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Author: Tim Scott and Trey Gowdy

Pages: 240

Edition: Hardcover

List Price: $24.99

Published: Apr, 2018

Publisher: Tyndale House

ISBN: 9781496430410

Highest rank: #14 on 7th, Apr 2018

First entered: 7th, Apr 2018

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary

In a divided country desperate for unity, two sons of South Carolina show how different races, life experiences, and pathways can lead to a deep friendship―even in a state that was rocked to its core by the 2015 Charleston church shooting.

Tim Scott, an African-American US senator, and Trey Gowdy, a white US congressman, won’t allow racial lines to divide them. They work together, eat meals together, campaign together, and make decisions together. Yet in the fall of 2010―as two brand-new members of the US House of Representatives―they did not even know each other. Their story as politicians and friends began the moment they met and is a model for others seeking true reconciliation.

In Unified, Senator Scott and Congressman Gowdy, through honesty and vulnerability, inspire others to evaluate their own stories, clean the slate, and extend a hand of friendship that can change your churches, communities, and the world.


Tim Scott

Name: Tim Scott

Trey Gowdy

Name: Trey Gowdy

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