The Soothsayer from Boskoop by Johan Smit - HTML preview

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Chapter 3.

(Paul C. Aldan, Pastor at a Lutheran Church, age 47)




Welcome, and how may I assist you this fine afternoon?



I have come seeking, not on behalf of my church, for you see I am a Pastor, but for my own personal behalf. Sometimes I have feelings that are different from what I have been taught by the church. My sermon for next Sunday concerns Easter, yet something deep inside me tells me what I was taught is not correct, and I don’t want to mislead or bring a false message to those who seek to be closer to God.

I don’t know why I even came to see you, my church doesn’t believe in this psychic stuff. In fact, they would condemn it and shun me if it was common knowledge I came here.



Yes, I can feel your emotional distress, yet there is a part of you that seeks to know more, for that part of you does register that there is a higher truth than what you have been taught to believe in.



What can you tell me concerning the truth of Easter?



Zelda, my guide, has stated that the spirit of Jesus, the being that is Jesus, cannot be contacted. This information comes from the true account of Jesus regarding the nature of Easter.

Easter is a time of reflection. The time of rebirth. There were many holidays that before this day, events leading up to it were shared by millions. It is a time of rebirth, a time for changing, a time for celebrating the spring as nature comes into active being, freeing itself from its apparent dormant state. The time for Jesus was not that rising from the dead, there are many accounts of this. He was not dead. There were illnesses of the time, he was not susceptible to many of these but would infrequently succumb to one.

Easter is rebirth. This should be shared with you and others as though it was the new year. Many seek out the new year as their purpose for starting fresh and beginning anew, Easter, and the energy associated with it through various religious holidays is more powerful for new beginnings than any other day.

It is shared with many and shared on many dates. Typically, May 1st, and the week leading to it, the energy is the strongest. This is energy associated with past acts and the intentions of those who focus on this time. Even in the modern Easter there are many representations of various religious traditions. It is not a time to segregate. Start new and fresh. The savior Jesus was not an immortal man. He was not an immortal man, he was a mortal man who was sent to deliver messages and show diverse populations the message of peace and love and that all that we seek externally is available internally.

We humans, are very literally, a representation of the universe. We can create, we, literally, impact the universe and are creators of the world; the actions, and the physical and non-physical that takes place within it.

Jesus was not in a mysterious tomb only to be risen from the dead. He was to be moved to another location for medical treatment. It is important to say that no one was impervious to this disease, he was able to heal himself. It is also to be known that the length of one's life, the age, this was a different measurement than used today. It is important to know that recordings in the bible, those that have not been altered, many are physical and accurate depictions of that which occurred, but there is much that has been destroyed and abolished for the sake of control.

There was much added to include hate and segregation. This was not in the true spirit of Jesus. This was not in a unifying and loving tone. These are not the messages that he would have wanted shared. It was his world to spread unity through honesty and caring between people no matter their station in life, no matter their money or position or education or sickness or health. Those who attempted to show their importance only using money and their greed, these are not true things, these are not necessary things. These are not the willing gifts of the righteous who pursue their highest works.

This Easter it is time to move beyond what is shared in a biblical text and honor the true feelings in your heart. Start yourself as a blank slate as you awaken, allow all that is near you to enter your mind and consider it a beneficial possibility before all else. Consider it carefully. Before passing judgment, determine how this idea, situation, determine how it directly impacts your life and your heart and your mission.

There is much judgment on topics that do not impact but a few beings on your plane, but many will use this as a weapon for disaster among people.

Include in your thinking one opposing thought per day. Examine this opposing thought to your thinking. If you consider it to be valid at present, determine what bearing it has on your true being. Determine what must be done so that it cannot impact you. Determine why it does. If it does not alter your true path, release it from your being. It is not for you to pass judgment nor carry judgment in your heart that is unnecessary. This is carrying unnecessary hatred.

Honor those ideas and beliefs which are truly yours, which you feel truly impact your life, that which can change it positively. Share them, live fully in them, but be forever open to change. If you change nothing, consider yourself open to change. Open to new, you are not a book, you are an open journal that is open and willing to receive information on your blank pages. After reflection if the page does not speak to you, tear out this page. If the page is for you keep it with you, turn the page and experience more. At no time is it impossible to remove or add information.

You are an open and growing being. You are living through various points, periods, and time frames of education throughout life. Do not maintain rigid thinking that you may have acquired at a younger age, open yourself to the vast possibilities.

