Geometrical Optics and Physical Optics by Herimanda A. Ramilison - HTML preview

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Optics and



By Herimanda A. Ramilison

African Virtual university

Université Virtuelle Africaine

Universidade Virtual Africana




African Virtual University


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License (abbreviated “cc-by”), Version 2.5.


African Virtual University

Table of ConTenTs


Geometrical Optics and Physical Optics _________________________3


Introductory Course or Basic Required Notions ___________________3

III. Timetable Distribution _______________________________________3

IV. Teaching Material __________________________________________4


Module Justification/Importance _______________________________4

VI. Contents _________________________________________________4

6.1 Overview _____________________________________________4

6.2 Schematic Representation ________________________________5

VII. General Objectives _________________________________________6

VIII. Specific Learning Activity Objectives ____________________________7

IX. Teaching and Learning Activities ______________________________10


Key Concepts (Glossary) ____________________________________16

XI. Mandatory Reading ________________________________________17

XII. Mandatory Resources ______________________________________20

XIII. Useful Links _____________________________________________21

XIV. Learning Activities _________________________________________31

XV. Module Synthesis _________________________________________80

XVI. Summary Evaluation _______________________________________81

XVII. Bibliographical References __________________________________92

XVIII. About the Author __________________________________________93

XIX. File structure _____________________________________________94



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I. Geometrical optics and Physical optics

Herimanda A. Ramilison (This section is unnecessary and should be deleted)

II. Introductory Course or basic notions


To follow this module, the learner must master the following concepts:

Trigonometric equations, solution of first order equations with a single unknown

variable, the concept of mirror images;

The fundamental principles of dynamics (vectorial representation of a force,

graphical representation using a coordinates system);

General theorems of kinetic energy, angular momentum;

The following energy-related definitions: kinetic and potential energy stored

in a capacitor, in a coil, mechanical or electrical (system?); (The highlighted in

yellow is vague)

Ohm’s Law (study of electronic oscillators);

The mesh or loop rule applied to an electrical circuit;

The potential difference at the terminals of a coil, a resistor and a capacitor;

Solution of the following differential equations: second order, linear, with constant

coefficients, with or without a second variable;

Sinusoidal movements;

Complex representation of a sinusoidal magnitude with respect to time;

Fresnel vectors;

Partial derivative (differential?) equations.;

III. Timetable Distribution

Unit 1 Geometrical Optics : 50 hours

Unit 2 Oscillations : 15 hours

Unit 3 Waves: 15 hours

Unit 4 Sound waves : 10 hours

Unit 5 Interference of Light: 30 hours




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IV. Teaching Material

Computer with CD-ROM, video projector, television, Internet access, word

processor, Excel, PowerPoint…

V. Module Justification/Importance

The current module is part of a teacher training program.

It will enable the learners to understand what they see (rainbows, mirages…),

comprehend how to improve vision (eyeglasses, a magnifying glass, a micros-

cope, a telescope…).

To possess knowledge about vibratory or oscillatory movement relative to a com-

mon notion: waves. This module explains the fact that it is impossible to obtain a

very narrow ray of light simply by decreasing the diameter of the exit point.

VI. Contents



In this module, the concept of light’s behavior when reflected from the same

medium or at the interface between two different media will be treated.

The construction of images obtained through optical systems and different types

of lenses will be discussed. Certain optical systems will be presented in this

module: the eye, a magnifying glass, a microscope, a telescope, a camera, along

with the way they work by calculating focal lengths, magnification and vergency

(optical power). The module explains the comprehension and correction of vision

problems: farsightedness, nearsightedness.

The next step will be to explain essential wave-related concepts, along with the

way they interact. The observation that the pitch of sound from a siren changes

when the source or receiver or both moves will be elucidated. The concept of phase

will allow the understanding of phenomena such as interference or diffraction

when two apparently identical phenomena are superimposed.



African Virtual University

The current module deals with:

Reflection, refraction,

Polarization, Brewster’s Law,

Plane mirrors, curved mirrors,

Curved refractive surfaces,

Thin lenses,

Optical instruments,

Harmonic oscillators,

Standing waves and resonance,

The Doppler Effect,


The Superposition Principle,

Light wave interference and diffraction.

