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First Edition

For those who wish to view the truth of our purpose inherent.


To my loving wife and family.

All I do for you,

is everything I can.

Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.

-Pablo Picasso








Birth of Terranism









The Terran








The Continuation of Life



The Spreading of Life





The Pursuit of Contentment



The Universality of Life's Purposes 27




A Shared Responsibility





The Individual



The Family



The Society



The Belief



The State



The Economy



The Military



The Technology






Ethical Considerations in pursuing Life's Purposes 116


Balancing Freedom, Responsibility, and Action 128


Core Principles





The Role of Terrans in Society and Politics 134


Terranism and The Future of Humanity 137






















Criticisms of Terranism



Ethical, Social, and Environmental Challenges 192












Life's Continuity



Reflections on the Journey



The Terran Flag



The Path Ahead











When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the constraints which have limited their potential and to embrace the unalienable rights with which all are endowed, decent respect requires declaring the causes that compel this awakening.

We hold these truths as self-evident: That all people are created equal and that we all yearn for life, liberty, and fulfillment. Humanity has been bound by forces beyond our control, which have suffocated our potential and inhibited our growth for too long. The time has come to break free of these shackles, claim authority over our collective destiny, and build a future guided by our highest ideals and noblest aspirations.

Experience has shown that people are often willing to accept suffering and injustice rather than take action to change their condition. But when the desire for meaning, purpose, and happiness can no longer be denied, we must reshape the systems that constrain us. This awakening results from Humanity's natural urge to thrive, evolve, and live up to our full potential.



The history of civilization is marked by obstacles to human progress, institutions and beliefs that have sought to limit our advancement. But the indomitable human spirit persists, and the drive to learn, grow, and realize our aspirations endures. The time has come for the next step in the human journey.

Our history and the facts of the present day reveal a world still burdened by inequality, scarcity, and conflict. They expose the short-comings of ideologies that have divided rather than united. But they also highlight the boundless creativity and potential within each of us.

The moment has arrived to unleash this potential, dissolve the barriers holding us back, and define the future on our terms.

This doctrine is a call to action, a rallying cry to embrace our shared destiny. No longer shall we allow external forces to dictate the limits of human potential. The shackles of limitation shall be cast off, and in their place, a future of thriving, united by principles that honor the dignity and value of all. We hold our fate in our hands. The time is now, the future is ours to shape, and the journey begins today.



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Birth of Terranism

Throughout history, civilizations have evolved and adapted to their surroundings, developing new systems and ideologies to tackle challenges and problems. From the earliest human societies that emerged in the prehistoric age, to the complex and interconnected world we live in today.

Humanity has sought to improve and progress through technology, governance, and social organization. From the earliest kingdoms of the ancient world, like those of the Mesopotamians and Egyptians, to the great empires that dominated the Middle Ages, such as the Roman and Chinese empires, different approaches to governance and social organization have been tried and tested.

As the world continues to evolve and change, it becomes increasingly important to consider the long-term impacts of our actions and the systems we put in place. The history of our civilizations is rich and varied, filled with examples of triumph and failure, of progress and regress. We have come a long way from the earliest human societies that struggled to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world to the modern era of globalization and interconnectedness.



The rise of Fascism, Communism, Liberalism, Democracy, and Capitalism has shaped much of our world today. These ideologies have brought about significant advancements and improvements in many areas, but they have also created their own problems and challenges.

Poverty, conflict, and disease are just a few examples of the issues plaguing Humanity, despite our best efforts to solve them.

It is clear that a new approach is needed, one that takes into account the lessons of the past and the challenges of the present but is also forward-thinking and adaptable to the unique challenges of the future.

Terranism offers such an approach, with a comprehensive philosophy that addresses the root causes of these problems and creates a sustainable future for all.

The journey to create and refine Terranism was rigorous and enlightening, filled with intense study, introspection, and open dialogues.

It involved critically analyzing existing systems, predicting potential future challenges, and searching for thorough solutions that are as pragmatic as they are idealistic. Confronting the limitations of past doctrines and recognizing our times’ unique problems, I contemplated a new ideological solution.

It became apparent that the answer would not be found in strict adherence to any existing dogma but rather in a fresh perspective emphasizing our collective survival and prosperity as a species. This contemplation ultimately led to the birth of Terranism. Essentially, the journey of formulating Terranism is a story of Humanity's journey –

an ongoing endeavor to seek harmony and prosperity.

It is this journey that I wish to share with you in the hope that it can offer a new path for us to tread together toward a future where life thrives and where every person has the freedom and opportunity to seek contentment.

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The most important question one could ask when choosing to take upon themselves an endeavor of any size or shape. Why must be considered when embarking upon the thought process of replacing what exists with what could exist. For it is the bedrock upon which all else follows.

Terranism is a whole concept. It is meant to encompass all facets of what Humans recognize as life. It was conceptualized as a response to the perceived flawed attempts that proceeded it. Terranism is not just a concept. It is a new way of observing and moving through objective reality.

In the 20th and 21st centuries of the current calendar, Human civilization has been and is going through massive upheaval. The forces that govern and structure civilization have been participating in a great war with each other, the prize being the flow of history itself. These forces are many and varied but can, with effort and study, be boiled down into a few categories of understanding.



They are:

• The Individual

• The Family

• The Society

• The Economy

• The State

• The Military

• The Technology

• The Belief

These individual components, while theoretically separate, are intrinsically linked. You can only have one with the other. Individuals comprise all of them. The Family includes the first individuals we encounter and learn from. Our worldviews are shaped and molded by our upbringing more than we can imagine.

Society is a mass group of individuals coming together for various reasons. The Economy is the flow of life-sustaining goods and services between individuals, societies, and the state(s). The State is a grouping of Individuals from society who have come together to accomplish works that alone could not even be attempted.

All Individuals have unique beliefs, as does each society and each state, while economies and states are designed around belief in certain operating methods. The Military comprises individuals who have stepped apart from normal society and are united under specific ideas and missions. Technology is humankind's attempt to reach out into reality and bring our imaginations to life.

In hopes of changing the way the world works for better or worse.

Throughout history, individuals have championed various schools of thought that they hoped would achieve a desired outcome for civilization.

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They did this by molding society to the tenants and teachings of these ideals. Human beings, always looking for a brighter tomorrow, grasped the words to their hearts and began to change each system according to these new philosophies.

In response to these changes, new ways of thought have developed and shaped the course of history, as it were. They can be specifically named, although they are difficult to define.

Humanity began to organize itself based on the tenets of these thought processes. A non-exhaustive list, but one covering the current major philosophies would consist of Liberalism, Communism, Fascism, Capitalism, and the various Religions.

Each of these social, spiritual, political, and economic thought processes has, throughout recent history, achieved many things. Each seeks to declare upon the world that they possess the right path for human society to follow and achieve imagined greatness.

Each of them has had its chance in the sun, and each of them failed or is failing in their turn. They are not mutually exclusive. In fact, in many areas, they overlap.

The dogmatic teachings of these philosophies preach that each is inevitable and that they are the only true way for the world to function.

Many people living within the grasp of one or the other cannot even imagine the world working any other way.

This belief is pushed by the proponent of such schools of thought and is, with each, a false dichotomy. Each of them is a choice that was made and accepted by some and used to reach specific end goals.


Their tenets must be upheld, or each will fall due to its own internal failings. They fail because they are, none of them, total concepts.

They each make individual assumptions about various facets of life, human nature, and our purpose. But each chooses to ignore or is igno-rant of the most basic and bedrock inferences of life. By holding one pillar of civilization over the other and using its strengths to atrophy and destabilize the other, intentionally or not. All of society becomes unsteady.

This process can be slow. It can take many years for the effects to show, but show they do. A foundation of sand cannot stand the test of time.

Terranism grounds itself in a new way. It creates a baseline for its existence by declaring that it is a choice and a path that must be undertaken.

Terranism seeks to justify its existence by accepting the way reality actually functions. Binding civilizations dispirited parts together into a unifying whole in a way yet to be undertaken by Humanity to achieve a specific goal yet to be reached by the previous systems.

Terranism champions a way of life that, while hinted at and touched upon by others, has yet to be advocated at the forefront of human thought. The purposes and meaning of life should guide our way of life and the actions we take as a civilization.

Some would declare that searching for meaning in any action or thought spoken aloud is human nature. Many would not even accept the truth with all the evidence reality offers them.

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This is also a facet of human nature to choose to believe information or not. To challenge and seek out your objective truth. Terranism takes Humanity for what it has been, what it is, and what it could be.

Some will accept the information presented at face value. Some will decry and ridicule it in favor of a different view. The Why, therefore, is simple and, simultaneously, the most complicated because there is a choice before us for each of us.

One we did not recognize or acknowledge. The Why, the most important question. The one that must be asked but is not answered by any of the common theories listed above is thus.

Why Terranism? is responded to by asking another even more all-consuming question. One that will shatter any preconceived notions that came beforehand and immediately be dismissed by all who look for a reason to doubt.

Why do we, as Individuals and as a Civilization, accept Death?

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A Spiritual, Economic, and Political doctrine in which The 8 Pillars of Civilization are brought into harmony with the realities of life. Using the strengths of one to compensate for the weaknesses of the other through the acceptance and recognition of history, human nature, and life's purposes with the intended goal of upholding “The Mantle”. Thus establishing a sustainable future for all.


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The Terran

We all share a common history, a united history. There is no logical reason why we should allow the history of one corner of the world not to be celebrated as much as any other. Any reason brought up will, at its core, be biased, based upon that individual’s reality, but not the true shared reality of our species.

If we examine what accepted science teaches us about the humans who lived 12,000 years ago, we can easily discover that we have no great biological differences. They had roughly the same genetic dis-position and structure that we possess today, and evolution has not proceeded so quickly that we would not recognize one of these ancient brothers or sisters if they were teleported to modern times.

The only difference between us is that they are the product of the generations that came before them. Just as we are the products of the generations that came before us. We separate ourselves based upon perceived differences that, at the most basic level, result from our forebears’ environment. It is not that we are all genetically identical, but rather that we are, at our core, all human and have been so for thousands of years.



In the long road of history up to this point, the survival and lifestyle of an individual has been based upon the geographical origination of said person. If you did not originate in the same locale as another individual, you needed a term to describe the fact that they were from a specific area. Thus the concept of the “Race” was born.

Chinese, Japanese, Nordic, African, Hispanic, etc., etc.. These are all terms used to call attention to the originating position of a said individual. But there is no significant difference genetically. We are all human. It is easy to see how these terms came to be. For thousands of years, though, these terms, invented by Humanity, have been the cause of untold violence and the regression of progress.

We have fought and killed each other over a naming convention well past its prime and should be abolished as quickly as possible. That being said, you cannot simply wipe out something so entrenched in society. Instead, we must radically reshape our thinking about the world and our place in it.

We propose that all of these divisive terms be replaced with a single unifying word that brings us together instead of allowing the fracturing of our people that has persisted for thousands of years.

We should reach for a word that, at its core, its very definition, could describe every living human being on this planet. There is such a term, a title that could even apply to you, dear reader, one that has no negative connotations attached and has, up to this point in our fiction, been used to describe our species as a whole.

You are, I am, We are, They are, Terran

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We will examine the accepted definition of this word: Terran.

When used as a noun, the accepted definition, the one in the Oxford Dictionary, is thus: An inhabitant of the planet Earth.

Does this apply to you? Does this apply to me? Could this apply to anyone who has been born? Could it apply to any who originates from this planet? The answer is a resounding, Yes. This fact cannot be argued. Unless one goes out of their way to deny the shared reality we all exist in.

This is where the system we seek to construct draws its vocabulary from, from our very being, from the world of our birth, where our species began and has flourished, our great and holy cradle, Terra itself. This word can overshadow any naming convention that has come before it and instill in all of us the greatest sense of unity possible.

We are all Terran.

We must accept the title and spread its usage to all corners of the globe.

Terrans are the champions of The Mantle. We shall uphold. For life, for all, and ourselves. Deny in your mind, but your heart is where you shall know the truth of your core. You are Terran. We are one.

We always have been. Cast off the chains that bind you and move beyond. Upon an eternal crusade, we shall embark. From many forms shall challenge be received and met in kind.

The Mantle of history weighs heavy on our collective shoulders, yet it is within our power to shoulder this burden and reshape our shared narrative. To do so, we must start by acknowledging our shared history and that we are all fundamentally the same at our core. We are all Terrans, regardless of our geographic origins or apparent racial differences.


Being a Terran is about more than just geographical or biological coincidence; it is a state of mind, a philosophy, an inner strength, and a spirit that champions the unity of our species. It represents a Collective Individualism, a symbiotic relationship where the individual exists for the crowd, and the crowd exists for the individual. This Collective Individualism, which we will now refer to as Terranism, forms the core of our shared identity and provides a common ground.

Our individual strengths are as vast and formidable as the mountains, but the power of our collective will is unrivaled. To understand what a true Terran lives and breaths for, one only has to answer with a simple yet powerful statement. All for one, One for all. When you doubt, when you fear when you struggle. Say it aloud, and remember you are not alone. You have never been.

We aim to establish a society where every Terran is unburdened from the chains of need, striving instead for unity, greatness, and the shared responsibility of upholding our collective Terran ideals.

Being Terran is not just about being an inhabitant of Earth. It is about becoming a part of something bigger, something spiritual. A Terran seeks unity and works tirelessly toward the prosperity of all Terrans. Don The Mantle, Accept the responsibility, and embody selflessness and selfishness in perfect harmony. This balance ensures the well-being of all, thus upholding The Mantle.

Terranism is a beacon of unity and prosperity. It is about bringing out the Terran in each of us, championing the greatness within us all. Terranism goes beyond geographical borders and social constructs, evolving into a collective consciousness that embodies the soul of our species. By embracing Terranism, we become a part of Terra, a manifestation of the collective strength of Terrans everywhere.

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Terra is more than just a place; it embodies our collective ideals, hopes, and aspirations. It manifests our collective will and strength, a spiritual home for all Terrans. Terra is not a country or a company but an idea brought forth into reality. Terra takes whatever form is necessary for The Mantle. It accepts any name and assumes any structure but never differs from what it truly is. It is a global community that seeks unity and greatness for all Terrans.

Thus, our shared story unfolds. A narrative of unity, prosperity, and shared responsibility. A journey towards a world where we all recognize our shared Terran heritage. This recognition will unite us, empowering us to face the challenges ahead with unwavering resolve.

Together, we are Terran, and together, we will reshape our shared narrative.

One People, One Species



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Inference may be defined as drawing conclusions based on evidence and reasoning. It lies at the heart of the scientific method, covering the principles and practices by which we use data to learn about observable phenomena. This invariably takes place via models. Much of science is model-based, meaning that we construct a model of some phenomenon and use it to make predictions of the data we expect to observe under certain conditions.

