Peace and Love Doesn't Last Long (The Love Eclipse Series Book 3) by Ezekiel Millinga - HTML preview

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“It’s a special day. You need to be happy.”

She was right. It was a special day. It was the first graduation of the class he taught since he became a music lecturer at TST.

After graduating in 2023, Leo had nowhere to go. He has always been less ambitious.

But because he was talented, the TST

board asked him if he could be a lecturer.

He loved music, he loved reading, and they promised him amply of money to enjoy the rest of his life with his mother, and Rachel of course. So, he took the offer and became a lecturer.

Every face in the TST hall of ceremony was filled with joy, except his, maybe. In the end, dreams became his life, and his whole life thereafter took a strange turn.

One might say he slept while waking and watched while asleep. Rachel sat on his left side. She was in a red solid off-shoulder sheath dress that fitted flawlessly on her mermaid’s figure.