Cookies with Christ by Damilare - HTML preview

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There is something about the way Dami writes, and reading it is refreshing, like the taste of spring water to a weary soul. But more than that, it is experiential. He shares his journey oftentimes and as you read through, you see the heart felt desire of a soul thirsty for God who would like everyone to join him on this journey of unveiling the Christ.

Piece after piece reveals  the love of God afresh, delivered in the delightful serving of words that Dami has been gifted with. He chastises our lethargy and again binds our hearts together in purpose as he shares with us the gospel through his eyes and from his heart. You would find that the Fatherhood of God is a central theme as is the authority of a man in Christ.

Overall, I believe that reading this e-book, will bless you as you open your heart. God prides Himself as being a God that hides Himself and this collection for me serves as a chronicle of a journey and inspiration to rediscover God. It is a first step out of the comforts of religion to bare our hearts before God as children awed by His unconditional love.

It is my privilege and honour to write this foreword and I pray that a fire will light up in your heart from start to finish as it did in mine.

-  Eloho Onwah