Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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     What part did Judas Iscariot play in your arrest, did he hand you over to the Jewish Elders as claimed for thirty silver coins?


     This so-called event never actually happened, but it is a form of creative fictional writing which adds more credence to the overall fictional accounts contained in the bible.  That individual did exist but was not a so-called disciple or apostle, merely someone who came to hear my teachings on many occasions.  He did not betray me nor did he commit suicide out of remorse as some have reported.



     What about the three days in the tomb, your resurrection and then your ascension into heaven?  More storytelling from the church I take it?


     Yes, more embellishment trying to convey my contrived divinity as the Son of God to the masses.  Those in religious authority needed to persuade the people they wished to control that I had the power over life and death making me as divine as God. 




     What happened at the Last Supper?


     No last supper as stated in the bible took place, but there were several meals with those who came to say their goodbyes, as it were, while I was recuperating from the mock-crucifixion episode.  Many former teachers of the Essenes, family and close friends came to wish us well on our journey, knowing we would not be returning to that area of the world.




     So where did you go after you left this area?


     Many years spent in India teaching my philosophy to those who would listen.  Then migrating to what is now called Western Europe where Mary and I spent our final days.  The date of my natural death, using the same method to calculate my birth for your understanding, was 85 AD, November 11th at 7:17 in the evening.  Mary would live another seven years before leaving this world. 

     Of our three daughters, the two older ones made their lives in India and died there.  As for Little Mary, the youngest, she died late into her nineteenth year in India.  She was very outspoken concerning the poor treatment of what some in India today would call the ‘untouchables.’  She was beaten to death by a small group who had warned her not to interfere in their way of life.  This was a planned event for her to experience in that lifetime.




     They speak of the Cleansing of the Temple where you overturned the tables and whipped the money changers because of their greed, how true is this statement?


     This is one of the few events in the bible about my life that did have some merit to it.  After all, I was in a human form and did experience life as all in the human form do.  I did not have a bad temper per se, but I had my moments as many do on earth.  I was agitated by the greed shown by those who were known as the money changers who conducted their trade in the temple.

     I was not upset that they were doing this in their temple, but


that they were short changing and cheating the citizens while using the so-called sanctity of the temple as a ruse.  This upset me greatly and I entered the temple and had a loud exchange of words with one of the money changers.  He conveyed no sympathy and showed indifference at having knowingly cheated his fellow citizens.  I did not turn his table over yet I did force his coins off the table and came around the table whereby I pushed him to the ground.  I then proceeded to give him a rather loud rebuking.

     Others in the temple became fearful and fled seeking assistance from the local authorities, yet I was not stopped or approached by anyone as I left the temple, nor was I later visited or questioned by anyone having legal authority.




     Tell me about the miracles you performed?  Did you bring Lazarus of Bethany back to life after being dead for four days?


     Lazarus was suffering from malnutrition which brought on a series of seizures which in turn pushed him into a comatose state.  The ill-trained and ill-equipped physician who was summoned concluded he had passed and he was placed in a tomb.  

     By the time I arrived he had been pronounced dead and entombed.  My Spirit Doctor communicated to me that he was in fact not dead so I had his tomb opened and I entered.  I was instructed by my Spirit Doctor to place my left hand upon his forehead and to place my right hand over his heart area.  Healing energy from the other side was then passed through me into the body of Lazarus.  I could feel this warm, loving energy as it passed through me.  After seven minutes I felt the energy no more so I removed my hands and went outside and sat with the others in silence. 

     Within the hour Lazarus awoke from his coma and emerged from the tomb.  Great rejoicing from his family and friends erupted and I was thanked most gratefully by those present.  As the story of this simple healing went forth through time it was exaggerated and those in religious authority embellished it into a divine miracle and placed it in the bible.

     Just be aware there are no such things in your physical world as so-called ‘miracles.’  All events that may seem ‘miraculous’ are accomplished through natural and spiritual laws that are operating normally for this planetary system.




     I have heard of this ‘laying on of hands’ to heal people before.  Can anyone do it?


     Healing energy can be used by anyone wishing to help themselves or to help others.




     If I wanted to heal myself what would I need to do?


    If you can reach the area of your body that is in need of healing energy place one or both of your hands there.  If you are unable to reach the area simply relax, sit or lie down in a comfortable position.  Now close your eyes and mentally call for your Spirit Doctor to come and provide healing energy for the illness or affected area of your body.  Visualize in your mind the disease being destroyed and removed from your body or visualize the injured area becoming whole and healthy once more.  Repeat this each day for as long as the healing is required.  Have patience and don’t give up too soon, for thought to become a physical manifestation takes time in your world.

