持续关注晓云的文章,关注《The Bible 》的公开,未来欢迎你们加入神创事业!感谢网


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I really wish to share the Creation knowledge with everyone and excited to see many people going to start a fantastic career towards their prosperity future !

Make the earth much better! To help founding and grow “ Creation Witness Education” world- wide in the long run, 《 The Bible》 will be put online later at a historical time ... no matter what happen, put your heart love God and trust in God. It’s a pity we still have more than 150 million child labour exist in this current world between 8 - 14, clothing、mining、servant... Creator deeply care about them, so we should at least give up the luxury, do something altogether to help them into a correct life path, hope【United Nation】notice and put this on the agenda. Help them know there is a creator, life is a gift not burden! My life is not easy, thanks so much for your patience !

From July to November 2022, I have been living in computer maintenance! Computer monitoring, virus software implantation, Internet connection interruption, file loss, Facebook/Instagram personal account blocking, website back office problem, even fingerprint can not logon...... A few hours --- stay up all night

- - - ask someone to maintain - - - reinstall the system. In this world where everyone faces computers and lives in computers, it is not easy to express real creation world with virtual networks! Personal computers, the global COVID-19

and poor child labor made me think a lot, also the billions of children who addicted to the gaming、social media and chatting,so God into this networking to rescue child! one page design come out,will be more in the future wish families and children own the copy of the website easily,gives teenagers an alternative way of thinking through the Internet! In this fast-food and shameless Internet world, it inspires you to pay attention to your heart,to creation, pay attention to God's creativity, and think calmly... What your heart really needs? the beautiful and free growth of your heart.

Your interests Your passion Your future Your free will Your earth !

Do NOT learn some incorrect knowledge for the degree /job / home parents ; Do not do some jobs that you don't like because of the income burden! Xiaoyun sincerely hope that the majority of young people will continue to pay attention to Xiaoyun's articles and the publicity of《The Bible》. In the future, you are welcome to join the career of creation! Thanks to the efforts of the website production company, although there are some minor errors in the background, the purpose of expression has been achieved.

很遗憾的一件事, 目前在这个华丽热闹的世界中,还有超过 1.5 亿的‘童工’!8 -14

岁的儿童在从事品牌服装、挖掘矿产、家政佣工,因此我们至少要懂得珍惜 放弃奢侈,



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1 是各行各业的弊端,经济利益的牵扯,很多问题只能通过网站,期待政府的力量、读


2 是互联网本身的巨大问题:个人身份及隐私盗窃、重要数据及银盗卡盗取、隐形网

络监控、网络诈骗资金盘、网聊网恋、网络色情、恶性软件功击商业;网络造假 (文

件图片等) 、青少年沉迷网络游戏 聊天 交友、网络暴力影片、网络社交媒体拐骗。

3 神给予众人特别是家长的巨大启示!恰逢晓云 2022 年 11 月底生日,摄影集和未来


辉照破阴霾、引领迷途的青少年回到神创的怀抱!家长孩子能够喜爱,能够拥有。。 。

恳请 百度 阿里云 腾讯 华为 微信 微博 Google Oracle facebook Instagram,tiktok 以及众多的 IT 行业公司,如果你们愿意成就全球青少年的健康心灵,如果你们中有认

可神创,愿意成就神的大愿;恳请你们放弃游戏 网聊 色情 VR 元宇宙的进一步开发!

各位大咖您们也不再沉迷机械性缺乏生命活力的 IT 工作之中!那副虚拟 VR 眼镜毕竟




I did not expect, or even the global obstacles, from the painful and difficult Internet experience in recent months. There are three aspects : 1. The disadvantages of industries,the involvement of economic interests. Many problems can only be spread through the internet, readers and the media to achieve a common and clear understanding. Expect the next generation to have the right direction!

2 . The huge problems of the Internet itself: theft of personal identity and privacy, theft of important data and bank saving, invisible network monitoring, online fund listing fraud, online chatting online dating, online pornography, malicious software attack businesses ; Internet fake files and pictures, etc.

teenagers indulging in online games and chat to make friends, violent movies, online social media abduction.

3. God's great inspiration to everyone, especially parents! It coincides with Xiaoyun's birthday at the end of November 2022,the photo album and the future series of one page design.How to attract and save teenagers addicted to online games and online chat? Let the glory of God shine through the haze and lead the lost teenagers back to the arms of creation! Parents and children will love and own a series of one page web design.

