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Democratizing Innovation

for in-house use might feel it perfectly acceptable to install a pre-

regarded under US law as also providing an implied warranty of “fit-

cisely right and very cheap computer controller made and promi-

ness for the intended use.” If a product does not meet this criterion,

nently labeled by Lego, a manufacturer of children's toys. (Lego

and if a different, written warranty is not in place, manufacturers can

provides computer controllers for some of its children's building kit

be found liable for negligence with respect to providing a defective

products.) But if that same engineer saw a Lego controller in a

design and failure to warn buyers (Barnes and Ulin 1984). This sim-

million-dollar process machine his firm was purchasing from a spe-

ple difference can cause a large difference in exposure to liability by

cialist high-end manufacturer, he might not know enough about the

innovators and so can drive up the costs of manufacturer-provided

design details to know that the Lego controller was precisely right

solutions relative to user-provided ones.

for the application. In that case, the engineer and his managers

For example, a user firm that builds a novel process controller to

might well regard the seemingly inappropriate brand name as an


improve its plant operations must pay its own actual costs if the

indirect signal of bad quality.

self-built controller fails and ruins expensive materials being pro-


Manufacturers are often so concerned about a reputation for qual-

cessed. On the other hand, if a controller manufacturer designed

ity that they refuse to take shortcuts that a customer specifically

the novel controller product and sold it to customers, and a fail-

requests and that might make sense for a particular customer, lest

ure then occurred and could be traced back to a fault in the de-

others get wind of what was done and take it as a negative signal

sign, the controller manufacturer is potentially liable for actual user

about the general quality of the firm's products. For example, you

costs and punitive damages. It may also incur significant reputa-

may say to a maker of luxury custom cars: “I want to have a cus-

tional losses if the unhappy user broadcasts its complaints. The

tom car of your brand in my driveway---my friends will admire it.

logical response of a controller manufacturer to this higher risk is

But I only plan to drive it to the grocery store once in a while, so

to charge more and/or to be much more careful with respect to

I only want a cheap little engine. A luxury exterior combined with

running exhaustive, expensive, and lengthy tests before releasing

cheap parts is the best solution for me in this application---just slap

a new product. The resulting increase in cost and delay for obtain-

something together and keep the price low.” The maker is likely to

ing a manufacturer-developed product can tend to tip users toward

respond: “We understand your need, but we cannot be associated

building their own, in-house solutions.

with any product of low quality. Someone else may look under the

Net Result

hood some day, and that would damage our reputation as a maker


of fine cars. You must look elsewhere, or decide you are willing to

A net result of the foregoing considerations is that manufacturers


pay the price to keep one of our fine machines idle on your drive-

often find that developing a custom product for only one or a few


users will be unprofitable. In such cases, the transaction costs in-

volved can make it cheaper for users with appropriate capabilities


Differing Legal and Regulatory Requirements

to develop the product for themselves. In larger markets, in con-


Users that innovate do not generally face legal risk if the product

trast, fixed transaction costs will be spread over many customers,

they develop fails and causes costs to themselves but not to others.

and the economies of scale obtainable by producing for the whole

In contrast, manufacturers that develop and sell new products are

market may be substantial. In that case, it will likely be cheaper for



Democratizing Innovation

users to buy than to innovate. As a result, manufacturers, when

duce biased advice, they may attempt to shop around among a

contacted by a user with a very specific request, will be keenly in-

number of suppliers offering different solution types and/or develop

terested in how many others are likely to want this solution or ele-

internal expertise on solution possibilities and/or attempt to write

ments of it. If the answer is “few,” a custom manufacturer will be

better contracts. All these attempts to induce and guard against

unlikely to accept the project.

bias involve agency costs.

