The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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- This book is meant for the real leaders in the world and those who are about to fully awaken all dimensions of themselves. It is not an ordinary or commercial book for the sake of profit. It was designed the way it has been written on purpose and shall give you all answers you need for all issues in life. This entire content is purely dedicated to the ancient and sacred vedic scriptures, the oldest spiritual texts called Vedas and Agamas, the series of Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita etc. and the Initiations by my beloved enlightened master “Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam” to become more user friendly for mankind. The Vedas purely describe the ancient and authentic enlightenment science, wherein the Agamas explain the applied science of the Vedas in pure form. This book is the essence of all the greatest teachings put together and has been chronologically built, literally as a guide for you, to represent the spiritual evolution you are going to be initiated into.

Note from the Author:

"All the knowledge that this book contains is about awakening the soul (Sanskrit: Jiva) through the realization that God(Ishvara), the Source, Paramashiva or however you choose to call it, is experienced through initiation of an enlightened source, reflected back through our own efforts to reach that source: the seeking, which is being experienced, because we are more and more listening to its call, that is happening by its grace. When you made your whole way through this book, you will understand how to start to live enlightenment right away. One disciple once asked his enlightened master: “how do I know I will have gods grace?” The master beautifully replies: “All efforts you put into reaching god, is already by gods grace.”

“I bet you read a lot of books like me in your life and have seen, if you are an intelligent person, that most of the books talk too much about one and the same issue that could be summarized in three pages. This book shall give you an overall guide to reveal all steps of your inner evolution and upcoming inner awakenings your are already experiencing or are about to experience at first place. This entire content goes hand in hand with my own experience and is a pure reflection of me and will reflect your innermost as well. This is a bold statement, but I am responsible with these words I am sharing. I wanted to give you my greatest understandings I have cognized throughout my manifestation journey from beings who have a God consciousness. You will definitely love this book. I really believe that enlightenment is possible for every being, even animals. If this book will be shared, without your own effort, you will already have done the ultimate unto them.