Attraction Marketing for Network Marketers by Erik Christian - HTML preview

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Thanks for downloading the ebook, Attraction Marketing Secrets for Network Marketers.  Network marketers have a rough road ahead of them, but travel the rocky road to the final destination will most likely reward them a six or seven figure income.

Your “short-game” in this business is to study your “back-office”, activate your autoship, set up your downline rotator, email your upline, and use the product.

Your “long-game” is the focus of this book. What is a “long-game” you ask. Pretend you’re a farmer. You wouldn’t expect to throw some seeds on the ground and expect a crop to sprout in two weeks would you? The birds would eat the seeds and the rain would wash the rest away. You would have to cultivate the soil, add nutrients to the soil that produce ideal growing conditions, then dig and sow the seeds. You would have to water and protect the seeds as they sprout for at least 3 months.

In network marketing you’re a farmer and you just bought the farm, the equipment, the tools and the dirt. Now you have to learn how to farm. Most network marketers rush to tell their friends they have a farm, but the new farmer has no produce to offer the friends to taste, or if he does he tells his friends to eat an entire raw squash right there! The friends think you’re crazy and you argue with them, “No, it’s great, eat the whole thing!” The friends leave and write you off as crazy.

Relax. Your seeds are still dormant ten inches down in the soil. Go back into your house and Google “cultivating”. Learn about seeds. Learn how much sun and water they need. If you get greedy and think more water on your seeds will produce bigger vegetables, you will kill the seeds before they sprout.

In network marketing the best thing to do is work on yourself first. Network marketing is all about people who are very intuitive and quick to discredit you if they smell greed or false intentions.

The quickest thing to do to work on yourself is to read books. If you don’t like to read, your chances of success are already down 50 percent. If you want to read more, but don’t have a bookstore near you, that’s okay. In fact, eBooks are the only way to read books these days and you can get a Kindle Reader or a Kindle App on your smartphone.

Once you download the Kindle App onto your phone for free, order “Go Pro” by Eric Worre, and “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. These books will help you immensely in building a strong network marketing foundation.

Now, let’s work on your long-game while your seeds are still seeds. A lot of people still love Facebook, but for people like me who have no organic friends on Facebook, I would skip it for now. The quickest way to get your message out there without really knowing anybody is Twitter. I love Twitter and have over 186,000 real followers who see my messages every day, but don’t worry about the numbers they will come to you as well. (Follow me here:

Let’s triple our efforts, shall we? Create 3 Twitter accounts with 3 separate Gmail accounts. This will take you an hour to four hours to do. Go to and make your first or second gmail account right now.

Once you have your first email, create a Twitter account. If you already have one, make 2 more. You will need to upload your profile picture and background picture onto Twitter. Find out the dimensions for both. Use a real headshot for all three twitter profiles. People like to see real people, not a stock photo or a picture of a car, that’s okay for your background photo though.

Let’s say your name is John Gosham Smith. Your twitter accounts could be called:

John Smith

J. Gosham Smith

John Gosham

If you want to get International exposure to your network marketing business you could do one for Spanish, one for Norwegian and one English, or whatever country you like, but still be real, use a variation of your real name, but when it comes to tweets and your bio it will be in the language of that country you chose. If you don’t know the language, get a translator on Fiverr. We will discover what tweets are your most popular later, which you can have translated and kept on a Word Doc for when you want to tweet in that language.

So, with all three Twitter accounts you will be delicate with them in the beginning. Do not spam anyone through direct message, you will be suspended pretty quick. The safest thing to do in the first month is tweet popular quotes (Google ‘Goodreads’ Quotes). Use quotes from a field of interest you like, like business quotes and life quotes. If you want to be taken seriously don’t tweet mushy love quotes meant for 13 year olds.

Following on Twitter is key to building your Twitter, but you have to start slow or they will temporarily suspend you. A safe number to follow is 25-50 a day, 5 days a week, take Saturday and Sunday off. Don’t follow celebrities, most won’t follow you back. In two weeks you will have followed 500 people. Ideally 200 have followed you back by now.

Now, it’s time to unfollow people who have not followed you back. It’s been two weeks, if they haven’t followed you yet they probably won’t. This is where you get a free version of an “Unfollower” App. I either use or They are free if you only “unfollow” up to 100 people a day. There’s others out there but I’m only familiar with:

Try one for each of your Twitter accounts. What you do is log into one of your Twitter accounts and open a new window in your browser and go to Sign in using the Twitter sign in button. Then, authorize the app to go into your Twitter. You want to unfollow the oldest followers first. The ratio I like to use with a beginning Twitter account (1 month old) is follow 50/ unfollow 25, five days a week. Also, click on the box to send a “direct message” to your new followers. This is where it is okay to say something about your opportunity. I use, “Would you like to earn an extra $500-1000 a month? Go here: (your shortened link).

