You Die, We Grieve, They Rejoice by Michael Burke - HTML preview

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The Doorway

Death is simply like opening a door and walking through it.  There you find yourself back at your true home, with your true friends, companions and family who rejoice at your return.  You completed that lifetime; learning and experiencing as much as you could or couldn’t, and now you returned home.  Those loved ones you left behind on Earth, you will be there to greet them when they have finished their lifetime and they cross over, and you will rejoice with them at their special reunion.

Yes, many people fear death because of their religious faith and/or upbringing.  They fear the ‘Hell’ that was programmed into them by their religious beliefs.  Religion told them they ‘Sinned against God’ and therefore they must be damned to a burning Hell with Satan torturing them throughout eternity.  But once they cross over and meet with their friends and family, they will then realize there is no Hell, or Satan or other such negative things waiting for them.  Religions of the world use such devices to control the people, so they will obey the rules and authority of those holding religious power.

Mankind created religions, not God.  God loves all his creations unconditionally.  But if you wish, it is your right; you have free will to believe in such things as Demons and Devils if you wish.  Once you cross over and see that those negative things were simply put there for your learning and/or spiritual growth, you will be truly elated at that discovery. 

 Souls are basic energy creations, as God is infinite energy.  Energy is simply that part of God that connects us all to each other and to God.  God created Souls in order to experience that which he created on an emotional level.  As a Soul we grow and experience the knowledge of God, who then in turn experiences through us, his creations.  God gave us, his soul creations the limited ability to create and the free will to lead ourselves into the experience of the negative and positive that exists in all physical life.

Souls can experience the negative, whereas God cannot.  So God experiences the negative through us, his creations.  As souls, we are always experiencing and gathering information for God.  No matter whether we are in the human form or back in our home dimension, we are seeking to grow more God-like in our own right.

Just remember, your Soul at death, no matter what type of exit you chose feels no pain of any kind.  Your physical body may react to whatever is happening because of the brain and the impulses that it is still receiving at the time your Soul separates from the physical body.  But the true you, the pure energy being that inhabited that physical form will feel no pain or suffering of any kind as you separate from it.  You will feel so amazingly loved and truly peaceful once you finally free yourself of that small, limiting body of flesh.

Some people say the loss of a child is the most severe loss one can experience, but that is not true.  Anyone who loses a mother or father, a wife or husband, a brother or sister, a son or daughter, a true friend or companion, or even a beloved pet;  that loss to ‘them’ may be the most devastating.  Each person experiences the loss of a loved one in their own way.  No one can measure how much grief we will go through or for how long it will take us to come to terms with our grief. 

Those who die and cross over to the other side are extremely grateful to return home.  No longer bound to a physical body, they no longer suffer from any disease or physical pains of any type or degree.  They are once again whole and full of energy; where there is no aging process or limitations to experience as they did in a human form.  Unconditional love envelops them on a continuous basis.  As beings of pure energy they do not need food, water, shelter, or oxygen to sustain their soul form. 

Since we incarnate to planet Earth to learn and experience many things we cannot experience on the other side, each lifetime is very important to each one of us.  These lifetimes we venture into help us grow spiritually.  They help us understand the true nature of God and allow us to become more God-like in our own patterns of growth.

So no matter when someone dies and returns home, just try and realize it was their decision to leave at that point in time and to leave in the fashion that they left.  How old they were when they died and returned home was their choice.  The method they use to return home is their basic choice; to die in a plane crash, a vehicular accident, to be murdered, to take their own life, to die from old age; your exit from this lifetime was decided by ‘you’ before you were born.

Grieve not over ‘when’ your loved one died or not over ‘how’ they died; simply grieve for the physical loss they no longer have in your life, for they are now on the other side and are happy and rejoicing, knowing that you, their loved one will join them when your chosen time of departure comes.  They will be ready and waiting as you cross over for your reunion with them.  Yes, their departure leaves a big hole in our hearts because they are no longer here with us in the physical form, but they are always watching over you and waiting for the day you return home.

So grieve, but remember, you are still here on Earth because you have more to learn and experience.  Don’t waste your life in grief and sorrow for you will be reunited with your loved one soon enough.  Hold that love in your heart and move on to fulfill your spiritual growth.

Things You May Experience

Obviously souls who have chosen a sudden ending to their life, such as a vehicular wreck or some type of murder or death through war or the like won’t experience what are called the stages of grieving before death.  Those who have chosen for their learning experience a slower death, such as a terminal illness, will then have the opportunity to grieve or not grieve as they so desire.

It has been noted that those individuals who have been told of their impending death react in many different ways to such news depending on their religious beliefs or lack thereof.  There is a basic model used to convey the stages of death, those being; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.  Some individuals will express all the listed stages, while others will go through only a few and still some may not express but only one that of acceptance based on the reason for their impending death.

Depression, for those who decide to experience it, can be the hardest stage to deal with.  Some will enter it and remain there until death overtakes them.  Others will experience it for a time and then move on with what remains of their time on earth.

