Baby Boomer's


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Published: 10 years ago

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Book Description HTML

The first thing you have to know is what baby boomers are and what ADEA is all about. First of all, baby boomers are people who were born during the period of increased birth rate. In the United States, baby boomers were born during and after the World War II conflict and before the Vietnam War. This means that there is more than one generation of baby boomers during this period. Today, baby boomers are now in the age of 40's to 50's. ADEA means Age Discrimination in Employment Act. This means that it protects everyone from age discrimination, especially people who are in their 40's to 50's. This means that if you are a part of the baby boomers population, you have to realize that you still have your rights in the workplace. This means that you shouldn't be a victim of unemployment just because of your age. Many people in their 40's and 50's find it hard to find a job in the United States just because of their age. If this happens to you, you should file a complaint with the...

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Rashid Jamallo