Keep retweeting interesting content and quotes. You can put your opportunity link in 1 out of 5 tweets you do. Keep building your Twitters daily. Once they get bigger (3k followers) you can automate your tweets. I like automating my tweets with You set-up a time schedule when you want the tweet to go out, then you load the buffer with tweets. You have to drag and drop previously tweeted tweets from the analytics tab back into the twitter tab to get them tweeted again. If this sounds foreign to you, find a video on Youtube for Buffer tutorial.

Buffer is great. I set it up to tweet overnight and I found a whole pocket of European followers who signed up to my company. I found hundreds of leads from a market that I basically slept through before. Buffer is only 10-20 bucks a month and is worth it!

If you want to automate everything on your Twitters and you’re ready to go big, then get: Again watch tutorials on how to set it up. This program follows/unfollows for you and tweets. This is all you need right now with twitter.

Next, you are going to set up three blogs, using:

Again, use your real name and a sub-title like:

John Goshom, helping MLM become mainstream…

Using your real name everywhere solidifies your “brand” and the subtitle tells people that you’re not just hyping a product. Once you get used to being a network marketer you will understand that you will benefit more in the long-run helping others get successful before yourself. This is the key to Attraction Marketing. Become the go-to expert in your desired field.

Be sure and upload the same profile picture for every site. People want to recognize you immediately and trust you and they can’t do that quickly if you use various headshots of when you were bald, had a Mohawk, then a business-type style. Stay reliable with your image and your bio. Wouldn’t it be weird if you walked into McDonalds and they offered dog grooming and nail designs under “large fries?” Stay consistent.

We will post on these blogs after you create a 2-3 minute introductory video of yourself. Use your camera and film yourself telling a short story of your “why.” Your “why” is basically your rags to riches scenario, but be real. My story was that I was tired of flipping burgers for a living, partying way too hard, had a heart-attack at age 32, and was sick of my failures. I ended my story by discovering my calling and now I am successful and have an abundant life. For a more detailed bio of me go here:

Tell a brief story about yourself. Be real. Be humble. If you go into a rampant sales pitch you will instantly shatter your credibility. Just relax about your company’s products. The longer you hold out on your “pitch” the bigger the reward is in the end.

Now that you have a video on your camera, or other device, save it to your desktop. Save it as the name you’re going to title it on Youtube. Google spider bots look at all the details of things you post on the web, even names on files, so this will help your “Search Engine Optimization.”  Upload your video, name it, then put your website or blog address link first in the caption box, then a brief description.

After the description is done hit the enter button several times until you can’t see your description anymore. Then, write keywords related to your video separated with a comma, like this: “network marketing techniques, MLM tips, my story, how to survive cat needing, how to network market.” Okay, leave the cat out. Then, copy and paste this group of keywords and paste it into Youtube’s keyword box. They will automatically be separated into keywords. Hit the publish button.

Now, you have your first video! Hit the share button under your video and click the yellow and white “B” button, this will take you to Blogger. You will have to authorize Youtube to access your Blogger. Your video will then appear in the Blogger box. Put your mouse to the right side of your video and click enter a few times until you have created space under the video to write a brief 100-200 word paragraph about your video and who you are. Then, post a link to your website or other blog. Highlight the link and hit the “link” button in Blogger to make your link live, then hit publish or post.

Then, go to your blog and hit the post button. Choose “Video.” Copy and paste your video link by hitting the share button on Youtube and copy and paste the video link into the little box to the left in your new video post on Wordpress. Title it and post a UNIQUE 100-200 word description for the video. It has to be a different version from your post on Blogger so that search engines recognize it as being unique. Add keywords. In Wordpress, one worded keywords are okay, like their categories: wealth, success, entrepreneur, jobs, network marketing, MLM, money. I use these and get onto many different areas of Wordpress.

To “turbo-charge” your new post, go to “Reader” in the top left of your blog and go to the categories you just posted as keywords. Start with “wealth.” “Like” every post down the wall until you get tired. Then move onto “Success” and repeat. People will come look at your blog when they see you “liked” theirs. I like posts until I receive 50 views to mine. It usually climbs to 100 views by the end of the day. Be sure and have a link at the bottom of your post that leads them to your website or Youtube channel.