I sincerely invite Baidu, Aliyun Cloud, Tencent, Huawei, WeChat, Weblog, Google, Facebook,Instagram, tiktok and many IT industry companies, if you are willing to achieve the healthy mind of global teenagers, if you recognize true God, if you willing to achieve the great wish of Creator,please give up the further

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development of gaming、 social chatting、 dating software、 VR metaverse!

You guys are no longer indulging in the mechanical and soulless IT work! After all, that pair of virtual glasses is not conducive to your child future. If you are willing to give full play to your own strengths :search engines, online marketing, social media, instagram pictures, etc., let us jointly achieve the eternal interest of the Divine style and glory!

Xiaoyun hopes to have time and space to break through obstacles and continue to design some lovely one page websites for the youth of the future!

在 此感谢神创教育初创二年多来, 曾给我无数次细致耐心客服的知名服务器供应商

Godaddy, 未来的岁月,魔的世界,虚空法界,你们或许也无法给我永恒的服务器 ~

IT 行业如有信仰神创,愿意配合我献身全球“家庭神创教育”者,请直接联系我!

晓云呼吁世界互联网作一项重大而必要的改革 (不要跟着魔) :

‘网站’的打包文件请包含数据库 (小文件) ,一并上传,系统自动连接。

以人类目前如此发达的智慧,难道还需要单独上传? 再次连接? 域名绑定? php html database FTP File manager cPanel, 真的需要这么复杂吗?而服务器供应商根本不

提供网站安装,用户又必须寻求第三方的服务? 互联网络也在魔的操控之下使简单的事


在此,呼吁服务器供应商们应该录制一个 5 - 10 分钟的小视频,教大家如何上传/导入

文件,绑定域名。也呼吁有良知的 IT 界人士,开发上述简便的网站安装方式!

如果任何 IT 业界人士有兴趣,杨晓云很愿意与您共同开发并为青少年搞一个:‘ 自由

拖入式设计平台’ ,将喜爱的图片或取材直接拖入空白页,改变色调尺寸,配上一些



神的儿女自由思维,取材大自然的美景 动植物 人物物品 各种创意。。。。。。

I would like to thank Godaddy, as the host server provider who has provided me with countless time patient customer service since the founding of Creation Education Global two years ago.Unfortunately,in this virtual world controlled by the devil,you might not be able to give me a permanent server as well -------

Xiaoyun calls on the world Internet to make a major and necessary reform !

( You guys please do NOT follow the devil) : Please include the database ( small file) in the zip file of the‘ website' , upload it at once altogether, and the system should automatically connect!

With such advanced human wisdom, does it need to be uploaded separately? Connect again? Then binding Domain? Php/ html/ database/ FTP/ File manager/ cPanel, does it really need to be so complicated? And the server provider does not provide website installation at all, users must seek third- party services?

The whole Internet is also under the control of the devil to complicate things!

Here, we call on server suppliers to record a small video of 5 - 10 minutes to teach people how to upload/import files and binding domain names. It also appeals to IT professionals with conscience to develop simple website installation method!

If anyone in the IT industry is interested, Yang Xiaoyun is willing to work

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with you to develop and create a “ free drag design platform”for teenagers.

Drag your favorite pictures or materials directly into the blank page, change the color and size, with some tools, finalize the design! Put some hypelinks, No program! Free creativity, independent! No templates, website companies, programming, software and complex installation.

The children of God think freely,observe the nature,choose the animals, plants, figures and materials whatever they like.


html database FTP File manager cPanel


Michael Archangel‘米迦勒天使’的存在:

大家可以 google/百度‘米迦勒天使’Michael Archangel,传说在所有反叛的天使中

他保持着对神的忠贞,Michael 存在并且他在人间!2007 年《生命从何而来》停止印

刷发行之后,Michael 在澳洲遇到晓云将 <Holy Bible> 交给我,圣经存在的严重问

题,交流真神旨意,促使 15 年后杨晓云代表神完成《TheBible》。Michael 全家旅居



真神的旨意,普及:《The Bible》《The Global Mission ------ Creator a loving teacher》《Where life come from?》全球家庭教育,父母要端正心灵品格,承担孩

子人格塑造的主要教育工作!之前谈到过中文,中文许多文字结构有‘刀和匕首’ ,

不但中文,英文字母结构也是魔创造有深刻的含义,比如 A 形状代表金字塔,人类最


说文字语言为了说明教育不能从文字从学校开始! 希望Michael 带给后世榜样,家庭

教育以神创教育为先,不入魔道珍爱地球! 历时二年多,神的讯息通过网络传达,yhwh 是许多对神的称谓中暂时可以

使用的名称。未来将正式定名 | [创造 · 新闻] 。


The existence of ‘Michael Archangel':