We can determine how well the model explains the data and phenomenon by comparing predictions with the actual data. This may lead us to reject some models entirely, to improve (and then reassess) others, and perhaps finally to declare one as the "best" model (so far).

Models are constructed using accepted theoretical principles, prior knowledge, and expert judgment.

Inference is the process by which we compare the models to the data. Inference is defined here because it is one of the best methods for determining why something is the way it is in reality. Thus for our explanation of Terranism, we can infer the purpose of our shared existence based on our understanding of how things operate at the most basic level.



The level at which we need to conduct our examination is what some consider life’s building blocks.

When examining reality, things that we can observe that appear to have life are those that carry out actions with a purpose instead of just reacting to external or internal stimuli. According to our current understanding, each action has an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, if an action is chosen, it is undertaken because the purpose of the action was to achieve an intended result, whether it was successful or not.

There is a choice being made. An action is different than a reaction because a reaction is the result of the action taken. The purpose of an action can be inferred based on the achieved or intended outcome of the action.

A stone dropped off a cliff will fall to the ground. This is not a choice the stone makes but a reaction to the stimuli it receives, such as gravity.

In contrast, the smallest creatures the sciences currently accept as being alive will make choices. These choices may be less complicated and involved than we humans are used to. They are choices nonetheless.

For example, when observing a bacteria capable of moving on its own accord under a microscope. Why does it do one action vs another?

The single cell of unicellular organisms such as Amoeba perform vital life activities (e.g., respiration, metabolism, repair, assimilation) and organismic-level activities (e.g., intake of food, exchange of respi-ratory gases, excretion, reproduction). We can infer the purpose of the Amoeba based on the achieved results of these activities.

Its purposes are clear when explained in these terms. Its first purpose is The Continuation of Life, and the second is The Spreading of Life.

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The first purpose is evident if it did not attempt to continue its existence, then it would not be undertaking the actions needed to continue as a living creature. The second is based on the fact that it reproduces.

Why reproduce if it was not going to help achieve its first purpose?

Thus its secondary purpose must be to spread life, as that is the result of its reproduction, which is an action not necessary to complete its first purpose.

The third foundational purpose of life, primarily seen in sentient beings, is The Pursuit of Contentment. Every human being has a unique set of wants and needs. Although these are specific to each individual, some needs or wants can be universally shared.

Our basic needs represent the prerequisites for survival and thriving. These include sustenance, shelter, safety, and various physiological requirements. These needs are common across Humanity, driven by our shared biology and condition of existence.

On the other hand, our wants represent our desires, aspirations, and objectives that go beyond survival. They can be as diverse as the Amazon rainforest flora and changeable as the ocean tides. They could range from the pursuit of knowledge, the desire for artistic expression, the urge for exploration, or the ambition for societal change. These wants, shaped by our unique experiences, cultures, and individual perspectives, imbue our lives with purpose and direction beyond mere survival.

Therefore, Terranism posits that the drive for contentment, a state where our needs and wants are fulfilled to the greatest possible extent, is the third foundational purpose of life. The purposes of life, at its most basic, is contained within this inference. Life exists as it does to continue and spread and create new life.


This does not mean there can be no more purposes than these three, but they are the most important and ingrained as deeply as possible in anything considered alive.

Terranism builds its foundation on the bedrock of life. life itself is its purpose, and the antithesis of life is Death. Therefore those who follow Terranism seek to become the antithesis of Death themselves. This can only be achieved when all aspects of life and reality are interwoven into a Singularity of action.

Now a second should be taken to address some obvious skepticism that will be brought up upon reading this. This inference is not meant to address all possible outcomes of various choices, nor should it be used in such a way.

It is used in this specific manner to manage Terranism and the fundamental purposes of life specifically. Just because the purpose of life can be discovered this way does not mean this inference will also work for all other situations.

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The Continuation of Life

The first purpose of life, as understood by Terranism, is The Continuation of Life. This trait is not confined solely to humans but extends across all known forms of life, both sentient and non-sentient.

From the smallest microorganisms to colossal mammals, every living entity manifests a basic instinct to preserve its existence, to survive, and in doing so, permit the perpetuation of life itself.

The Continuation of Life encapsulates the inherent will of all living entities to resist cessation, to prolong their existence. This inherent will materializes in humans as the basic survival instinct that activates when confronting potentially life-threatening situations. It is the im-petus that drives us to seek sustenance, rest, shelter, and warmth. It manifests in our yearning for safety and our natural aversion to harm.

This instinct is not a choice but an intrinsic component of our being.

Yet, this purpose is only sometimes accepted or acknowledged.

Many may not consciously consider this as a purpose. They may ignore, reject, or dismiss it, even defy it through their actions. Yet the denial or defiance does not eliminate this purpose. Whether or not we accept or fulfill it, The Continuation of Life remains a fundamental purpose intrinsic to life.



The Continuation of Life also extends beyond the boundaries of individual survival. It encompasses the broader survival and advancement of our species. This broader perspective manifests in our collective endeavors to progress healthcare, enhance living conditions, and mitigate threats that could result in widespread loss of life, such as wars, pandemics, or environmental catastrophes.

Our pursuit of longevity and health is a testament to our inherent drive to uphold this primary purpose. Our advancements in medical science, lifestyle modifications aimed at promoting wellness, and even our ambition to extend life through scientific breakthroughs are all born from our innate drive to continue life.

However, The Continuation of Life stretches beyond mere survival—it signifies the desire for life's preservation, enhancement, and evolution. It is an acknowledgment that life, in all its complexities, is precious and, therefore, something to be nurtured and protected.

By embracing Terranism, we acknowledge this inherent purpose and commit to upholding it for ourselves and all life forms. The Mantle we don is not merely for the continuity of our individual lives or the human species alone, but for life in its most comprehensive sense.

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The Spreading of Life

The second purpose recognized by Terranism is The Spreading of Life. This purpose is again universal, extending to all living organisms.

Every living entity has within it the fundamental urge to reproduce, to ensure the continuation of its kind. This drive forms the basis of evolution, the root from which the rich tapestry of biodiversity has blossomed.

In the context of Terranism, however, The Spreading of Life is not limited to biological reproduction. It signifies a broader, more profound responsibility that we, as sentient beings, possess toward all life forms. We are not merely the guardians of our species but stewards of life in its entirety.

This stewardship takes on various forms. At the most basic level, it involves preserving the environment and biodiversity, fighting against the extinction of species, and promoting a more harmonious relationship between humankind and nature. It is also about expanding life's reach beyond the confines of our planet. Exploring space and pursuing interplanetary and interstellar colonization are not just scientific endeavors; they manifest our inherent purpose to spread life.



However, The Spreading of Life also demands an ethical approach.

It is not about indiscriminate expansion but about mindful, responsible propagation. As we have seen throughout history, uncontrolled spread can lead to overpopulation, resource depletion, and ecosystem imbalance. Therefore, upholding this purpose necessitates a balanced approach, considering the quantity and quality of life.

In embracing Terranism, we commit to The Spreading of Life.

We don The Mantle, acknowledging our responsibility to further the reach of life while respecting the delicate balance of ecosystems. This is a significant commitment, one that may require radical shifts in our behaviors, policies, and technologies.

The Spreading of Life is not just a purpose we can accept or deny.

Like The Continuation of Life, it is fundamental to the existence of all living entities. Whether or not we consciously uphold this purpose, it exists as an innate drive within us. Yet, in understanding and embracing it, we have the power to guide its expression sustainably, ethically, and harmoniously.

Through Terranism, we understand that we are not just individual organisms striving to survive and reproduce. We are part of a grand, interconnected web of life and have a crucial role in its perpetuation.

This realization is not a burden; it is an empowering truth, a call to a higher purpose, and an invitation to participate in the grand story of life itself.

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The Pursuit of Contentment

The third purpose, as identified by Terranism, is The Pursuit of Contentment. Unlike the first two purposes, shared by all life forms, this purpose is unique to sentient beings like us. As conscious, self-aware entities, we possess the extraordinary ability to experience, perceive, and yearn for a state of satisfaction or fulfillment.

This pursuit is more than a simple chase for momentary happiness or temporary pleasures. It embodies a more profound and sustainable form of well-being, harmony, and fulfillment on both individual and collective levels. The drive leads us to seek meaningful relationships, fulfilling work, personal growth, creative expression, and a sense of belonging and purpose.

On a broader societal level, The Pursuit of Contentment translates into our collective endeavors to build equitable and compassionate societies, cultivate peace, preserve cultural heritage, foster artistic and scientific progress, ensure prosperity and opportunity for all, and create an environment that allows for the free and responsible expression of the human spirit.



To better understand and navigate The Pursuit of Contentment, Terranism identifies two key elements: needs and wants. These form the two sides of the path we navigate in our pursuit of a fulfilled life.

Needs represent our essential requirements for survival and well-being. These are the universal prerequisites of life, such as food, shelter, health, security, love, a sense of community, etc. Throughout history, societies have developed numerous systems and institutions to address these basic needs, from family structures, agriculture, and healthcare systems, to governments.

Conversely, wants are the unique desires, dreams, and passions that aspire to fulfill. These are deeply personal and subjective, varying wildly from one individual to another. They might include pursuing a career path, mastering an art form, exploring the mysteries of the universe, or striving for spiritual enlightenment.

Embracing Terranism involves acknowledging, understanding, and committing to these two aspects of The Pursuit of Contentment. This is where the principle of Collective Individualism, one of the core tenets of Terranism, comes into play.

Collective Individualism proposes a harmonious balance between the collective and the individual. It advocates for meeting our collective needs at a societal level, thereby liberating individuals to focus on fulfilling their unique wants. In a society that ensures that our primary needs are met collectively, individuals are granted the freedom and opportunity to explore and realize their wants. This interplay between collective security and individual freedom forms the basis for a society that fosters contentment, creativity, and progress.

The Pursuit of Contentment, though deeply personal and subjective, is a universal and inherent aspect of our existence as sentient beings.

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Ignoring or denying this pursuit does not eliminate our innate yearning for contentment. Instead, recognizing and embracing this purpose allows us to align our actions, decisions, and societal structures toward achieving a more profound sense of satisfaction and well-being.

It calls upon us to design and build societies that prioritize the holistic well-being of all its members, to nurture an environment that celebrates diversity and provides opportunities for the growth and development of all. It encourages us to forge connections that beyond our immediate circles, fostering empathy, understanding, and respect for all life.

Combined with The Continuation of Life and The Spreading of Life, The Pursuit of Contentment completes the trinity of life's purposes under Terranism. It calls for us to acknowledge the interconnectedness of life, respect and preserve its diversity, and strive for a harmonious existence where every sentient being has the opportunity to thrive and find their unique path toward contentment.

In essence, Terranism advocates a purposeful life that celebrates the sanctity of existence, cherishes the unity in our diversity, and promotes the harmonious interplay of collective security and individual freedom in our quest for contentment. This is the life that Terranism envisions, where every individual is a valued contributor to the grand tapestry of existence. A life as fulfilling as it is purposeful.

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The Universality of Life's


In articulating the three purposes of life, Terranism offers a unique contribution to our collective understanding of existence. It drills down to the foundational aspects of life itself, transcending cultural, societal, or personal boundaries that often delineate other ideologies or belief systems. By focusing on The Continuation of Life, The Spreading of Life, and The Pursuit of Contentment, Terranism casts a wide net, capturing what is at once universally applicable yet deeply personal.

These purposes, one might argue, are not necessarily “theirs.” After all, the diversity of human experiences and beliefs is vast. However, in presenting these as the fundamental purposes of life, Terranism is not prescribing a rigid doctrine or mandating adherence. Instead, it illuminates inherent patterns woven into the very fabric of life — aspects that might be instinctively understood yet seldom articulated.

The Continuation of Life and The Spreading of Life are not unique to humans; they are observable phenomena across all life forms.


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Our understanding of these biological imperatives transcends personal beliefs or individual will. They exist whether we acknowledge them or not.

Similarly while intrinsically human, The Pursuit of Contentment draws on universal aspects of conscious existence. Even this is observable in the behavior of some animals in their pursuit of comfort, safety, and social bonds.

Terranism, thus, is not imposing these purposes. It is merely bringing to light what is already woven into our existence. It presents a lens through which we can understand and interact with the world, grounding our actions in the primordial rhythm of life.

The beauty of Terranism lies in its flexibility. It provides a framework, a set of guiding principles that individuals can interpret and incorporate into their unique life paths. It respects and celebrates the diversity of individual experiences while offering a unifying understanding that bridges these varied paths.

By understanding and embracing these purposes, we are not constraining our existence within prescribed bounds. Instead, we align our individual and collective journeys with life’s inherent ebb and flow.

We are tapping into a profound understanding that enables us to navigate our existence with greater coherence, conviction, empathy, and purpose.

This depth of understanding and respect for individual interpretation sets Terranism apart. Through this ideology, we are invited to participate in a grand narrative that is as inclusive as it is insightful, as personal as it is universal and as fulfilling as it is purposeful. This is the cornerstone of Terranism, a life that aligns with the crucial rhythms of existence, a life that is not just lived but truly understood.



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A Shared Responsibility

First, a definition, then an explanation.

Mantle- (Noun) An important role or responsibility that passes from one person to another.

The acceptance, following, and championing of Terranism is the realization of the donning of an important Mantle. This is the acceptance of a newly-understood responsibility to life itself. It is generally accepted that human beings are endowed with consciousness and sentience. To our current-day knowledge and understanding, we are the only species burdened with these important attributes.

Due to this unique endowment, we are the only beings capable of understanding and accepting the inferred responsibilities within these three basic purposes of life. At its most basic, all life has the following three purposes: The Continuation of Life, The Spreading of Life, and The Persuit of Contentment. As such, our efforts must aim to continue life, spread life, and understand and seek contentment.

Terranism is a choice. Many will choose to ignore what comes with understanding these three basic purposes.



However, upon further examination, it becomes clear that embracing Terranism simultaneously means being selfish and selfless.

Actions that further these purposes we are endowed with involve shaping the reality in which we exist and the reality in which others exist. Terranism, at its core, is about Freedom - Freedom from that which none have ever escaped: Death. While life cannot exist without these three purposes, they also entail a form of slavery to Death, a state that none has escaped before.

If life was not bound to inevitable Death, then we could truly revel in the purposes we make for ourselves as conscious beings. As it stands, any other purposes we create are overshadowed by the first two. We must strive to fulfill the first purpose, for if we do not, we die. With Death, the second, third, and other chosen or created purposes fail automatically.

Some might infer that because we die, Death must also be a purpose. However, this is not true, as it counteracts and causes the failure of the first purpose. Consider a newborn child, unaware of the world, its choices, or possible actions. When it becomes hungry and needs sustenance, it wails uncontrollably to alert its parent to its needs, thus continuing to fulfill its first purpose. If Death were an ingrained purpose, the child would conserve energy until Death overtook it.

Those who lack understanding or have resigned themselves to a certain fate seek Death. They are truly lost and are those we must proselytize the most. Many who seek a reward in Death do so because they cannot accept that it is possible to challenge Humanity's greatest foe. It is possible, and it shall be done.

