Angelic Thinking: Your Angels’ Help With Positve Thinking by Andrew Marmion - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Altar Your Prayers



I mentioned a couple of times during the course of this book that I have an angel altar. The angels call it: Heaven’s Corner. Sounds like an end of terrace house!

Although they haven’t said so, I know they’re really touched by the altar, all the little statues and candles, the flowers and other bits and bobs. It’s common among angelites (another of my words) to have an altar to the angels.


Why Have an Altar?

If you’re unfamiliar with this you may be wondering why I have one. I can only answer for myself. Making a fuss of the angels helps me keep focussed on working with them. It also reminds me of the painful, dark place from which I emerged with their help. This makes my heart well up with gratitude. I sometimes still cry, thankful of the nightmare of depression from which God and his angels saved me.

I know some people believe we have no need of a saviour or redemption, but I certainly experienced being saved that day. The depression lifted in a miraculous way. I don’t know if I would have taken my life if left in that state, but I know the power of darkness which can come over a depressed and sick mind. I self-harmed in the past because of it, and was no stranger to suicidal ideation. But now, I’m set free. Miracles truly do happen!

Many cords were cut the day I was set free, and I haven’t looked back since. This mighty healing freed me of much of my past, too, and from so many other aspects of my life which were painful. I’ll never forget that day and will always be grateful to God and his angels for their loving help and healing.

Having an altar for me is also a sign of affection, like a mini home for the angels, a place where they can feel at home. Maybe that’s why they call it Heaven’s Corner.

Stop the press! As I wrote that, Samuel, one of my angels told me I was right. The arrangement of statues, flowers and candles reminds them of Heaven; it’s home from home. Samuel also said it was because it made me happy to make the altar and tend it. They’re happy because I’m happy. Wow!

It’s also great for my wife and kids. We’ve received so many blessings as a family by that little altar. I taught my girls how to connect with their angels there. I was so delighted when they bought me a little sleeping cherub to place there and how they sometimes collect flowers from the garden to adorn it.

It’s also good fun buying other statues and candles and to change them round. The different colours and arrangements also help keep things interesting. I sometimes change it according to which week it is. I have an angelic theme for each week which, again, keeps things interesting and me motivated. One week’s archangel week, another guardian angel week, one for Mary, the Divine Mother and Queen of all angels, another for Raphael and the healing angels, and yet another for Michael and his warrior angels. The list is as endless as the imagination.


Thanksgiving Prayers

I’d like to finish now with a few prayers of thanksgiving. We can’t thank the angels enough for their love and support. We don’t realise the half of what they do for us, even when we’re more aware than most of their compassion and help. And they go unthanked so often, yet never complain. So here’s a few prayers to help you thank the angels in different circumstances.


Our Guardian Angels

Dear angels and friends, thank you so much for your unconditional love. Thank you for each smile, each gentle touch, each caress. Thank you for your understanding and relentless reminders of your presence. Thank you, my angels, for your tireless working so that I may experience safety and security each day of my life. And so it is.


The Healing Angels

Loving and healing angels, thank you for the healing you have bestowed on me. Thank you for channelling it to where I need it most. Thank you healing angels for your diligence and care, your unswerving compassion and willingness to serve. And so it is.


Warrior Angels

Angels of strength and power, thank you for intervening on my behalf. Thank you for keeping me safe from harm and from any darkness which seeks to engulf me. Keep me and my family safe from accidents and sickness; ward off negative energy. Blessed angels of might, thank you for your continual and loving efforts. And so it is.


 The Nature Angels

Thank you nature angels for tending God’s creation. Without this beauty, life would be all the poorer. Thank you nature angels for whispering to me to care for and appreciate nature, to remember that it’s another way God reminds me of his love for me. May I be more like you and encourage nature’s growth and loving expansion. And so it is.


The Angels of Love and Acceptance

Holy angels of love and acceptance, I am thinking ego-based thoughts which have me at war with myself, not accepting life on life’s terms. I choose to let go of these thoughts and accept what’s happening is for a reason a reason which serves my higher good. Thank you for helping me do so and filling my mind with thoughts of acceptance and love. And so it is!


Angelic Tidbits

  • Altars make the angels happy when we have one in their honour
  • Having an altar helps us focus on our life with the angels
  • An altar is a sign of affection for the angels
  • It’s fun to play around with altar arrangements, keeping things focused and interesting
  • Being thankful to the angels is the least we can do to show our appreciation