As technology continues to increase, people’s desire to acquire things at a faster pace also increases. This desire to acquire things at a fast pace also pertains to acquiring knowledge. My belief is, if given an opportunity, most people would rather learn things at a fast pace than at a slow pace. My preference is to learn at the fastest rate possible. I want the best strategies and any information that can help me achieve more success in the most efficient amount of time. The faster the rate of learning, the better. At least that’s my opinion. With every new thing I learn that can help me achieve more success, I become more confident in my ability to create the wealth that I desire for myself. I’ve spent thousands of hours studying what contributes to personal success and happiness. What I’ve discovered is that it’s more of a science and equation than anything else. Anyone can achieve more success and happiness in their life if they just commit to practicing and applying the science. You can think of it as a recipe. If the same ingredients are used every time, you will get the same results. This book is basically a recipe book, but we’re not going to create food with it. We’re going to create more success and happiness in our lives. If applied properly, the expected results should be inevitable.
There are so many great books out there that can teach you so many amazing things, but it is very time consuming and expensive to study all this information and remember all the points that matter most. This book saves you thousands of hours and thousands of dollars and gives you a much more manageable learning curve and an advantage over many people. For those of you who like to learn quickly and make incredibly fast progress, you’ll be happy to hear that this book will allow you to do just that.
A lot of the terms, strategies, philosophies, and concepts used in this book come from people I’ve studied. I recommend many of my great mentors throughout the book. I’d like to start this off by thanking you for taking the initiative and making the decision to better yourself by reading this book. You’re going to learn valuable lessons most people don’t realize hold such power. You’ll notice that the chapters are short. This is because I focus on the main, key points of a topic and shorten many of the drawn-out explanations into a few descriptive paragraphs.
A giant redwood tree starts as just a seed. Once planted and given just sunlight and water, it has the potential to grow more than a million times its original size and completely change its original state. This book is like a seed: Once you fully absorb the material into your mind and properly apply it, you can have substantial growth in all aspects of your life. The powerful material you will obtain by reading this book can result in your ability to turn your dream lifestyle into reality.
I recommend reading the book from start to finish. Don’t jump around through chapters that spark interest from the title. You will learn something valuable in each chapter and also something new and fun. I’ve added lots of great quotes, and, at the end of each chapter, I’ve put in random facts. No matter where you are in life, you will learn something interesting that you didn’t know.
I’m excited for you because I know the breakthroughs that are about to happen in your life. I’m excited for you because you’re going to obtain a lot of amazing and powerful knowledge in the following chapters. Most of all, I’m excited for you because you’ve made the decision to make a positive change in your life — a decision for which you will be forever grateful.