Dare to Reach Out and Touch Someone's Life by Isadora - HTML preview

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This is a story about events that took place during 6 days in a row last year (2013), on the last week

of November. It was one of the most bizarre experiences I have had so far.


The sequence of strange events started with me feeling drawn to shuffle my Oracle cards, when

one particular card jumped out of the deck - the card said “Meditation”. I looked at the card and

found it strange because I was suppose to go to a meditation class the following day among friends.


I did my meditation class with the other two girls with whom I was suppose to meet up. At the end

of it, one of the girls playfully said: “Oh, she is like a baby WOLF.” – all of us laughed. In the

evening that day, I got a phone call for a job interview, we booked the interview for Thursday



I was in my apartment, and felt strangely compelled to hold one of the books that I had stopped

reading halfway for a few months. The name of the book was – “Autobiography of a Yogi” by

Paramahansa Yogananda. As I opened the book, a loud and clear thought popped in my head:

“ - Look at the cover.” - So I did that and I realized that this book has the mark of dog’s teeth on it,

it actually had a piece of the front cover torn and half chewed (I buy books in second hand, and

some of them don’t look very presentable). I was staring at the cover in absolute utter shock! Later

that evening I was checking some of my email messages and I noticed that one of my friends had

the words - “gloom puppy” - written on her profile… by now I think I was just pale white and

really starting to freak out!


I went to work, as I arrived at my work place at 1 PM, my colleague came out of the room and

informed me that my boss (Helen) had just called her to say that she might not come in to work

because she just had been bitten by her dog! (this was caused by her new dog that she had gotten

weeks before from a shelter) Helen’s hand was covered with bandages and still bleeding.

In the evening I went to the other job interview (part time job offer), and when I sat down, the girl

that was interviewing me tells me that this was a job offer for a Dog Charity organization, the idea

is to raise funds to cover expenses for dogs in shelters that were previously abandoned and abused.

My chin dropped! I refused the job and walked away.


In the morning time, I felt drawn to play one of my favourite CD’s, I hadn’t played it for quite a

long time. As the CD was playing, one of the songs has a piece of the lyric that I had completely

forgotten about, it says:

… un perro ingrato que te muerde la mano…

(Translated in English “ an ungrateful dog that bites your hand”)


Later in the afternoon I went to work. As I arrived, I noticed that Helen was in that day, her hand

was still covered in bandages and still swollen. So I was sitting at the reception area, that was

particularly quiet that day, and she decided to join me (which is unusual!)

Out of the blue, she told me this:

“ - When I arrived here this morning, the wall clock was on the floor.”

“ – Helen, there is loads of traffic and road works outside, things can fall off from the wall because

of vibration!” – I responded.

“ – But the clock was on the floor and had stopped exactly at 9:25… That was the exact time that I

picked my son this morning from the airport! I really don’t like when things start falling like that!”

“Helen, I am getting very confused here, what exactly are you trying to say ?!”

“ – The last time things started falling like that was when one of my family members passed away

years ago: I had arrived home, and the wall radiator looked like was torn off from the wall!

Another time, I was looking at a family picture frame that was on the table, and without me or

anyone touching it, I saw the frame being slammed against the wall right before my eyes! I am

really scared – I really don’t want anything to happen to my son!”

“ - Ok Helen, I think it’s time for me to open up and tell you about the strange awkward things that

have been happening in the past 5 days. I know that I have never ever told you about that I have

strange experiences and you don’t really know what are my beliefs. In the past 5 days, I have been

seeing constant references to dogs, and they are not very good references, it feels almost like some

kinda warning. It feels like as the days are passing the intensity and urgency of the message is

building up, I don’t know what does this mean, but I think that our spiritual messengers and guides

are trying to get our attention and they are trying to warn you about something very important! And

the message is FOR YOU Helen!!”

Helen sat very still, like a blue eyed marble statue, staring at me very attentively. I proceeded:

“ - Helen, you can always try to do some automatic writing or ask your guides to give you the

message in a very clear and straight forward way that you can understand!” – once I said this, a

client came in through the door, and Helen seemed to had lost complete interest in what I was

talking about. For a moment I felt a bit foolish to tell her about all these things, so I just tried to

forget all about it and pretend that it never happened!

Monday morning came, and I was standing in front of the door of my work place, when my boss

Helen arrived and opened the door for me with a weird look in her eyes. As soon as she shut the

door behind us, she said:

“ - You are not going to believe what happened to me during the weekend.”

“ - Oh dear, I hope it’s good news!” – I said, trembling inside, hoping for the best.


“ - No, not good news! I had this builder guy that I was recommended to get to fix some things in

the house whilst I was away working last week. When I met the guy I remember to had said to him

– “oh I trust you like a son of mine, you seem such a nice decent guy”. Well, turns out that my

diamond bracelet is GONE!! Yes, that is right! GONE! And the guy, GONE ASWELL !!”

I was stirring my morning coffee whilst listening to this story, Helen was still very upset! Then, my

brain went into reboot mode, and so I tried to explain to Helen the clues that I had seen the week

before, as if looking at the many pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and putting them together to view the

full picture.

I told her:

“ - Helen, last week, I felt drawn to listen to a song that is about an ungrateful “dog” that bites

someone’s hand. Then, the dog that you had brought home from the Dog Charity shelter was the

one that did bite your hand, or in other words, the one that betrayed your trust! Then, you said that

the wall clock here in our work place had fallen on the floor and it had stopped working at exactly

9:25, the same time you had picked “your son” from the airport, you also said to the builder guy

that you trusted him “like a son”. So in other words, the guy that you brought home and you trusted

and considered “like a son” was the one that betrayed your trust!! He ain’t a dog, he is a wolf! The

front cover of the book about the Yogi’s life that achieved Christ consciousness and enlightenment,

had the portrait of the man on it, the side that would correspond to his left hand was the one that

was torn and ripped off by an “ungrateful dog”!

(Helen had her left hand bitten)”.

She looked down for a while and then I said to her:

“Look at the bright side, it is better to lose a diamond bracelet then losing your own son! You can

always replace a bracelet, you can never replace a son.”

After retelling this story here, I realize I still feel guilty to this day, I feel that I could had done

more somehow…

P.S.: As I was just finishing up typing this story, a friend of mine calls me and tells me that she has

started working as a volunteer at the SPCA and that she is bonding with some of the dogs in the

shelter. I gave her the idea to maybe using her healing skills on the animals, perhaps she could start

doing Reiki on some of the most uneasy animals, with health issues, since energy healing helps

animals to settle down and soothes their pain

Just a coincidence or meant to be ? The mystery synchronicities continue… ;)