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There is an understanding that some of the material within this module may appear deep, and at times overwhelming. Please do not let it get the better of you, as it is nothing more than jumping onto a bicycle, or getting behind the controls of a car for the first time. As there are many new words, and techniques, the first read may be taxing, this is expected. However, bear in mind that like a bicycle and a car, second, third and fourth attempts get better. When we are dealing with our own human awareness and consciousness, it is not too dissimilar.

This module is aimed at showing you how to cultivate the energies and forces of motivation in a way that will produce uplifting and magnetically positive outcomes.

Nevertheless, this module is not a quick fix. It is not about teaching, mentoring, inspirational pep talks, or any other form of a superficial uplift. Past results demonstrate this type of motivation to be like a high from a fizzy drink, or adrenaline rushes from a roller coaster. Initially, they may display temporary fixes, but lasting change is invariably elusive.

This module has three key goals:

1 - To identify, uncover, and grow your own staffs natural motivational forces.

2 - To discover how to transform the energy of motivation in to self-motivation.

3 - To uncover and apply these dynamics, which, contrary to popular belief, is not just motivation alone

Self-motivation is where good, positive, productive, and the naturally supportive energy of motivation becomes self-maintaining, and self-sustaining.

Does that sound unrealistic?

Well, right now it may, but as you move through this module, gradually applying the techniques. You will find that maintaining self-motivated staff is as effortless as reading these words.

Though with that in mind, please be aware there are significant differences between de-motivated, motivated, and self-motivated individuals, and throughout this module, we will be discussing each powerful dynamic in much greater detail. In doing so will equip you with the highest skills and best chances of energizing your staff to work and operate from the highly attractive state of self-motivation

Section 1 - The Dynamics of De-Motivation

According to various published reports, approximately {1}75% of all individuals will at some point face brief, or long periods of de-motivation. As it will be demonstrated later, brief states of de-motivation can be natural, even “{2}positive adversity” in action, but prolonged or permanent states are demoralizing and destructive. Furthermore, left unattended, de-motivation can be a precursor to depressive illness, staff absenteeism, and in a minority of cases, suicide. This is not a scare sentence. It is an unfortunate fact of today's modern world.

Present day man connects so deeply with the material world, that the inner self has long been overlooked. Work, goals, pressure, mundane tasks, dislikable colleagues, and harsh environments have been overthrown in pursuit of material success. Yet at the subtle levels of life; essential needs are still being pined for.

No matter what level, all staff have individual needs, subjective desires, and personal preferences. When these are not identified, nourished, and nurtured into life. Then at some point, de-motivation is almost a certainty.

It may or may not surprise you to know that the average individual thinks approximately 50,000 thoughts per day, with a mere 15% contributing towards their daily work. The remaining 85% are attributed to personal issues.

Now here’s the not so good news...

The above was an average, not a de-motivated, but an average person. Highly demotivated individuals are likely to be internalizing, dwelling, and obsessing even further, with as little as 5% thought attention contributing to their working day. With these statistics in mind, we can begin to contrive how it is individual staff, departments, and whole businesses can come to fail.

However, there is also some good news. In developing the apparatus to calculate an individuals' negative thought process, there is also a “fix”. This fix is quite simple, and enables an individual to increase their overall contribution, productivity, and output to work.

The dynamics suggested within this module have been designed to automatically invoke this transformational fix.

De-motivated staff might appear complicated, yet at their core; de-motivation really is a simple human dynamic. It may also come as a surprise to know that de-motivation is still motivation. Though it is assumed to be all negative, we will seek to illustrate that de-motivation also possesses it’s polar opposite, and equal counterpart; that is natural, genuine, positive, and healthy self-motivation. As will be demonstrated later, de-motivation may not really be de-motivation at all. Though, how motivation is filtered, perceived, and then used appears to influence and label it de-motivation, motivation, or self-motivation.

As an analogy only, de-motivation could be thought of as a tree. There is a root, a trunk and many branches. Though you already know it is the leaves on the branches that carry nourishment to the root, and de-motivation can be thought of in the same way. At the core of de-motivation is also a root, and that root is normally a core fear. Let us now take a brief look at an example in action;

Take an overweight person whom wants to lose weight, yet they feel de-motivated in doing so. Not fear, just de-motivation. Let’s assume they consciously do not fear obesity, and do not feel that being overweight would be the result of a core fear. In fact, the very idea might genuinely perplex them. Nonetheless, we are not talking about the surface fear felt from a horror movie, or the innate fear one feels crossing a four-lane freeway. No, the fear we are uncovering is a core fear and there is a major difference.