An Illustrative Case



Of course, manufacturers have an incentive to make markets at-

tractive from their point of view. This can be done by deviating from

A case study by Sarah Slaughter (1993) illustrates the impact of


precisely serving the needs of a specific custom client in order to

some of the transaction costs discussed above related to users'

create a solution that will be “good enough” for that client but at the

innovate-or-buy decisions. Slaughter studied patterns of innova-

same time of more interest to others. Manufacturers may do this

tion in stressed-skin panels, which are used in some housing con-

openly by arranging meetings among custom buyers with similar

struction. The aspects of the panels studied were related to instal-

needs, and then urging the group to come up with a common solu-

lation, and so the users of these features were home builders rather

tion that all will find acceptable. “After all,” as the representative will

than home owners. When Slaughter contrasted users' costs of in-

say, “it is clear that we cannot make a special product to suit each

novating versus buying, she found that it was always much cheaper

user, so all of you must be prepared to make really difficult compro-

for the builder to develop a solution for itself at a construction site

mises!” More covertly, manufacturers may simply ignore some of

than to ask a panel manufacturer to do so.

the specific requests of the specific user client and make something

A stressed-skin panel can be visualized as a large 4-by-8-foot


that they expect to be a more general solution instead.

sandwich consisting of two panels made of plywood with a layer

of plastic foam glued in between. The foam, about 4 inches thick,


The contrasting incentives of users and manufacturers with respect

strongly bonds the two panels together and also acts as a layer of

to generality of need being served---and also with respect to the

thermal insulation. In 1989, manufacturing of stressed-skin panels

solution choice issue discussed earlier---can result in a very frus-

was a relatively concentrated industry; the four largest manufactur-

trating and cloudy interaction in which each party hides its best

ers collectively having a 77 percent share of the market. The user

information and attempts to manipulate others to its own advan-

industry was much less concentrated: the four largest constructors

tage. With respect to generality of need, sophisticated users un-

of panelized housing together had only 1 percent of the market for

derstand custom suppliers' preference for a larger market and at-

such housing in 1989.

tempt to argue convincingly that “everyone will want precisely what

I am asking you for.” Manufacturers, in turn, know users have this

In housing construction, stressed-skin panels are generally at-


incentive and so will generally prefer to develop custom products

tached to strong timber frames to form the outer shell of a house

for which they themselves have a reasonable understanding of de-

and to resist shear loads (such as the force of the wind). To use

mand. Users are also aware of manufacturers' strong preference

the panels in this way, a number of subsidiary inventions are

for only producing products that embody their existing solution ex-

required. For example, one must find a practical, long-lasting way

pertise. To guard against the possibility that this incentive will pro-

to attach panels to each other and to the floors, the roof, and the



Democratizing Innovation

frame. Also, one has to find a new way to run pipes and wires from

A builder was faced with the immediate problem of how to route


place to place because there are no empty spaces in the walls to

wires through the foam interior of panels to wall switches located

put them---panel interiors are filled with foam.

in the middle of the panels. He did not want cut grooves or channels

through the surfaces of the panels to these locations---that would


Stressed-skin panels were introduced into housing construction

dangerously reduce the panels' structural strength. His inventive

after World War II. From then till 1989, the time of Slaughter's

solution was to mount an electrically heated wire on the tip of a long

study, 34 innovations were made in 12 functionally important ar-

pole and simply push the heated tip through the center insulation

eas to create a complete building system for this type of construc-

layer of the panel. As he pushed, the electrically heated tip quickly

tion. Slaughter studied the history of each of these innovations

melted a channel through the foam plastic insulation from the edge

and found that 82 percent had been developed by users of the

of the panel to the desired spot. Wires were then pulled through

stressed-skin panels---residential builders---and only 18 percent by

this channel.

manufacturers of stressed-skin panels. Sometimes more than one

user developed and implemented different approaches to the same

Table 4.1 Users would have found it much more costly to get cus-


functional problem (table 4.1). Builders freely revealed their in-

tom solutions from manufacturers. The costs of user-developed

novations rather than protecting them for proprietary advantage.

innovations in stressed-skin panels were very low.

