Introduction to Basic Accounting by Tarannum Khatri - HTML preview

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Accounting is pictured as boring subject for many years. When you are seeing someone learning accounting, you will think what will be his future or why is he wasting his time?

But that person is clever.

In day to day life, accounting and finance is applicable in each transaction. It is starting from buying a shirt to purchasing your bungalow. You need to learn accounting to understand how business works, where is your salary going or whether your business is actually making profit or whether your investment is debt or asset? Via learning accounting, you not only understand more about money but also impress your boss or friends with  your knowledge

In this book, you will become familiar with basic accounting and learn about principles of accounting, accounting cycle and financial statements.

Before you start reading this book, I invite you to join my udemy course ( worth 59$) on basic accounting at 99% discount at $1 . Join here.

Thanks, Tarannum