Then, go to and write an article and post your video. Make sure the article is again UNIQUE. Add appropriate keywords, add your video & website link and publish.

Okay, so basically you have created a “link chain.” You have links on your Twitter bio under “website”, you have a link below your video and you have links on 3 blogs. If they all direct back to your company website or pre-enrollee capture page, that’s 7 backlinks.

The last website I use to tie all these together is It’s a very popular website that is overlooked by many, but gets ranked high on Google. Go ahead and create an account. Use the same profile picture you’ve been using, or just sign in using Twitter or Facebook. Yes, I know, I said Facebook.

Slideshare seems complicated at first until I discovered where to create slide presentations using Go there now and click on “presentation.” Choose what kind of template you want to use. I like the “cool” template with a gradient grey scale. Don’t use wild templates because they will distract people away from your writing.

Go ahead and title and subtitle your first slide. This will be a very short version of your post about you on your blogs, relating to your first video. The second slide to choose would be a “blank” one. Go ahead and experiment writing on it. You have to write in the text box below then copy and paste it onto the slide. Then you can increase the font size, change color and font style.

Write 5-6 slides about who you are and the second to the last slide choose a blank slide and go to “Insert” and copy and paste your video link again from Youtube and put it in the URL spot. Your video will then appear in that slide! The last slide is then: “Please visit: (your website) for more info. Add your website as a live link by going to “link” up to the right.

That’s it! Download the whole presentation as a PDF. Save it to your desktop and upload it to Make sure to title it, add a short description and add relevant keywords. All your titles should be similar to one another, but not the same, example:

Work with John Gosham

My Story by John Gosham

Meet Entrepreneur John Gosham

Now, you have completed a full cycle and this should be done every other day, no less. Here’s a sample of a daily schedule:

Wake up.

Follow/unfollow on Twitter, tweet 3-5 times on each.

Film your video. (tutorials, not hyping product)

Post on Wordpress. (Like other posts till you have 50 views)

Post on Blogger (by hitting the Blogger share button through Youtube)

Post on Quora (Unique article, relevant keywords)

Slideshare presentation of video.

Add links to all of them.

Do this every other day for one year. People will take notice of you. In fact, you will have a sizeable following and people will want to work with you. This is Attraction Marketing in action. You can add more social media sites when you get the first system down.

I follow on Pinterest after I follow on Twitter because I think Pinterest is going to be huge. Just think of the possibilities with Pinterest, especially when 3-D images come out, 3-D GIF’s in action. You could turn your whole Pinterest wall into an animated design using different colorful 3-D pins. You could make a waterfall or a giant face. (Just a thought, Pinterest, you might want to work on that :) If this is overwhelming you, break each step down and take your time.

When I started my network marketing business I ignored my upline, because I was bull-headed and thought I could do it alone. About two months later, I came around and looked at the methods my uplines were doing. I still felt the aura of “old school” when speaking to them. I wanted a system that was all online. Their argument was you still need to form relationships with these people. I agreed somewhat, but the “depersonalization” the internet, and especially smartphones are causing, won’t be a concern of mine ‘bonding’ with people in a few years.

Think about it, look around and see the sea of people in public with their faces glued to their Smartphones. People have moved online, literally. One of the biggest websites out there is called, SecondLife. This is a virtual playground for people online. There’s actually people making a living by designing clothes, weapons, cars, fancy body parts for your avatar, etc. on SecondLife. This is scary. Also, people are meeting other people on there and forming SecondLife relationships, fine and dandy if you’re single. My point is that human interaction as we know it is changing very rapidly. Don’t get me wrong, you can still form awesome friendships in person and life is beautiful. Life is in the eye of the beholder…

I’m not a social butterfly and human interaction for me is intense and most of my downline is International. This is okay now in network marketing and I’m glad. I want a system in place for my new members that they can plug into online, i.e. webinars, training calls, videos. I’m not going to Australia to say hello to one of my members. Yes, there’s Skype. If you want to chat go on Facebook. I’m happy clicking my mouse and don’t have to get dressed to leave the house and go to networking events that rarely work building my business.

Before I began network marketing, I had tried everything under the sun to make money. The keyword here is “tried.” Most people try things and quit. Most people are professional quitters. Every year, after New Year’s Eve, the gym I go to fills up with new faces; people pumped up and ready to embark on fulfilling their New Year’s resolutions. They last a month, and 75% are gone and the gym is quiet again. It’s a silly game of self-deceit and believe me, my middle name was “denial.” But, I had been beaten down so many times by lusting after the quick dollar, or tackling new occupations I didn’t work at, that I began to wise up. I began asking myself “when am I going to stop quitting things and see something all the way through?”