     Now, if you wish to do ‘hands-on’ healing for someone else such as a family member or close friend then have them sit in a straight back chair if possible so that you can stand behind the person.  Ask your spirit companion to place a shield of protection around you mentally.  If they are comfortable with it place your hands, one on each side of their head or one hand on each shoulder.  If they are not comfortable with being touched then simply hold your hands in the same position just an inch or two from having contact with them. 

     If they are in a bed simply place one hand on their forehead and one over their heart area.  Now close your eyes and mentally call upon your Spirit Doctor and ask that they bring forth healing energy for your loved one.  Visualize this person in your mind, see them walking in the sunshine in a state of


good health. 

     Remain in contact with the person for as long as you feel the energy flowing which may be only a few minutes.  Simply repeat these healing techniques as often as you feel comfortable doing so.  Remember you are not to send this healing energy yourself, allow your Spirit Doctor to do it.  Your Spirit Doctor may combine some of your energy with that of theirs so make sure you mentally ask for a shield of protection so that no energy from the ill person returns to your physical body.  Do not weaken yourself while trying to help others.

     Remember that not everyone wants help for whatever reason they may choose.  You cannot force healing upon anyone who does not wish it.  All have free will.  There are those who may wish healing energy yet no matter how much is given it will not have any immediate effect upon the person.  Some individuals have programmed into their lifetime a certain illness or disability they wish to experience for their spiritual growth pattern.  Their inner being does not want it cured or corrected until they have fully experienced their chosen lesson or experience from such an event.

     Once accomplished their body and mind may allow healing energy to assist them, if they so desire it, but do not try and force healing energy upon anyone, let them freely experience their chosen journey of self discovery.  There are no accidents in this physical world.




     When will we find a cure for cancer?


     Many cures for major life-threatening diseases such as cancer have already been discovered by your medical and pharmaceutical establishments, yet they have no future plans to disclose these cures to the public at large.  There are vast amounts of profit to be made by ‘managing’ disease as opposed to ‘curing’ disease.  The public welfare is not the true goal of these establishments; greed would be the true motivator.





     What did you mean by, ‘no accidents in the physical world?’


     There is much adjustment that takes place in your life depending on your free will so that events that are planned may take place, that is, not the specific event in most cases, but the event that brings about the desired experience or goal that you planned to achieve and experience in this lifetime.

     There are many things that influence free will and influence events during your lifetime.  There are many things that are planned, simply because they appeared accidental or inconsequential makes them no less import, though they may be.  An accident can bring your attention to an area that you were neglecting, even in terms of thought; though the accident may have some physical impact associated with it.  There may also be implications for your emotions.

     It is important to adjust your thinking to understand that there are no negative actions.  There are many things that unfold so that the desired plan, that which you were counseled on and have chosen to experience with your own desire, that these be accomplished.  You may learn different aspects of love, for example, through any number of experiences, so it is not dependent at ‘all’ times that you meet a specific individual or care for an individual so that a bond is formed or any other part of love or caring be experienced.

     There are times when it is ‘very’ dependent on the person because of their path and your path and how they interrelate, but many goals and experiences will be brought about by the circumstances no matter how your free will has intertwined with your desired plan.  It is of utmost importance to keep your mind open and clear and not worry on how the event has been formed, but to understand the causal reasons; those important beyond the physical world, those that you will carry with you after your physical death.

     Examine theses reasons, the motivations and the areas being affected.  These are what often determine growth or an area to review for some potential lesson or meaning after you have come through physical death.  It is not necessary at all times to feel as though you experienced a specific incident and then reacted poorly to it, though you may not understand the process now you will understand, or you still may not, upon your exit


from this physical world.

     Your reflection on this situation and understanding the correct, or universal, response that may have been more positive is as useful as if it were your initial response.  Typically, it is not known by you whether this also was the required response for the growth of yourself or for others involved, though all actions should be considered and reviewed on terms of how you feel much later, after the incident.  Were you better off because of your reaction to the accident, or were you feeling as though you reacted negatively towards yourself or others involved.  These are important if you are considering growth and evolution in your lifetime and beyond it.




     Can you explain this ‘desired plan’ you mention and how we are ‘counseled’ concerning it?


     Those energy beings that desire to incarnate into a human body meet with a group of higher beings who act as counselors.  The being is working on its individual evolution or it may be part of a group and the higher beings assist with that process.  The counselors make sure the being doesn’t try and program more lessons and experiences then it can handle in a single incarnation. 