You can Google/ Baidu ' Michael Archangel' . It is said that among all the rebellious angels, Michael remains loyal to God. Michael exists and he is on earth ! After the printing and distribution of 《Where Life Comes from》

was stopped in 2007, Michael met Xiaoyun in Australia and handed over the <Holy Bible> to me. The serious problems in the Bible and the exchange of the will of true creator prompted Yang Xiaoyun to complete《The Bible》on behalf of God 15 years later. Michael's family lives in various countries. Their children never went to school for education, in their early years, they were educated by their parents,teenager went to various countries with their parents to teach the will of Creator. When they returned to Australia as adults, they were a young man with excellent speech and behavior! Take Michael' s family as an example to convey God's will and popularize:《The Bible》, 《The Global Mission

----- Creator a loving teacher》, 《Where does life come from》In the global family education, parents should correct their spiritual character and undertake the main education work of shaping their children's personality! I have talked about Chinese before. Many Chinese characters have the structure of‘knife and dagger'. Not only Chinese, but also English letter structure has

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a profound bad meaning. For example, shape A represents the shape of pyramid the beginning of slavery in Egypt was the earliest time humans were lured away from paradise design. It is also the establishment of gold ----- knife currency system. I will continue to talk about the meaning of each letter shape in the future! In order to show that education cannot start from school with words, we hope Michael can set an example for future generations. Family education should focus on creation education, cherish and care about the earth without entering the devil' s way!

After more than two years,Creation message was transmitted through the Internet, YHWH is one of the many God names which can be temperately use. Future will officially name: | [ 2023 ]







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1. 魔培养出争夺 私利 贪婪的人性以及军事教育。

2. 几百个国家边界的隔阂,往来隔阂。

3. 几百种语言的隔阂,多国语言交流难,多国翻译有失误。

魔和鱼的宗教,天主教等,整个世界的灾难,必须废除! (上图)

魔的助手以及诺贝尔奖霉菌科研人物 (下图)

Last time, we talked about the inevitable relationship between the evil language and learning content from the language!Education can NOT start from the school!

Have you ever wondered why animals have almost no language, but human beings have no deep language expression ability? Because animals serve human beings, each animal has its own task and work: providing basic food ; helping to clean

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the earth ; pets accompany human beings ; animal performance ; plant and animal harmony. God endows people with deep emotion and language expression, which is to hope people to speak honest language and do honest expression! Otherwise, it is inferior to animals.

People don't need hundreds of languages, because the communication gap is also the main reason for the continuous universal war!

Humans need to create a simple writing expression language with good will to be the universal language! Must think about.

Three main reasons for the universal war:

1 . Devil cultivates the human nature of competing for selfish interests and greed.

2 . The gap between the borders of hundreds of countries.

3. The gap between hundreds of languages makes it difficult for multi- languages to communicate, and there are mistakes in translation.






启蒙读物购买给孩子,我审阅了 2018 年某著名大学出版社的版本,85%以上内容或数


Thanks once use the portrait of a world- renowned philanthropist, duo to the conflict of religions, I cannot continue to use your portrait for promotion!

Be grateful to the leaders of the birthplace of humanity for their tolerance and support for creation education.

Thanks to the well-known people and celebrity who have paid attention to and trusted Creation Education. Thank you welcome to join the promotion with me!

Xiaoyun currently writes about the main drawbacks of certain industries, as well as some basic health and environmental knowledge.

In the future, Xiaoyun will continue to write about the course of divine creation and will completely rewrite <100000 whys>, a popular book for kids in China!

Many families have purchased important enlightenment books for their children.

I have reviewed the version published by a famous university in 2018 and found that more than 85% of the content or data are false and largely misleading young people' s thinking. Please tell each other to stop reading!

【从 ,从新年到三月份,神创教育特刊!】


---------- 希望您的孩子不盲目学习程序 的上线历程 , 历经坎坷 , 晓云看到整个互联 网 的本质弊端 , 即

Byte0100101 系统的魔性体系,多种计算机语言以及多种操作系统之间的矛盾!非必要



目前市面上的计算机语言与系统安装:Java / php/ html/ python/ FTP/ wordpress/ MySQL/

FileZilla/ BT/ File Manager/ cPanel/ Linux/ Windows ... 大家想一下有没有必要这么复杂?


