Kick-Ass Talent Management by Kapta Systems - HTML preview

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Recap - What have we learned?

What is Talent Management?  

It is the process of attracting highly skilled individuals, while also developing and retaining your existing workforce to meet current and future business needs.

Why is there a need for a Talent Management solution? 

Employers finally realize the importance of ensuring that employees are happy and satisfied with the work they are doing, so that not only do they benefit the company, they benefit themselves as well.

Is Talent Management new?  

No, Talent Management has been around for years but business  people are just now understanding the importance it has on meeting goals.

Is there a Talent Management Process? 

Yes, Talent Management should follow an employee from entrance to exit  of an organization (Identify needs, recruit/hire, learning and development,  performance appraisals, retention, succession planning)