At their core lives a fear, and as in the case of the overweight person, it is most likely to be rooted far back in their past. Yet because the subconscious does not live in a permanent state of de-motivation, it cleverly gets to work, creating a series of diverting overlays, and hey presto; the original de-motivator will no longer be felt. However, when worked back from the leaf to the branch, then the branch to the trunk so to speak. One may be surprised to find that their de-motivation was not a lack of surface confidence, or even a lack of will power. No, these are overlaid energies that contribute to, but are not the core.

Though, now you have made the decision to transform your staff from de-motivated, to self-motivated individuals. A supportive tool, is developing attentiveness to understand their own trees. This is not to say you must take an extreme interest like that of a marriage, but the identification of de-motivation signals that damage is already done, and unless addressed. Like a tree, your staff and ultimately, your business may wilt.

Stated above is a root, and while there is a core root for all de-motivation, this root is deeply hidden. Yet, for now, please do not concern yourself too much with this, as when we begin to work through this module, the root will naturally expose itself. This process is perfectly normal, and reassurance is given that like the root of a tree, once the core of de-motivation rises, dissolving it is as effortless and as natural as the formation.

Have you ever noticed that when roots are exposed to the sunlight, chances of survival diminish?

Well, more, or less, it could be said that the same principles apply to the energy of de-motivation. Once the core is exposed, then without any effort on your part, the “{3}conscious self”, automatically kills the root. Though not yet fully understood, science is now suggesting that, “{4}consciousness” may indeed be humans' form of light. This means that when something is raised from the {5}sub-unconscious, to the conscious mind, it invokes a process of {6}electromagnetic change. Once underway, the knock on effect is a change in ones physical biology. It is becoming widely understood that the mind induces these biological processes through electrical impulses known as Hertz. We will omit deep science, yet outline that the human brain houses approximately 80-100 billion neurons, which are also electromagnetically pulsating. It has also been discovered that one’s whole being/body emits an overall and collective electromagnetic, electrical pulse, i.e. Hertz. Albeit a little taxing for everyday digestion, as we work through this module, the value of this information will become immeasurable.

Nevertheless, this module will not attempt to foolishly, or blindly convince you of unquantifiable material. On the contrary, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And by the time you have completed this module, the validity will rest with the transformation of your own staff.

Now, let's get back to the dynamics of de-motivation.

De-motivation, like self-motivation could be related to as a “feeling”. The word feeling is used because as will be demonstrated later, both states generate a feeling, and it is this feeling that influences. Though it could be said de-motivation is bad, and self-motivation is good. The reality is they are neither positive, nor negative. They just happen to be at the opposite ends of each other. That is, polar opposites. Nevertheless, they are both identical forms, using the same energy of “motivation”.

Confused? Please do not be, as all will become clear as we move through.

So, let us now look at the energy of de-motivation.

What is it made up of, and how do we deal with it?

Is the energy of de-motivation a physical thing?

Well, there may be a sad looking, or lethargic individual. Yet, as the energy of “motivation” cannot be perceived with the five senses. That is sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell, then addressing it on the physical is a little like chasing rainbows. Though the mind tells us we can see, or feel a de-motivated individual. When we get closer, like the rainbow, there is a reality that these are indeed bi-products from another driver.

So, here lies a simple secret. However, before it can be addressed anywhere, we first need to grasp its origins.

The Origins of De-Motivation

For all de-motivated staff, the origin of the energy will need to be traced from the leaf back to the root, sort of speak. Though as we are discussing the origins of this energy, for explanation and understanding, let us start from the root forward.

From our own studies, some individuals as far back as early infants appear to have been birthed pre-installed with de-motivation. Whether this is fact or not is irrelevant, as by adulthood, these individuals like all others possess the innate ability to positively impact, and change for the better.

De-motivation is where the neutral energy of motivation, not self-motivation, but pure uninfluenced raw motivation gravitates, adopting one of two polar opposites. In the case of a de-motivated employee, the gravitational pull is towards the pole of de-motivation.

We have already said that de-motivation is neither positive nor negative, yet more often than not there is an associated link between de-motivation and a negative outcome. However, as will be demonstrated later, not all de-motivation is as negative as what it might first appear.

Nevertheless, just because the origins of de-motivation go back as far as early childhood, maybe even further. One does not require psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, or any other form of mind altering treatment to dissolve, and transform de-motivation. In fact, it can easily be transformed from one state to the other. Though prior to that transformative process, de-motivation requires “conscious observation” to trace back, root out, and dissolve the original core driver. Though as already outlined, like the root of a tree, once exposed, the core of de-motivation will unfailingly die.

