Quantum Buddhism by Francois Lepine - HTML preview

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Not so long ago (and maybe still in some parts of the world) religious, political and scientific power was held by the same people. Their goal was simple: to hold the truth. The Spiritual leaders were the deciders regarding just about everything. It was a time when new ideas coming out of new genius minds were set aflame… literally… at the stake. Fear from losing control was present in the leader’s minds, as they used every possible means to keep the population away from thinking on their own. Their goal was to propagate a set of beliefs that encouraged us to behave along with the group, using what I like to call “persuasive armed marketing”. The fundamental goal seemed to be good at the time, since it is important to maintain a good social structure. The difficulty arose when the individual feeling of freedom was hindered for the greater good of a few leaders, instead of the greater good of the entire group.

Science and religion have been opposed regarding consciousness since Descartes separated matter and mind. This separated view was named Cartesian Dualism. Since then, two non-dualist approaches to the world were developed. The first non-dualist view includes scientific materialism in which matter produces mind, from a series of mechanical reactions in the hormonal and nervous system, such as the brain. The second non-dualist view includes idealism, in which mind produces matter.
Buddhism (and neutral monists in western philosophy) believes that mind and matter both derive from a deeper-lying common entity. In recent decades it has become evident that quantum physics and quantum gravity can provide a scientifically plausible accommodation of the Buddhist (and neutral monist) approach.

In Buddhism the deeper-lying monistic entity is the pure wisdom of the Supreme Unified Consciousness which can give rise to matter and/or mind. In scientific terms it is the quantum geometry at the tiniest level (Planck scale) of the universe, which is called the unified quantum field. Cosmic wisdom of the Supreme Unified Consciousness pervades the universe, involving, informing and interconnecting everything, including living and non-living beings. It is everything. It is everywhere. Yet, this is only the perception we have from our human point of view. From the point of view of Supreme Consciousness, everything is at the same place, at the same time.

Universal wisdom could be seen as very small quantum information pervading the universe in a non-local and holographic way, hence repeating everywhere, atemporally (everywhen) and at various scales. We will see how we can practice ourselves to detach from the limited human perception of time and space, and practice at perceiving the higher wisdom, which is more refined than standard intellectual information. In Buddhism, conscious awareness in an individual – self consciousness - is a series of ripples on the universal pond of the Supreme Unified Consciousness, interacting with the biological body, the nervous system, and thus, the senses. In science, selfconsciousness is a series of quantum wave function reductions, ripples in quantum geometry on the edge between the quantum world of multiple coexisting possibilities, and the classical world of definite states, all occurring in the brain. It is nonetheless possible to become aware of this interaction between the pool of possibilities, and the world we believe to be definite and fixed.

Samadhi is a Sanskrit word describing awareness in which sensory inputs, memory and self dissolve, a person’s consciousness becoming totally one with Supreme Unified Consciousness. Samadhi occurs during deep meditation. Scientifically, in altered states of consciousness, quantum brain activities may become more directly connected with the universal quantum geometry and its collective information.

Quantum Buddhism aims at providing a set of tools to develop a scientific-spiritual approach to the world, unburdened by traditional cultural ritualistic and dogmatic weight, where development of the self prevails to become a conscious scientific instrument. Along reading this book, you will learn a good basis of theory and application of this technique on transcending the human senses to perceive the spiritual world.
These techniques are the first steps in understanding beyond the human intellectual interpretation of the world, and existing beyond the biological body.

Spirit, mind, matter, and time are all the same from the point of view of the Supreme Consciousness. Every possibility exists. Every option is available. Yet, from the human point of view, only the result of the equations is perceived. With practice, you can become the mathematician, instead of the result of a formula. In fact, you will remember that you were always the creator of your own experience of life, but only awakened at the level where you perceive the end result of the experience.

In this new era of scientific and spiritual freedom, we can now try to answer age-old questions such as: What is life? Why is life? Why do we exist? What exists, exactly? How do we exist? The answers to all these questions are available at a level of consciousness that surpasses the ability of the human brain to compute these answers by itself. Thus, words cannot suffice to explain it. To find out these answers, one must thrive at discovering the truth by experiencing Supreme Consciousness thru meditative practices and to elevate the awareness of consciousness up to a spiritual level. From this new point of view, everything becomes so clear.