Depression, like stress, is caused by the physical mind attempting to rid their soul of feelings which do not agree with their physical or energy body.  When the mind engages in repeated negative thoughts and/or actions the only way the body knows how to cope is to bring on depression and/or anxiety trying to protect itself.  These thoughts or actions go against the soul’s true and higher self.

To move from depression, one must change their negative thoughts and/or move out of the negative behavioral pattern they have moved into, or been caught up in.  Whatever caused you harm or mental anguish, you can simply move from it by taking positive action to move from it or away from those who push you in a negative direction.

No pill will bring this change; there must be a physical, mental, emotional and/or change in their beliefs by the person in order to move out of the depression and/or stress they are experiencing.  True change must come from within the person; you must come to terms with your situation.  No therapist, doctor, friends or family can do it for you.  It is your life, your experience, your lesson you chose for your spiritual advancement. 

The stage or stages you as an individual have decided to experience will aid in your understanding of your physical life as it comes to a close.  You have already experienced death in other lifetimes, so as far as your soul or true energy self is concerned this is merely another experience before you leave the physical body behind and your soul returns home.  Some will be able to grasp this understanding as others will not.

Fear not the loss of your physical body for it has done its intended job, that of allowing your energy form to enter this physical dimension in order to learn and grow spiritually.  It has served its purpose and now it is time to lay it aside.

The Dead Speak to Us

Those who die can communicate with us depending on certain factors.  Such as if they want to speak to us or not.  You may have a family member or someone you knew and you didn’t get along with that person on Earth.  You and/or they don’t want to communicate, not when they were on Earth or not now that they have crossed over.  So in that situation there will be no attempts at communication between you and them.

Now for those you truly loved and are now grieving for, they may make contact with you once you are in a more stable frame of mind.  After you regain control of your emotions and mental state, they may then seek to communicate with you.  They have several ways in which to make this communication to let you know they are fine and doing well back home.

They may try and enter your dreams, they may come and try to use their energy to give you the sensation of being touched, or to give you the sensation that they are near you in your physical feelings or mental thoughts.  A pleasant memory may suddenly come into your mind, bringing a smile to your face, if only for a moment.  Bringing with it a sense of joy and calmness you have been longing for.  You may notice a faint smell of some pleasing aroma you associated with the person who departed your life, and feel comforted that they are close by watching over you.  You may notice small objects being moved from their normal place, or lights turned on that were off and the like.  All attempts to let you know they are alive and doing fantastic on the other side.

There are those who will even be able to see their departed love ones, should they so desire it.  Some on the other side may return just to be seen and let their loved one know they are all right and it is now time to stop grieving and worrying about them.  That it is time for them to move on with their life. 

Some of you may even seek to communicate with them through a Medium or Psychic.  This is fine as long as you seek out those who are pure of heart and offer to help you communicate or validate a connection with a departed loved one for reassurance, and not just to separate you from your money.  There are many fine Mediums and Psychics out there; but there are also many fakes out there just waiting to play upon your emotional state of mind for their monetary gain.  Research well those you decide to trust when trying to communicate with your loved ones on the other side of life.

We Chose Our Death

Here are but a few examples of how and/or why a Soul (energy being) chose a specific type of death which opens the doorway leading them back to their true home on the other side.  These avenues of death were chosen by the individual Soul themselves and no one in their family or friends caused or aided in their demise, other then what the individual Soul allowed.

Cancer is a commonly used disease by many Souls to force them to take note of their life.  Cancer can be something an energy being programmed into their human life to force them to confront the lesson of unconditional love as a means to further their spiritual growth, and/or the growth of those close to them.  Cancer is just one of the many diseases Souls chose to pull them out of the complacency they have followed in their life. 

Sitting in front of the TV or computer screen all day does nothing to help us with the true lessons we came here to experience.  So cancer and other diseases force you to refocus yourself on the true path you wanted to experience; that of advancing your Soul through the lessons of love.

Cancer for some is how they chose to leave this physical life.  That type of death will also have a profound impact on that individual’s family and friends.  Giving them the lesson, whether they learn it or not, that they too should not waste their life on mindless pursuits.  Allowing your life to be consumed by only sports or other mindless endeavors will not help you to grow spiritually, that’s why you came here; to advance your Soul or to help teach others how to grow spiritually.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or what some simply call Crib Death, here is one explanation for this occurrence.  Once the mother has given birth, from that point up until the approximate age of two, the new soul that has incarnated into this world through the baby’s body has a decision to make.  It can choose with its free will to stay and work on the lessons it chose to experience or it can back out of that planned life and simply leave and return from whence it came.

If it chooses to vacate the physical body, the baby’s shell simply dies.  With no soul inside the body, it stops functioning and shuts down.  So if there is no medical reason found for an infant’s death, the soul itself left for reasons only known to it.  Doctor’s then unable to find a medical cause term it to be a ‘Crib Death.’ 