     There is a lot that must be taken into account; for the being is allowed to decide if it will be male or female, what race, what nationality or area of the world to be born into, does it require a family unit or only a single parent or orphanage.  Will it need many years to experience its chosen lessons or just a few short years to accomplish its spiritual desires?  Does it require a healthy body or a body with a physical, mental, or emotional handicap to fulfill its lessons?  Does it need to experience a life of wealth, power, or a life of poverty to grow spiritually?  Has it come to assist others or to be assisted by others…




     Wait a second…those who have a physical handicap asked to be like that?


     There are those energy beings who desire to live a life of diminished capacity, whether physical or mental, for their personal spiritual growth.  They can move at a faster spiritual rate, but do not necessarily move at a faster rate simply because they are handicapped.  There is not more or less for them to know; only that it is a different way to learn through the physical or mental impairment they chose.  They too can go off their chosen path and achieve no spiritual progression just as those beings in a healthy body can.

     They also help to teach to humankind the lessons of kindness, love and patience as it relates to these individuals.  Those with a diminished capacity have less interference to contend with from mindless pursuits, because they cannot engage in them, and they are therefore less distracted on their way to their goals.  These beings can return for this specific purpose, of being disabled, when in previous incarnations they had missed the opportunity to complete some specific task.  Not true for all beings.  They can be great teachers in their own right.


     Now, to continue where I left off, after choosing all that and much more the energy being then decides on specific experiences it needs for its individual growth; for example it may seek role reversal depending on if it was the victim or the attacker in its last incarnation.  Such as being murdered or being the murderer, being a rapist or being raped, being molested or being a pedophile, being mentally, physically, or emotionally dominant over another or being dominated by someone and much more.  Now there are many energy beings that have progressed beyond those types of lessons and experiences and now seek other challenges for their spiritual advancement…




     Sorry to interrupt again…but the ‘being murdered or being the murderer’ thing…you’re saying for example when some teenager goes into a school and kills a bunch of students and teachers, it was a planned event?


     Yes, the lesson of unconditional love knows no bounds or


limits in your world.  All who are involved in a specific event of the aforementioned type, whether you view it as tragic or not, were complicit in the action itself from a spiritual standpoint.  All were actors on a stage, so to speak, fulfilling their desire to experience the event for personal reasons, and at the same time to teach the world about true, unconditional love.  You must look behind the scene, as it were, to understand the true meaning behind the so-called tragic events that occur in this world of illusion.


     Now, to begin where I left off, these lessons the energy being chooses to experience in the physical form are placed in the subconscious mind of that individual for its personal spiritual advancement.  Now free will is a factor once the being has incarnated.  That individual can alter and change its life path, but should it stray too far off its chosen course its Spirit Doctor will then try to steer it back to its original desired plan.  Especially if its free will has placed it on a path which will not accomplish anything beneficial for the energy being. 

     There are individuals who experience depression simply because their subconscious mind, that which knows what life path it planned, is in conflict with its conscious mind which is now being influenced by the free will and other outside stimuli.   If the person cannot be guided back to their chosen path by their Spirit Doctor, he will then seek to arrange it so that the main lessons can still be placed in the path of the individual. 

     Humans more often then not allow ‘mindless pursuits’ to become major distractions which push them off their chosen life path.  They allow these distractions to become a fixation which consumes their daily lives.




     What are these mindless pursuits?


     Such things as computer games, excessive and frivolous internet usage, life consuming sporting events, prolonged television viewing of violence and endless aggression; especially concerning the raising of your children, continual cell phone texting, and similar mindless distractions.  People become obsessed with these trivial endeavors, and they lose sight of the true reason they incarnated as they allow these distractions to overtake and control their daily lives.

     Now, there are enjoyments here and they are allowed to be experienced.  Simply because a person enjoys mindless pursuits does not make them negative experiences, in and of themselves as long as they are done in moderation.  Many have great work to do and for some these mindless pursuits can become hindrances and should be avoided.  Some individuals seek comfort in these things.  The key here is moderation, moderation, moderation in all things; too many do these things to excess causing them to lose sight of their true path in life.

     There are those energy beings that have in previous lifetimes been consumed by mindless pursuits and failed to achieve their chosen lessons; so to avoid the same outcome again, should they fall prey to the same mindless pursuits in their current incarnation they have programmed certain things or events to force them out of their complacency.  An example would be that of a major disease such as heart disease or cancer to name a few.