They were passed from builder to builder by word of mouth, pub-


lished in trade magazines, and diffused widely. All were replicated







Minimimum cost of

at building sites for years before any commercial panel manufac-



waiting for manu-

time (days)


facturer to deliver

turer developed and sold a solution to accomplish the same func-


Framing of openings in panels




1 , 400

Structural connection between panels




1 , 400


Histories of the user-developed improvements to stressed-skin

Ventilation of panels on roof




28 , 000

panel construction showed that the user-innovator construction

Insulated connection between panels




2 , 800

firms did not engage in planned R&D projects.

Instead, each

Corner connection between panels




2 , 800

innovation was an immediate response to a problem encountered

Installation of HVAC in panels




2 , 800

in the course of a construction project.

Once a problem was

Installation of wiring in panels




2 , 800

encountered, the innovating builder typically developed and

Connection of panels to roof




2 , 800

fabricated a solution at great speed, using skills, materials, and

Add insect repellency to panels




70 , 000

equipment on hand at the construction site. Builders reported that

Connect panels to foundation




1 , 400

the average time from discovery of the problem to installation of

Connect panels to frames




2 , 800

the completed solution on the site was only half a day. The total

Development of curved panels




28 , 000

cost of each innovation, including time, equipment, and materials,

Average for all innovations



12 , 367

averaged $153.


Example: Installing Wiring in a Stressed-Skin Panel



Democratizing Innovation


N represents number of innovations developed by users to carry

above and below these windows, but panel manufacturers only

out each listed function. Source: Slaughter 1993, tables 4 and

sold flat panels at that time. The builder facing the problem could

5. Costs and times shown are averaged for all user-developed

not simply buy standard flat panels and bend them into curved ones

innovations in each functional category. (The six manufacturer-

at the construction site---completed panels are rigid by design.

developed innovations in Slaughter's sample are not included in

So he bought plywood and plastic foam at a local building supply

this table.)

house and slowly bent each panel component separately over a

curved frame quickly built at the construction site. He then bonded


The builder-innovator reported that the total time to develop the

all three elements together with glue to create strong curved panels

innovation was only an hour, and that the total cost for time and

that would maintain their shape over time.

materials equaled $40. How could it cost so little and take so little

time? The builder explained that using hot wires to slice sheets of

To determine whether users' decisions to innovate rather than


plastic foam insulation into pieces of a required length is a tech-

buy made economic sense for them, Slaughter calculated, in a

nique known to builders. His idea as to how to modify the slicing

very conservative way, what it would have cost users to buy a

technique to melt channels instead came to him quickly. To test the

manufacturer-developed solution embodied in a manufactured

idea, he immediately sent a worker to an electrical supply house to

panel rather than build a solution for themselves. Her estimates

get some nichrome wire (a type of high-resistance wire often used

included only the cost of the delay a user-builder would incur

as an electrical heating element), attached the wire to a tip of a

while waiting for delivery of a panel incorporating a manufacturer's

pole, and tried the solution on a panel at the building site---and it

solution. Delay in obtaining a solution to a problem encountered


at a construction site is costly for a builder, because the schedule

of deliveries, subcontractors, and other activities must then be


This solution was described in detail in an article in a builder's mag-

azine and was widely imitated. A panel manufacturer's eventual re-

altered. For example, if installation of a panel is delayed, one must

sponse (after the user solution had spread for a number of years)

also reschedule the arrival of the subcontractor hired to run wires

was to manufacture a panel with a channel for wires pre-molded

through it, the contractor hired to paint it, and so on. Slaughter

into the plastic foam interior of the panel. This solution is only

estimated the cost of delay to a builder at $280 per crew per day of

sometimes satisfactory. Builders often do not want to locate switch

delay (Means 1989). To compute delay times, she assumed that a

boxes at the height of the premolded channel. Also, sometimes

manufacturer would always be willing to supply the special item a

construction workers will install some panels upside down in error,

user requested. She also assumed that no time elapsed while the

and the preformed channels will then not be continuous between

manufacturer learned about the need, contracted to do the job,

one panel and the next. In such cases, the original, user-developed

designed a solution, and obtained needed regulatory approvals.

solution is again resorted to.

