The War of Quito (1913)


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Book Description

Introductory note.--The war of Quito, by Pedro de Cieza de Leon (LIII chapters), with notes.--Letter from the Bishop of Cuzco to the King.--Indictment of the judges against the Viceroy. Sequel [by the editor]--Letter from Carbajal to Gonzalo Pizarro.--Gasca's voyage.--Murder of the Inca Manco narrated by his son.--Mission of Figueroa to the Inca.--Note on Molina. Pedro Cieza de León (Llerena, Spain c.1520 ---Seville, Spain 1554) was a Spanish conquistador and chronicler of Peru. He is known primarily for his history and description of Peru, Crónicas del Perú. He wrote this book in four parts, but only the first was published during his lifetime; the remaining sections were not published until the 19th and 20th centuries.

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