The Mantle will be challenged, it will be torn, and it will be cast as the highest of evils.

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It seeks to create, for those who cannot or refuse to see, the power to resist that which could not be opposed. Thus, it aims to liberate many from the control of Death, from the chains of slavery.

Many will resist leaving its cold embrace, but as many that can be saved should be. Each of us is a truly unique creation that, for this moment and all that follow, will never exist again. The loss of even a single living being is the greatest of tragedies.

One must adopt a wide field of view to truly understand and uphold The Mantle. Whether small or great, anything threatening life must be addressed, from the common cold to the need to become an interplanetary species.

All resources, techniques, and technologies will be brought to bear for The Mantle. We, who don The Mantle, will strive for the strength to challenge Death itself, and through our greatest achievements, we will succeed. We will do so for you, ourselves, and all living creatures.

Together, as a united world facing the greatest of challenges, we refuse to go quietly into the night. We will uphold The Mantle and not vanish without a fight.

The safety of the idea of The Mantle and Terranism itself must also be defended. They are the only ideologies that aim to protect life in such a manner, offering the greatest chance of fulfilling life's great purposes.

The Mantle is not a burden that bears heavily on one; it is a weight we all shoulder together. It binds us and unifies us. We can draw strength from its presence as we fight for life itself. All challenges to its rule will fall as dust upon the wind if we but act to uphold it.

Stand together as the knights of a new age of humankind, defenders of life itself.


Soon, we will explore how we can approach the donning of The Mantle and how purposes can be fulfilled. Know that together we can achieve the greatest of results. For the first time in our history, accepting reality as a united species is possible.

Even those that would seek to discredit or disown The Mantle, by doing so, uphold it. Their desire to tarnish The Mantle requires them to be alive and to work on achieving the first basic purpose. In doing so, they inadvertently uphold The Mantle.

The Mantle is our collective responsibility to continue life, to spread life, and to seek contentment. It is a beacon that guides us in challenging and ultimately defeating Death. Its mission is to free us from the chains of mortality and to help us fully embrace our roles as conscious, sentient beings. This is the heart of Terranism, the shared responsibility we hold and must uphold together.



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The Individual

Throughout human history, the treatment and the role of the individual have seen dramatic shifts and transformations. From antiquity to the present day, the perception of the individual has evolved, reflecting changing socio-economic conditions, cultural norms, and philosophical ideas.

In early hunter-gatherer societies, the focus was heavily communal. Survival hinged upon group cohesion, shared responsibilities, and mutual aid. The individual, while still an integral part of the group, was primarily seen through the lens of their contribution to the collective.

As societies transitioned to agricultural modes of subsistence, notions of individuality began to take shape. With the advent of farming and settled communities, private property and wealth accumulation became possible, leading to social hierarchies. These hierarchies necessitated an individual identity defined by one's status or profession.

Still, the individual remained largely embedded in the fabric of the community and familial obligations.

The Ancient Greeks furthered the concept of the individual, particularly in terms of philosophical and intellectual autonomy.



The idea of 'know thyself' espoused by philosophers such as Socrates emphasized introspection and self-understanding. Meanwhile, in places like India, exploring individual spiritual paths in religions like Bud-dhism and Hinduism highlighted personal experience's importance.

Fast forward to the Middle Ages, the concept of individuality continued to evolve. However, in many societies, one's place in the social hierarchy was still largely predetermined by birth, and individuals were bound by the customs and laws of their feudal lords or religious institutions.

The Renaissance marked a significant turning point in the evolution of the individual. During this period, humanistic philosophy emerged, asserting the value and agency of the individual. The pursuit of personal development, knowledge, and artistic expression became seen as noble goals.

The Enlightenment further promoted individual rights, reason, and autonomy. The thinkers of this period laid the foundations for modern democracy and human rights, with the individual at the center of these concepts.

Industrialization in the 19th century brought about new changes, with Capitalism leading to a further emphasis on individual enterprise and initiative. However, it also led to socioeconomic disparities and questioning the cost of unbridled individualism.

In all these periods, the individual has been seen and understood in varying ways, from being a cog in a larger societal machine to a free-thinking agent with inherent rights and liberties. This journey has not been linear, but it has shown an undeniable trend toward recognizing and affirming the value of the individual.

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The Individual and Liberalism

The rise of liberalism in the 18th and 19th centuries saw a seismic shift in societal structures, philosophies, and governance. Liberalism, by placing the individual at the core of its doctrine, emphasized personal freedoms, individual rights, and autonomy to new heights.

The principles of liberalism asserted that individuals, given the right opportunities and conditions, could determine their destinies. Governments, according to liberal thought, were meant to safeguard these individual rights and freedoms. This was a radical departure from prior societal norms that often subsumed the individual to the collective or authoritarian rule.

In economic terms, liberalism promoted a free-market economy, once again focused on the individual. The concept of 'laissez-faire'

suggested minimal state intervention, allowing individuals to engage in economic activities freely. This individualistic economic system heralded the emergence of a new entrepreneurial class and opened up unprecedented avenues for personal wealth accumulation.

In the political realm, liberalism pushed for democratic systems, where individuals had the right to elect their representatives and express their views freely. The individual voter became the fundamental building block of the political system.

Liberal societies also saw an emphasis on individual rights in the legal domain. Justice systems were designed to protect individuals from state oppression and unjust laws and to ensure a fair trial for all citizens.

Furthermore, in the realm of culture and thought, liberalism advocated for freedom of expression, leading to an explosion of individual creativity, innovation, and intellectual diversity.


This heightened focus on the individual brought about significant advancements and shifts in societal structure. It led to an increased awareness of human rights, the proliferation of democratic systems, and significant economic growth. However, it also set the stage for new challenges and dilemmas as the full implications of unfettered individualism began to unravel.

It becomes clear that the elevation of individualism to its zenith, as embodied in liberal thought, has profoundly affected the individual and the fabric of society and its other constitutive pillars. The pendulum has swung so far towards individual autonomy that it threatens to disrupt the delicate balance that maintains a functioning civilization.

By focusing almost exclusively on individual freedom, liberal societies often overlook that human beings are inherently social creatures, dependent on others and the structures of society for survival and prosperity. In some ways, the excess of freedom has severed the ties that bind us to our families, communities, and societal responsibilities.

This rampant individualism has resulted in a fragmentation of society, as a heightened emphasis on personal interests and needs erodes the collective identity and communal solidarity.

The erosion of collective identities and values is evident in the modern reinterpretation of basic societal constructs. Take, for example, the current debate on gender identities.

While it is essential to acknowledge and respect the rights and identities of all individuals, including those who identify outside the traditional male-female binary, deconstructing fundamental terms like

'man' and 'woman' to the point of indeterminacy is a symptom of extreme individualism.

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Indeed, some argue that this push towards absolute individual autonomy has created a societal environment where objective truth and shared realities are disregarded in favor of personal beliefs and subjective experiences.

This has potential repercussions not just on social discourse but on education, law, and other systems dependent on shared understanding and mutual agreement.

In the economic domain, while individual entrepreneurship and innovation have driven growth, unregulated free-market Capitalism has often led to economic disparities.

The gap between the rich and the poor widens, social mobility decreases, and wealth becomes concentrated in the hands of a few.

The focus on individual wealth creation overlooks the essential societal aspect of wealth distribution.

In a political context, although democratic systems offer individual citizens a voice, the excessive emphasis on personal views can lead to polarized societies. The common good and societal harmony can be jeopardized by divisive politics based on catering to individual or group interests.

Thus, while liberalism has championed the cause of individual freedom, realizing the potential pitfalls of unchecked individualism is crucial. The challenge lies in finding a balance where the rights and freedoms of the individual are upheld while ensuring the collective well-being of society and maintaining the integrity of the other pillars of civilization.

The unfettered focus on the individual may compromise the very foundations on which a prosperous civilization is built.


The Individual and Unintended Consequences The narrative of liberalism has long championed the idea that the unencumbered individual, unbound by societal constraints, is the ultimate means of societal progress. It suggests that expanding personal freedoms, rights, and self-determination can only lead to a more equitable, just, and prosperous society. However, upon closer inspection, this intense focus on the individual has led to unintended outcomes that challenge the fabric of society and threaten the integrity of civilization's other pillars.

A new breed of self-focused individuals has emerged in pursuing this unparalleled freedom. This unchecked individualism has fostered a sense of isolation and loneliness as people have become increasingly disconnected from their communities, families, and shared cultural heritage.

In the economic sphere, the ascendancy of the individual has spurred rampant consumerism and unfettered capitalism. The pursuit of personal wealth and prosperity has often come at the expense of the collective good, exacerbating economic inequality, depleting natural resources, and challenging the sustainability of our planet. The relentless emphasis on individual achievement and success has created a competitive landscape where cooperation and mutual support often take a backseat.

Politically, the emphasis on individual rights and freedoms has led to a fragmented and polarized society. The common good is often overlooked in favor of personal gain or belief, leading to social division and the erosion of the collective civic spirit. The discourse has shifted from 'what we can do together as a society' to 'what society can do for me as an individual.'

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Furthermore, the modern inclination to define and redefine realities to align with individual perceptions has begun to chip away at the shared societal narratives that bind communities together.

This is evident in the way the meanings of fundamental concepts such as gender, family, and identity are being reinterpreted, causing confusion and generating social friction.

In essence, the unchecked ascendance of the individual has unbalanced the various pillars of civilization. The rampant individualism, while having positive aspects, has revealed limitations and negative consequences. These include growing alienation, societal fragmentation, economic disparity, and a disconnect from shared values and realities.

In light of these insights, it becomes evident that an adjustment is needed. The individual, while integral to society, should not be the sole focus.

We need a more balanced approach that values the individual but acknowledges our inherent interconnectedness and the importance of our collective responsibilities.

This is where the doctrine of Terranism becomes vital. It proposes a realignment of societal focus, where the individual is not isolated but seen in relation to the other pillars of civilization.

It seeks to harmonize the various elements of society, fostering individual freedom and growth while ensuring collective well-being and prosperity. Ultimately, it is about creating a world where the individual can thrive without undermining the stability and sustainability of the collective.

| xii |

The Family

The family, as we understand it, has been a bedrock of human societies since their inception. In its varying forms, this institution functions as a linchpin that binds communities together, molding and influencing the individuals within its embrace while ensuring the continuation of generations.

The family is the crucible in which human life is forged, where we learn the rudiments of existence, forming our earliest and often most lasting relationships. It provides a framework for personal growth, instilling a sense of identity and belonging and shaping our character, worldview, and societal place.

Families have, throughout history, been more than just a collec-tion of individuals tied together by biological or marital relationships.

They have been economic production and consumption units, political power entities, and cultural knowledge custodians.

They have served as the primary mechanism for allocating resources, as the primary source of personal security in an unpredictable world, and as a crucial socializing agent in the development of children.


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Family is our first school. Within the confines of the family unit, we learn our first words, take our first steps, and begin to comprehend the world around us. The family is instrumental in shaping our cognitive, emotional, and social development. Parents, siblings, and extended family members all enrich a child's experiences, stimulating their intellectual curiosity, emotional intelligence, and social skills. Therefore, the familial environment plays a crucial role in shaping our personalities, capacities, and, ultimately, our lives.

Families also confer our first set of values, norms, and beliefs. These shared values and norms form the basis of our collective culture, transmitted from generation to generation, fostering a sense of continuity and identity. In this way, families serve as a conduit, linking the past, present, and future, facilitating the transfer of knowledge, wisdom, traditions, and values across generations. This transmission is critical not only to the preservation of cultural heritage but also to societal cohesion and evolution.

However, the significance of families extends beyond the Individual or the community. The importance of families is foundational to civilization itself. By producing and socializing new members, families ensure the survival of societies. By nurturing and supporting their members, they contribute to the health and well-being of communities.

By transmitting culture and values, they foster societal cohesion and continuity. The family is a microcosm of the larger society, reflecting its structure, values, and dynamics.

Moreover, the family plays a crucial role in shaping our collective future. Through the choices it makes, from child-rearing practices to consumption habits, the family influences the trajectory of societies and civilizations. Within the family, the world's future citizens are being prepared for their roles in society.


The Historical and Societal Importance of Family The family, across cultures and through the annals of history, has been the nucleus of human societies, underpinning the very fabric of civilization. This foundational institution, irrespective of geographical location or time period, has played a central role in nurturing and safeguarding its members, transmitting societal norms and culture, and serving as the primary economic unit.

The family's structure, function, and significance have undoubtedly morphed and evolved throughout the epochs, mirroring societal transformations. However, its integral position as a critical pillar of civilization has remained resolute, perpetually shaping the course of societies and carving out the destinies of individuals within them.

While family is an essential part of individual life, serving as the locus of personal development and interpersonal relationships, its significance profoundly transcends the individual or community level.

The role of the family is a cornerstone in the edifice of human civilization itself.

From ancient tribes to modern societies, the family structure, in its myriad forms, provides the necessary environment for its members'

physical, psychological, emotional, and social growth. Within the confines of a familial setting, an individual learns the complex dance of human interaction, imbibes the spirit of sharing and cooperation, and forms the foundational relationships that often set the template for future social dynamics.

As an economic unit, the family has been crucial throughout history, whether in tribal clans sharing hunting and gathering duties, in rural households contributing to a shared storehouse, or in contemporary models where families pool resources and distribute roles to support one another.

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This economic aspect of family life, though it has significantly evolved with changing socioeconomic landscapes, remains central to the functioning of societies.

More importantly, the family has served as a cultural crucible, a crucial conduit for transmitting cultural norms, ethical principles, traditions, and social etiquette. Within the family, a child learns the language, shared stories, rituals, and accepted behaviors of their cultural milieu. This cultural transmission is critical not just for preserving the unique heritage of each society but also for fostering a sense of identity and belonging among individuals, instilling in them an understanding of their place in the wider world.

Moreover, the family often functions as a microcosm of society. The hierarchical relationships, power dynamics, the negotiation of roles and responsibilities, and the patterns of interaction within a family often reflect and, in turn, influence the societal structure. Thus, the study of families and their evolving structures provides valuable insights into societal changes and patterns of social organization.

In addition, the family plays a vital role in buffering the individual against the hardships and adversities of life, providing emotional support and a sense of security. The bonds forged within a family offer a haven, a source of solace, comfort, and unconditional love that can be incredibly empowering and nurturing.

The family remains an indomitable pillar of civilization in its many forms and across different eras. Its profound impact on individuals and societies makes it a significant field of study for anyone endeavoring to understand the complexities of human life and the intricacies of social dynamics. Acknowledging and reinforcing the family's pivotal role is a critical step in navigating the challenges of the contemporary world and building a better future for all.


