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Author: Jack London, Narrator: Mike Busson
Playtime: 11 hours 45 minutes
Sequel to "Jerry of the Islands". Lots of unnecessary racism but one of the best animal adventures.
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Playtime:6 hours 30 minutes
Published:Jun 2014
Captain Bill and Trot journey to Oz where, with the aid of the Scarecrow, they battle the king over a cruel plan to marry off his daughter.
Playtime:3 hours 15 minutes
Gulliver’s second voyage is to Brobdingnag, a land of Giants. Here, Gulliver is small and afraid. But his keepers are surprisingly gentle.
Playtime:1 hour 15 minutes
Danger of overindulgence in Green Tea
Playtime:15 hours 30 minutes
Medieval knights wars and adventures. Prequel to The White Company