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The Good News - There are Solutions to this toxic pollution. Some solutions can be very invasive and ineffective for the long haul. Some involve altering your lifestyle. There are hundreds of thousands of methods, recipes, products and programs, that claim to eliminate the toxins from your body. With all that information, I would have to make this small report into a complete 500-page manuscript.

What I am going to do instead is to show some of the most popular methods and products used and let you decide for yourself which one best fits your needs. Relating this information, I will try not to show any bias for any one product, method or recipe. I will, however, include only natural items. I do not trust in pharmaceuticals and cannot endorse something I do not believe in. I also will tell you my product of choice and method, that being said; let us continue to the solutions.

The following steps are the standard recommendations by most health care officials:

· First - Avoid as many chemicals as possible. Start with little steps: buy environmentally safe window cleaner; try using organic hair products; look for environmentally safe or natural pesticides and herbicides. These items may be a few dollars more then the other products, but how much would you pay for great health.

· Next Drink Pure Filtered Water - Stay away from your faucet water for you and your animals. (Our pets are closer to the ground and are in more danger then you.) For about $30, you can purchase a filter that fits on your faucet. (Making it easy to fill up your glass and the pet’s water dish.) You may find yourself drinking more water, because of the convenience. You may prefer to purchase the pitchers with self-contained filters, what ever is easier for you. Small steps like this will allow you to reach your goal.

· Stop Smoking - Like you haven’t heard this before. I don’t smoke, but I know those who do, are not going to change because of this report. I suggestion an alternative, smoke natural tobacco. I believe that we are only human and not perfect. Being 100% is pretty hard to achieve, but 80/20, even 70/30 is achievable. Try to cut back, change your brand and maybe later you will be ready to completely quit. Every little bit helps.

· Eat Natural and Organic foods, Eliminate Fried Foods and Trans-Fats. Eat Small Fish no more then 3 times a week, they contain less Mercury – Changing your diet is really hard, because change is not in our comfort zone. To change your lifestyle is not easy, but small steps will be beneficial. Buy organic if available and prices are doable. You could even grow your own. Right? Eat what makes you happy, remembering the 80/20 Lifestyle and it will get easier to pick foods that are good for you and taste good. Have fun with this involve your family in making food choices; then it will become a lifestyle goal, instead of a chore.

· Avoid Alcohol - I have the hardest time with this little rule. (I love my beer, not in extreme amounts, but on a hot day, after work, ice cold.) The general consensus is that 9 standard drinks a week can raise your cancer risk. Red wine, on the other hand, is good for your heart in moderation of course. Take small steps, do not drink that cocktail everyday, try every other day. Any little change you can do, to refrain from your normal consumption will help.

· Exercise - Bet you didn’t expect to hear this, right? Ha! Exercise is, of course, a very important part to better health. When your intake of positive elements increases, they need to activate them through out your system and exercise does that for you. Walk the dog; jog with your kids; join a gym; form a group of like individuals to exercise with; swim; play tennis, baseball, football; or any other physical workout. It doesn’t matter, if it is only 10 minutes a day or an hour at the gym just get off your butt and move.

· Last But Not Least Detoxify Of all the steps above this is the most important. There is no way to get around this step if you truly want to change your Toxic Overload. You need to Detoxify your system regularly. Why? You are subject to toxins, heavy metals and chemicals every day (no stopping them). Accept this fact, in order for you to be as healthy as you can be; you must Detoxify. The Method is not as important, as just doing it.

No matter which of the suggested eliminators you use, the one thing that cannot be dismissed is – Detoxification.



In order to reduce or eliminate the elements clogging your system, you have to take the toxins, heavy metals and chemicals out. Detoxification, usually associated with alcoholics and chemical additions, is not just for these purposes. The body has to be cleansed of the elements that are hurting the normal functions of your system. Detoxification is the one true way to do this. Below you will find some of the methods, products and services I have found commonly used by consumers like yourself.

1. Juice Fasts – Fasts have been used for centuries to clean the body of unwanted elements. When using a Juice Fast Method, you are to drink only fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and pure filtered water. Juice fasts can take any where from a few days to three weeks, during which time you are not allowed to have any solid foods.

Who should not use this type of Detoxification Method? “People with diabetes, low blood sugar, eating disorders, kidney disease, liver disease, malnutrition, addictions, underweight, anemia, impaired immune function, infection, nutritional deficiency, low blood pressure, ulcerative colitis, cancer, terminal illness, epilepsy, or other chronic conditions shouldn't try a juice fast or should do so only under strict medical supervision.”*

Common side effects when using the Juice Fast Method: “Headaches, tiredness, hypoglycemia, constipation, acne, increased body odor and bad breath.”*

“Other side effects of a juice fast can include fainting, dizziness, low blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, weight loss, hunger, vomiting, diarrhea, and kidney problems. Another possible side effect is diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and electrolyte loss.”*

* Wong

From what I understand this method works, but isn’t right for everyone. You should always check with your physician, before starting any detoxification. As I have said before there are many ways to Detoxify, some will be easier then others.

2. Colonic Cleansing and Enemas – These two methods are similar, but with one main difference. One you will need a trained hydro- therapist and professional equipment. “Colonics cleanse the entire length of the colon. The Colonics involve multiple infusions of water into the colon. With Colonics, fecal matter leaves the body via a tube. The client does not see or smell the fecal matter during session. At the end of the session, the client usually sits on a toilet, and usually passes any residual water and stools”* I talked to a friend, who has had this done and he said it was pretty intense.

