Are You Sinking Your Business by Jim Eastman - HTML preview

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Before you read any further, take just a moment and think about the last 24 hours of your life. Then, think about the last week. I'll bet that, like a lot of business owners, a large part of your day and your week was spent doing routine tasks that didn’t produce any incomefor your business!

How much revenue did you produce paying bills? Replying to emails? Did you increase your bottom line when you spent four hours generating invoices?

Now think about this: What if every task you did during your day actually added value to your business? Imagine how much your business could grow if you could hire an assistant to do all of those mundane, non-revenue generating tasks that are eating up your valuable time?

I bet you’re thinking, "Hey, I'm a small business (or individual) just starting out. I just don't have the money for something like that" ... am I right?

00002.jpgIn this short book, we’re going to show you that you CANget the help you need, and at a MUCH lower cost than you would have thought possible!

Keep reading. You’re going to learn how a small investment that nearly any business can afford will free you up to GROW your business ... instead of working your butt off day after day just to maintain it.

Meet Ben. After 15 years as an Entrepreneur, Ben began his 2nd career as a college professor and later took the same plunge as you. He became an entrepreneur again, and started yet another business from scratch. Ben worked hard to build his business all by himself and while he saw his latest business grow, two tough realities became clear:

First, he noticed that his business stopped growing despite all his hard work. Second, he noticed that there was far too much work for any one person to handle and that he just couldn't do it all himself, and had to get some help.

Like any American businessman, he went on a search for a secretary.

In America, hiring a trustworthy employee to do a professional job means paying rates of $20 or more per hour plus all of the other associated expenses. It also means health insurance, worker’s
compensation insurance, payroll
taxes, a lot of IRS forms that begin
with the letter, “W”, and all of the
other administrative functions that
go along with labor law compliance.

This quickly became an unworkable option both in terms of money and the time it would take to be in compliance with American labor laws.

Ben talked to friends who had gone
through the same growing pains as he was experiencing. They recommended a virtual assistant. As Ben learned, a VA is a person who can do any task that a traditional secretary can do if that task doesn’t require a physical presence.

Ben learned that while there are plenty of virtual assistants in The United States, there are advantages to hiring an assistant from another country. Because of this wealth of knowledge Ben received, he hired a virtual assistant from Russia.

Ben later hired from other countries including Romania, China, Pakistan, and India.

We’ll tell you more about Ben later, but there’s little doubt that you can tell a story that begins and ends somewhere in Ben’s timeline. Maybe you already have assistants, or maybe you’re just starting out but see the inevitable future of needing help.

This ebook is going to help you in your journey by preparing you for the next big, and very CRUCIAL step in the evolution of your business.


Statistics show that 20% of your work results in 80% of your income.


This should be both alarming and exciting to every small business owner.



On one hand, this illustrates that a shocking 80% of what you’re doing isn’t producing any income for your business.

On the other hand, this is exciting because it shows that you don’t have to work nearly as hard as you are now in order to produce growth.

90% of all entrepreneurs work more hours than those who work for somebody else ... but it just IS NOT NECESSARY!

Just because everybody does it doesn’t mean it’s right and it doesn’t mean that you have to follow the pack. If 50% of all small businesses fail, maybe it’s time to try something new.


I know that’s not very nice to say, but for the sake of your business, it's important that you hear it. Please, bear with me here.

To show you why, think about an
hourglass. When you turn an hourglass


over, all of the sand is on one side.


There's enough sand to flow for exactly


one hour. But what's keeping the sand