So when looking into the origin of the de-motivator, without judgment, quietly and calmly observe. In doing so, it will become apparent that although one or more staff may be experiencing de-motivation. At the individual level, de-motivation is highly subjective. That is, different staff fret over differing issues. Yet, collectively as a group, they may all be displaying de-motivation. Though, it is worth mentioning that through our own long term studies it was discovered that whatever current task, or situation staff found themselves to be in. These were “at no time” found to be the cause, or the actual roots of their de-motivation.

This might sound frustrating and as an employer you may not feel it is your duty or responsibility to mend a broken wheel. However, there is no broken wheel because this is how life and reality work. With the passage of time, this is what human beings have evolved to, and with the pressures and demands of work, the toll is now on the average individual. Modern man is perhaps more in tune with the dynamics of business than the dynamics of their inner self, which in retrospect is the greatest paradox of all humankind. The upside being that when the dynamics of self are addressed, then professionally the individual flourishes. The knock-on, and the whole reason for this module is that when de-motivation is transformed into self-motivation, business grows.

Soon we will begin to observe your de-motivated staff. However, for now, please read on for there are additions that make this transformative process effortless, smoother, and quicker.

Drivers of De-Motivation

Have you ever noticed that for a small minority of individuals no matter what, they appear to be driven, even thrive on de-motivation? They are the portrayers of doom and gloom, the spreaders of pessimism and the prophets of future failures. Sadly, and is often the case; for these highly demotivated individuals, everything in life is viewed as a negative.

These individuals operate from negative core drivers. Work de-motivation is merely a trigger but it is not the cause. However, the cause (which is the core) has automatically compounded itself and is now successfully working through the majority of even good, healthy neurons.

Remember it was said earlier that the average brain houses approximately 80-100 billion cells? Well, these brain cells have a definitive job. Imagine one single cell chatting to and influencing tens of thousands of others. A little like the root of a tree feeding thousands, upon thousands of leaves. Well, this is exactly how it works. For a de-motivated individual, they are automatically driven to be influenced by, respond, and react from their core energy. If that core is negatively charged, then their brain cells have no other choice but to accept this incoming influence.

What is exciting about this understanding is that negative energies can be flipped into the positive and driven from it’s polar opposite of inspiration, desire, and ultimately positive self-motivation.

Have you ever noticed that de-motivated staff tend to be your most defensive, reactive, resistant, and the least likely to embrace changes moving forward?

Well, there are simple mechanics behind this.

Since as far back as science and metaphysics go, it is said that there are only two core drivers that dominate human beings - love and fear.

Please allow a brief example:

On the outside, Michelle is a smart office girl, successful in herself. On the inside she finds motivation, though she termed it “change”, difficult to apply. In fact, whether personal or professional, she knew that any changes made, were met with pain. A strange as this sounds, motivation by way of pain is extremely common. However, this is not referring to the pain of losing one’s job, or the fear through loss of a financial incentive. The pain being talked of is “pain by way of physical experience”.

For a portion of staff, there is “personal pain” where certain individuals self-torture for not feeling good enough. Above and beyond their role of duty, when worthiness or self-esteem lack, infliction of pain sets in. While this might appear insignificant, often pain feels more natural, and when uncovered, a larger portion of staff may be using this system.

Nevertheless, and regardless of the above, core driving energies really do exist. Most likely these are rooted, and connected to early life experiences, and are not the consequence of present day occurrences.

However, present day events act as triggers and here lies a perpetual cycle. That is, roots fuel and drive new neurons, which in turn take their initial direction from the core. It's a natural cycle of growth, yet if the core is a fear, then the cycle is a vicious one. In brief, the more fearful one’s past, the more likelihood of present day de-motivation. This is so and will be explained later because if the original formed neuron was negatively influenced, then “electromagnetically, it became negatively charged”. This is then, “set in stone”. Then through completely new experiences, which if already negatively charged, the new neurons will be unfavorably influenced, and soon enough anything and everything will be viewed and experienced in a negative light. The outcome being that de-motivated staff then appear sensitive, connecting to low self-esteem, lack confidence, feel lethargic, sad, and all things negative.

Nevertheless, there is genuinely good news, because although rooted in a negative core de-motivation is an effect from a cause. Paradoxically, the cause has been found to possess an equal positive motivator, which makes the whole transformational process possible.