She then asked panel manufacturers to estimate how long it would

take them to simply construct a panel with the solution needed


Example: Creating a Curved Panel

and deliver it to the construction site. Delay times computed in this


A builder was constructing a custom house with large, curved win-

manner ranged from 5 days for some innovations to 250 days for

dows. Curved stressed-skin panels were needed to fill in the space

the longest-term one and averaged 44 days.



Democratizing Innovation


The conservative nature of this calculation is very clear. For ex-

user problem. We also assume that both user firms and manufac-

ample, Slaughter points out that the regulatory requirements for

turer firms will incur the same costs to solve a specific user problem.

building components, not included, are in fact much more strin-

For example, they will have the same costs to monitor the perfor-

gent for manufacturers than for user-builders in the field of res-

mance of the designer employees they hire. In this way we simplify

idential construction. Manufacturers delivering products can be

our innovate-or-buy problem to one of transaction costs only.

required to provide test data demonstrating compliance with local

If there are no transaction costs (for example, no costs to write


building codes for each locality served. Testing new products for

and enforce a contract), then by Coase's theorem a user will be

compliance in a locality can take from a month to several years,

indifferent between making or buying a solution to its problem. But

and explicit code approval often takes several additional years.

in the real world there are transaction costs, and so a user will

In contrast, a builder that innovates need only convince the lo-

generally prefer to either make or buy. Which, from the point of

cal building inspector that what he has done meets code or per-

view of minimizing overall costs of obtaining a problem solution, is

formance requirements--- often a much easier task (Ehrenkrantz

the better choice under any given circumstances?

Group 1979; Duke 1988).

Let Vij be the value of a solution to problem j for user i. Let Nj be the 212


Despite her very conservative method of calculation, Slaughter

number of users having problem j. Let Wh

found the costs to users of obtaining a builder solution to be at

j be the cost of solving

least 100 times the actual costs of developing a solution for them-

problem j, where W = hourly wage and hj = hours required to solve

selves (table 4.1). Clearly, users' decisions to innovate rather than

it. Let Pj be the price charged by a manufacturer for a solution

buy made economic sense in this case.

to problem j. Let T be fixed or “setup” transaction costs, such as

writing a general contract for buyers of a solution to problem j. Let


Modeling Users' Innovate-or-Buy Decisions

t be variable or “frictional” transaction costs, such as tailoring the


In this section I summarize the core of the argument discussed in

general contract to a specific customer.

this chapter via a simple quantitative model developed with Carliss

To explore this problem we make two assumptions. First, we as-

Baldwin. Our goal is to offer additional clarity by trading off the


sume that a user firm knows its own problems and the value of

richness of the qualitative argument for simplicity.

a solution to itself, Vij. Second, we assume that a manufacturer


Whether a user firm should innovate or buy is a variant of a well-

knows the number of users having each problem, Nj, and the value

known problem: where one should place an activity in a supply

of solutions for each problem for all users, V

chain. In any real-world case many complexities enter. In the


model that follows, Baldwin and I ignore most of these and consider

These assumptions are in line with real-world incentives of users


a simple base case focused on the impact of transaction costs on

and manufacturers, although information stickiness generally pre-

users' innovate-or-buy considerations. The model deals with man-

vents firms from getting full information. That is, users have a high

ufacturing firms and user firms rather than individual users. We

incentive to know their own problems and the value to them of a

assume that user firms and manufacturer firms both will hire de-

solution. Manufacturers, in turn, have an incentive to invest in un-

signers from the same homogeneous pool if they elect to solve a

derstanding the nature of problems faced by users in the target



Democratizing Innovation

market, the number of users affected, and the value that the users

Nj (Whj - t) - Whj > 0,


would attach to getting a solution in order to determine the potential

or equivalently (provided Wh

profitability of markets from their point of view.

j > t)




We first consider the user's payo