H.E.R.D Human Equine Relationship Development


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Published: 12 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Tamara Svencer creates a window into the world of horses and how they think and communicate so that you can interact with your horse on a deeper more understandable level. This book teaches you how to avoid and correct bad behaviors and develop a more natural bond with your horse. You will learn the basic keys to being heard and hearing what your horse is saying so that you can connect with better more consistent results. It is not just for horse trainers, this book is for all horse owners.

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Tamara Svencer

My name is Tamara Svencer and I wrote a book to help people better understand and communicate with their horses in a natural way that creates a strong and powerful bond that the horse respects. Eliminate pushy, bossy behavior. Stop fearing your horse and start enjoying it. Learn the basic body language of the horse and start learning how to use your body language to get better results. Tips on buying, handling, herd dynamics & horse psychology. Also covers spoiling, and aggressive horses.

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