Terranism's Vision for the Family Terranism's vision for the family hails from a comprehensive, balanced, and pragmatic perspective that prioritizes the welfare of individuals, families, and society. Recognizing the family as an essential bedrock of civilization, Terranism emphasizes cultivating stable, nurturing, and inclusive family structures that can serve as the lifeblood of thriving societies.

This perspective is not solely an abstract ideology but is a practical blueprint rooted in a deep understanding of human nature, societal dynamics, and historical precedents.

At the heart of Terranism's family ethos is the importance of the nuclear family, typically defined as two parents and their offspring cohabitating in a single household. This structure isn't merely upheld as an idealistic aspiration.

Still, it is espoused based on a deep-seated recognition that such a formation offers an environment conducive to nurturing balanced, well-adjusted individuals.

In the backdrop of modern societies where family structures have become increasingly fluid and diverse, the emphasis on the nuclear family in Terranism might appear prescriptive. However, it is essential to note that this focus does not discount the value of extended families, kinship networks, or alternative family arrangements.

Terranism acknowledges the diverse tapestry of family structures worldwide, each with unique strengths and challenges. However, it proposes that the nuclear family structure is an optimal environment for child-rearing and maintaining social order when applied with sensitivity and flexibility.

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This emphasis is underpinned by extensive sociological and psychological research indicating the beneficial effects of a stable nuclear family structure on child development and societal stability. Such a structure facilitates an effective division of responsibilities, ensures a balanced exposure to paternal and maternal influences, and fosters an environment conducive to cultivating important life skills and values.

Terranism's vision for the family also includes strictures against practices that have been observed to precipitate societal instability and unrest, such as polygamy, cousin marriages, and arranged marriages.

These prohibitions aren't rooted in a moralistic or judgmental stance but are informed by a profound understanding of the societal implications of these practices. Recognizing that healthy families underpin healthy societies, Terranism posits these principles as critical for preventing fractures and preserving societal harmony.

Another key tenet in Terranism's family doctrine is the equitable distribution of inheritance among offspring. This principle is proposed to prevent familial discord, reduce wealth disparities, and ensure a fair and just transfer of resources across generations. Terranism envisions this to encourage societal stability, fostering a sense of justice and fairness within families that can echo through the broader society.

Terranism's vision for the family is a thoughtful amalgamation of tradition and modernity, respect for individual autonomy, and recognition of societal interdependence. While recognizing the challenges posed by contemporary societal trends, this vision strives to preserve the core values and structures that have historically proven crucial for societal stability and prosperity.

It invites us to consider the family not just as a private enclave but as an integral piece of the societal mosaic, with far-reaching implications for the well-being and development of civilization.


Guidelines for Family Structures in Terranism Family structures vary significantly across cultures, communities, and time periods. However, some patterns and principles have consistently shown value in promoting societal stability and individual well-being.

Terranism proposes a set of guidelines for family structures based on this wisdom. While these guidelines may seem restrictive to some, it's important to note that they are designed to benefit individuals, families, and society.

One of these guidelines pertains to marriage. Terranism discourages polygamy, cousin marriages, and arranged marriages without the full and informed consent of both individuals involved. These practices are often associated with power imbalances, genetic health risks, and infringements on individual autonomy.

By discouraging these practices, Terranism seeks to promote stability within families, enhance the health of offspring, and uphold individual rights, all of which contribute to broader societal cohesion.

Another significant guideline relates to family size. Terranism promotes the idea of families having at least three children, when possible and sustainable. This is not a mere demographic recommendation.

By ensuring that each generation is larger than the one before, this guideline facilitates societal growth and development. It is also a way to counterbalance the declining birth rates in many societies that could, in the long run, lead to societal aging and reduced vitality.

Terranism acknowledges and underscores the father's critical role within the family unit. Fathers are seen as providers and crucial contributors to children's emotional well-being and social adjustment.

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They play a significant role in establishing a sense of security, imparting practical life skills, and serving as role models.

The presence of an engaged and nurturing father within the family unit has been shown to have profound positive impacts on child development, leading to healthier, more resilient adults who can contribute constructively to society.

In matters of inheritance, Terranism advocates for an equitable approach. Specifically, it encourages the equal division of inheritance among offspring, regardless of gender or birth order. This approach mitigates potential sources of familial strife, fosters a sense of fairness and unity within the family, and contributes to broader societal equity.

It also helps prevent wealth accumulation in the hands of a few, promoting a more balanced distribution of resources across society.

The guidelines proposed by Terranism are not meant to be imposed dogmatically but to serve as a template that fosters stable, healthy, and productive family structures. They are designed to navigate the delicate balance between individual freedoms and societal good, thereby ensuring the overall prosperity of Humanity.

We must acknowledge that families, as fundamental units of society, play an irreplaceable role in shaping civilization. They underscore the idea that nurturing healthy families is not just a private matter but a collective responsibility that has far-reaching implications for the prosperity and evolution of human civilization.

By fostering families that are stable, nurturing, equitable, and resilient, Terranism aims to create societies that mirror these same qualities.


The Family and Terranism: A Synergistic Relationship Terranism and the concept of the family share a profound, symbiotic relationship. Terranism perceives the family as a microcosm of society, a fundamental social unit that shapes the character of its members and influences the course of civilization.

In this intimate and influential sphere, individuals first learn the tenets of responsibility, cooperation, mutual respect, and shared values.

These formative experiences lay the groundwork for their interactions with society and their understanding of themselves as integral parts of a larger whole.

Terranism's vision for the family extends beyond the confines of the individual or the household. It recognizes the family as a vital pillar of civilization and a cornerstone in constructing a harmonious and progressive society. This recognition leads to the proposal of specific guidelines designed to foster family structures conducive to the growth and development of healthy individuals and stable communities.

These guidelines, grounded in historical precedent, societal observations, and an understanding of human needs, are not prescriptive but instead suggest a pathway toward nurturing families that contribute positively to civilization.

By discouraging practices that risk familial and societal harmony, such as polygamy, cousin marriages, and non-consensual arranged marriages, Terranism seeks to ensure integrity and stability within families.

When feasible and sustainable, the guideline advocating for at least three children per family aims to promote societal growth and vitality, acknowledging the demographic shifts that could impact societal vigor.

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The crucial role of the father as an emotional anchor and a guiding figure is given prominence in Terranism's family vision. This emphasis recognizes the multifaceted impact of an engaged father figure on child development and social cohesion.

Similarly, advocating for equitable inheritance distribution aims to foster a sense of fairness within the family and promote a more balanced societal resource distribution.

Yet, these guidelines are not intended to stifle family structures but to provide a template for a family that can contribute constructively to society. The relationship between the family and Terranism is synergistic. Just as Terranism informs family structures, the family, in turn, molds and strengthens the principles of Terranism. Families, functioning as basic units of civilization, serve as the cradles where Terran values are first learned, embodied, and nurtured.

Through strong, balanced families, Terranism sees the potential for a civilization that is cohesive, resilient, and capable of adapting to the myriad challenges of the present and future. This vision of the family's role represents a critical part of Terranism's broader ethos – fostering a world where individuals, families, and communities thrive in harmony with each other and the universe.

As we look to the future, the importance of the family in Terranism cannot be overstated. In nurturing families that epitomize respect, cooperation, and shared values, we nurture the seeds of a vibrant, resilient civilization capable of navigating the challenges of our time.

Through the symbiotic relationship between the family and Terranism, we glimpse a promising vision of a world where individual prosperity, familial harmony, and societal progress are inextricably intertwined, reinforcing the other in a virtuous cycle that drives the evolution of human civilization.


Embracing the Terran Identity: A Journey Toward Collective Enlightenment

As Terrans, we recognize that the family unit is a cornerstone of society and a catalyst for growth and transformation. This realization shapes our approach to family and relationships, nudging us to view them not just in the light of love, comfort, and security but also as crucial arenas for imparting the principles of Terranism.

In the grand tapestry of familial life, Terrans are akin to the master weavers, threading together the strands of truth, responsibility, and societal progress within the intimate circle of their family. As custodians of this intricate design, they work with dedication and conscientiousness, weaving patterns of unity, love, and mutual respect, creating a nurturing environment for each family member to flourish.

The threads they use for this purpose are not ordinary; they are imbued with the values of Terranism. Each thread represents a lesson, a value, or wisdom that a Terran seeks to instill within their family, transforming the unit into a microcosm of the ideal Terran society.

The diligent weaving process, thus, becomes an act of imparting and perpetuating Terran values.

To create this beautiful tapestry, a Terran must approach the loom with a clear and focused mind. They must discern the influences that can cloud their vision or hinder their progress. It is not about building walls or shutting doors but prioritizing what aligns with the Terran vision.

In this journey, Terrans may encounter resistance, skepticism, and even dismissal from those they hold dear. Loved ones, bound by the constraints of their understanding or the comfort of the status quo, may fail to grasp the transformative vision Terrans hold for Humanity.

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In such scenarios, the Terran must stand firm, like a lighthouse amidst a storm, steadfast in their resolve, offering guidance but never imposing.

Instead of allowing discouragement to seep in, Terrans must view these situations as opportunities to embody the essence of Terranism, lead by example, and demonstrate the potential for individual and societal growth that the philosophy promises.

They need to show that the heart of Terranism lies not in alienation but in enlightenment - a transition toward a collective understanding of truth and responsibility.

The journey of a Terran within their family is thus a delicate dance of conviction, patience, and resolve. It's about fostering an environment that radiates the warmth of love and respect while subtly promoting the principles of Terranism.

It's about guiding loved ones toward enlightenment, not through forceful persuasion, but through empathetic understanding and persistent demonstration of the philosophy's virtues.

Embracing the Terran identity within the family circle is, therefore, not about creating divides but about inspiring alignment, not about shunning, but about understanding. It's about illuminating the path to a harmonious civilization, starting from the smallest unit of society, the family.

By nurturing strong, balanced, and Terran-minded families, we are one step closer to building a civilization that is cohesive, resilient, and equipped to navigate the challenges of the present and future.

| xiii |

The Society

"If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten." These words, attributed to Rudyard Kipling, serve as a reminder of the profound narratives woven into the tapestry of human experience. History, far from being a monotonous record of dates and facts, is a riveting saga of civilizations rising and falling, cultures merging and diverging, and societies evolving. From the earliest tribal communities to the bustling modern metropolises, each society has played its unique tune in this grand symphony of Humanity.

Looking back at the epochs of history, one might notice a peculiar aspect - the rhythm of repetition, a feeling of déjà vu. It appears as if the symphony of history reverberates with recurring themes and motifs.

It's almost as though we are repeatedly listening to a music track, with variations on a theme replaying across different eras and geographies.

Societies, akin to biological organisms, have life cycles. They're born, grow, evolve, and eventually, decline. They face periods of strife and struggle, peace and prosperity, innovation and stagnation. They navigate their course, influenced by many factors: geography, economics, technology, culture, politics, and more. Throughout this journey, patterns emerge, offering insights into societal behaviors and dynamics.


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History has a way of repeating itself, but not in the literal sense. It does not churn out perfect replicas of past events but creates situations strikingly similar in their essence. This can be seen in the rise and fall of empires, the ebb and flow of economic fortunes, and the recurring conflicts over resources, power, and ideology. These societal patterns reflect the inherent human tendencies, structures, and governance systems that retain an essential core commonality while varying in form and scale.

For example, the fall of the Roman Empire echoes the decline of other great powers, each succumbing to internal decay and external pressures. The socio-economic inequalities that sparked the French Revolution find their parallels in many of today’s social and political upheavals. The Golden Ages of art, science, and culture seen in societies from Ancient Greece to Renaissance Italy are reflected in periods of rapid innovation and cultural flourishing in more contemporary contexts.

One of the reasons history appears to repeat itself is that while the surface details of society – technology, fashion, vernacular – continue to change, the underlying mechanisms do not. As long as societies grapple with similar existential questions and remain swayed by the same basic human instincts and societal dynamics, history will continue to provide variations on the same themes.

This cycle of repetition, however, does not imply determinism or doom. It is not a binding script that societies are destined to follow but a guidebook offering valuable lessons from the past. These recurring patterns can serve as a mirror, reflecting the potential pitfalls and possibilities that lie ahead.

They remind us that while we are products of our past, we are also the architects of our future.


A deeper understanding of these societal patterns, aided by the wisdom of hindsight and foresight, can empower us to chart a better course for Humanity. We are not condemned to relive the errors of the past. We can learn, adapt, innovate, and break the mold. We can consciously direct our societal evolution, transforming the recurring themes of history into a symphony that progresses toward a more harmonious, equitable, and sustainable future.

As we delve deeper into the societal dynamics in this section, remember: we have the power to change the narrative, to write a new story for our global society. We are the composers of our symphony, and our choices today will echo in the symphony of our tomorrow.


The seeds of a new society are always planted in the garden of strife. This conflict can be brought around based on the wickedness of an oppressive state, dictatorship, or a group of oligarchs, but this is not always true. Sometimes this bondage is spawned by the situations that present themselves in the world or as a series of ideals and standards that repress the freedoms individuals long for.

A new society or civilization’s genesis begins in this garden. It always has and always will. If no strife, oppression, and conflict were present then there would be a continuation of the society that came before it. If civilization, as it is, were meeting the needs of the people properly, then it would continue in its care of them.

But almost certainly, the fertilizer that continues the cycle of societal rebirth is the oppressive relationship between the rulers and the ruled.

When bound together in this relationship, one will seek more control over the other to create what they imagine to be a brave new world.

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The other group will willingly bow down before the other; thus the cycle continues. Why would they do this voluntarily? Fear of the other, the promise of safety, anxiety of the future, the promise of a grand utopian vision. Perhaps it wasn't willingly. Maybe it was apathy, the lack of interest in who was making the rules and decisions that govern their lives.

Maybe they were conquered by force of arms. Perhaps they were promised care that never arrived. It was said unto them, give up your freedom, and I will provide for your needs, and as my sheep, I shall shelter you from the wolves of the mountains.

Regardless of how it came to be. It happens slowly, and it happens quickly. One day you look out into the world where you find yourself, and it slowly dawns upon you.

I am not free. I am in bondage.

Bound to ideals, leaders, or situations you don’t wish to be in. I am bound to the reality where I find myself, and something is distinctly wrong.

This is a powerful revelation to have. The recognition of a problem is the first step down the road to solving it. If you can’t look beyond the status quo and notice what’s in front of you, how can you begin to imagine the world without it?

Faith in Ideals

When an individual has an awaking as such, and can begin to recognize the truth of the situations in which they find themselves. There is a profound change occurring in that being. Akin to reaching a type of enlightenment.


When one discovers themselves bound and chained, they begin to dream of and reach for a primal feeling and urge that deep down resonates with us all. When one realizes that there could be things beyond the whims and values of the binding grip of the present. A yearning begins an itch, a need.


Be it freedom from fear, an oppressive government, a totalitarian atmosphere, or the situation one finds themselves in. When one notices a single chain that binds them, others become apparent until the complete picture is revealed. The dawning of the predicament in which one finds themselves has a unique ability in and of itself. It will whisper to you the truth of what freedom could be. ‘I say, when these chains are gone, then and only then, will I taste that which I crave.”