I read the book “Go for No” by Richard Fenton and it dawned on me that every time I got close to the edge of “failure” I turned around and ran back to safety. I read further that true success comes after the “temporary failure zone.” You have to go through the setbacks, move around roadblocks and brace yourself during turbulent times, and when you open your eyes and it’s a new day, that new day could be filled with the glimpses of success. You will get nice surprises left and right. You will get checks in the mail, people will request interviews with you, your lover no longer calls you names.

But, this takes massive endurance and the only way you can keep going is to have a strong “why.” What’s your why? “Why” is because you’ve been divorced, fired, alcoholic, abused, ridiculed, mocked, lied to, deceived, ridiculed by bosses, the street lights are red too long, etc. But, you rise above it because, you’re worth more than that, you want to buy your mom a house, you want to pay off a huge debt, you want to fire your boss, your old friends are laughing at you from their barstools and you’re going to change all of it! That’s your “why”, and remember it every morning you wake up, and pray to it because it’s your story for a reason. If you quit, it’s your story; if you prevail and climb the ranks in your company, it’s your story. You’re the only one who lives with your story every day.

In the beginning of your network marketing career you are like a gangly freshman. People will tease you and the bullies will drive nice cars and work at a job that pays a reliable income. You have no income yet. 80% of network marketers make 20-40 bucks a month in the beginning. Don’t despair. The leaders in your company usually have brought in years of experience, but to you it seems like they’re overnight successes. Don’t quit your day job yet, but take pride in your new business and prospect during your lunch break using your phone and in the evenings. You might have to give up a show or two on TV. Treat this like a business and it will pay like a business; treat this like a hobby and it will pay like a hobby.

How are your seeds doing? “What seeds?” you ask. Yes, your farm that you bought. Oh right. Anything growing yet? I see a little green sprout and it’s the realization that this network marketing business is serious, but be happy you found it. What other industry can you start your own business for 75-200 bucks a month, have marketing materials already made for you, and the product is drop shipped to your customers and distributors? I love it and you probably want to also.

Back to your daily routine. How are your twitter accounts doing? If one got suspended, click the link they offer to unsuspend it and slow down on following/unfollowing. It’s time to look at your tweet stats in Buffer. Buffer will email you the most popular tweets you have posted within the last week. Begin saving these reports of your best tweets for your opportunity. Copy and paste the best tweets into a Word Doc. and save as “top tweets.”

If you have a Spanish Twitter and let’s say a Russian Twitter you would then find a Spanish and  Russian translator on Fiverr. You would send them the Doc. for them to translate. Leave enough space in-between tweets so the translator can put the translated tweet underneath.

Now, you have your best tweets in the foreign language you desire. Copy and paste a tweet into the tweet space and grab your company’s link, shorten it using buffer, and Tweet it. Now you are tweeting your best tweets to the foreign market. My biggest dream is to have team members in all the countries I want to visit. Yes, I said I dislike social interaction, but I would be blissed out in a foreign land and can ‘turn it on’ when I need to.

Inside buffer you can see how many people clicked through on a tweet, which is helpful to know which ones are working or not. Also, Buffer has pre-made tweets for you from other news sources, so if you get tired of creating your own tweets you can use their suggestions. Right now they offer 25 a day which is a lot, but if you use too many, your personal message will be diluted which can harm your business.

The more followers you have on Twitter the more you can tweet, in my opinion. I have my Buffer set up to tweet every 15 minutes. Now, you might lose followers, this is normal, but you are probably getting more followers than unfollowers. If your stats in your unfollower program says “Followed You: 48” & “Unfollowed You 96” for the day, then you might want to slow down the promotional tweets and add more quotes. People love quotes and will follow you just because of it.

Once you get efficient with the system I showed you with posting videos, blogging it, and doing a Slideshare presentation, you can add more sites to the mix. You can add:

These are called 2.0 websites and are like blogs you can set up and share with a community. Hubpages is kind of picky with quality issues, so make sure your video quality is good and your content is original and not spammy. Of course, add your video where you can, write a short original post, add keywords and link back to your main website. If you do these four extra websites and link your articles back to your website that’s 11 backlinks!

I’m not going to get into the technical details of each site because I’m not a technical type of person, but there’s plenty of videos on how to set up each one.

