Your Duck Keeping Guide


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Published: 12 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Have you ever given any thought to raising ducks? Many urban families have begun raising chickens in the back yard but have by-passed adding ducks to the mix. There seems to be an impression that ducks are more difficult to keep than chickens. While we aren't sure how that myth came to be we can debunk it. Ducks are every bit as simple to raise as chickens. And, have you ever had a fresh egg? We mean a really fresh egg, one that is still warm from the duck! Duck eggs are also usually larger than chicken eggs. Eating a fresh duck egg is an experience everyone should enjoy. A fresh egg looks like it was fried in one of those metal rings because it doesn't spread across the pan. They are generally more colorful as well with a yolk so bright it almost sits up and salutes you....

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