     When an individual is too far off their chosen path their life event programming is triggered and the event or disease comes to the rescue, so to speak, to force the individual to take notice of their life, and allow lessons of unconditional love to be experienced and expressed on many different levels.

     Many in your world may not see a major disease as something ‘positive’ while they are experiencing it, yet they will be very pleased when they return knowing they did not waste an incarnation through all-consuming trivial pursuits.




     What do you mean by, ‘especially concerning the raising of your children?’


     If you allow young, impressionable minds to be given daily doses of violence and aggression through television and the internet; do not look surprised when they grow up to be aggressive and violent adults.  The lack of parental control is just one of the leading causes of the chaos you experience in your present society.

     They have come into this life to follow ‘their’ chosen path, not the path of the parents or society at large.  Educate your


young in the following spiritual truths; teach them to live a moral life, to assist those who have less, to be of service to others who are in true need, to work for the higher good of all humanity, and above all to love all life unconditionally.

     If you restrain the essence of a child at an early age you condemn them to a life of spiritual slavery so to speak.  An example of this would be to indoctrinate a young child into an organized religion, seducing it into believing in the archaic myths and falsehoods which will infect and limit its intellect.  A child so influenced, be it intuitive, will reject and discard the erroneous religious instruction as it becomes self aware of its deception, and shall then turn on those whom it feels misled it at a time when it had no way to resist this betrayal.  It will then seek its true spiritual path to enlightenment by removing itself from those whose guidance it now subconsciously no longer trusts; be it parents, religious authority or others it felt went along with the original betrayal.

     Those less intuitive children will be held captive by organized religions power and authority, and they shall force upon their own children a similar fate, which they were unable to break free of themselves.  Organized religions have brought great suffering and strife to your world, stop perpetuating this negative cycle onto future generations.




     I take it you are against all religions?


     To be truly free in mind, body and spirit you must come to the understanding that humankind requires no ministers, no priests, no rabbis, no cleric, no church, no mosque, no synagogue, no temples, and no places of worship of any kind.  No system of doctrine, dogma, or theology need be placed in your path as an obstacle to the simple truths of the ‘Source of all Life.’ 

     Unconditional love is experienced from the smallest measure to the highest; love is the key that unlocks your spiritual growth, and it’s that simple.  Religion has replaced God by falsely claiming without its guidance and control you cannot reach God.  Remove yourself from this false deception; no matter what stage of development you are in it is never to late to cast off the limitations of manmade religions and move forward with your spiritual enlightenment.  Yes, I do understand not everyone is ready to advance and many have grounded themselves in some form of organized religion and that is fine.  If the path you are following has led you to place yourself into the confines of a religious group, then so be it, for that may be where you are currently in your personal growth. 

     When you have sufficiently grasped the limitations of religion, should you come to that realization, then you will no longer need its superficial support and you will be ready to evolve higher as you seek out your true spiritual path in life.  But for those who are unable or unwilling to leave the controlling aspect of religion, please don’t subject your children to the same entrapment which has befallen you. 

     If you learn no other lesson in this life, know this, all material things have no meaning or value in the world of spirit.  The only things you take with you when you leave this life are the experiences and lessons learned which affect spiritual development.  Wealth and power have no place on the other side. 

     As it has been said; it is important to know that humankind will one day understand why their loving Creator has allowed them to experience; disease, war, rape, murder, genocide, starvation, and other so-called negative things, and they shall be so truly thankful for those lessons they have come here to experience.  Allow the future generations to be free of such ignorance which has held your world for too long in fear.




   What about ‘walking upon the water’ as foretold in the gospels, did this truly happen?


     I did not walk upon the water and did not calm the storm as the bible states.  I was observed by a few who saw me levitating about a foot off the ground while in a meditative state.  They then later used that to foster the ‘walking upon the water’ story.  This fictional story was simply used by religious authority who wanted to show my so-called power over nature, thus adding to the divine image they were fostering to the masses.

     Levitation has been used by humankind throughout the


centuries and there are those among you today who have developed this ability in conjunction with their Spirit Doctor.




     Did the miracle feeding of the 5,000 with just ‘five loaves of bread and two fish’ actually take place?


     This event did take place, but was an extreme exaggeration concerning the numbers mention in the bible.  There were no 5,000 people in attendance.  As those who came to hear me speak were coming and going totaled at its height no more then 90 people.  During the early evening hours I observed those who had traveled several miles and arrived without enough food and drink to sustain them.  I simply asked those in attendance who had more then enough, to share with those who had little or none.

     Remember, in that time and place there were no fast food restaurants located on every corner as you now seem to have.  Most people knew