Forex Tips from my “1/2 A Loss in 22 Trades” System by Damien Hooper - HTML preview

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1. Forward


2. Disclaimer


3. Proof: 22 Trades In 22 Days


4. Finding My Feet


5. Commitment


6. Indicators are Unnecessary


7. Stop Predicting Price


8. Perfect The Process


9. Increase Your Awareness and Stop Complaining


10. Leave Your Ego At The Door


11. Don’t Overtrade


12. Make Learning Fun


13. Risk Per Trade


14. Trade Your Best Set-up


15. My Parabolic Edge


16. Reducing Market Risk


17. Reducing Broker Risk & Costs


18. When To Trade


19. One Thing at a Time


20. Everyone Needs Rules


21. 25 Rules


22. Find A Model and Learn From Live Trades