The Effects of De-Motivation

De-motivation is where individuals or whole groups do not think, feel compelled, display enthusiasm, or feel energized to carry out tasks and goals. It can seem like de-motivation is a negatively depressive virus. Furthermore, as de-motivation steals and uses the energy of resistance, (which is discussed later) negative effects are compounded. In other words, it’s like the sick trying to heal the sick - things just get worse.

Resistance like motivation is also a non-physical {7}energy that silently operates from the subtle levels of self. Though when the term ‘self’ is used, what we are really referring to is one’s “{8}overall consciousness”. That is, the sub conscious, unconscious, and conscious mind/self. Nevertheless, in a general sense, resistance attached to de-motivation manifests negatively, which serves to further distance staff from their set tasks and goals. However, please do remember, that these are sub-unconscious drivers, and it is not something that they will be aware of, let alone is it something that can be transformed without some prior knowledge of.

Can you recall earlier it was stated that not all de-motivation is what it appears to be? Let us now round off with a quick metaphorical analogy.

That is, if de-motivation could be viewed like a physical energy, it might look like fat. As you know fat breeds lethargy and once accumulated, it's difficult to shed. The effects of de-motivation are not too dissimilar, yet unlike fat; the transformational process is not so taxing. Yet, when it comes to de-motivated staff, please make a note to refrain from voicing un-pleasantries. As it may appear that de-motivated individuals dislike everything around them, what they really dislike most is themselves.

Finally, let us conclude this section on a positive note of change.

Change may happen in two ways -

1- The de-motivated individual is left unattended, they are totally unaware, and their issues are ignored in the hope that one day they will naturally resolve themselves. Though as this method relies heavily on the unfathomable powers of the universe, waiting for a positive change, is like waiting for a life changing lottery win.

2 - The core associated energy event of de-motivation is consciously sought out, raised to the individuals' everyday awareness, processed, and allowed to naturally dissolve. This method takes effort, yet it is currently the only known way to genuinely transform de-motivation into self-motivation.

Section 2 - The Dynamics of Motivation

In its birthing, or resting place, “motivation” is just that – “motivation”. In this state, it can be said that the human energy of motivation is neither positive, nor negative, good, or bad. More often than not, It is others suggestions (not life, but human suggestion) that deters the polarity of motivation to be this way, or that way.

That is, should it be viewed negatively as de-motivation, or positively as self-motivation?

Nevertheless, there is an uncanny truth that motivation (like all human energy) has no polarity until influenced, and directed. When viewed for what it originally birthed as, that is “neutral energy”, the raw energy which science call E=MC2. Then we can begin to accept, and allow transformation.

As we will discover further on, whether ascribed de-motivation, or self-motivation. Both states simultaneously possess equal amounts of positive motivation, as well as negative motivation. That is, inside de-motivation dwells self-motivation, and inside self-motivation dwells de-motivation.

With this in mind, please pay particular attention to this paragraph, for it is perhaps one of the most poignant, practical, and useful subsections throughout this entire module.

Let’s not exhaust this only to say that E=MC2 is the famous Einstein equation for all energy and matter that make up the universe. Without getting too technical, E=MC2 makes up motivation, E=MC2 makes up de-motivation, and E=MC2 makes up self-motivation. Yes, you guessed it. This is the same energy transforming, one way, or the other. Not positive, or negative, just this way, or that way.

As mentioned, de-motivation does not lack the energy of motivation; it is still motivation, but it is now working for, and operating from its opposite polarity.

This is incredibly simple, yet extremely vital information. Nevertheless, on occasions simplicity is thrown out in favor for a more complex and rational answer. May we suggest this is one of those occasions? As whether motivation is expressed as de-motivation, or as self-motivation is entirely dependent upon one’s own internal relationship between the desire, goal, or outcome in question.

Please make a note that during the initial formation of de-motivation, or self-motivation, the choice was not a conscious one. As will be covered later, associated links that formed relationships of like, or dislike, good, or bad, positive, or negative, decided where the energy of motivation should swing. That is, should it be perceived as de-motivating, or self-motivating. Yet, as these connections and relationships are performed automatically from the sub-unconscious, this is not something of which staff will be aware of. The good news is that with a little effort, the energy that drives motivation can be changed.

The Origins of Motivation

Above it was stated that motivation is a neutral energy of E=MC2. In layman's terms, it means that motivation is not a physical thing. However, this is not an attempt to blind you with the science of psychology, only to say that without “motivation”, humans may not even exist. The very nature of life requires motivational energy to eat, sleep, move, grow, and develop, etc. Individualized out; one could attribute tens, if not hundreds of character traits that demonstrate and harness the energy of motivation.

