Seeing the Big Picture


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Book Description

"Seeing the Big Picture" is the autobiography of John C. Dean, the engineer who proved the take over of the US in 1963 by a shadow government represented by puppet presidents who followed: LBJ, Nixon, Ford, GHW Bush, and GW Bush. These presidents all had prior knowledge of the assassination of JFK and in all but one case, took direct action to kill JFK or cover up how he was killed with the Oswald allegation. John performed a detailed forensic ballistic analysis to account for all the missed shots,and wounds known for the actual assassination. He provides visual proof in this with his reprocessing of the old photos/movie frames, and most important, makes his whole life transparent to the reader while showing his fabulous art and other creations too precious to pass up. Enjoy your trip.

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John C. Dean

born the 3rd son of 4 of Don and Evelyn Dean, raised in Southern California. Engineering school UCSB 1967 BSEE, high honors, and MSEE Cal Tech 1968. Captain USAF 68-72, civil servant Navy 72-79, with 10 years experience in military satellite communications system engineering. Changed to design jeweler 1980, self employed to present current era, started painting in 1990.Started studying nations problems in 2007 and it resulted in "A Beautiful Mind (With a Big Mouth?)", "Seeing the Big Picture" 2019, and "Common Sense Revisited" .2021. Now paint fine oil paintings, and wood sculpture/portraits

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