The reasons for many of these to manifest later in life is that we are typically less frightful, less worried, and have less concern for the status quo, often these may be through a series of events which have torn down the walls of what we know, and it now makes the being more accepting of new ideas.

This does not mean you shall willingly take on the ideas and impressions of anyone you are with as if you are a puppet to be controlled. You are merely experiencing new possibilities that were before closed. No judgment in your heart. See beings and the world as an opportunity for learning. Learn not from the poor actions, do not judge an action as poor. View the life of another and learn. Learn their perspective. Learn their purpose. Learn and be open. Be inquisitive. The more you are open to other beings the more you will grow and confront and grow within your own being.

Can you follow what Zelda has said so far?





Yes, I can follow, but what of Jesus? I don’t understand fully about his resurrection, it sounds like he didn’t ascend to heaven, but stayed on earth. How can you explain that?





Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Son-of-God, divine and human; the messiah in their ’Holy Book’ known as the ‘Bible.’ That Jesus brought forth the Christian ministry, was arrested, suffered, was put to death by crucifixion, buried in a tomb, was resurrected three days later and ascended to heaven.

Now they wait for his return; judgment day. Overall, this is a very simplified definition of Christian belief. All energy beings in the human form would be considered the sons and daughters of God, the ‘Source of all Life’ for your understanding. No human is divine in the physical sense, even though those you call the ‘haves’ may hold your attention, they have come with lessons to learn and experience, just as those you call the ‘have not’s’ have come to do the same.


Did Jesus exist as an actual human being? Did he intend to create the Christian religion or was that the doing of others?




Yes, Jesus, the figure behind many of the stories and fables and teachings, the character often used, even if he was not involved, was an actual being that walked your plane. It was not the intention to create a structured following through a religion. Too many areas within the human sphere of thinking all must be categorized and structured and organized and classified.

In much simpler terms, this existence was to share the human potential, to share the ability to look beyond the systems treated entirely by man in a physical existence. To show unconditional love and to heal that which needs healing does not take a highly structured and rigorously held beliefs to bring to fruition.

There is not a lack of energy here, that is to say, on your plane, but it is often misguided and misdirected and structured so that the goal is unattainable or untrue entirely. He was not one that should have had entire cultures and civilizations fighting based on his work. His work was not about division. His work was not about separation. As for Jesus being called the messiah or being known as the Christ; that was simply story telling used later in the manmade created holy book known as the Bible, to lay the foundation for creating a divine personage; who in the future could sway and help the religious authority with their hidden agenda of controlling the illiterate and weak people.

This is the same power and greed that is sought after in your world of today. The fictional stories of Jesus’ suffering and crucifixion were merely used as a control measure of those in power at that time. Jesus dying for the ‘sins’ of mankind was just more story telling by those in religious authority. It was simply another control measure to use against the people who were susceptible to such deceptions. The ‘Source of all Life’ did not create ‘sin,’ this was a concept created by those humans seeking control over their fellow man.



What was Jesus planned role for that lifetime then if not messiah?


To share into the lives he encountered, the possibility of their existence no matter what path of ascension they may be traveling. There was a deep hatred because he demonstrated that the common man had no reason for dependence on that of a lord or ruler.

Unfit to rule over men is not quite right in definition, but to say it is unnecessary for beings to preside so heavily over the lives of others is not an adequate definition to describe the horrendous acts carried about by humans over a human labeled ‘less than desirable.’ There will be no judgment day for mankind, no Second Coming of Christ. Simply more storytelling to assure obedience by those seeking to maintain their mental and emotional control over those known as Christians.

At this time, Zelda would like to explain what a ‘Life Plan,’ or that which some term a ‘Blueprint’ of one who is incarnating into a human form. This question often leads to a breakdown in belief on many levels because it appears to be a conflict of pre-planning and free will – both aspects, as well as others, are at work in your life.

Prior to departure from your Spirit home, your true home, there is a plan that is developed. You have assistance and guidance when setting up this plan for this lifetime, or the life you are about to enter, but you are the master of this plan. Nothing about the coming life is forced upon you. Within the life, as you’re living it, you may not understand why something was selected for you, but no matter the task it was either decided upon by you for your own development and growth while you are here, or it has been decided upon by you with your free will.

Often, as an outsider viewing the life of another being, it is questioned, “why is this happening” or “why did ____ let this happen?” The latter statement being a reference to a God or Source of Creation, or to the person living the life. With what we have stated, and what we will state, you can see the root cause is not some outside force dictating good and bad lives on human beings, it is a pre-determined event, or it is the active choosing of that individual within this lifetime.

