Affiliate Marketers Handbook by Hilton Recardo Izak Hartnick - HTML preview

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2.2 Search Engines ?

There's no doubt that a high ranking on the first page of a search engine like Google beats nearly every other form of traffic generation.

After all, potential customers are actively searching on keywords that are relevant to the site.

The problem is in attaining and maintaining a high ranking. Here's what I mean.



I don't want to build an online business on such shaky foundations.

Do you ?

I want to use fundamental pillars of Internet marketing which will always remain rock solid.

You will see them in this strategy.

2.3 First - the best way to presell your product

Here's an article I wrote back in 1998 - and it's still true.


That article was written before the days of ebooks as we know them now and we can adapt the key idea to use with a free ebook.

What you do is produce an ebook about your product niche which provides quality information and includes links to your own products.

The secret is to have highly relevant links and weave them naturally into the content in a low key style without appearing to push for a sale. So when you discuss a particular topic and want to show where more detail can be found, or how a particular problem can be solved, that's where you can mention your product as a source of further information. If you want to see really good examples of how to do this read my free ebook 101 SuperTips.

See - that last sentence was an ACTUAL working example of how to weave in a link.

By the way if you have no idea how to write a book help is at hand in Chapter 4. Apart from the book 'Create Hot Products Fast' you will find a tool e-WriterPro which will produce professional looking PDF files. No need to buy an expensive Adobe product.

There's no doubt that a free information type ebook is one of the most powerful methods of product promotion.


And there's another great advantage in offering your visitor an ebook.

You can capture his contact details and then run a series of follow-up messages designed to clinch the sale, using an autoresponder tool.

Compare this to a web page where a visitor leaves and you have no further contact.

So now the issue turns to getting traffic to your ebook first instead of directly to your site.

2.4 Getting traffic to your ebook (Part 1)

There are hundreds of directories where you can submit a free ebook - you can find them by running a search on 'free ebook directories' or similar.

These directories exist to supply webmasters and ezine publishers who are looking for good free content which they can use to give to their visitors or subscribers as a bonus or an incentive.

2.5 Getting traffic to your ebook (Part 2)

Remember when I said that it must be your own product not an affiliate product ?

That's because you can now bring the might of an AFFILIATE FORCE to your promotions.

You allow affiliates to use their affiliate link to your product inside the ebook. This is done by 'rebranding' the ebook.

(You will find some traditional rebranding tools in the Tools section of the Resale Rights Guide - and a new unique tool in the next chapter )

If you have not used affiliates before here are a few quick tips.


But there's yet another way to get affiliates - and they will be beating a path to your door - in the next section.

2.6 A massive step beyond

There's something that website owners love more than ebooks - ARTICLES.

The more the merrier.

They use articles on their site and reap the earnings from AdSense ads because search engines thrive on good content

Articles get MASSIVE distribution.

You can submit them to article directories, article announcement lists and to ezine publishers. Once again just run a search and you will find endless lists.

So your next step is to produce an article which 'presells' your free ebook.

It's not difficult - the information is already there !

There should be lots of valuable content in your ebook so you can summarize the key concepts and turn that into an article. You then put a link to your ebook in the article resource box.

Here is how I did it.


Note how the article presells the ebook and the ebook presells the product.

To see why this is effective consider the above case. After a potential customer has read about the '23 Ways To Use An Ad Tracker' he will realise how valuable an ad tracker can be but if he gets sent directly to my recommended product AdTrackz he will still be left wondering

– how do I get an ad tracker to work ?

– what are the different types of tracker and how do they compare ?

– why is the author recommending this particular one ?

All this information is explained in the ebook so we move the customer along one stage at a time gradually building up his interest and curiosity.

And now if you have been wondering how to attract affiliates here's the simple step which will have them begging to join your affiliate program.

You allow the article publisher to change the link in the resource box to point to his rebranded version of the ebook.


Now, if that will have affiliates beating a path to your door then Chapter 3 will produce a stampede.