Breaking The Bloggers Code: Biggest Lies In Blogging Exposed! by Andrew - HTML preview

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Chapter 1 ~ The Biggest Lies In Blogging Exposed

Whether you know it or not, there are certain lies that you've been told when it comes to blogging.

And if you're goal is to be successful, you have to know exactly what those lies are.

 It took me about a full year of blogging (mistakes and all) to know what those lies were, study and understand why they were lies and learn from them.

 And I think it’s only right that I pay this knowledge forward for two very specific reasons:

  1. .Its information that’s vital to know that can literally determine your success blogging.
  2. Too many people unknowingly fall for these lies because some of these “experts” are the ones that telling them. In some cases, those “experts” encourage them to continue on knowing full well its lies.

Let's get one thing clear, when it comes to blogging, you no longer can just write down your thoughts, insert a couple of keywords, hit publish, share it with a few people and voila!

 It just doesn't work that way. Not anymore.

Maybe that worked in 2001 … or even 2005 but we’re a long way from that point in time. And truth be told, that’s one of the biggest thing I dislike about blogging and about the lies these “experts” are telling people.

They’re actively telling these lies to people on a day-to-day basis. The whole deception that they do is disgusting. They have people thinking that the very second they start their own blogs, everything is going to be so simple.

They’ll get subscribers … no problem.

They’ll get traffic like {snaps finger} that.

Everything will be easy … everything will be fun.

Oh, how wrong they are.

It took me almost a full year to figure out what I’m about to share with you.

But the fact that I went that long to see through the web of lies and start looking at the entire concept of blogging differently than I do now, is what really gets on my nerves.

But, my main goal with this eBook is to expose those lies and hopefully after I'm done doing that, you'll start looking at blogging differently than you currently do.

Because at the end of the day, these “experts” lie to you from the very beginning when it comes to blogging. And many people just aren't able to see through those lies and make their way.

 Hopefully with this eBook, they'll at least be on the path towards the truth. 

So without further ado, let's dive in.