Chapter 2
Tapas (Penance), Santosha (rejoice), Astikya (faith in scriptures), Dhaana (charity), Isvara Pujita (God worship), Siddhanta Sravana (study of scriptures), Hree (Modesty), Mathi (Adherence to Scriptures) , Japa (Chanting) and Vrata (oath of commitment to austerities) are the types of Niyama.
Let me explain in detail.
Tapas - Penance
The emaciation of the body by religious penance with regard to the phase of the moon and the like as prescribed by the scriptures is said to be Tapas.
What is Liberation? How can it be attained? What makes anyone attain the wheel of births and deaths? For the learned, the inquiries like these which give insight into the importance of the inner things are Tapas.
Santosh - Rejoice
The accidental acquisition of any gain in daily life gives pleasure. The wise men are bent on the acquisition of wisdom which is termed as Santosh. But the highest order of Santosh is getting rid of all attachments till one realises Brahman.
Astika - faith in scriptures
Astika is the faith in Sruti and Smriti. (Note: Sruti refers to things being remembered and Smriti refers to Vedas. Sruti changes according to the ages and Smriti is eternal).
Dhaana - Charity
The charity by way of giving away of pecuniary things earned by righteous means to persons who follow the path of scriptures or whatever else they give is known as Dhaana.
Isvara Pujita -God Worship
Having a mind free from passion, a speech devoid of falsehood by foul and other means, and action devoid of violence is Isvara Pujita or God Worship.
Siddhanta Sravana - Study of Scriptures
One should understand the reality of existence, the eternal wisdom, the extreme bliss and the extreme reality that exists inside. This is the study of Truth expounded by Upanishads.
Hree – Modesty
The shyness felt in doing the act that is inferior according to the concepts of Vedas and the world is Hree or Modesty.
Mathi - Adherence to Scriptures
The committed belief in things enjoined in Vedas is Mathi or adherence to scriptures. One should keep himself away from anything against the guidelines, even though it is directed by his Guru.
Japa – Mantra Chanting
The chanting of Mantra in accordance with Vedas is Japa. For this, there are rules in Vedas, Kalpa Sutras, Dharma Sastras, Purana and Ithihasas (Epics and scriptures).
Japa is of two kinds: Oral Chanting and Mental Chanting. Oral chanting is also of two kinds: muttered Chanting and Chanting aloud. Mental Chanting is also of two kinds: Chanting by contemplation and Chanting by meditation.
The muttered chanting is a thousand times better than loud chanting. The loud chanting will give results as prescribed in the scriptures. If the mantra chanted is heard by the persons of low caliber, it becomes devoid of bestowing the expected results.
Vrata is not explained in this Upanishad. ( Note: Vrata is the practice of oaths of commitment to the performance or non- performance of specific activities as austerity for a specific period of time).