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Published By: Natalie Stevens Copyright ©2009 All Rights are Reserved Disclaimer
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LOSE 10 YEARS: A DO-IT-YOURSELF GUIDE TO PULLING OFF A HIP AND YOUNGER YOU!I can still recall getting thrilled with my birthdays. I remember when I hit 13 and I officially
became a teenager . I just can’t wait to grow up and explore new experiences. I remember when
I became 18 and officially joined adulthood, and I can’t wait to explore opportunities in store
for me. I remember when I celebrated my 20’s and entered the workforce and got married, got
lovely kids. And then I hit my late 30’s, and then I realized that together with my birthdays are
now wrinkles, lines and little gray hairs growing with my age. Then suddenly, my birthdays have
become as less exciting as before. It’s a totally different scenario when you start realizing you’re
not getting any younger. Then I said: Nat, you’ve got to do something about this.
I am writing this book to share with women in the same situation on how I have successfully
concealed my age. I am now 37 years old, and every now and then, I receive compliments that I
look younger . This is a surge in self-esteem for me, that despite of being a mother of two, a
thriving career and lots of other stuff that need my attention, I am able to take good care of
myself; and at the same time, a priceless reward for my effort to look after my well-being. It’s
even more pleasing when I need not have to spend thousand bucks from my pocket just to look
younger . I am just your average woman, who gets broke every once in a while, you know. Yes. Age is a force to reckon with. Why can’t we just freeze time and stop aging isn’t it? But
perhaps, we will never have the power to stop the hands of time in this lifetime, or even in
another. But let us not worry because always, there are surefire, affordable ways to cheat your
age. But of course, as our title implies, within the limits of being age appropriate and still being
respectable. We don’t want to be tagged as “goat dressed as a lamb” right?
Now, let’s begin the journey to being a younger looking goddess in her 30s, 40’s, 50’s and even
60’s shall we?
Almost all the time, it is our face that gets noticed first in each interaction with every blinking
human being. As a first stop in my quest on keeping myself look younger, I made sure that I
took good care of my face – from hair down to neck.
A. Keep Your Crowning Glory Aglow
Styling the hair will make huge difference on your look and consequently to your age. Below
are some points I have considered, and now to pass on to you, on how I’ve made myself look
younger through my crowning glory.
The Color
Some women look stunning on gray hair, but I personally prefer playing with colors. This is one
of the steps I took - washing out my increasing gray hair and giving my crowning glory a lighter
hair color. Say, Jane Fonda, Diana Keaton, Bette Midler, Barbara Streisand, Hillary Clinton and
Barbara Walters. They look fabulous and most of all, younger in their light-colored hair don’t
But how will I know the right hair color for me and my skin tone?
That’s the same question that popped in my head. Thank goodness for technology. There are now available websites that allow women to upload their pictures and try out
different hair colors. Clairol.com for one does this. Simply upload your latest picture and you
can test a variety of shades for you. I did this and ended up with a glamorous hair that best
complemented my complexion
I also learned that it won’t hurt to play with shades. However, it is still very essential to
consider one’s skin tone. The standard I believe is going with up or down two shades – and
nothing more than that. Once I used five shades and it made me looked washed out since it
didn’t match my skin tone. But to be clearer about this, here are some tips:
I would characterize skin tone as “warm” and “cool.” You’ d know your color is warm if you have
The wisdom behind lightening hair is that dark hair is likely to give emphasis to the lines of the
face by throwing darkness into it. Light colored hair brings a certain young-looking radiance
because it tends to brighten face and light up the skin tone.
As women also mature, the natural order of things make us lose pigment and pairing it with
dark brown or dark black hair is an unlikely complement to our aging skin pigment. However,
do make sure that the hair doesn’t become too light because this can make you look trashy. As I
pointed out earlier, the most crucial aspect is having the hair color going harmoniously with
your complexion.
The next question is: how can we lighten our hair?
Sure. Salons are just there in every corner . But roots can grow immediately and going to the
I would also like to point out that maintenance is entwined with colored hair . You have to re
color your hair in a particular number of months or even weeks (depending in your hair color)
as roots will grow . Covering a grey hair for instance with a permanent color will have you
having it re-colored every 6 weeks. My roots become evident after 1 month. It’s just a good
For blonde women out there, lemon juice is the key word to lighten the hair . But make sure you dilute the lemon juice since the solution can also cause dry and brittle-end hair. To prepare the solution, mix one table spoon of lemon juice to a one gallon of water. Use this when rinsing the hair and do this everyday until it reaches the desired (and appropriate to skin tone) hair color.
Some herbs, like the chamomile flowers do not only lighten the hair, it also uniformly adds color to our crowning glory. To prepare this solution, steep half a cup of the flowers in one quart of boiling water. After half an hour, strain the mixture and let it cool.
Wash your hair, towel dry it and pour the chamomile solution over the hair. Catch the residue in a container and pour this over your hair again. Repeat this 10 to 20 times, depending on the degree of lightness that you want (remember the skin tone! Always!). When down to the last rinse, leave the mixture in the hair for a good 15 minutes, then wash and rinse the hair completely.