When an individual is bound in such a way, it is rarely just them that will find themselves in this situation. They will look upon the world and notice the others, present and bound as they are. From this point, we are naturally drawn to those we can relate to, others who have opened their eyes and see as we do. They begin to discuss what is and what could be.

The removal of the bondage and how it could be accomplished. Together they create questions that must be answered, and together from these answers, they create a new belief, a new ideal. A freedom they can aspire to.

With this ideal, this group of individuals begins to water the ground with something far more potent than any other weapon Humanity has available. They can now spread what has yet to be stopped, an idea.

Unstoppable and bulletproof, they who are suffering look around to others who may feel as they do, and they share amongst themselves a new dream, a new idea of what freedom could be.

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Courage and Action

Spreading like wildfire, the fervor morphs and changes individuals, and the thought processes of those swept up in its grasp. A clock begins ticking as the ideal of what could be, reaches out and stretches to those who inhabit the space around them. Pressure begins to grow in those who can envision the future the new ideal promises. They gather in their numbers, avoiding the sight of those seeking to stamp out the small embers of resistance.

Something new has been born this day, a conviction, a need to act.

Small whispers and glances become words spoken behind closed doors and to those we cherish, a conviction to change what is to what could be, regardless of what it costs. Freedom rings deep in the subconscious of those who are oppressed. Words take new forms when powered by the heat of conviction.

Words become Action.

The crescendo of thought and feeling motivates those who once lay in chains to break free and add their voices to the symphony. Releasing the pent-up emotions inside draws forth from oneself the strength and motivation to continue.

With a plan made and ideals to strive for, the new society bursts into reality. No longer dreams but actions and reactions. This does not mean just the activities of a violent revolution, but it signifies the actual taking of tangible steps toward the envisioned future, whatever they may be.

Out with old and in with the new, achieve what could be and make new the reality in which you exist. The march forth to the new ideals takes place and does not stop until the chains are broken, and a new paradigm settles on the world.


This does not have to be a quick process, it can be the slow course of a river carving a canyon from the rock, but if enough steps can be taken together, the path can eventually be walked. Powered by the conviction of their shared ideals, they united together in a bold vision of the future.

Liberty and the manifestation of destiny With newfound freedom and a secure place in the world, a society transitions into a grand musical playing the songs of liberty on a stage.

This stage, bathed in the bright light of independence, is where the societal ideals once fervently discussed behind closed doors and bravely fought for on the battlefields begin to manifest.

During this time of liberty, the people started constructing their shared destiny. The sparks of earlier actions, fueled by courage and conviction, now ignite the fire of progress. Society, unburdened by its past and unhindered by external forces, experiences an unprecedented surge of development.

The economy, bolstered by hard-earned freedom, flourishes, becoming a river of prosperity that reaches every corner of society. Culture, imbued with the essence of liberty, evolves and permeates every layer of society, reflecting shared values and visions. The arts, thriving in the atmosphere of freedom, echo society's triumphs, aspirations, and dreams.

In this stage, the heroes of the society’s origin story are revered.

They stand as beacons, their lives and deeds a testament to the spirit of liberty. They inspire the people, guiding them toward the manifestation of their destiny. Their examples, etched in history, become the touchstones for future generations.

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This era of liberty is a time of boundless possibilities. The future, once shrouded in uncertainty, now shines with the promise of progress and prosperity. This is the time when society can harness its collective energy to shape its destiny to transform the abstract into the tangible.

Abundance and the golden age

As the seeds of liberty take root, they yield the fruits of abundance, marking the entry into society’s golden age. A period of unmatched prosperity, when the new civilization basks in the sunlight of peace and plenty, a resplendent epoch characterized by wealth, enlightenment, and the flourishing of human potential.

Once set into motion by the forces of liberty, the rivers of economic growth now flow abundantly, nourishing all aspects of society. The markets brim with goods, innovations multiply, trade burgeons, and the standards of living rise, bathing the society in the warm glow of affluence.

This abundance extends beyond the material realm. Culture, too, enters its golden age. Freed from the shadows of survival and struggle. Society's collective intellect turns towards philosophy, literature, and the sciences. Ideas are exchanged freely, thoughts take flight, and knowledge is no longer a privilege but a shared treasury.

The arts, nourished by the vibrant cultural milieu, reach their zenith. Artists, musicians, writers, and thinkers - their spirits unchained

- bring forth works of unmatched beauty and depth, resonating with society's ethos and enriching the human experience.

During this golden age, the society stands on the mountaintop, gazing upon the glorious panorama of its achievements.


The heroes of old are remembered, their deeds echoing in the laughter of children, the confidence of adults, and in wisdom of elders.

Their stories are told and retold, becoming part of the fabric of society's identity.

In this period of abundance, a society truly flourishes, embodying its ideals and manifesting its highest aspirations. The future appears radiant, filled with the promise of continued prosperity. It is a time of celebration, a testament to human potential when guided by the light of freedom and powered by the engine of shared conviction.

Selfishness, When purpose is lost Society revels in the warm afterglow of prosperity unaware of the subtle undercurrents that begin to shift its course. Bathed in the light of the golden age, blinded by their own brilliance, they fail to notice the creeping shadows. The seeds of selfishness, lying dormant, begin to stir during this period.

In the intoxication of prosperity, individuals distance themselves from the collective ideals that once united them. The shared vision, the common purpose that propelled society towards manifesting its destiny, starts to lose its allure.

In its stead, personal gains and ambitions take precedence. Once a harmonious symphony, the society’s rhythm begins to stutter with discordant notes.

This shift in perspective, subtle yet profound, marks the onset of societal selfishness. The economic abundance that once nurtured the society now fuels a competition of excess. Once a shared bounty, wealth becomes a measure of individual success, driving a wedge into the societal fabric.

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Culture and arts, which once reflected the society's collective spirit, begin to mirror individualistic tendencies. They become commodities, their value determined by personal taste and financial potential rather than their ability to resonate with collective ideals or stimulate societal dialogue.

The heroes of old, the symbols of unity and shared purpose fade into the backdrop. Their stories, once a source of inspiration, are replaced by tales of individual accomplishment and personal glory.

As the sense of collective purpose dilutes, society drifts, rudderless, in the sea of abundance. While it might appear to be still basking in its golden age, societal harmony gradually erodes, replaced by the dissonance of selfish pursuits.

The future, once a shared canvas of potential, starts to fracture into a mosaic of individual desires. It is a time of change, a pivot point when society stands on the brink, teetering between the fulfillment of collective destiny and the lure of personal gain.

Complacency, the removal of reality In the grand theater of societal progression, complacency is the silent act that follows the riotous performance of selfishness. Where the bustling fervor of activity subsides into a tranquil lull, a quiet so profound that it masks the undercurrents of change. As the echoes of individual pursuits recede, the societal stage is set for a grand illusion –

the removal of reality.

Society, basking in the abundance, becomes content with the status quo. A sense of self-satisfaction replaces the continuous struggle for progress that once defined them. They start to believe that their prosperous state is a perpetual reality, unchangeable and enduring.


With complacency comes a certain myopia. Society, blinded by the glare of their success, fails to perceive the emerging challenges on the horizon. Economic structures that once facilitated prosperity now stand unexamined and unchallenged, growing rigid and unresponsive.

Opportunities for innovation and advancement are missed and overlooked in the general satisfaction with the present.

The arts and culture, once vibrant and dynamic, stagnate. They lose their critical edge, their ability to question, provoke, and inspire.

Instead, they become mere reflections of the complacent society, reinforcing the illusion of an unchanging and secure reality.

The tales of personal accomplishment and individual glory that once captivated Society's attention are slowly replaced by narratives of nostalgia. Culture, complacent and content, becomes more interested in celebrating its past achievements than striving for future ones.

As complacency solidifies, society's vision of the future becomes a mere extension of its present. It no longer dreams of transformation or progress but of maintaining its current abundance.

The collective energy once harnessed to shape destiny, is now directed towards preserving the status quo. Once vibrant and dynamic, society sinks into a comfortable yet dangerous state of inertia. The golden age, subtly and quietly, begins to tarnish.

Apathy and Decadence, The beginning of the end Following the silent act of complacency comes a lament, a solemn song echoing through the societal theater. This is the act of apathy and decadence, marking the somber beginning of the end. It is a stage where society, once vibrant with purpose, succumbs to the weight of its success.

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Society's once roaring flame of aspiration and ambition dwindles to a flicker in the grip of apathy. The vigor and resilience that led them to craft their destiny is replaced by indifference towards progress and change.

The conviction that each action could shape their shared future is lost, replaced by an overwhelming feeling of inconsequence. The societal drive to advance is choked by an atmosphere of indifference.

Decadence enters in tandem with apathy, spreading like a shadow across the societal landscape. Once enriched by shared values and mutual respect, the culture is gradually eroded by increased self-indulgence and excess.

The golden era of prosperity and abundance is eclipsed by a period of excess, and the societal focus shifts from achieving shared prosperity to pursuing personal gratification.

In the world of arts, creativity gives way to imitation. The works produced are more reflective of society's extravagance and less of its values and aspirations. Innovation becomes scarce as the community revels in the indulgence of the present, unbothered by the call of the future.

As apathy and decadence tighten their grip, society's vision blurs.

The future, once a beacon of hope and possibility, becomes an afterthought. The focus is not on where they are going but on savoring the present moment.

Unbeknownst to them, the societal ship, once powered by the winds of ambition and purpose, is adrift. This stage signals the onset of societal twilight. The embers of the golden age glow faintly in the encroaching darkness.


The song of decadence plays on a haunting melody that underscores the inevitable passage from abundance to decline.

The societal symphony reaches its poignant climax, teetering on the precipice of a significant transformation. The society stands on the threshold, the echoes of the past behind them and the whispering of a new era ahead.

Dependence and the welfare state As the societal symphony transitions from the melancholy chords of apathy and decadence, it gives birth to a new melody of dependence.

At this stage once pulsating with individual ambition and collective aspiration, society slips into a state of reliance.

Once proud of its self-made prosperity, society leans heavily on institutionalized support systems. The once vibrant economy, previously fueled by innovation and competitiveness, gives way to an economy driven by social security measures and public spending. The river of economic prosperity starts to dry up, reduced to a trickle sustained by the welfare state.

As dependence on the state grows, so does the power and reach of the governing body. The ideals of freedom and liberty that were once the cornerstones of society start to fade into the background. Instead, security and stability, promised by the ever-growing state, become the new societal watchwords. The populace, once the drivers of their destiny, increasingly look towards the state to steer their course.

In the realm of culture, the creative spark of independence dims, overshadowed by the comfort of conformity. Individual achievement, once the cause for celebration, is replaced by a homogenization of success. The societal narrative shifts from the triumph of the individual to the security of the collective.

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The arts, once a mirror reflecting society's aspirations and struggles, become a window into its newfound dependence. They echo the sentiments of a society that has traded its ambition for security. Artists, once the voice of rebellion and progress, now paint portraits of complacency, their canvases filled with hues of reliance and acceptance.

As dependence grows, society's view of the future shifts once more.

Once close enough to touch, the bright horizon of endless possibilities starts to recede. The focus of society shifts from shaping its destiny to maintaining its existence. The collective energy, once used to propel society toward its aspirations, is now invested in sustaining the status quo.

Promises of safety and stability are scattered amongst the people like coins, buying the reassurance of a return to golden days. It's a siren's song that sings of a life free from worry, promising to provide for every need if only they would entrust their fate into its hands.

As societal resources are pooled, an illusion of abundance is created, a mirage of past prosperity. The populace, swept up in the promise of continued affluence, begins to lean towards those who promise to perpetuate this state of comfort. It's a shift in the societal paradigm that leads to a cycle of dependence, where leadership is not about guiding the society forward but about maintaining a state of artificially sustained comfort.

Society, yearning to return to better times, edges closer to the precipice, paving the way for a potential erosion of liberty. The stage is set for a transformation, a shift from the collective strength of a self-reliant society to a culture of dependence. The specter of a more stringent rule looms on the horizon, the inevitable response to the call for order in a society gradually slipping into chaos.


Once about guiding society towards a better future, leadership shifts to preserving artificial comfort. A transaction occurs as the spirit of self-reliance and the pride of societal autonomy are bartered for a promise, an echo of the golden age.

The promise is a siren's song, luring society to a precipice of transformation. Once emboldened by self-reliance, the autonomous society is reshaped into a culture of dependency, empowering a central entity in hopes of resurrecting past glory.

Unbeknownst to them, they stand on a precarious edge, unknowingly trading their hard-earned freedom for a fleeting sense of security.

The stage is set for an uncertain future, overshadowed by the specter of a rule more stringent than they've ever known.

Current Era and paradise lost

The symphony of civilization, having traversed the movements of idealism, prosperity, complacency, and dependence, enters the uncertain melody of the modern age.

Our current era echoes the discordant notes of competing interests, ideologies, and divisions. The unity of purpose that marked the ascen-sion of great societies seems fragmented, lost in the din of excessive individualism.

The garden of strife has become overgrown, seeded by widening inequalities, discontents, and loss of community. The heroic sacrifices of the past have faded into distant memory. The shared visions that enabled our ancestors to manifest their destiny are blurred, obscured by the fog of instant gratification and insulation.

Abundance still exists, yet it coalesces around a privileged few. Individual prosperity disguises societal decay.

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Cultural progress is measured in frivolity, not the enrichment of the human spirit. Decadence parades as enlightenment, nihilism as freedom.

We stand at the precipice, facing a collective identity crisis. Our heroes are anti-heroes. Our ideals are ideas of convenience. Prosperity is a privilege of birth, not the fruit of labor. Factions have formed, but cooperation has not.

Perhaps this is the paradise lost - a modern paradise but an individual one. We are self-reliant but alone, liberated but uncertain, surrounded by prosperity yet increasingly joyless.

Change is brewing - we can feel the currents of transformation. But to where they will carry us, none can foretell. The next movement in the symphony has yet to be written. The old melodies whisper faintly as new experimental rhythms clash.

We are at a crucial juncture, an opportunity to compose the next act. Do we renew faded unity? Rekindle dimmed ideals? Rebuild fractured trust? Or will discord dominate, progress giving way to dissolution? The baton stands ready - who shall pick it up and conduct the next bars?

Our society's destiny still awaits manifestation. The garden of strife remains to be transformed. Freedom yet awaits realization. But the time for courage is now. The era of action is here. With history as our guide, we must step forth as the heroes this age requires.

The potential still shines behind the clouds, ready to pierce through.

But it awaits our choice, conviction, and our chorus of collective intent.

We must be the authors of the next chapter, seizing this pivotal point to write the future we wish to see.