With doing the system every other day, you will accumulate massive amounts of your content on the internet, which will slowly rise to the top of Google and you will start getting “organic” traffic back to your site. Organic traffic are people that found you on their own, not traffic you paid for, or lead there with advertising. Organic traffic is the name of the Attraction Marketing game.

Back to making videos, if you are confused on what to talk about, visit: You can find ideas from my videos, but basically you want to be honest with your viewers and share your new experiences with network marketing. Pretend it’s a video diary. Once you get better at it you can delete the older ones, or change the settings to “private” for the ones you want to hide. Remember, you can “fake it, till you make it.” The more you do anything, the more confident you will be.

Another great website to super-charge your video submission process is This is where you can set-up 6-10 different sites that accept video, so when you want to publish a video using the file from your camera that you saved as a file on your desktop, you would go to Upload the video, add title and keywords and a link to your website and hit publish. OneLoad will distribute your video to all the platforms you activated on OneLoad. It saves a ton of time and your video is now on many sites instead of just Youtube!

Most network marketers don’t know what to do when they start out. It’s the most vulnerable time and one negative comment from friends or family can derail you instantly. My suggestion is to not mention it to your friends or family for at least the first month. Take this time to learn as much as you can. Be careful here, it’s easy to get stuck in “learning mode” and never share your opportunity with anybody.

Find a “running partner”, someone who is positive and ideally has joined the same time as you, possibly a boyfriend or girlfriend if they are supportive of you. Connect with your upline. If your sponsor is M.I.A. go to their sponsor, keep moving up the ladder until you find a positive mentor who can help. In the meantime, read each night and visualize your future of where you want to be in 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years.

Write down specific goals for each time frame and look at them in the morning and before bed. Your subconscious mind will begin working to achieve those goals if you have a “burning desire”, faith, and your “why’ is strong enough. I didn’t believe it at first, but the more I used positive self-talk or “auto-suggestions” the more I saw miraculous things happen in my life. It’s not voodoo. You attract what you think about and if you think your life is hard, your job sucks and your friends are stupid that’s what you’ll have. Think rich.

Here’s what I say to myself two hours each night:

“I get one new IBO each week from around the world, because I’m a Network Marketing professional who attracts entrepreneurs, leaders and motivated individuals.”

“I am open and receptive to the wealth and abundance the Universe gives me, and I pay my bills off in full each month and eat dinner out three times a week.”

“I attract wealth. I am a money magnet. Money flows to me like water runs downhill.”

“I travel the world helping others become successful and I rescue animals.”

“I forget the past, embrace the future and stay in the moment.”

Positive self-talk is very important. If you have any subconscious negativity associated with MLM, network marketing, and/or money, it will be hard to grow your business. Change your surroundings to a positive environment. I had listened to hardcore music since I was a boy and one day I really listened to the lyrics. Yes, it took me 25 years to listen to the lyrics. Not really, but as a musician myself I mostly listened to the drumming and guitars, the lyrics were usually blurred by the loud power-chords of the guitars. Anyways, I had turned off the TV years ago and now my music was changed to uplifting meditative songs. No lyrics usually, just waves and whales singing. Yes, I know what I’m typing. I haven’t been hacked by third-world spiritualists.

On to Prospecting, prospecting is where it all happens. If you’re not sharing your opportunity with people you’re not growing your business and earning money. The system I gave you is the long-game, but that will take time to see results. In the meantime, you need to prospect beginning in your second month. Here’s a timeline:

1st Month: Learn network marketing. Get familiar with your company. Begin the system that I showed you. (videos, blogs, Twitter.)

2nd Month: Begin prospecting.

3rd Month: Teach new members how to duplicate. The easier your system is the quicker your team will grow.

The most basic explanation of this system is:

a) Join the company/ Love the product

b) Recruit people.

c) Teach those people how to recruit.

d) Repeat.

That’s it. You can either prospect by leading with the product, or lead by the opportunity.


Lead by the product: “This has helped me lose 30 pounds in 3 months.”

Lead by the opportunity: “Earn a second income without getting a second job.”

The smaller the step is for a new prospect to join your opportunity, the more likely they will sign on. It’s easier in my opinion to promote something that is $75 a month to start rather than $600 to start. That’s just my opinion, there’s high-end distributors who sell $4000 products/packages and that’s great also.

There’s a big misconception in network marketing. People think it’s “selling.” It’s not. If you truly love the product, you would “share” it with people, just like you would “recommend” an awesome movie to someone. People think they have to fill their garages with products and sell them from the back of their car in parking lots. Not true. If someone signs up under you, the product is “drop-shipped” directly to them. You don’t need a surplus of