The soul leaves the tiny body not to punish the parents (even though it may be a spiritual lesson for the parents) but for its own personal reasons seeking the best life to help it advance spiritually.

Suicide is no different an exit from this world then is any other manner of death.  God does not view it as a sin, for there is no such thing as sin.  Religions, not God, created sin as a form of control they could use on the people.  Suicide is a physical action manifested from the negative thoughts and emotional stress that persist on a persons mind and body.

These can be overcome while in a physical form, yet if the individual is unable to overcome and they commit suicide, there are those on the over side waiting for them as they cross over.  They meet with the distressed soul to provide counseling to help that soul understand the torment it was experiencing when it ended its human existence.

Young individuals who commit suicide are those who have only incarnated a few times and have not yet made the adjustment to the physical world.  They must overcome this fear in order to continue to learn in the human form.  For others who kill themselves there can be any number of reasons to do so; disease and/or physical pain, emotional and/or mental distress, an overwhelming experience and/or lesson, and the like.

Self inflicted death only returns you home, but know that you will incarnate again into a human form and face the same similar conditions as before; so that you can progress past the temptation of suicide and allow yourself to grow spiritually.

Accidents Are Planned Events

There is much adjustment that takes place in your life depending on your free will so that events that are planned may take place.  That is, not the specific event in most cases, but the event that brings about the desired experience or goal that ‘you’ planned to achieve and experience in this lifetime.

There are many things that influence free will and influence events on your lifetime.  Many things are planned, simply because they appeared accidental or inconsequential makes them no less important, though they might be.  An accident can bring your attention to an area that you were neglecting, even in terms of thought though the accident may have some physical impact.  There may also be implications for your emotions.  It is important to adjust your thinking to understand that there are no negative actions.

There are many things that unfold so that the desired plan, that which you were counseled and chosen to experience with your desire, that these things be accomplished.  You may learn love, for example, through any number of experiences, so it is not dependent at all times that you meet a specific individual or care for an individual so that a bond is formed or any other part of love or caring be experienced.

There are times when it is very dependent on the person because of their path and yours and how they interrelate.  But many goals and experiences will be brought about by the circumstances no matter how your free will has intertwined with your plan.

It is of utmost importance to keep your mind open and clear and not worry on how the event has been formed, but to understand that causal reasons, those important beyond the physical world, examine those that you will carry with you after your physical death.  Examine these reasons, the motivations, and the areas being affected.  These are what often determine growth or an area to review for some potential lesson or meaning after you have come through physical death.

It is not necessary at all times to feel as though you experienced a specific incident and then reacted poorly to it, though you may not understand the process now you will understand, or you still may not, upon your exit from this physical world.  Your reflection on this situation and understanding the correct, or universal, response that may have been more positive is as useful as if it were your initial response.

Typically, it is not known by you whether this also was the required response for the growth of yourself or others involved, though all actions should be considered and reviewed on terms of how you feel much later, after the incident.  Were you better off because of your reaction to the accident or were you feeling as though you reacted negatively towards yourself or others involved.  These are important if you are considering growth and evolution in your lifetime and beyond it. 

Please understand that it is important that all individuals know of lifetimes, or what is termed reincarnation; there is much said to deter any thought or thinking regarding this and many are expressing themselves, their emotions, and reacting as if there is no life beyond that of the grave.  That there is no impact, as if this is the only life they are ever given to live and experience.  It is important to know that you will live many lifetimes, and upon return to your true home, you will have the opportunity to review each previous lifetime, to examine and understand in order to aid in advancing your spiritual growth.

There are no accidents, so if your loved one died from what someone would call an accident, just know it was a planned event by that individual.  Not to cause pain or suffering or to punish someone who is left behind, but simply an ending to a lifetime in which they had completed their chosen lessons and experiences.  The lessons they could not or did not learn in that lifetime will be reviewed by them on the other side, and they will then program those missed experiences for their next lifetime.  There are no lost opportunities for a Soul’s advancement. 


The cycle of incarnation, or reincarnation as some call it, is merely the process chosen by many soul beings as a way to advance or progress at a faster rate.  One can progress just the same without ever incarnating into a physical body on planet Earth.  Yet spiritual advancement can be accomplished at an accelerated rate by incarnating into a physical form where the negative element can be experienced first hand, rather then simply studied and/or observed through other energy beings.  It is up to each soul individual as to which path they choose to follow.

Just know, your previous lifetimes have brought you to the place in which you currently reside.  There have been many on your current path that you have experienced in similar times.  There have been many mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters and the like; some were of great importance to you while others had little to do with you based on their own spiritual journey they were seeking.

It is not the nature of the societal construct of the family unit that is important; for many receive these same relationships at various points on the course of their lifetimes.  Just know that family is importance for some souls to help them learn and experience certain lessons, while other souls do not need the close family ties to learn or experience their chosen lessons. 

This is why some families stay connected and others seem to scatter to the winds.  Its just simply that individual souls desire which compel them to seek out their individual lessons, chosen by them for their personal growth.