365 Quick Beauty Tips by Adi Atar - HTML preview

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Beauty Tips


Organization is the key when it comes to time m anagement and your beauty routine. Expedite your beauty ritual in the mornings by keeping all of your makeup in one or two well-known places.

Save yourself the hassle of packing extra items by bringing travel -size containers of your beauty and skincare products. This will give you mo re room to pack other things.

Learn to recycle your skincare products to be m ore Earth-friendly. Opt for skincare, cosmetic and other beauty products that offer refillable containers. Also reuse any boxes you receive packages in.

Keep your cosm etic products intact by keeping them out of direct sunlight and make sure the lids are tightly shut when not in use. Also avoid sharing cosmetics, since this can be unsanitary.

Keep a close eye on your cosm etic products. Be sure to note if your products suddenly contain a foul odor, change colors or change its consistency. Chances are it's gone bad so throw it out.

Clean tools like eyelash curlers, nail tools, and curling irons by taking a cotton ball soaked in vinegar or alcohol and gently wipe the surface. Clean your blow dryer with a toothbrush to clean out the grill.

Sick of spending money on new makeup sponges? Then try washing them instead of throwing them away after each use. Tossing them time after time quickly adds up to more waste and more of a burden on the planet.

Don't throw away your old contact lens cases - these can be used as m akeshift travel containers that can be used to store sm all amounts of eye cream or moisturizer if you're m aking an overnig