Breaking The Bloggers Code: Biggest Lies In Blogging Exposed! by Andrew - HTML preview

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Chapter 4 ~ Biggest Lie #3 Exposed: Be Everywhere

Many of you reading this has probably heard the name Pat Flynn before. And if you have, you’ll know that this strategy is really a brain child of his.

Now, God bless Pat Flynn and everything great he’s doing on his site and with his brand – and even though he’s not the one that’s telling this lie, it still is partially his fault.

And when you think about it, it’s not even fair to partially blame him for this either because he has TOLD people that the “Be Everywhere” strategy is not to be used all at once.

Regardless of that, people keep on messing this one up and they end up worse than before.

Let me provide you with some background on this.

Someone, probably seeing Pat’s success and what he’s doing to achieve that, started telling people that to be successful online, you need to apply the “Be Everywhere” strategy.

And the main point of applying this strategy is to maximize your exposure. For example, if you just have a blog, you pretty much have to rely on people finding your blog posts to see what your blog has to offer.

Sure, you can use social media to promote it, but you just have that one outlet – which is your blog.

Now, let’s say you’re planning to apply the “Be Everywhere” strategy.

This means that you’re no longer just relying on having just a blog as your main source of getting exposure. You’re taking action to get your name out there in as many ways as possible.

That means: ·

  • Creating a podcast and submitting it to various podcasting directories like iTunes, Stitcher, etc. ·
  • Creating a Facebook page and constantly engaging with people by asking questions, holding contents, giving away prizes, etc.
  • Being active on Twitter and sharing other people’s content and, more importantly, thanking them for when they share yours.
  • Interaction on Google+ and conducting various Google Hangouts. ·
  • Creating FREE webinars on occasion to provide quality information and actionable tips to readers that they could use. (This one is huge)
  • Creating You Tube videos on how to do certain things and making a tutorial of it.

This means ALL of those things. And you do these things for two reasons:

  1. To get new eyes on your blog and your brand.
  2. To position yourself as an expert because you appear to have more authority from being in all those places.

But as great as it sounds, people that are told about this strategy are being told that they should do it ALL AT ONCE!!!

That’s not only impossible, but really stupid.

Let me enlighten you to what the “Be Everywhere” strategy is really about – in my own opinion of course.

  1. You start off with your blog.
  2. From there, you expand to some type of social media … but not all at once.
  3. When you’re comfortable enough with one, then you move on to the next one.
  4. Once you’ve gained your comfort level, you can choose to start a podcast or do You Tube videos.
  5. Once you gained your comfort level from those, then you move onto the next thing. It’s a very slow process, and should be taken very slowly. Trying to do everything all at once will eventually lead to you getting nowhere.

 Being everywhere really means to be strategic about it and tackle one thing at a time and only move on when you think you’ve mastered it.

 Always remember that.