Growth Hacking 101 by Layla Galarneau - HTML preview

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Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Writing is as important in Internet marketing as it is in any field. Writing well separates those who excel and those who seem to be stuck in a particular field or level.


Proper grammar and tone are often a representation of patience as well as education. Having an improper sentence or phrase within the dialogue of a portfolio is much like misspelling a word on an application or resume when searching for employment.

In addition to writing well, it’s important to demonstrate strategic thinking.

While this may seem difficult to encompass in a portfolio, consider using ways to set yourself above the rest.

Analyze the situation, whether it is a campaign, collaboration, or new form of business strategy. Not only is it important to create new, it is equally important to understand current conditions to understand the ins and outs of Internet marketing.

Finally, make sure to represent the quantity and quality of work within the portfolio. Whether you have just graduated from college and only have work from school or whether you have been working freelance for a month or decade, make sure to highlight the amount of work in your best products by showing off the best work.

By showing off the best you have to offer, you can then move on to define what you want to do within the future of marketing and advertising.