6.2 Schematic Representation



Fermat’s Principle


Plane surface,




Snell-Descartes Laws

Paraxial (or Gauss)







Oscillator movement

Light interference

Mechanical Waves

Sound waves

Traveling waves and

Transverse waves and

stationary waves

longitudinal waves



African Virtual University

VII. General objectives

The learner must be able to :

Knowledge Goals


Recall Descartes’ Laws,


Recall Brewster’s Law,

Method Goals

Theoretical Abilities:


Understand polarisation,


Understand the functioning of optical systems,


Understand oscillatory movement;


Understand characteristic wave elements ;


Understand wave superposition ;


Understand the elaboration of a simple question ;

(how will understanding be measured?)

Practical or Experimental Abilities


In a team, demonstrate an experiment about reflection using a mirror,

paper and needles ;


Find the image of a real object using a converging lens ;


Converse with colleagues by chatting online.(A social chat? Be speci-



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VIII. specific learning objectives

(learning Goals)

Unit 1 Geometrical Optics

Specific Knowledge Goals:

Recall Descartes’ Laws;

Describe a thin lens using its definition;

Describe the optical components of a microscope;

Specific Theoretical Ability Goals:

Apply Descartes’ Laws;

Apply the Paraxial Approximation;

Determine the focal length for a curved mirror,

Determine the focal length for a thin lens;

Determine vergency; (optical power)

Determine magnification;

Determine lens characteristics required to correct myopia;

Specific Practical Ability Goals

In a team, carry out the reflection experiment using a mirror, paper and nee-


Experimentally determine an object’s image through a thin lens;

Build an object’s image using a combination of several thin lenses

Build an image for a farsighted person;


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Unit 2 Oscillations

Specific Knowledge Goals:

Recall the definitions for oscillatory movement characteristics;

Specific Theoretical Ability Goals :

Determine the characteristic elements of oscillatory movement;

Use the equations related to oscillations;

Unit 3 Waves and Sound Waves

Specific Knowledge Goals:

Recall the definitions for wave characteristics;

Recall sound wave equations

Specific Theoretical Ability Goals:

Identify the different wave types;

Explain energy transfer;

Apply the wave equation to sound;

Explain the nature of the decibel scale;

Describe sound waves emitted from a point source;

Explain the effects of relative movement between sources of sound

Unit 4 Light Interference

Specific Knowledge Goals:

Recall the conditions needed to produce interferences;

Specific Theoretical Ability Goals:

Identify interferences by wave front division;

Identify interferences by amplitude division;

Explain the effects of superposition;

Explain diffraction.


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Optional Educational Objective:

Create a short question

TIC integration (Specify what TIC means)

Communicate via the Web (What is the specific reason for this?)



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Teaching and learning activities


Preliminary / Initial Evaluation

Preliminary Evaluation Title

Geometrical Optics and Physical Optics


This consists of finding out what the learner already knows about optics and



1. The mirror image of a point A is point A’, which can be observed by any

observer O if all the beams reflected by the mirror M from A seem to come

from point A’.

a. True

b. False

2. A lens is a centered system made up of a ………….. homogenous and

………… medium and restricted by two …………. surfaces with radii R 1

and R , respectively.


Fill in the blanks with one word each.

3. Match up the following columns by associating the right letter and number

together: (each formula describes one of the concepts)

a. Vergency (optical power)



A ʹ B

� (� A

( ʹB

A ʹ B

� =

� longueur

= image × ⋅ de⋅l

length ')






( AB


B = longueur

object × ⋅ de⋅l

length ')



α ʹ �

( (


diamètre⋅ apparent







b. Magnification


α �

( ( object

diamètre⋅ apparent








c. Enlargement

3. f


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4. A magnifying glass is used to:

a. decrease the apparent diameter of an object’s image compared to the object

as seen by the naked eye.

b. enlarge the apparent diameter of an object’s image compared to the object

as seen by the naked eye.

c. shift the apparent diameter of an object’s image compared to the object

as seen by the naked eye.

Check off the right answer(s).