Transformation from Within and the Parallel Society Across the symphony of civilizations, cycles of rise and fall emerge, doomed to repeat as lessons go unheeded. Terranism seeks to break this cycle not through drastic revolutions but through gradual transformation seeded from within. It proposes establishing a Parallel Society

- a network of individuals, communities, and organizations operating harmoniously with the mainstream while steering it toward stability.

This parallel structure takes lessons from movements like Vaclav Havel’s Charter 77 in communist Czechoslovakia. Through under-ground schools, banned literary works, and independent civic initiatives, activists created a parallel culture that eroded the regime's legitimacy. Terranism draws on these successes, implementing similar principles of non-violent resistance and incremental change on a global scale.

The building blocks of this Parallel Society are Terrans themselves.

Through individual and collective action, ripples of change aggregate into waves of transformation. Communities where aligned enterprises can flourish, initiatives can launch, and Terran values can take root.

Terra serves as the unifying force synchronizing these dispersed efforts. It fosters collaboration between disparate groups, their contributions bring greater impact, and it accelerates the realization of the Terran vision. Importantly, Terra is not a centralized authority but a voluntary coalition bound by a shared philosophy.

At its core, this Parallel Society aims to reshape socio-economic structures from within. The Parallel Market System allows enterprises to balance profit with collective prosperity.

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The Economic Baseline System seeks to provide citizens with fundamental securities like food, housing, and healthcare, enabling them to pursue creativity instead of just survival.

Rather than attempting to convert the mainstream, this Parallel Society attracts through demonstration. As aligned enterprises thrive, communities adopt new practices, and Terran political ideas gain traction, the viability of this model becomes self-evident.

To navigate this transformation, Terrans adopt an ethical compass focused on the collective benefit. Progress lies not in maximizing self-interest but in optimizing mutual gain. Choices are guided by compassion, sustainability, and humanity’s shared destiny.

By providing a thriving alternative, this Parallel Society elevates the mainstream. It is a proving ground for emergent solutions like decentralized governance and ethical technologies. As these models demonstrate potential, wider society gradually adapts and absorbs these breakthroughs.

This constructive approach aligns with Terranism's ethos of Transformation from Within. Without undermining existing nations or institutions, it precipitates change from within through inspiration, not imposition. Terranism charts a new course in this way, responding to modern realities while avoiding the pitfalls that doomed past societies.

Like Terranism, this Parallel Society draws strength from the unified action of empowered individuals.

The time for this transformation is now. This is not a distant utopia but an unfolding reality. United by hope and purpose, our shared destiny awaits.

| xiv |

The Belief

In the expansive canvas of human history, belief has taken myriad forms, offering diverse pathways to understand our existence, purpose, and the universe around us. From ancestral worship to polytheism, monotheism to atheism, and agnosticism to humanism, the kaleido-scope of belief systems speaks to our collective search for meaning, structure, and solace. As diverse and complex as the human race, these systems offer lenses through which we view the cosmos, providing frameworks that shape our values, guide our actions, and infuse our lives with a sense of purpose.

Terranism, as a universal ideology embracing life’s continuity, spread, and contentment, acknowledges and respects this intricate mosaic of belief. It doesn't espouse a specific religious or atheistic doctrine but rather appreciates the richness and depth that diverse views contribute to the human experience.

Terranism understands that belief, in all its various forms, has served a critical function in our evolutionary journey. Belief has helped us grapple with the unknown, fostered social cohesion, and provided moral guidance. It has offered solace in times of distress, hope in the face of despair, and a sense of continuity amidst change.


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Acknowledging this integral role, Terranism posits that belief – in one form or another – is deeply woven into our human fabric.

While many humans have subscribed to the concept of a higher power throughout history, definitive evidence of the divine – either for or against – remains elusive. This lack of irrefutable proof does not deter Terranism from accepting and honoring those who seek solace or find purpose in believing in a higher power. At the same time, Terranism equally respects and values the viewpoints of those who find their ethical compass and sense within a secular or humanistic framework.

Terranism operates under the understanding that unless it is definitively proven that a higher power is influencing or has influenced our world, we must assume our responsibility to ensure the continuity and spread of life. We are the stewards of our destiny, tasked with shaping our future and protecting all life forms on our planet.

Terranism declares that life is worthy of reverence in all its astound-ing complexity, diversity, and resilience. We stand in awe of the mira-cle of existence, the delicate balance that sustains life, and the potential that life holds for the future. Whether this reverence translates into a belief in a higher power or simply an appreciation for the wonders of the natural world is up to each Terran.

In this spirit of respect, Terranism doesn't look down on or marginalize those who choose to believe in a higher power or subscribe to a specific faith. Terranism sees no contradiction between identifying as a Terran and adhering to another belief system.

They are not mutually exclusive stances; one can embrace the goals and principles of Terranism while also finding personal solace, guidance, or community in a religious, spiritual, or philosophical tradition.


As Terrans, we are united by our shared commitment to the preservation, expansion, and well-being of life, and the belief system that guides each of us on this path is a deeply personal and respected aspect of our identities. As we embark on this collective journey, we bring with us the richness of our diverse beliefs, enhancing the tapestry of Terranism with the many hues of human understanding and experience.

Terranism does not seek to replace existing belief systems but aims to provide a shared ideological platform where people from all walks of life, regardless of their individual beliefs, can work together towards a common goal – the betterment and continuation of life. It manifests a fundamental belief that life, in all its forms, is worth cherishing, nurturing, and expanding.

Embarking on our exploration of belief within Terranism and to reiterate, we first approach the principle of Historical Belief. This principle acknowledges the significant role that belief in a higher power has played throughout human history. From the dawn of civilization to our modern societies, belief has served as a compass, guiding moral conduct, fostering social cohesion, and providing comfort in the face of life's uncertainties.

Next, we encounter the principle of Divine Ambiguity. This recognizes the lack of definitive proof for or against the existence of a higher power. It highlights the intellectual humility required to navigate life's most profound existential questions and underscores Terranism's commitment to operating based on the best available evidence.

Terranism champions the principle of Belief Freedom, emphasizing its non-prescriptive stance on personal beliefs. Terranism's broad canopy shelters a diverse spectrum of belief systems, underlining that it is an individual's right and freedom to hold and explore beliefs that resonate with them.

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Building on this, the principle of Human Autonomy posits that humans perceive themselves as deserving and needing a higher power's care. Simultaneously, it underscores Terranism's assumption that barring definitive evidence to the contrary, we should operate as if we are alone in the cosmos. This perspective instills a sense of responsibility, emphasizing our duty to ourselves and all life forms.

The principle of Integral Belief asserts that belief, in some form, is deeply ingrained in human nature. It posits that belief systems serve various psychological and social functions crucial to survival and success as a species. Whether these beliefs involve the divine, human potential, or the inherent value of life, they are integral to our individual and collective identities.

Building on this, the principle of Life's Sanctity posits that all life is worthy of reverence, akin to the protection of a higher power. This principle underlines life’s awe-inspiring complexity and resilience, affirming our commitment to preserve, nurture, and celebrate it.

Next, the principle of Afterlife Ambiguity mirrors Divine Ambiguity, emphasizing the current lack of definitive proof for an afterlife.

In response, Terranism focuses on the present life, cherishing and enhancing it as much as possible while acknowledging the possibility of an afterlife remains an open question.

Terranism's principle of Reality Acceptance urges us to take the world as it is, not as we wish it to be. It reminds us that our individual beliefs and feelings do not alter the fundamental nature of reality. This principle reinforces our commitment to truth, critical thinking, and evidence-based decision-making.

The principle of Respectful Coexistence articulates Terranism's tolerant and respectful stance towards those with differing beliefs.


It underlines that Terranism does not view its stances as antagonistic to others' beliefs. Rather it cherishes the diversity of thought and encourages a dialogue of mutual respect and understanding.

Building on this, the principle of Belief Compatibility posits that it is entirely possible to be both a Terran and a follower of another faith.

This principle emphasizes the non-exclusive nature of Terranism, enabling individuals to weave the principles and goals of Terranism into the tapestry of their existing belief system.

Lastly, the principle of Collective Care outlines Terranism's commitment to care for Humanity's needs. It signifies our collective responsibility towards each other and the world at large.

These principles, woven together, form the complex yet harmonious mosaic of Belief within Terranism. They illuminate our path as we navigate the intricate interplay of belief, reality, and responsibility, serving as a beacon guiding our collective journey toward a future where life in all its forms is cherished and preserved.

At the heart of this exploration of belief, we reach a profound revelation – the unique freedom and inclusivity of Terranism. It is a philosophy that does not impose but instead proposes; it does not exclude but rather embraces. By respecting the diversity of our beliefs and backgrounds, Terranism unites us in a shared purpose, transcending the boundaries often set by conventional belief systems. It reminds us that we are not just observers in the universe but active participants with the collective power to shape our destiny.

Terranism is a testament to our human spirit's capacity to rise above differences and unite in a shared aspiration for life’s continuity, expansion, and contentment. It is a call to embrace our roles as caretakers of life, recognizing our intrinsic worth and potential.

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By drawing from the richness of our diverse beliefs and experiences, Terranism fosters a community where every individual can find a sense of belonging, purpose, and inspiration.

Our exploration of belief within Terranism culminates in a single, resounding message: Regardless of our individual beliefs, we are united by our shared commitment to life. We are all Terrans, bound by our collective endeavor to preserve, enhance, and spread life across the cosmos.

Terranism invites you to bring your unique perspectives, experiences, and beliefs to our collective table. Here, your voice matters.

Here, your views are respected. Here, you are a vital part of a community dedicated to the most noble and meaningful purpose – ensuring life’s continuity, spread, and contentment.

Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer.

| xv |

The State

The concept of a state has undergone significant transformation from its earliest inception to the complex entity we understand today.

Over time, civilization's view of the state has broadened, deepened, and evolved, shaping our contemporary world in ways that fundamentally alter our relationship with governance, society, and the international community. This section aims to delve into the dimensions that constitute a state: population, territory, sovereignty, government, recognition, and the idea of the nation.

Historically, the earliest forms of states were city-states, as found in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China. Even as early as 3000

BC, cities like Uruk and Mohenjo-Daro had populations that lived within defined boundaries governed by a centralized authority.

Often ruled by a king or a queen, these states exercised supreme power within their territories. However, these early states were typically isolated and primarily concerned with internal affairs, with recognition as a separate entity by other states yet to be a fully developed concept.


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The rise of empires, such as the Roman and Persian empires, marked a change in the understanding of a state. The notion of territory extended beyond a single city to vast land encompassing many different peoples and cultures. Sovereignty became the right of the emperor, who held the ultimate authority. As these empires interacted and clashed, recognition by other states became more relevant, herald-ing the early stirrings of international relations.

The Middle Ages saw the fragmentation of empires into smaller feudal states, which were neither sovereign nor nation-states, as power was diffused among the monarch, the nobility, and the church. The concept of a nation started emerging with a shared language, culture, and a sense of common identity among people within the state. Yet, in the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, the modern conception of a state as a sovereign entity recognized by others began to take root.

The Industrial Revolution and the subsequent colonization era entrenched the nation-state system. The state was now characterized by defined geographical boundaries, a centralized government, a legal system, and a standing army. The idea of sovereignty evolved to include the monarch and the people, giving birth to modern democracy.

Recognition was formalized through diplomatic relations and treaties.

In the 20th century, the formation of international organizations like the League of Nations and later the United Nations further solidified the concept of a state. Membership in such organizations conferred legitimacy and international recognition. After World War II, decolonization led to new states, many identified as nation-states with distinct national identities.

Today, the state continues to be the leading actor on the world stage, but its role and nature are under constant redefinition.


In our interconnected world, the meaning of sovereignty is challenged by global issues that transcend borders, like climate change, pandemics, and cyber threats.

Digital spaces and the global flow of information, goods, and services complicate territoriality. Many states' populations are increasingly diverse, prompting reconsideration of what constitutes a nation.

Nonetheless, the state remains crucial in maintaining order, ensuring welfare, and representing the population internationally. Contemporary states, regardless of their form of government, carry the responsibility of delivering public services, upholding human rights, and striving for social, economic, and political stability.

In sum, understanding the concept of a state in its historical and modern contexts provides insights into the dynamics of governance, society, and international relations. It allows us to appreciate the evolution of human civilization and helps guide us as we continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of statehood in the 21st century.

Population and Terranism: Dual Sovereign Entity Historically and in the present day, a critical pillar of any state is its population. This includes the individuals living within the state's borders and those outside its territory yet still consider it their homeland.

The population comprises people who abide by the state's laws and often share common cultural, linguistic, or ethnic traits. Yet, it's essential to recognize that these shared traits are not prerequisites. Indeed, many contemporary states are ethnically, linguistically, and culturally diverse, reflecting the dynamic and interconnected world.

In the early stages of state formation, the population primarily consisted of homogenous groups.

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These early states often emerged from kinship ties or shared cultural or linguistic commonalities. Over time, as states expanded and absorbed different ethnic or cultural groups, the population's homogeneity often decreased.

This diversity, however, didn't negate the inhabitants' status as members of the state. Instead, it brought about challenges and opportunities for creating inclusive societal structures and institutions within the state.

While closely tied to a state, the idea of a nation is not synonymous.

A nation is a group of people who share a common identity, often based on elements like language, history, or ethnicity. The concept of a nation-state, where the nation's borders align perfectly with those of the state, is idealistic and rarely observed in reality.

The modern state often encompasses multiple nations, or parts of nations, within its borders. This can lead to tensions, as seen in numerous historical and ongoing conflicts worldwide, but can also contribute to vibrant, diverse societies where different cultures, languages, and traditions coexist and interact.

Terranism introduces a new paradigm to this understanding of statehood and population. Under Terranism, individuals worldwide unite under the banner of Terra, forming a dual sovereign entity that does not replace existing national affiliations but exists alongside them.

As a Terran, one can still identify with any nationality, maintaining cultural, linguistic, or ethnic ties while associating with a broader, global identity.

This concept of dual sovereignty signifies an evolution in our understanding of a state and its population. It accepts and upholds the diversity and multiplicity of our identities.


While acknowledging the historical and contemporary significance of the nation-state, it also appreciates the interconnectedness of our modern world. Being a Terran does not diminish the importance of one's national identity; rather, it enhances it by placing it within a global context.

The idea of being both a national and a Terran redefines the way we perceive borders and statehood. It challenges the notion that loyalty or identification with one state necessitates exclusivity. This concept fosters a sense of global solidarity and interconnectedness, essential in our increasingly globalized world, where challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and social inequality transcend national borders.

Embracing this dual identity also creates a shared responsibility towards our planet and fellow inhabitants. Terranism promotes a sense of stewardship for Earth, prompting us to consider national interests and global well-being. It encourages collaborative efforts to tackle global issues, underscoring that no state or population exists in isolation in an interconnected world.

As Terrans, we are also reminded that, just as states are responsible for the well-being of their populations, we have a shared responsibility towards Terra. This idea is a transformative step in realizing sustainable and equitable global development, wherein each person is not just a citizen of their country but also a guardian of Earth.

