Gifts of the Spirit by Cate Cavanagh - HTML preview

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look at me and decide who I am
conclude I must be who you see for coursing within me is the product of a thousand lives and I am but the genetic sum
of all that ever was
before me.

Perhaps I am even the same me
through a thousand lives,
a reinvented me or a me from genetic memory you will never see anymore than you can hear the drums of my tribal past within my hazel-green gaze or the summer tan that hints at
something more than your eyes behold…

For the rage of those before me and the sorrow-wails of those past before me




like a wave upon a shoreline


BEAT like the roar of my thousand lives.

So, before you presume you know me and label me with traits of your imaginings,

before you dare say anythingDON’T