The Awareness Project by Dylan Vorster - HTML preview

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Since the year 2000 things here on earth have changed. By this I mean the vibrational frequencies and energies on the earth or surrounding the earth have changed. This means that time has sped up tremendously and things are evolving and happening at a much faster rate than they used to.

This is all new information that most people on earth are unaware of. This is a problem because people need to be aware of these changes so they can know what’s happening and how to deal with and adapt to the changes so we as humanity can advance and move forward. These are new changes that are taking place and it is difficult for today’s society to believe that these changes are taking place because many have been almost "brainwashed" into believing that none of this is possible. This is a huge problem and people need to take a step back and start thinking for themselves.

Too many people have been "brainwashed" so badly (through social media, news, television and many more) that they cannot think for themselves anymore and believe that they are actually having self development through these brainwashing techniques. People need to wake up from this “sleep” and start using their brains or minds to think and act for themselves. This is a very important step that man kind needs to take in order to progress with evolution in order to realise that we hold so much potential, that it's almost unfathomable and we are blindly being led in the other direction. Please spread this information to as many people as possible or direct them to our email address as we do believe this is the first step to creating a higher conscious shift,  <3

This change took place as we passed through a vortex. "Our solar system is continually moving through space, solar systems move together in a harmonious rhythm. As the earth follows her orbit, the earth will occasionally pass through a vortex- a place of intense, compressed energy vibrations within the universe. It then moves into an Arc- a place of growth and expansion within the universe. The vortexes within the universe exist outside of time, space and gravity. For the past 25 years, our solar system has been travelling through a grand universal vortex. We entered this vortex in 1988, passed through the vortex centre in the year 2000, and left the vortex in the year 2012. This is a rare occurrence, as the last time our solar system passed through this universal vortex was about 26000 years ago. The Mayans documented this transition through the progression of days in their calendar. If you would like to find out more, Please go research the universal vortex and how it affected our vibrational fields" This means that new and exciting energy's surround our planet as we speak, or rather as you read. This is where our world went from the third world to the beginning stages of the fifth world or rather third to fifth ‘dimension’.

Now with the new energies many of the world’s institutions are collapsing (the people who screw us over) because this time we are in and experiencing the time of mankind’s awakening and rise in level of consciousness. More and more people are actually waking up from their time of being hypnotised and controlled by the higher powers so spread the word please and help mankind for the better, instead of for the worst. What is so special about these energy changes is that they allow us to manifest things allot faster into our lives. Just by your thoughts and words you are attracting those things into your life at a pace you will find unbelievable.


These energy changes even affect the human body by you experiencing physical traumas and sicknesses with the same symptoms of flu and other small sicknesses so don’t be worried if you seem to be getting sick more often. This is because our bodies are undergoing change and adapting to the new energy balances we face each day. Our bodies rearrange to accommodate the new energies (everything is energy). During this exciting time we are developing physical and emotional adaptations so that we are able to survive in the fifth world. Our senses of intuition, hearing and feeling are heightened. Yes this does seem sudden and chaotic but we have a great opportunity to grow in dimensions our ancestors couldn’t. 

This new time brings about the opportunity to let us as humans connect with all our relations in the web of life and gives us the chance to become creators of our own future. (This is where the law of attraction comes in and the use of the subconscious mind). We will now be able to do everything man is capable of and this includes the better use of our brains allowing many new and exciting possibilities available for us to achieve. These things and ‘powers’ are truly exciting and very real.


We can basically look at us as being a new species in this time of change as we never stop adapting and growing to suit our changing world.

The thing is, that this energy change is real and happening right now. So I ask that you please keep an open mind and look at this from a different angle. Allot of the religious groups and even divisions within them have been placed there to mislead and deceive you (please do not take this the wrong way). Without you knowing it you may have been brainwashed into thinking that what you believe is real when it may in fact be the opposite. Man has got their greedy hands on these ancient prophecies and truths and has changed them or manipulated them to mislead us and keep us from the deserved truth. However as we speak the truth is slowly but surely leaking out and we will very soon be able to have what is rightfully ours. True knowledge.

