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The book of Genesis tells us a beautiful story of the recreation of the world as we read chapters one and two. I call it a recreation because as you study the bible with keenness and intent, you discover that a lot of things happened between Genesis chapter one verse one, and verse two.

There was an initial creation but a lot of things happened to cause the earth to be void and formless and full of darkness. So, God had to recreate the world. In His recreation, the way He made man was so amazing and a pure show of perfect love. He made man in His image and likeness, and out of all He made, the man was the most wonderful and beautiful thing He made.

To date, man is still the most beautiful thing that God beholds when He looks at the world.

Now, when God made us, there was a way of life that He had prepared for us to live, and that is why He placed us in the garden of Eden. If not, He would have put man somewhere else and not in His garden. Everything was going on well until the great deception happened and humans fell. In an instant, everything took a negative turn for them, and unknowingly, they introduced a new master over themselves. A master who is wicked, full of deception, full of perversion, disobedient, proud, despicable, and hateful. When Eve was deceived to disobey God and consequently dragged Adam into the act of disobedience, they distorted even the very nature of God in them, and so they became children of disobedience with a sinful nature. This sinful nature has been in man from generation to generation causing spiritual death to every man from generation to generation.


Blessed be God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for not leaving humanity in that fallen state eternally. He sent His son Jesus Christ to come and die for us as the perfect sacrifice so that He can quicken us unto God. By this, He got rid of that sinful nature in man, provided man accepted His salvation. Even so, as it stands now, not every human being subscribes to the salvation that our Lord and savior brought to the world. There are still those who are under the domain of evil and darkness.

These ones are the ones that are yielded to the evil schemes and desires of the devil, and they are consciously or unconsciously propagating his agenda on earth and over God’s creation. This explains the darkness that still tries to rule over the world and the people, yet light has already come. It explains all the evil that is still in the world. As long as there is one person that has not received salvation, there is still room for the devil to maneuver around and cause destruction.

As it stands, it is not only one person that is not saved but millions. These millions are under the influence and control of the devil, and that is why you will not find the devil walking around but rather human beings carrying out his plans.

Now, since man is the most prized possession on earth that God has, the devil is always after man. He tries to ensure that there is no room for human beings to see light. Satan and his demons always throw stumbling blocks on the paths of men and seduce them away from salvation and right living. He is continually destroying man in one way or the other and introduces all kinds of perversions across humanity.

In the body of Christ and even for human beings in general, anything that contradicts God is a show of perversion because it goes against the normal way of God’s purpose, use, and intent.


The world is full of all kinds of perversions in comparison to the precepts of God, and they deserve our attention in order to rectify. Even so, the one that seems to have a great impact on society and is also slowly and subtly creeping into the church is the perversions associated with sexual orientation and gender identification. We cannot keep quiet and watch as the world slowly rebuild Sodom and Gomorrah in our generation.

In this book, as God would grant me grace and wisdom, I am going to deal with this issue with the aim of expressing the thoughts of God concerning the same, and also bringing the truth of the word of God to us. I trust God to be able to do that with love because love is what has the ability to change a people; not condemnation. It is because of love that He sent His only begotten son to die for us. I cannot embark on this journey with any intent that is short of love; the love of God for all people. I condemn no one, but this wrong must be checked.