As an example: He is prosperous because he has strong will power. Alternatively, he is prosperous because he is insecure. She is an excellent employee because she listens. Alternatively, she is an excellent employee because she is passive.

Which is it?

Which energy motivates?

Which is the main core driver?

Is he motivated by the fear of insecurity, worried that he may not achieve?

Or is he motivated by the genuine desire for the love of success?

Likewise, is she motivated by the fear of passivity, worried that she might say, or do the wrong thing?

Or does she genuinely strive for the desire to grow, developing herself, and the company?

Which is it?

Either way, it is motivation right?

Yes, you got it. No matter what. Whether fueled with fear, or pain, inspiration, or desire, the energy is motivation.

Albeit extreme, the sheer strength and power of these motivating forces can be seen in the following example.

At the point of suicidal despair, individuals who miraculously survived, later spoke of a last minute desire to live. Albeit this surfaced at the point of no return, it is conclusive proof that sub-unconscious drivers exist. Yet how do we know these to be innate? Well, for the unfortunate individuals who had jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge spoke openly of what permeated their mind during the four second fall. After jumping, there was an innate desire to live.

It is said that desire/love, or fear/pain are at the core of motivation, though at its peak, desire/love is also the energy of creation.

This can be seen and experienced during sex. Yes, have you ever noticed how powerful, and "how much a part” sex plays in business? While not all sex is loveless, it can be linked back to desire.

There is a simple but true story, and it goes like this:

A man employed a beautiful woman, not to gawk at, abuse, or secretly betray his long standing spouse. On the contrary, he was already in love, yet motivated by beautiful creations. Inherently he knew that by surrounding himself with pleasing motivators, he would experience uplifting and inspirational positive energy forces that in turn would drive him to get up, go to, and return from work. According to the story, the man used this system of motivation throughout his entire working life. He served well into his eighties, was happily married to one woman, and was respected by all his staff.

OK, I hear you say this is a somewhat comical example, yet this is exactly how the world, including modern man functions. Male and female are innately driven with two primal motivators - Fear and Love.

However, while it is common place for women to use the love word, for men this is totally taboo. Yet when a man desires something, is he really stating a desire, or is it a core love that has neatly evolved into a desire? With no sexist intent, it is widely understood that men tend to manifest life’s motivators through the physical, while women express through the emotional. Men might feel motivation from desiring a powerful car, while women through a fictional emotional love story.

In a general sense, though not meant as absolutes. Men's motivational desires can be seen expressing through the physical. Therefore, anything and everything that is connected to the prospect of physical stimulation, could be said to entice and motivate a man. Whereas for a woman, she operates from the heart, and anything and everything that touches her emotions will at some level motivate her. A man’s fear is expressed through his egoic mind, with power and control at the top. While a woman's fear is expressed through her heart, with a lack of worthiness and fulfillment at the top.

Does a man go to work, for the love and desire of the world?

Unless the company is his, he thinks only for himself, and his own personal successes. He thinks only of his position in his world, his material possessions, and his sexual attraction too, and from the opposite sex. Modern man may have changed, yet his primal motivational drivers have not.

Does a woman go to work disconnected from her home, her family, and her children? Does she leave it all behind in favor for the love of the company?

Irrespective of her outward appearance, women are different to man. She feels; she nurtures; she cares, and rationally evaluates all that she does. She is in touch with her emotions, aware of beauty and love, and she thinks mainly of balanced and fair outcomes. Like men, modern women have changed, yet their primal motivational drivers have not.

While a man can be motivated by the power of physical attraction in a woman. A woman can be attracted by the power of emotional passion in a man. We could go one.

When operating from survival, and when striving for targets and goals. Individuals cannot help but be reminded of their inner core fears. As during periods of self-chat, there de-motivation pushes them into fretting and stressing over daily activities. This energy forces them to operate from a platform of concern. Yet when staff are operating from a core platform of desire, the exact opposite is experienced. That is one may feel love for the very thing they are doing, or aiming towards, and that includes their work. Though this is not real love, so to speak. It is where self-motivation expresses through enthusiasm, inspiration, and excitement, etc.

Please make a note of the following and imprint it upon your staff’s minds.

Fear/Survival is a moving away from, while Love/Desire is a moving towards. If you like, it can be related to as a duality, i.e. positive and negative, push and pull, for and against, etc. Though note it is only a duality and that no duality is real. There is a perceptional awareness, yet duality like most other human energies,