31 Days to a Better Business in 2014 by Marey Hoeppner - HTML preview

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Small Changes

As timing would have it, the beginning of a new

case for it and repeated my friend’s positive

budget was about to start in my office, and

experience), and when we received our electric

we were asked if there was anything that we

folder, my team looked at it suspiciously. I

wanted on a “wishlist” of new purchases for our

had six people who were spending around 45

office, and were given an office supply book to

minutes to an hour a day folding subpoenas

help inspire our choices. I thought about what

and summonses and letters to people on a

might be helpful, and then about how many

daily basis, and stuffing them into envelopes

documents the people I supervised mailed

with windows in them to show addresses. The

out daily, and quickly turned to the section on

electronic letter folder shortened the task to

electric paper folders and made a choice.

around 10 minutes daily for each of them. The

time savings were substantial, and the cost

It was approved (after I made a quick business

was slightly more than $100.