Real Estate - Breaking Bad How to Flip Decaying Real Estate Properties for Profit by Helena Negru - HTML preview

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Selling a property to make a profit can be a great idea to earn some money, but who has the time to wait until the house bought with money from a loan appreciates enough, so you can make a profit? No one, especially when there is another way to approach real estate: house flipping.

The concept of buying a poor house, fixing it and then selling it for a profit has been out there for a long time, but it gain more awareness when the TV shows started to promote this business.

However, after the crash in 2008, the bubble seemed to have busted.

The reality is you can still sell real estate for a profit, if you know how to do it. And this is exactly what this book will teach you.

Read on to learn how to evaluate a deal, how to find the money to finance it and how to start the fixing process. All you need to know to start the business of flipping a house is right here, at your fingertips, so read on and learn how to become a pro in real estate businesses and change your career right away. Learn to sell houses for a profit!