5. Observing a solar eclipse with a magnifying glass:

a. can cause blindness

b. can cause short-sightedness

c. can cause far-sightedness

d. is not harmful

Check off the right answer(s).

6. A plane mirror has a surface that is

a. flat,

b. curved,

c. transparent,

d. polished,

e. reflective.

Check off the right answer(s).

7. In a plane mirror, the image of an object is:

a. reversed

b. upside-down

c. superimposable onto the object

Check off the right answer(s).

8. With a converging lens, the image of an object is:

a. real

b. virtual

Check off the right answer.

9. If the height of the waves in relation to sea level is 2 meters, their amplitude


a. 1 meter

b. 2 meter

c. 4 meter

Check off the right answer.


African Virtual University

10. If the matter is moving in a direction that is parallel to the wave’s direction

of propagation, the wave is said to be:

a. traveling

b. stationary

c. longitudinal

d. transverse

Check off the right answer(s).

11. If the matter is moving in a direction that is perpendicular to the wave’s di-

rection of propagation, the wave is said to be:

a. traveling

b. stationary

c. longitudinal

d. transverse

Check off the right answer(s).

12. Two waves with the same frequency are superimposed; constructive interfe-

rence is obtained when the phase difference is:


a. 0

b. 2


Check off the right answer(s).

13. Two waves with the same frequency are superimposed; destructive interfe-

rence is obtained when the phase difference is :


a. 0

b. 2


Check off the right answer(s).

14. The sound of an ambulance’s siren as it approaches:

a. does not change

b. becomes more high-pitched

c. becomes more low-pitched

Check off the right answer.


African Virtual University

Preliminary Evaluation Title

Geometrical Optics and Physical Optics

Answer key


a. Good answer. You certainly know how to construct the image of an object

through a mirror.

b. Be careful, take your time to answer.

2. A lens is a centered system made up of a transparent, homogenous and

isotropic medium restricted by two curved surfaces with radii R and R ,




Very good. You understand the definition of a lens.

If the student switches certain words by writing isotropic instead of

transparent, for example, give the following feedback: You’ve confused

isotropic and transparent, please try again.

If the student writes transparent instead of curved, give the following

feedback: You have confused transparent and curved, please try again.


a3. Good combination. The expression truly is the vergency (optical power)


b1. Good job. The formula really is the one that describes magnification.

c2. Good answer. This equation is used to determine enlargement.


a. Try again. You most likely have never used a magnifying glass.

b. Good job, you know what a magnifying glass does.

c. Careful, a magnifying glass doesn’t have that role.


a. Congratulations. You have understood that you must never look at a solar

eclipse with a magnifying glass.

b. It’s stronger than myopia.

c. It’s more acute than far-sightedness.

d. Watch out, a magnifying glass does indeed damage the eye.


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a. Good job. A plane mirror’s surface is indeed flat, just like its name sug-


b. Careful. Why curved?

c. Do you know what transparent means?

d. Good answer. A plane mirror’s surface must be polished.

e. Very good. In fact, a plane mirror’s surface must be reflective or we would

not be able to see our reflection.


a. Good answer. You noticed that right and left are switched around.

b. Certainly not ; the head is not on the bottom with the feet on top is it ?


a. Very good. The image truly is real.

b. Why virtual? It is not a diverging lens.


a. Sea-level must not be below the height of the waves.

b. Good answer; average sea-level is the same as the height of the waves.

c. Sea-level cannot be twice the height of the waves.


a. Try again.

b. Careful, most definitely not stationary.

c. Congratulations. The wave that is moving in a direction that is parallel to

the direction of propagation is indeed called longitudinal.

d. Take your time, a transverse wave travels perpendicularly to the direction

of propagation.


a. Try again after rereading the question

b. Careful, most definitely not stationary.

c. A longitudinal wave travels parallel to the direction of propagation. Try


d. Good job. If the wave is moving perpendicularly to the direction of pro-

pagation, it is called transverse.


a. Good answer. The interference will be constructive.

b. Give it some thought before answering.

c. Read the question again. The two waves are not opposed to one ano-



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13. Two waves with the same frequency that have a phase difference of � will

produce a destructive interference.

a. Careful, the two waves are out of phase.


b. Caref