Finally, the sun can also be a tool in lightening your blonde hair . When at beach or at the pool, spending time under the sun while with wet hair can help lighten the hair. When you do this in a period of time, it will gradually lighten your hair. Be sure though to use the proper skin products to make sure you protect your skin in the process.
The Cut and StyleOne of the techniques I’ve learned to looking younger is through hair style. I chose the use of
layers that added more life to my hair and my whole look. When heavy hair falls close to face, it
generates shade that can make our skin look faded and lifeless. Layers shows off our skin and
allow a bouncy, flirty movement, emancipating youthful activeness and aura.
I also made my hair shorter. Shorter hair can be very flattering especially if tailored-fit to the
frame of the face. It gives this rejuvenating youthful facade as it adds body to the hair and
enhances cheekbones. I would like to caution though that having shorter hair isn’t exactly
applicable to look younger – the most essential factor to consider is having the style of the cut
complementing the frame of the face. In assuring that this is attained, always take into account
your nose, cheekbones and jaw line – which of them is your best feature? The real trick is
enhancing your best asset while hiding your flaws
I know what you’re thinking. You want to know what’s the cut that matches that pretty face of
yours. Again, thank goodness for technology.
Websites are nowadays readily available to help you test and see the best hair style and cut for
your face shape – the Online Face Shape Wizard is just one of them.
I tried: www.hairstyles.virtual-hairstyles.com/consultation.html where I answered some
questions that led me to the best hair cut for my face.
Now to give you a feel on the best cut and style that will give you a youthful radiance, here are
some tips for you.
Haircut & Style: To create a balance shape look for styles that are narrow at the
cheekbones and wider at the forehead. Add a little more fullness at the crown if
Heart face: Wide, short forehead, and small pointy chin.
Haircut & Style: Suited styles are like layered bob with extra volume and outward flicks at chin level. Asymmetric cuts are also flattering heart-shaped faces.
Haircut & Style: This is the most balanced face shape and almost perfect for any
type of hair style.
known as long face shape.
Haircut & Style: Suited styles are like chin or shoulder-length cuts with a
fringe that can disguises the long forehead.
Haircut & Style: The round shape normally makes the cheeks appear wider .
Most short hair cuts works well for round face as long as there is some height
at the crown area and little fullness above the ears to slim down the round
face. Soft cuts with sophisticated layers coming forward onto the face look stylish and is an ideal hair style for round face shape. Soft curls will also flatter
the frame of a round face. For straight hair asymmetric cuts can also be an
Haircut & Style: Square edges should be soften by breaking the symmetry.
Graduated layers with some volume at crown and soft curls looks stylish on this
type of face shape.
widest at the jaw line.
Haircut & Style: Most short hair cuts works for this type of face. Avoid styles with
volume at the top.
SOURCE: http://beautybox.wordpress.com/2008/11/04/how-to-find-the-right-hair-style-for-your-face-shape/
Also do take note that hair becomes thinner as we mature and so we have to take some steps
to revive the life and volume. I’ve achieved this by using volumizing shampoo to my hair . I’ve
read that lightweight conditioner should be paired with it but you have to make sure it is only
applied to the ends and not to the crown. At times, conditioning the hair up to the crown
translates to limpness, which is not very attractive. To add more volume, blow-dry the hair.
You’ll have a better effect if you rub a small amount of mousse to the roots. Even if you’re
older, the classic upside-down move can still make things happen: so go ahead, flip your head
and shake hair with fingertips up to the roots.
The Bangs
Bangs aren’t only trendy; it’s very helpful for mature women because it conceals forehead lines.
It also comes in different varieties ranging from short to long, side-swept to full frontal-brunt;
or you can also do it in between. But like the principle we established with the cut and the
color, it is equally essential that the right cut of bangs is paired with the shape of the face.
Below are some rules of the thumb in capturing the perfect match to the contour of your face.
• Diamond shaped faces need bangs that can disguise the face as oval shaped (which can
wear any hair cut and bangs). Go for a brow hugging bangs that softly drape the forehead. You can enhance the illusion of oval shape look by styling your hair with long
or graduated layers that caress sides of the face.
• Heart shaped faces have lot of options. It can go perfectly with side swept feathered or texturized bang style. Women in this face shape can also opt for full bangs (long or short) cut straight across the face. There are two things to consider though in hacking the best bangs for this shape: do you want to minimise the wideness of the face or do you want to balance the prominent chin?
• Oval shaped faces can go with any hair cut, so this kind of frame can pull off any style of
• Round shaped faces need bangs that minimize round cheeks. For this type, you should
go for long softly layered or feathered bangs that hug the cheeks areas. I’m actually in
this category so I’m now wearing feathered bangs - and my friends are loving it.
• Square/Rectangular shaped faces need bangs that can soften square facial contour. Side
swept bangs can successfully do this because it gently curve or taper inwards towards
the jaw. Generally, side swept bangs helps in softening the angles of the face.
• Triangular shaped faces also need bangs that can make an illusion of an oval face shape.
To have this look, you will need wider bangs that are feathered, wispy or texturized. This style of bangs tend to cover wide forehead and gives a better proportion with a wide
A word of caution - bangs do not go well with chemically damaged h