Maurice Goudeketting Memoirs of My Life


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Published: 11 years ago

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Book Description

The memoirs of Maurice Goudeketting cover pre-war life in the Netherlands and Belgium from 1920-1940,the war years 1940-1945 and post war to the present day. Hard Cover avail. @ Life in the Netherlands included his family's struggle to deal with the depression.The memoirs provide the reader with a front row view of a man who not only escaped the German onslaught by staying one step ahead of their advance, but then joining up with the Royal Dutch Air Force stationed in Britain and flying 70 missions over Europe as an air gunner to take part in the liberation of his homeland. The book also reveals some of the war time activities of Maurice's future wife, Blanca Wiener, as a Dutch resistance courier during the war, and of the deKoning family who helped Blanca and many others escape out of the German occupied p...

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