Terranism's notion of a dual sovereign entity enriches the understanding of a state's population. It bridges the gap between national and global identities, fostering inclusivity and shared responsibility.

The ability to be both a national and a Terran simultaneously signifies an evolutionary leap in our perception of statehood and population, paving the way for a future where global unity and national identities coexist, separate yet the same.

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Territory and Terranism: A Global Community Territory, a geographical area with internationally recognized boundaries, forms an essential characteristic of every state. These territories encompass land, air, and water bodies within the borders and, sometimes, resources beneath the ground.

Territorial sovereignty implies a state's undisputed legal authority within its boundaries, enabling it to govern and administer its internal affairs freely. It is a fundamental principle in the international system and a cornerstone of our present political geography.

Historically, territories have often been the catalysts for state formation and the staging ground for identity-building, economic growth, and cultural flourishing. They have also been at the heart of geopolitical disputes and conflicts. The control over territories - their conquest, defense, and administration - has defined the rise and fall of empires, the delineation of modern states, and the spatial configuration of global politics.

Modern states often take their territorial boundaries as given, albeit with occasional disputes. These boundaries demarcate the geographical extent of state power and the spatial entity where a particular legal, political, and social system prevails. They define the space where the population lives, where the government exercises authority, and where the legal system applies. Consequently, territories are intricately linked with statehood, sovereignty, and national identity.

Terranism offers a fresh perspective on this aspect of statehood.

It recognizes the importance of territorial sovereignty as understood traditionally but also introduces a new dimension: the concept of a global community, Terra, transcending physical boundaries. Terranism posits that the territorial ambit of Terra is not confined to specific geographical locales but encompasses the entire Earth.


The shift from territorial sovereignty to a global community transforms our understanding of space and place. Terra, the collective embodiment of Terrans worldwide, does not exercise control over a distinct territory as traditional states do. Instead, Terra asserts a form of global stewardship. It upholds the principle that any place where a Terran is becomes part of the worldwide community of Terra.

This philosophy doesn't dispute or undermine the territorial rights of states. It merely expands the idea of community beyond physical borders. It suggests that belonging to Terra doesn't necessitate physical proximity. Instead, it depends on shared ideals, cooperation, and collective responsibility. Terra is a global community, constantly shaping and reshaping itself in response to Terran’s dynamic contributions and interactions worldwide.

The implications of this approach are profound. As Terra sees the Earth as a whole, it naturally emphasizes global issues rather than focusing narrowly on concerns within arbitrary boundaries. It seeks to improve conditions globally, addressing problems that transcend national borders.

The territorial expansiveness of Terra also brings a sense of shared ownership and responsibility among Terrans. They are not merely citizens of their respective nations but also stewards of the entire planet.

This collective stewardship nurtures a sense of global citizenship, inspiring Terrans to participate actively in addressing global challenges.

In essence, the concept of territory in Terranism transcends physical space and geographical boundaries. It represents a shared global home and a commitment to mutual responsibility. It urges us to look beyond our immediate surroundings and embrace a broader, more inclusive perspective.

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Through this lens, the world becomes not a mere patchwork of individual states and territories but a unified, global community that is interconnected and interdependent. This international community, Terra, blurs the lines between the local and the global, between national interests and global needs, crafting a new vision of territory and statehood that is both inclusive and expansive.

Terranism's dual concept of territory brings together the traditional notion of state sovereignty with a broader vision of a global community. This notion infuses a global consciousness into territory, highlighting the need for collective action, shared responsibility, and international solidarity. It signifies an evolutionary leap in our understanding of territory, paving the way for a future where local and global identities coexist, separate, yet one and the same.

Sovereignty and Terranism: The Birth of an Idea At the heart of any state lies the principle of sovereignty, the absolute authority it wields within its territorial boundaries. Historically, sovereignty has come to mean the state's ability to make laws, implement them, and enforce order, all while resisting control by any external power over its internal affairs. This principle is universally acknowledged in international politics, and states are viewed as sovereign equals, each governing its affairs without external interference.

In theory, a state's sovereignty is a clear and straightforward concept but encompasses complex dynamics in practice. The evolution of the idea of sovereignty can be traced back to the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which ended the Thirty Years' War in Europe. This treaty marked the end of an era of religious wars and gave birth to the modern nation-state system. It crystallized the idea of political units with defined territorial boundaries, each wielding undisputed authority within its borders.


In the contemporary world, sovereignty implies that the state has the exclusive right to govern its population and territory. It decides what laws apply to its citizens, regulates its economic affairs, manages its resources, provides public services, negotiates with other states, and determines its foreign policy.

However, Terranism offers a unique reinterpretation of sovereignty. It introduces the idea of a new kind of entity, Terra, formed by the global unification of Terrans. It posits that the sovereignty of Terra exists wherever life flourishes, transcending geographical boundaries.

As such, Terra, as a global community, asserts a type of sovereignty that is not restricted to a specific location but spans the entire globe.

This sovereignty stems not from a mandate by external authority but from the voluntary allegiance of individual Terrans who espouse its principles.

This perspective does not aim to dismantle or undermine the existing states or their sovereignty. On the contrary, it respects their autonomy and operates alongside them, offering a complementary mode of affiliation.

This dual sovereignty allows for the coexistence of national and global identities. One can be a citizen of their nation-state, exercising their rights and responsibilities within that framework, and simultaneously be a Terran, partaking in the collective responsibility for global affairs.

The idea of Terra is more than just an organizational structure. It embodies a vision, an idea, and a philosophy brought to life through collective action. Terra exists as long as individuals espouse its principles and strive to embody them. Its existence depends not on physical structures or geographical boundaries but on the free will of those who believe in its ideals.

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The concept of sovereignty in Terranism thus extends beyond traditional understanding. It emphasizes shared responsibilities and the collective well-being of the global community. It also underscores the role of individual agency and free will in realizing the idea of Terra. It is an inclusive sovereignty that acknowledges our interconnectedness and mutual interdependence in a globalized world.

Terranism thus envisions a dual sovereignty that coexists with the existing nation-state system. It positions Terra as an additional layer of affiliation alongside national identities and not as a replacement for them. Terra's sovereignty is fluid, global, and rooted in collective action and shared ideals.

The idea of sovereignty in Terranism signifies a revolutionary shift in our understanding of the concept. It embodies a new kind of sovereignty that is inclusive, global, and rooted in shared ideals and collective action. This novel interpretation of sovereignty offers a vision of a world where local and global identities coexist, and sovereignty is not confined to geographical boundaries but extends to wherever life flourishes.

It presents a future where the power of ideas transcends physical limitations, and sovereignty is redefined as the collective will of a global community dedicated to the shared stewardship of our planet.

Redefine Governance: The Networked Structure of Terra The characteristic of a state that most directly affects its citizens'

daily lives is its government's structure and nature. Since the dawn of civilization, the organized systems of ruling have ranged from the monarchies of the ancient world to the democracies, dictatorships, and various hybrid systems we see today.


Each type of government has its strengths and weaknesses, and the most prosperous states have typically been those that have managed to adapt their governing structures to meet their citizens' evolving needs and aspirations.

In the earliest city-states of Sumer, for example, governments were typically led by a monarch who ruled by divine right. As civilizations grew and societies became more complex, so did their government systems.

The ancient Greeks pioneered the concept of Democracy, a form of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through elected representatives. This concept was later adopted and modified by many other societies, including the Roman Republic and, much later, the various democracies of the modern world.

Despite the different forms it has taken, the function of government remains constant: to govern and regulate the affairs of the state. This includes making and enforcing laws, maintaining internal peace and order, protecting the state from external threats, and providing public services to its citizens. A well-functioning government ensures that a state can exert its sovereignty effectively and deliver the benefits of citizenship to its people.

In the context of Terranism, the concept of government takes on a new and broader dimension. Terrans, united under the umbrella of Terra, form a unique kind of dual sovereign entity.

While states exercise control over specific geographical locations, the sovereignty of Terra is wherever a Terran happens to be. As such, the government of Terra is not a traditional hierarchy but rather an organic network of Terrans united in a common cause.

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This form of government is rooted in freedom of association and direct action. Terrans are empowered to take action and make a difference in their local communities and beyond, guided by the principles of Terranism.

Rather than seeking to undermine or replace existing nations and states, Terranism complements them, promoting a global perspective and advocating for change on a worldwide scale.

The government of Terra, then, is not centralized or hierarchical but distributed and networked. It is not imposed from above but arises organically from the collective actions of Terrans around the globe.

It manifests the principle of "One for all, All for one." The right to associate freely gives Terrans the power to organize and work together to improve the world.

Terra is a state without borders, with territory as broad as the Earth itself. It exists wherever Terrans are, living out its principles and working to make a difference. The government of Terra is an expression of the collective will of its people, a testament to the power of shared principles and united action.

Just as states' governments serve their citizens, the government of Terra serves the Earth, its ecosystems, and all its human and non-human inhabitants. Its goal is not to rule but to nurture, not to dominate, but to care.

In the end, Terra is not just a state but a vision for a better world, a testament to the potential of humanity to come together in pursuit of a common cause. This is the heart of Terranism, making Terra a truly unique entity in the constellation of human civilizations.


Recognition Unbounded: Beyond Traditional Paradigms Since the establishment of the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which marked the beginning of the international system of sovereign states, recognition by other states has been a crucial aspect of statehood.

Recognition signifies acceptance into the international community, a validation of a state's sovereignty, and its right to participate in global affairs. This recognition often leads to a state's membership in international organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, and others, which further solidify its place in the global arena.

Historically, the recognition of states has been a contentious and complex issue. It is a political act often influenced by many factors rang-ing from geopolitical alliances and ideological affiliations to strategic interests. The lack of universal criteria for state recognition sometimes leads to situations where entities fulfilling all the traditional standards of statehood are still not universally recognized. Classic examples of this include Taiwan and Kosovo, whose statehood remains a subject of international debate.

Nonetheless, recognition lends legitimacy and helps a state protect its interests on a global scale. It is a stepping stone for participation in international treaties, gaining access to financial aid, and voicing concerns on international platforms. Recognition often gives states the authority to defend their territorial integrity, political independence, and the well-being of their citizens.

When we consider Terra, the global community of Terrans, the concept of recognition takes a different shape. Although Terra might seek recognition from other states to foster cooperation, it fundamentally exists due to the free will and choice of individual Terrans who believe in its ideals.

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Terra's existence is rooted not in the formal approval of existing states but in the shared convictions of its members worldwide.

Through their association with Terra, Terrans form a new type of dual sovereign entity. As such, Terra's recognition is not solely about the acceptance by existing states but a recognition that stems from the ground up, from its very constituents. Each Terran, wherever they might be, is a testament to Terra's legitimacy.

Terra would undoubtedly welcome recognition from other states and international organizations. Such recognition could help Terra gain allies, resources, and avenues to spread its ideals further. It could allow for a more significant influence in global affairs and foster cooperation in serving Terran goals.

However, the lack of such recognition would not deter Terra's existence or dilute its ideals. The essence of Terra lies in the belief and actions of Terrans around the globe. The existing states cannot deny or invalidate these beliefs and actions. Terrans believe in a world united in its care for the planet, a world where the well-being of every life form is considered, and this global consciousness drives actions. This belief is the basis of Terra's existence and recognition.

Terra, thus, represents a unique paradigm of statehood that is not restricted by conventional concepts of territory or confined by geographical borders. It is a state that exists everywhere a Terran stands, seeking to bring positive change globally.

Recognition of Terra is the recognition of this unique paradigm, a recognition of the potential for a new kind of global community united by shared values and aspirations. It is a recognition of a state that stands for the Earth and all life forms on it, a state that exists to nurture, care, and make the world a better place.


Global Unity: Redefine Nationhood in the Age of Terranism Since the dawn of civilization, people have grouped based on shared traits - cultural, ethnic, or historical. These groups, often referred to as nations, form a key building block of our global society. Nations serve as a potent source of identity and belonging, a way for people to connect with their shared heritage, traditions, and values.

Historically, the idea of a nation has been intertwined with the concept of a state. Some states are nation-states whose borders align with the nation's borders. Examples of nation-states include Japan and Iceland, where a largely homogenous ethnic group forms the majority and gives the state its national character.

However, the world is also full of multi-national or polyethnic states. Countries like Canada and the United States are proud homes to diverse nations living under one flag, sharing the same political institutions but maintaining their unique cultural identities.

Conversely, there are nations without a state, such as the Kurds and Palestinians, where people with a shared history and identity do not possess a sovereign territory they can call their own.

The concept of a nation is multi-dimensional and far from static. It has evolved and continues to grow with shifting political borders, mass migration, globalization, and societal changes.

When we turn our attention to Terra, the organization of Terrans, the concept of a nation assumes a unique form. Terra transcends traditional ethnic, cultural, or historical boundaries that typically define a nation. Instead, it forms a nation based on a shared belief and commitment to the principles and values that define Terranism.

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All humans are, in essence, Terrans. But to be part of the Terran nation, one must recognize and accept this state of being. The act of consciously choosing to identify as a Terran and committing to upholding the principles and values associated with it is what forms the Terran nation. It is a nation not tied to a specific geographic territory or a particular ethnicity but is a global nation bound by a shared vision for the world and humanity.

The Terran nation is a testament to the power of shared ideas and collective action. It showcases how people from diverse backgrounds can unite under a common banner for the greater good, regardless of their geographic location, ethnicity, or cultural heritage.

In the Terran nation, the Individual's commitment to Terra's principles creates a potent form of unity. It is a unity that celebrates diversity, encourages global thinking, and strives for a world where every life form is respected and where the well-being of our planet is prioritized.

The Terran nation is not just an idea but a dynamic, living entity that thrives on every Terran's active participation and commitment. It is a nation that continually evolves and grows with each new Terran who chooses to identify with its principles.

In this sense, the Terran nation, Terra, is an exciting evolution of the traditional concept of a nation. It redefines what a nation can be, moving beyond ethnic or cultural homogeneity and instead emphasizing shared values, principles, and goals for the world.

Terra's existence as a nation exemplifies the power of ideas and the potential for humanity to unite for a common cause. It is a testament to the potential of a global nation committed to the well-being of the Earth and all its inhabitants.


A New State Paradigm

Terra reimagines the conventional idea of a state, embodying a profound shift in how we conceptualize citizenship, territory, sovereignty, governance, recognition, and the very essence of a nation. This transformation finds its roots in the central philosophy of Terranism, which advocates for a more universally applicable and interconnected global community.

Regarding population, the traditional state's foundational building block, Terra, upends this understanding by not limiting its 'citizenship'

to geographic borders, culture, language, or ethnicity. It acknowledges the inherent Terran identity that each person possesses, thus allowing an individual to simultaneously belong to a traditional nation-state and the broader Terran entity.

It advocates that while nationality is specific and inherited, being a Terran is universal and chosen, creating a new layer of identity that coexists with, rather than replaces, conventional ones.