Please do not be close minded and stubborn towards this as yet again you will only be shooting yourself in the foot. Think for yourself, act for yourself and live YOUR own life. No one else can live your life for you and you cannot live anyone’s life for them, it is impossible so why even try? Focus on yourself, focus on self development and forget about negativity and live prosperously, look for the positive things in life and appreciate the beauty of earth and nature. Look after animals and treat animals the right way, they are there for us to admire so let’s admire.

 It’s all a mindset and you can do it easier than you think you can trust me.

It is vital that you let go of old belief systems as times are changing and truths are now being discovered. We must look further and see that spiritual realms are here and REAL and they are more than willing to help us, you just need to ask. You must rely on your higher self (your intuition or gut feeling) because this is there to lead you in the right directions and keep you on the right path in life. You must realise for yourself that you are truly special and you can learn why and then take full advantage in the correct ways. Innocence, kindness, helping and love are very important things to start spreading as it makes your soul and spirit pure aswell as attracts those things back into your life for you. Based on Karma. What you give is what you get. Simple. This then allows you to move on in spiritual advancement and there are many beautiful and miraculous things waiting for us at our next destination!

Creativity plays an important role in these changing times as what the mind can think about (perceive), it can create. We can look beyond earthly bound things and expand into things we thought were impossible. These truths have been hidden from us and it is time for change because it is most unfair and we as humans deserve better. YOU deserve better. Take your life into your own hands and do what you love and enjoy and live in happiness and abundance. It all boils down to our minds and how powerful they are and if we can learn (very easy) to harness the minds power, we can do very amazing things.

 It is sad that many have been brainwashed into believing we are nothing when that is the exact opposite of what we truly are. Human beings are very special and we are very lucky to be human. We must now realise this and take full advantage of the opportunity we have been given. 

There ARE things like spirits and higher beings so make an effort to connect with these elements as they will be of great help and aid to you. I say this from my personal experience and I can proudly say that I am guided by a higher power that I love huge amounts. You must keep in mind that these spirits and higher beings are not visible (as they are in higher dimensions) and they won’t show themselves to you so don’t approach the matter thinking - ahh ill only believe it when I see it- because that is ignorant and yet again you will only be putting yourself at a disadvantage. I don’t mean to come off in the wrong way but I want to get to the point, and do not want to mess around as it is very important.

They will communicate with you through your thoughts and the way you think and also often communicate with you through numbers. So be on the lookout for numbers that you see repeatedly and in specific sequences as they hold specific messages that your angel or angels are trying to send you. These are also ways that the angels are trying to get your attention and show you that they are there with and for you. Once you start to notice these numbers and patterns you will see that they become more advanced. More numbers are often added into the sequence as the message that the angels are trying to get to you, will change and become more specific.

For a good example I saw the number 11 everywhere, in places such as  digital clocks, billboards, phone numbers and basically everywhere I looked.

I started paying attention to these messages and then these number patterns changed to multiples of 11 such as 22, 33, 44, 55 etc, then after some time noticing these numbers they changed again to 222, 333, 444, 555, etc. Then again they became more specific and the numbers changed up a bit. It then went to 121, 131, 141. I could go on but I am sure you get the point now, ha-ha.



 These numbers are different messages trying to be communicated with you so please go look into it.

This is a very exciting journey so please enjoy. These times that are ahead of us are truly something to look forward to so spread the love, be kind to as many people as you can each day, help as many people as you can each day, laugh as much as you can, increase your vibrations, live in happiness and abundance and take each day one step at a time. Live in the present, enjoy every second of every day. There is no such thing as the future because it hasn’t happened yet and the past is nothing but a memory. Try not to hold on to a bad memory because it’s just a memory.

Look at life as a whole instead of the good and the bad times. Life will always bring you the bad times... but these are meant for you to learn from and grow from. If you can find good in the bad... that is when you truly learn and further develop.

I personally wish you all the best on your life journeys and adventures.


Links for some good info