The Power to Visualize by Kaley Rhodes - HTML preview

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Welcome aboard; now let's start your adventure…
Table Of Contents

1 Visualization – What Is It? 6 2 Your World Within – The Subconscious Mind 10 3Everything Is Energy 13 4Use Your Imagination! 15 5 How & When To Visualize 17 6VisualizeToHeal 20 7 Visualize Abundance & Wealth 23 8 Start Creating The Life Of Your Dreams! 26 Final Thoughts 28 References 29

This eBook is part of the

Visualization Power Package,

a breakthrough, life transforming collection of e-books and audio visualizations, packaged together in one revolutionary program! Visit www.VisualizationPowerPackage to get yours and start living the life you were meant to live!

You are here for a reason.
You were led, through one avenue or another to this point so that you could take this information and incorporate it into your life. You are here because today is the day you are choosing to take control of your life. Today is the day you start creating the life of your dreams. Today is YOUR day.


An old Hindu legend says there was a time when men were gods. But they abused their divine powers so much that Brahma, the master of all gods, decided to take these powers away and hide them in a place where they would be impossible to find. All that remained was to find a suitable hiding place.
A number of lesser gods were appointed to a council to deal with the issue. They suggested this: "Why not bury man's powers in the earth?"
To which Brahma replied, "No, that will not do because man would dig deep and find it." So the gods said, "In that case, we will send their divinity to the deepest depths of the ocean." But Brahma replied again, "Sooner or later man will explore the depths of the ocean and it is certain he will find it and bring it to the surface."

So the lesser gods concluded, "Neither land nor sea is a place where man's divine powers will be safe, so we do not know where to hide it." At that moment Brahma exclaimed, "This is what we will do with man's divinity! We will hide it deep within him because that is the only place he will not think to look."
From then on, according to the legend, man searched the world over; he explored, climbed, dove, and dug in search of something that was inside himself the whole time.