The Power to Visualize by Kaley Rhodes - HTML preview

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Everything is Energy

"You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts."

Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet, so you electrically energize everything to you and electronically energize yourself to everything you want.


Everything you seek is already seeking you.

Thought is energy. Active thought is active energy; concentrated thought is concentrated energy. Thought concentrated on a definite purpose becomes power. Your ability to receive and manifest this power depends on your ability to recognize the Infinite Energy that is you; constantly creating and re-creating your body and mind.

Everything, whether it is a company, a family, the pattern of your love life, or your physical reality, is energy. Everything is energy. This is not pseudoscience – it is science. People often refer to "good energy" and "bad energy", and I am here to tell you there is no such thing. After all, can you actually qualify the energy that turns on a light bulb? Good energy or bad energy? Energy is simply energy, until it is patterned or directed to take form or action. It is what you do with that energy that makes the difference.

Laura Day, How To Rule The World From Your Couch
You are a cosmic being. You are all power. You are the creator.

Physically we are all energy and everything within and around us is made up of energy. We are all part of one great energy field. Things we perceive to be solid and separate are in reality just various forms of our essential energy which is common to all. We are all one, even in a literal, physical sense.
The energy is vibrating at different rates of speed, and thus has different qualities, from finer to denser.
Thought is a quick, light, mobile form of energy. It manifests instantaneously, unlike the denser forms such as matter. When we create something, we always create it first in thought form. A thought or idea always precedes manifestation.

Shakti Gawain, Creative Visualization

Once you know that everything is energy; that there is no absolute distinction between matter and energy, then the boundaries between the physical world and the world of your thoughts start to disappear.

This eBook is part of the

Visualization Power Package,

a breakthrough, life transforming collection of e-books and audio visualizations, packaged together in one revolutionary program! Visit www.VisualizationPowerPackage to get yours and start living the life you were meant to live!