Affiliate Marketing 101


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Book Description HTML

Welcome to Effective Affiliate Program Management. I Wrote this for one reason, and one reason only, and That's to show you how to maintain both your affiliate system, the affiliates contained within it, the offers you send them, and how to get the most out of all of the above. Also, I‟ll be talking to you about what not do to with them, why they're so important and some of the reasons that affiliates and affiliate systems are often underestimated or seen in a negative light from the perspective of program owners looking solely at their short to medium term profit. One thing I will say is that It‟s important to acquire and consume this knowledge at the earliest stage possible for reasons we‟ll discuss shortly. Even it isn‟t your top priority at this particular moment, you‟ll be able to see just how powerful affiliate marketing is and why you should start planning before even launching your products.

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