Wow One More®: Secrets to Win Big® from 13 Restaurant Leaders
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Wow One More®: Secrets to Win Big® from 13 Restaurant Leaders is a powerful tool for anyone looking to jump-start a restaurant business. Arjun Sen leads a “Who’s Who” in the restaurant industry, who share insights and inside stories based on their own incredible successes. Whether it’s building your culture, your brand, your customer experience or your team this book is the how-to guide you need to grow your business and become the leader you always imagined. Arjun Sen is a Big Impact Brand Zen™ who has put brands of all sizes on the path to Win Big. As CEO of ZenMango, he has helped brands like Chili’s, Chipotle, Domino’s, Maggiano’s, McDonald’s, Coca Cola, AliveCor, DaVita, DISH Network, Paytronix and Walgreens reach new levels.