Ebay Seller Success Tips! by Tomo Albanese - HTML preview

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1. EBAY – PART 1

If you were to take a poll on what was the most popular form of making money on the Internet, you’d probably get about a 50-50 split between affiliate marketing and selling on Ebay. From the people I have spoken to, Ebay seems to give them more of a feeling of really running their own business. I didn’t really get that feeling because I’d already created my own products to sell online. But I can understand their feeling of excitement. They had to jump through a lot of hoops to sell on Ebay, especially if they were into drop shipping.

Make no mistake about it. Selling on Ebay is a real rush. There power trip of being totally in control of everything is far beyond the rush you get from selling an affiliate product where you have no control over the commission structure, website or anything. With Ebay, you make or break it on every level.

However, with that kind of rush comes a great deal of responsibility. There’s nobody to lean on when you’re selling on Ebay. You are your own boss and everything falls on your shoulders. There’s no Clickbank to turn to for refunds. All refunds come out of your pocket and if there are enough customer complaints, you can be shut down in an instant. So you better make sure that you run a tight ship.

So, you want to sell on Ebay. Okay, if that’s the case, you better have a solid game plan. I don’t mean just what products you’re going to sell. I mean how you’re going to advertise, how you’re going to price, where you’re going to get the products from and a lot more. Everything will have to be in place and ready to go before you even place your first Ebay ad. Just one thing not taken care of and the whole operation falls apart.

If you’re really efficient and a quick worker, you can probably get an Ebay campaign going, depending on how complex it is, in about a week. Some take a month or longer to put together. My particular campaign, when I first started, was simple and took me a week. If I knew what I was doing back then, it probably wouldn’t have taken me as long, but everybody starts out somewhere.

One word of caution before you even venture into this territory. You’re going to have to be very careful about regulations. Ebay has a ton of them as does PayPal. They’re not going to care about your email to them that says “I didn’t know.” That’s why Ebay and PayPal have all these terms of service. They expect people to read them, even though they may take a year and a day to do so.

Having said that, it is not the purpose of this tutorial to teach you Ebay and PayPal regulations. That I am leaving in YOUR hands. This tutorial is simply to help you set up a business for the purpose of selling on Ebay.

In our next chapter, we’ll get to the actual instruction itself.

See you then.