Ascension or Destruction by Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Those 30 percent of the global population realize that Mother Earth is much more than simply a physical planet. She is the lifeline of ALL creatures that incarnate into this plane of existence. We share Mother Earth with the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms.

Mother Earth has come full circle and has now begun her next ascension process. In order for her to ascend to the next level of dimensional consciousness she must cleanse herself by ridding herself of all the negative manifestations of energy mankind has forced upon her.

Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically she must go through detoxification.

This purification will take the form of; tsunamis, coastal flooding, severe heat waves, forest fires, earth quakes, droughts, volcanic eruptions, famine, hurricanes, tornados, widespread disease, and snow/ice storms, to mention a few.


More will form and intensify if we don‟t assist and help heal Mother Earth in her time of great need. She needs our love, not our hatred and our indifference.

Her consciousness is continually being infected by the 70 percent and corporate elite.

This is brought about through racism, hatred, bigotry, avarice, terror, and their war mongering mentality.

Mankind needs not only to stop creating pollution; we need to clean up the poison we‟ve already dumped into this planet.

Mother Earth can unleash global destruction that mankind cannot even envision at this time if she deems it necessary. It is up to mankind just how severe the natural disasters/diseases will be. The aforementioned being based on what we do or don‟t do to correct the situation on a spiritual level, as well as a physical level.

Mankind cannot rule, control or contain Mother Nature, period! We spend most of our time blaming nature for the disasters, when in fact we have manifested the destruction ourselves through our negative energy. How many warnings must we receive before it‟s too late?

We‟ve come to the mindset that we no longer need to co-exist with Mother Earth. We have lost our personal connection to nature, and we shall be so very sorry for allowing this to happen.

The 30 percent are seeking to save her by using their positive free will. If we raise humankind‟s consciousness, and our level of unconditional love, we can triumph in the future. That incorporates the true love of the Creator, the love of self, and the love of all others that exist on the planet.

Through treating Mother Earth with respect, positive energy, and love, she will then 22

respond in kind. The natural disasters will be less severe for all concerned.

If we fail to respect Mother Earth, we condemn ourselves to the prophetic warnings of earlier times.

Scientists will try to examine and explain away the reasons for the coming global changes; those changes associated with Mother Earth‟s ascension. Yet they will continue to fail because they refuse to see the connection between the scientific and the spiritual elements.

Mother Earth is leaving behind the masculine side of her evolution, which was the dominant force in the Piscean Age. She will now bring forth the feminine side of her new consciousness as she progresses in and through the Aquarian Age.

Just realize the feminine is not coming forth to rule over the masculine. The feminine will rise to a state of equilibrium with that of the masculine in all areas.

Women are the true nurturers of humanity, and are the bringers of life and love to this planet. Men are the weaker overall sex, mentally and emotionally speaking. They foster chaos and destruction to all life through their self absorbed egos (jealousy/fears).

Men need to seek out and tune in to their feminine half, so they can grow spiritually on all levels of their being. Both must work in harmony to forge a new world of peace.

To walk side by side on the path that leads humankind to greater compassion and understanding for all life.

Global warming is a plan to allow man to realize the impact he has on the earth through commercial means. There is much to understand that all humans, no matter their intent, leave a trail of debris on this Earth. There is much in that trail that is unnecessary and can be stopped.


Many feel better about recycling or using alternative ingredients. These are helpful but do not stop the overall impact, when a better alternative is to find new ways of existence and means to our daily lives. There is not much focus on this now since there is fighting between science, industry, and nature and the reasoning for it. There are many times that should merely be experienced and mindful attention paid to the thoughts it creates in you, not the reasons why this situation is created.

There are many who blame god or some external forces. There is much that is done naturally to promote this into the natural view, but be aware that no matter what man does, nature will cleanse and repair itself if left to its own devices. There have been many times in the history of humankind that men lived better with nature, they did not pollute for the sake of material wealth. There was an understanding, a symbiotic relationship; a cycle of give and take, using and then repairing today this is not the current overall view. There are many who attempt to strike a balance, but this may not help all those who are not working even to make amends through small tasks like recycling or using less. This simply cannot continue and the great physical changes to your world will help right these actions which have gone on for so long. There will be change, but not simply because of your pollution, though it is a contributor. This is in place to cause a shift in thinking. A new mental and spiritual age; where items are created with purpose, not to squeeze the populace from their energy and their money.

Things mankind needs to STOP doing and/or change to lessen the effects of the coming natural disasters:


1. Global warming; which causes rising temperatures (drought, famine, global hunger, etc.), melting of glaciers and arctic permafrost (coastal flooding), and destructive weather patterns (hurricanes, tornados, etc.).

2. Fossil fuel and deforestation (greenhouse „CO2‟gasses) needs to be reduced/contained on all worldwide levels.

3. Economic (negative market impact); stop allowing global corporations and/or governments to accelerate negative environmental impact. Stop them from decimating world populations by use of force, coercion, war, bribery, terrorism, genocide, etc.

4. Producing/processing foods (fruits, vegetables, etc.) which contain; pesticides, chemical fertilizers, poisons, food colorings/dyes, preservatives, chemical additives. Stop replacing wholesome foods with genetically altered and/or engineered foods.

5. Raising farm/ranch animals (livestock, poultry, etc.) which are injected with antibiotics, hormones, and/or steroids. Which in turn impact human beings on a physical level, through weakened immune systems, disease, etc.

6. Drastically reduce or eliminate automobile and aircraft CO2 emissions in order to cut down on the damage to the overall climate.

7. Climate change also affects ecosystems which in turn cause food chain reductions. This in turn leads to ever greater species extinction on a planetary scale.

Things humankind needs to START doing and/or change to help Mother Earth and 25

ourselves survive the Aquarian age:

1. Buying organic foods which are produced without poisons being introduced into the soil, air, and/or water systems.

2. Consuming only those animals (cattle, pigs, poultry, fisheries, etc.) raised and fed on organic farms using free grains and/or natural grasses without insecticides, chemical poisons.

3. Replacing fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas, etc.) with clean energy systems (solar radiation, wind, water, etc.).

4. Recycling: 80-85 percent of basic consumer trash can be recycled. Yet less than 35 percent is actually being recycled.

5. Expanding and building more companies which produce wind and solar energy.

Develop/promote those corporations/industries which promote renewable and alternative energy usage.

6. Turning garbage into usable fuel (synthetic gas) to power homes and businesses.

7. Address these destructive conditions; war, poverty, crime, and terrorism. These bring about fear and hatred on a global level which enter Mother Earth as negative energy.

8. Using the three R‟s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) for all individuals as well as for all corporations and nations of the world.

9. All societies, governments, global/domestic corporations need to join together to remove all contaminated conditions affecting the world environment. They also need to address the problem of over-population.


10. Commuting and/or buying fuel-efficient automobiles to assist in curtailing CO2


11. Allow farmers to grow industrial hemp which will replace the needless destruction of trees. Hemp can produce paper products, medicine and food at cheaper costs.

Just be aware that manmade global warming isn‟t as much of a concern on a physical level as it is on a spiritual level.

Most of the global warming hysteria comes from the elite. They use it as a means to control/decimate the populations of the world from behind the scenes.

Wake up! Think deeper about your future, and the future world you are leaving for your children!