为什么晓云在 2022 年底要将网站定名为

《The Bible 》的书写、摄影的整理、儿童视频等,无数个日日夜夜凝聚的心血。早期网

站用 yhwh 这个名称是一个比较优秀的圣经宣传组织,他们使用这个作为神名。二次


没有一个人出卖组织,宁死不屈。定名 1. 这个组织的领导层 2007 年后

也出卖了神,使用一本金黄色的小册子作为日常宣教,内容空洞。 2. 期间经历了一些

曲折的事,早期的读者应该都看到 3. 希望 与 有相同的纪


The writing of《The Bible》, the organization of photography, children's videos, and countless days and nights of concentrated effort. Early websites using the name ‘yhwh’were a relatively good biblical propaganda organization, they used it as the divine name. During World War II, Catholicism colluded with Hitler to arrest, imprison, and torture a large number of members of this organization.

It is said that at that time, no one betrayed the organization, preferring death to surrender. Why did Xiaoyun change the name the website “create. News”at the end of 2022 ? because During this period, I experienced some twists and turns, and early readers should have seen. Second the leadership of this organization betrayed God after 2007, using a yellow booklet as a daily mission, the content not much meaning. Third, I hope create. news has the same commemorative and promotional significance as creation. com!

我放弃了传统网站制作的途径!时间是 2023 年 3 月,我寻求一些应用软件,能否自己


就是所谓互联网中的那么多语言程序、传输的步骤、各种不同规则 ----------

Java / php/ html/ python/ FTP/ wordpress/ MySQL/ FileZilla/ BT/ File Manager/ cPanel/

Linux/ Windows ... 真的需要这么多语言步骤和彼此的冲突吗?

互联网的雏形 Byte0100101 系统的创立,是一个魔力的简单虚幻数字串!0 与 1 组成。 与 域名转接有困难! 目前用 ,也是很


我相信我的理解能力,对互联网语言程序的深入思考,多种应用后台的操作, 以及我





屏蔽取缔!不能任由此类行业精神毒品般的侵略! “神创新世界设计软件” ,期望未


欢迎各类 IT 企业积极参与。


1. 儿童少年家庭, 自然摄影自由创意设计;

学习城镇规划 - 生活治理 - 友好睦邻的平台。

2. 中青年程序设计开发者,将拥有独特精品样板或自由设计系统。

3. 一个全球性的作品展示平台,链接主要社交媒体。

技术上, 旨在最低限度地使用一些程序代码 (5% - 10%) ,90%以上傻瓜式操作。


I gave up the traditional way of website production! The time is March 2023, and I am looking for some useful application. Can I finalize the design myself?

My goal is not to use the program! After some work, this process has brought

me inspiration, which is the so-called Internet with so many language programs, transmission steps, and various different rules --------

Java / php/ html/ python/ FTP/ wordpress/ MySQL/ FileZilla/ BT/ File Manager/

cPanel/ Linux/ Windows . . . Do you really need so many language steps and conflicts with each other?

The creation of the prototype of the Internet, Byte0100101, is a magic imaginary digital string !

I found could NOT transfer the domain name and !

Now, using is also a good choice! I hope it can operate normally and spread Creation news! Thanks.

I believe in my understanding, in-depth thinking of Internet language programs, multiple application background operations, and my ability. Perhaps I can bring a new mileage to the Internet!

Divine creation education has a responsibility to inject new ideas into all walks of life. The Internet is a key factor. Yang Xiaoyun, founder of Creation Education, hopes governments around the world should politically stop the online addiction games for children and adolescents: various gaming, World of Warcraft, online dating and chatting, campus drugs trading,single parenting.

Governments around the world are urged to join forces in policy boycotts to promote the healthy growth of young people and even ban some extreme games!

We cannot allow such industries to be invaded like psychotropic drugs!

I welcome the support of well-known IT companies,to promote the creation design globally in the birthplace of humanity! This will have immeasurable

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significance for the future internet world! Of course, Xiaoyun reserves the right to cooperate in global bidding and development.

Software for Creation Innovative World,is not just a design software, but a system that radiates four major areas:

1. Children's families, free and creative design of natural photography ; 2 . A platform for learning urban planning, living naturally, and good neighborliness.

3. Young and middle-aged programming developers will have high-quality unique templates or free design systems.

4. A global natural art-work display platform links to major social media.

Technically, it aims to use some program code (5% - 10%) as a minimum,operate 90% foolishly.I hope everyone can get use it easily.



Byte 001, 计算机容量单位,最基本的只有二个数字:0


X 01 有各种排列方式,见图

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Yang Xiaoyun' s Internet experience over the past few months is necessary to inspire the next generation of teenagers around the world. Parents who do not understand the principles are expected to tell each other after reading this article. There is absolutely NO need to enter the‘ programming’ operation again!

Byte001011000, a unit of computer capacity, has only two digits : 0 and 1