Enemas cleanse the lower part of the colon only. Enemas involve a single infusion of water into the colon. An Enema involves the one-time infusion of water. It sits in the lower part of the colon for a period of time, and then the person sits on the toilet. An Enema does not need to be done by a professional and does not require any special equipment.”* You can purchase an Enema Kit at any drug store. However, you will not have the luxury of not seeing or smelling the discarded material, as in the Colonic Method. These methods can be very effective, but usually must be repeated toxicity. evasive. every few months depending on your personal

Personally, I think I would find something less Cathy Wong

3. Other Methods - Ionic Foot Baths and Detox Pads, which draw the toxins out through the skin. With the Ionic Foot Bath the toxins are released through the bottom of your feet. With the pads it just depends where you place them on your body. So if you have specific areas of your body that hurt, you can place the pad on your back and the bottom of your feet. I have used the Detox Pads and to tell you the truth I was amazed at what was on the pad after wearing them overnight. It was pretty ugly. I have not tried the Ionic Foot Baths, but saw the results in a photograph in our local paper. The Foot Baths cost between $35-$40 and should be done every other week. The Detox Pads cost between $30-$50, usually have 5 applications per box and can be done as often as you want.

4. Another method I have found is simply drinking Detox and Cleansing Tea. Teas use natural ingredients to induce the detoxification. The Tea works but does not clean the system as efficiently as some of the other method. I use this method in combination with my method of choice.

5. Chelation Therapy – This Detoxification Method seems to be the most intense of them all. In this method a “preparations of enzymes” are injected into the bloodstream, where they bind with toxins and remove them.
* Medicine states:

“Chelation (pronounced key-LAY-shun) is the use of a chemical substance to bind molecules, such as metals or minerals, and hold them tightly so they can be removed from the body. Chelation has been scientifically proven to remove excess or toxic metals before they can cause damage to the body. It was first used in the 1940's by the Navy to treat lead poisoning.

The most common form of chelation therapy uses a manmade amino acid called EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid). EDTA removes heavy metals and minerals from the blood, such as lead, iron, copper, and calcium, and is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating lead poisoning and poisoning from other heavy metals.

Although it is not approved by the FDA to treat arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), EDTA chelation is used by some physicians and alternative medicine practitioners to improve circulation and treat this disorder by removing calcium deposits and plaques from the arteries.

Before beginning treatment, tests are conducted on blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, kidney function, and circulation to ensure safety. During the chelation treatment, a needle is inserted into the patient's vein, which is connected to an intravenous (IV) drip containing EDTA.

A typical session is about 3 hours long, and they are scheduled 1 to 3 times a week. Twenty to 30 sessions are usually necessary.”*

I was unable to find out the cost of these treatments, but I am pretty sure they are not cheap. This method should be used in an emergency situation, it very evasive and sounds really uncomfortable. Remember these statements are my opinion only, unless noted within the text.

6. Liquid Zeolite – Natural Cellular Defense My method of choice is this little white bottle. Liquid Zeolite is a negatively charged element, so it attracts and traps all positively charged elements. (The charge on Mercury is a +5; lead is a +4 and so on.) When the Liquid Zeolite comes in contact with these elements, it surrounds the metals, toxins or chemicals and flushes them out of your system.

Liquid Zeolite does not stay in your system any longer then 6 hours and usually is gone within 3 to 4 hours. The advantage of Liquid Zeolite is that it does not disturb any of the necessary elements in your system. This is because these elements do not carry the heavy positive charge, like heavy metals. Liquid Zeolite will eliminate the rubbish from your system, giving your body the chance to heal itself. It makes sense to use a product that will keep your system clean, without the lifestyle changes needed with some of the other methods.

The only possible side effect when using this product is dehydration, caused by not drinking enough water to replace what the Zeolite is using to rid your system of the rubbish. The one requirement while taking Liquid Zeolite is drink plenty of water, at least 6 to 8 glasses a day. The best results are achieved when you drink a 8 oz glass of water, then take the Liquid Zeolite drops under your tongue. This allows the Zeolite to enter your blood system and attack the worse element first. With consistent use the Zeolite can eliminate all the rubbish systematically, “worst first.”

Here are 14 key reasons why Liquid Zeolite is such a unique and extraordinary food supplement:

· Extremely safe and non-toxic
· Removes heavy metals
· Removes pesticides, herbicides and dioxins · Reduces viral load
· Reduces absorption of nitrosamines (nitrates) · Helps buffer body pH to a healthy alkalinity · Helps to buffer blood sugar
· Helps reduce cancer risk
· Improves nutrient absorption
· Acts as a powerful antioxidant · Reduces symptoms of allergies · Increases immune system functions · Helps prevent premature ageing · Extremely easy and pleasant to take. *



The FDA has found Liquid Zeolite to be G.R.A.S. (Generally Recognized As Safe).

Liquid Zeolite - Natural Cellular Defense - the perfect Cleansing and Detoxification for the Body: Zeolite is a crystal formed when Lava meets fresh or salt water. Found in the earth in its natural state, Zeolite Crystal “cages” fill up with toxins, heavy metals and chemicals from the air, the ground and contact with water. The patented formula used in making our Liquid Zeolite then removes these elements, leaving the “cages” clean to fill with the “toxic burden” it finds in your body.
