Ten Top Traffic Secrets to Explode Your Traffic! by Laura Milne - HTML preview

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Hi, this is Laura and I want to say congratulations for taking action and downloading this guide!

No matter how much ground work you have done in starting your business, no matter how fantastic your blog looks, how impressive your content is and how amazing your offers are, unless you have a good amount of traffic you will see absolutely no benefit from it!

How often do you feel frustrated when you visit other people’s blogs or sites only to find the quality of their content is nowhere near as good as yours, the look and feel is average at best and that the attention to detail is really lacking? And yet they seem to be achieving tremendous success? I know I used to feel this way on a regular basis!

I worked really hard to have my blog looking good, well organised and easy for people to use. I spent hour after hour on ensuring that my content was really good quality content that people would really benefit from and that would have them coming back time and time again. And I gathered a massive number of free tips, ideas and resources that could benefit anyone and everyone in this industry whether they were brand new to the world of internet marketing or had been struggling within this industry for years.

I was delighted with my efforts and ready to launch. So launch I did and what happened? Not a lot. I was out there being active on my social networking sites so I did get a trickle of traffic. In fact, in my first real day of marketing my site I got 100 visitors. I thought I was on my way and that this would steadily increase to the thousands of visitors that I wanted and needed. But did it? You can guess it didn’t because I didn’t have any kind of marketing strategy.

So I went out there and really did my homework. I looked in to more marketing strategies that I knew even existed and I tried most of them out! Through hours and hours of hard work and effort, I slowly began to learn what worked and what didn’t. And with everything that worked, I began to really focus on that technique, to tweak it and perfect it until I was sure that I was achieving the best results that I could with it.

Now, with the exception of one strategy, all of the marketing strategies that I am going to take you through here are free! I understand only too well that if you are just starting out in this industry or if you have been struggling in this industry for a long time, you are very unlikely to have either the ability or the desire to spend a fortune on marketing.

But let me give you a word of advice. There are some paid for marketing strategies out there that can sky rocket your traffic and therefore your earning ability and success, but they do require a fairly significant budget and of course carry an element of risk. Therefore I strongly suggest that you follow all of the free strategies that I am going to give you here and when you begin to see the traffic and results you are looking for, make sure that you take some of your profits and feed them in to your advertising budget. Then armed with your budget, do a huge amount of research in paid for advertising strategies, choose the right ones, do them well and sky rocket your traffic even further!

So where do we start? Well let me start by telling you that I am not some faceless affiliate marketer. I am an affiliate for some products, but only those that I use and believe in. I am not going to give you techniques to con people in to buying stuff that they don’t want or need. I am going to give you clear and proven strategies to drive traffic to you!

If you haven’t yet built your ‘Brand You’ then you are missing a vital piece in this jigsaw puzzle. If you don’t have your own website or blog than I highly recommend you make that your first priority. In fact go straight to my website now (http://www.lauramilne.com) and sign up for your free copy of the MLM Success Handbook. Even if you aren’t involved in MLM or Network Marketing, that book is going to be your bible in taking your first steps to success. Download it now, read it and more importantly act on it and when your ‘Brand You’ is ready to launch, come back and join us here to learn just how you are going to drive massive amounts of traffic to it!
Ok, so for those of you who do have your own blog or website and are ready to drive traffic to it - we are ready to get started! Do bear in mind that these techniques will also work to drive traffic directly to a squeeze page, however that is only likely to give you success with a single product rather than building a strong foundation for future success. For that reason I would always recommend you have your own branded site or blog and make that the central feature in everything you do. You can follow the step by step guidance in The MLM Success Handbook to help you to achieve this.

So on to Marketing Strategy number one!