This is now a confusing moment for you to read. “How can I have decided upon this in my life now? I don’t like what’s happening! This is difficult! This is frustrating! This is sad!” – These things can be true and can be experienced in your lifetime for many reasons.

When we say that you have decided upon it now we do not intend to say that you hoped for a devastating vehicle accident, or a detrimental set of financial circumstances, or that you have decided upon an unhappy family relationship. You did not sit down in this lifetime and choose those things. What you did choose is the energy or set of circumstances that have brought these things into being. The laws of attraction, vibration, and cause and effect weigh heavily upon the mind at times. We do not intend to give you greater confusion and misunderstanding, only that you are the powerful lord over your life.

Your predetermined goals or objectives are designed to aid you in your level of understanding about any aspect of life. These are not something we can illustrate specifically because each being will have unique qualities and a unique plan. The possibilities and the reasons for any of these outcomes being selected are infinite, they are not finite.

Each being is unique in plan, but many aspects can be like other beings who are here, but keep in mind that they may not be involved in the same overall purpose as your lifetime and direct comparison is not always apples to apples.

Predetermined events are not necessarily tied to a timeline as many people believe. You do not always sit down prior to life and say, “at age 23 I will attend a meeting and it will change me in this way.” Using this same goal, it is more likely that, “you will have new information brought to you in such a way and at such a time that it will have the potential to open or change or cause a new direction.”

It is not a matter and method of planning each moment of your life. You absolutely have free will and have second-by-second control of your life. The conflict may be, “I want to do this thing but the plan for my life says…” This is possible, though if it is something that you are required to experience, by your own decision, it will manifest no matter your free will decisions in this lifetime.

Therefore, attending a meeting at age 23 is very specific, and unless there is a very specific reason for it, the objectives are not assigned in this way. Perhaps you change your thought process and life’s purpose while you are here. You may have a plan, but you diverge completely and end up lightyears away from where you were generally intending, due to free will. You can change your plan, and you may ask how this is possible, but remember that if it is something that you needed, you will experience the circumstance anyway, you have only perhaps delayed the onset.

Therefore, this meeting is not tied to time. What you may plan is that for the information or the experience to be introduced to you, and that can take many forms.

Major events can be tied to time but remember that time is a relative idea that is tied to the perception of the individual. Where time may be slightly more specific is for large-scale events that impact more than one person, and even then, it is not a matter of using the human calendar and watch – more often time is a plan – first A must happen, then B occurs, C comes next and so on.

“What if all the parties involved in a larger event do not complete all the steps at the same time to take them to the same moment? What if their free will changes their plan?” So be it! If it is now not meant for their experience, then they will diverge and incorporate a new experience within their life. You are in control, you are the one making decisions, actions, or indecision and inaction about your life.

If the energy and emotion of a specific incident is something that was determined before your arrival, and now your free will has taken you from the event, it is possible that the energy and emotion and impact of the event will be experienced in another way, at another time, or not experienced at all.

Your life plan, the guides who help you set this plan, the same ones who guide you in this life, and even you, are constantly being updated, reassessed, remeasured, changed, and overhauled. This does not mean that you are physically or mentally being upgraded. What this statement means is that if you drastically change the course of your life through any decision, or if you take a new path, or take no path at all, all these things contribute to the plan’s updates or revisions.

Your goals, this outline of objectives is not created and then meant to collect dust for your entire existence here on Earth, or in any location. It is actively assessed and reassessed as you walk your path.

Do you have free will? Yes. Are you in control? Yes. Is something going to happen because of a larger plan? Somethings, yes. Is a God punishing you? No. You are capable and your growth and development, while it can take several thousand lifetimes, is what is sought after, and you chose these things, and you actively choose. Congratulations! You’re the boss!

So, Zelda says now that Jesus no longer inhabits a human body, he does not respond to the Earth name of Jesus. He laid that name aside when he left that physical body. For your understanding, Jesus is no longer what you might call an individual entity. He has evolved high enough to where he, of his own choosing, merged his energy with that of a collective or group of spiritually advanced like-minded Ascended Masters. He retains his personality as you might call it, yet they all speak as one.



There is no way I could bring this message to my church members. They would surely rise up in anger and disbelief if I spoke of Jesus in this manner. I thank you for your time, but I’m sorry I must go now.