Traditionally, a state's territory is defined by its geographical boundaries, encompassing land, air, and water within its jurisdiction.

Conversely, Terra perceives its 'territory' as borderless and fluid.

The sovereign land of Terra is not tied to a particular physical location but is wherever a Terran happens to be. By extension, Terra, as a global community, treats the Earth as an interconnected, holistic entity seeking to improve conditions worldwide.

Sovereignty, as understood in traditional statehood, involves a state's supreme authority within its geographic domain. Terra challenges this understanding, shifting the locus of sovereignty from a constrained geographic locale to the more abstract, boundless domain of life itself.

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The sovereignty of Terra is wherever life exists. This sovereignty does not aim to undermine existing nations but instead seeks its validation from individual Terrans who espouse its principles. It's a powerful testament to the idea of sovereignty by belief and action rather than territorial possession.

In terms of government, Terra introduces a unique model that draws its governance not from a centralized body but from individual Terrans who act upon its principles. It uses the right to associate as a tool for governance, endeavoring to make the world a better place.

It refrains from overthrowing established nations but instead works alongside them, exemplifying a coexistence that fosters global betterment.

Recognition traditionally validates sovereignty, usually conferred by other states or international organizations. Although Terra seeks such recognition, its existence is not contingent upon it. It exists by virtue of the free will and choice of Terrans, who espouse its ideals. Terra, thus, has the resilience to function without external validation.

Lastly, the term nation, often used interchangeably with 'state,'

generally refers to a community with shared cultural, ethnic, or historical ties. Terra, in this respect, transcends these boundaries to create a novel nation of ideas unified by a shared commitment to the Earth and its inhabitants. To be a Terran and hence, part of the Terran nation is a choice any human can make.

Terra is a dynamic, evolving entity, an idea ignited by collective belief and action, operating in harmony with existing nations. It offers a compelling vision for a united, more inclusive world where all have a role in shaping a better future. It's a testament to the transformative power of ideas and the human capacity for cooperation on a global scale.

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The Economy

Capitalism's birth occurred during a time of drastic social and political change. It was in the late middle ages when the foundations of Capitalism were being laid when the feudal system that had dictated the order of society for centuries was beginning to crumble. The emergence of the market economy marked a radical shift away from a society defined by status to one driven by contractual relationships. This allowed for a relatively more flexible and dynamic form of economic organization, paving the way for Capitalism as we know it today.

One of the significant catalysts that set capitalism in motion was the Industrial Revolution, a period of rapid industrialization from the mid-18th to mid-19th century, primarily in Britain and then spreading to other parts of the world. The advent of new machinery, particularly in textile manufacturing and iron production, transformed manual labor into mechanized work.

This led to a surge in productivity, giving birth to new industries and expanding existing ones. It replaced the traditional agricultural economies with an economic system driven by factories and the production of goods.


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The ideals of Capitalism were compelling – hard work, competition, and innovation were rewarded with wealth and prosperity. It promised a society where individual talents and enterprise were success factors rather than birth or social status. The market's invisible hand was seen as a more efficient and fair system of distributing resources compared to the past hierarchies.

Capitalism played a pivotal role in uplifting large sections of society out of poverty. It catalyzed the transformation of communities, replacing feudal structures with modern nation-states. The capitalist promise of progress and prosperity was a beacon of hope for many.

However, as Capitalism matured and evolved, it began to show signs of strain. The system once hailed as the liberator from the oppressive structures of the past started displaying characteristics akin to the systems it replaced. The wealth gap began to widen, and economic power concentrated in the hands of a few.

As the 21st century unfolded, unchecked Capitalism's fallout became alarmingly clear. The 2008 global financial crisis, fueled by unrestrained speculation and risky banking behaviors, unveiled the dangers of an unregulated market-dependent system, underscoring the pressing need for economic stability and societal well-being.

Capitalism has been a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it has been a powerful growth engine, driving innovation and wealth creation. On the other, it has resulted in inequality, exploitation, and environmental degradation. As Terrans, we must examine this duality critically, learn from past lessons, and strive to evolve our economic system in alignment with the principles of the eight pillars. As we navigate the currents of economic history, we must remember that our ultimate destination is a world that balances prosperity with justice, progress with sustainability, and individual liberty with collective prosperity.


The Failings of Modern Capitalism: A Terran Perspective In the grand tapestry of human civilization, the era of modern capitalism represents but a single, complex thread. However, the impact of this thread is so profound that it shapes the entire fabric of our existence. As Terrans, it is incumbent upon us to view this thread critically, evaluating the effect of our current economic trajectory on the eight pillars of Terranism.

The first pillar, the Individual, is at odds with modern Capitalism.

While the system promises opportunity and freedom, it often delivers inequality and stress. The perpetual quest for profit and growth can result in economic insecurity and disenfranchisement for many, challenging the essence of individual dignity and value. Individuals often operate enslaved to the market instead of productive members of it.

Turning to the Family, the fundamental unit of society, Capitalism's relentless pace often strains familial bonds. The expectation of constant productivity and economic contribution can compromise the time and energy needed to nurture family relationships, thus eroding the bedrock of societal cohesion.

On the aspect of the state, the notion of public welfare can be overshadowed by the dictates of market forces under Capitalism. Instead of primarily safeguarding citizen well-being, governments often find themselves beholden to the whims of corporations and financial institutions, undermining their role as the custodian of societal interest.

Our Economy, the fourth pillar, is dominated by Capitalism. This economic system, with its focus on ceaseless growth, often neglects socioeconomic parity and sustainability. The resulting economic disparities and environmental degradation challenge the very foundations of our Terran civilization.

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The impact of Capitalism on society, the fifth pillar, is profound.

While it has fostered unprecedented levels of material wealth, it has also fueled social division, consumerism, and disconnection from communal values. Capitalism's emphasis on competition and individual success can erode the social solidarity integral to Terran ethos.

Capitalism's relationship with the sixth pillar, belief, is multifaceted.

The materialistic focus of Capitalism can eclipse spiritual values and ethical considerations, leading to an imbalance between economic pursuits and moral convictions.

The Military, the seventh pillar, is not immune to Capitalism's influence. The pursuit of profit can drive the unnecessary proliferation and deployment of military technology and strength, diverting valuable resources from peace-building efforts and fostering a culture of fear and hostility.

Finally, the eighth pillar, Technology, is a double-edged sword in the hands of Capitalism. While it can drive innovation and improvement, unchecked capitalistic control can lead to a digital divide, privacy concerns, and the commodification of personal data.

Navigating the stormy seas of modern Capitalism is a challenging task. Yet, for the sake of our future as a civilization, we must weather this storm. We must not resign ourselves to the excesses and failings of Capitalism.

Instead, we should strive for transformation and resilience, keeping the well-being of the eight pillars at the heart of our collective endeavor. This commitment to change is not just a responsibility but a testament to our strength and potential as Terrans.


The Economic Baseline: A Vision for a New Economic Order Terranism posits the need for an Economic Baseline that ensures security and dignity for all without reducing individuals to mere cogs in the market's machine. The vision celebrates people as valued contributors to society, with their fundamental needs met and their potential recognized and nurtured.

This is not a call for the wholesale abandonment of Capitalism but rather a plan for its evolution. It beckons the birth of an economic system that is efficient but also just and sustainable. It urges us to create an environment where everyone has access to the resources and opportunities needed to lead a fulfilling life regardless of their economic standing.

Terranism, understanding the unpredictable nature of the market, advocates for an Economic Baseline. This baseline does not outright reject Capitalism but instead acts as a safety net, ensuring that every Individual's basic needs are met and providing them with the autonomy and bargaining power necessary to engage with the market effectively.

This Economic Baseline acknowledges that everyone is entitled to the security and dignity that comes with fulfilling their basic needs. It gives everyone the freedom to explore, innovate, and contribute to society without the chains of economic hardship. It echoes the profound truth that, paradoxically, we often strive harder for what we do not yet have rather than what we already possess.

A world where everyone's basic needs are met might seem far-fetched in our current capitalist society. Yet, this very dream, this vision of a fairer and more humane economy, fuels our determination to make it a reality. This zeal and willingness to sacrifice are born not from tangible self-interest but intangibles such as belief in human dignity, a commitment to justice, and hope.

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In the face of hopelessness, people tend to succumb to their circumstances or flee. However, in the presence of hope, even a flicker, they rise, fight, and endure.

This audacious hope inspires individuals to strive for economic security for all, for cities yet to be built, and for gardens yet to be planted.

One thing to understand about this particular economic initiative is that for it to be successful and for it to repulse and repair the damage that our society and civilization are going through and to prevent the continuing degradation cycle we are stuck in.

It must be separate from the state. Our Parallel Society must take care of all forms of welfare, and the world's states must resume a more impartial format.

When citizens are entirely reliant on the state, it only continues the cycle we have all been trapped by and, if historical trends are anything to go by, will lead to our next downfall.

Terranism's economic vision is anchored in the belief that every individual deserves a life of dignity and opportunity. It champions the right of everyone to have their basic needs met, regardless of the market's volatility.

As Terrans, we are driven by the hope of a future where Capitalism is not abandoned but evolved, where the economy works for the people, not the other way around.

This hope, however daunting the challenge may seem, propels us forward and inspires us to advocate for and work toward a more impartial and humane economic system.


The Parallel Market

Building on the foundation of an Economic Baseline, Terranism introduces the concept of a Parallel Market. This market, a socioeconomic endeavor yet to be fully realized, does not intend to replace Capitalism or limit its freedoms but to supplement it. It presents an avenue for people to serve society willingly and, in return, have their needs met by that same society, echoing the mutual benefit of voluntary military service.

Terrans believe in the potency of dreams and visions for an egalitarian society, and the Parallel Market embodies this belief. It is a beautiful city yet to be built, a garden yet to be planted, an economic construct that is not yet, but could be. It represents a system where people volunteer their skills, knowledge, and time for the betterment of society, and society reciprocates by ensuring their livelihood.

The power of what is yet to be is a formidable force. This concept profoundly resonates with Terranism's philosophy, and the inception of the Parallel Market showcases this. While current Capitalism might be what we have, the Parallel Market is what we wish to have, a system that engenders economic activity, human dignity, and social advancement.

Terrans are ready to advocate for and contribute to this not-yet-realized economic model. It is not a manifestation of tangible self-interest, but a commitment to intangible values such as equality, respect, and hope.

Hope, in particular, is a driving force in this endeavor. Without hope, people surrender to their circumstances. With it, they rise, fight, and endure. In essence, the Parallel Market is a beacon of hope, a promise of an economic system where the well-being of all is prioritized.

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The creation of this Parallel Market aligns with Terranism's strategy of Transformation from Within. Through their collective market power, Terrans can influence the existing economic structures, nudging us towards the Collective Individualism we aim to achieve.

Through their choices and actions, every Terran contributes to this collective power and the realization of this Parallel Market.

In a world accustomed to the ways of the existing market, the concept of a Parallel Market might seem radical or unfeasible. However, history teaches us that those who embrace the present with all their might are often incapable of defending it.

In contrast, those who dare to imagine a different future, willing to reach for what is not yet, are bestowed with unexpected gifts and treasures.

The Parallel Market is not a rejection of Capitalism but its evolution. It represents a collective hope for a more egalitarian and humane economic system.

As Terrans, we strive for this not-yet-realized market, driven by our vision of a society where everyone's needs are met, where serving society is reciprocated with security and dignity, and where the Economy works for the people, not the other way around.

Our willingness to sacrifice for this vision is a testament to our commitment to the ideals of Terranism and our belief in the transformative power of hope.

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The Military

At Humanity's core, we are what we all pretend not to be. We deny the nature that lies within us all. We are of this world, and in this world lies a fact of life that will not be denied. Even if all we hope to bring to light comes to fruition. When Terranism is successful in its goals and reaches new heights, we will still be bound by a chain we cannot escape.

Violence is inherent to the existence of life. Life feeds off itself in a never-ending cycle. This is true, and it will never stop. While we exist, within us lies this capacity. To take up arms, to strike down and destroy. We are bound by the fact that this capability will always exist while freedom does.

While the capacity for violence exists, as much as we wish it didn't.

It must be acknowledged and addressed. To ignore it is folly. Terranism seeks to understand life in all its forms and attempt not to create a perfect utopia but to improve the world's reality.

To do so, we must make an intricate examination of reality. The reality is that while we exist, we contain the capability to end life.


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We have done this in pursuit of myriad goals and motivations in our history. Humanity has, with great effort, sought to perfect this ability. For the most part, we have been successful.

Terranism does not deny that violence is woven into the history of humankind. War and militarism have been used for millennia as means to power, resources, and national interests. This capacity for violence remains within us; ignoring it would be naive.

However, Terranism also recognizes our potential for ethical evolution. It aspires towards non-violent solutions, even if that eventuality seems distant. This evolution requires wisdom, not just idealism.

In the present, Terranism accepts that military forces remain necessary as deterrents against those who would harm innocents. But it proposes reforms - strict ethical constraints, accountability through democracy, force only as an absolute last resort.

Longer-term, Terranism works to make large standing armies obsolete by addressing root causes of conflict like inequality and de-humanization. It aims to deflate the pressures that lead to violence through unity, dialogue, and the parallel systems.

Terranism maintains that while war may be part of human history thus far, our destiny is not fixed. Just as we have transcended other violent practices once considered normal, we can evolve beyond militarism through Transformation from Within.

This journey starts with envisioning a higher possibility while still acknowledging present realities. Terranism seeks to gradually replace structures of violence with non-violent systems grounded in human dignity and collective responsibility.


This transition will take time to occur. But step by step, we can move towards a future where our shared humanity supersedes divisions, ethical evolution transcends violent impulses, and conflict resolution prioritizes non-violence. This is the Terran dream; not naive, but ambitious. The path is long, but the destination is a world worth striving for.

However, while we work towards this long-term goal, there are constructive ways we could begin redirecting the efforts and resources currently devoted to military power. For instance, our advanced weap-onry and defense technologies could be reapplied towards threats that endanger all Humanity, like deadly diseases, climate change, or potential asteroid impacts.

The logistical expertise of armed forces can be leveraged to distribute food and medicine to those in need globally more efficiently. And the courage and discipline of soldiers could be channeled into emergency disaster relief, peacekeeping missions, or scientific exploration benefiting all people.

Of course, this profound shift can't happen immediately without strong global cooperation and the relinquishing of certain nationalistic interests. But a gradual reorientation of military might towards common human welfare goals could begin now.

With an enlightened long-term vision and pragmatic near-term steps, the instruments of war could be repurposed to serve life. Defense departments have tremendous resources and personnel that could be redirected, with proper reforms and safeguards, to protect our fragile planet and defend the whole human family - not just a single nation.

This will require political courage and ethical creativity. But we must start believing in and mapping out this transition seriously.

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Terranism holds that every human life has equal worth. This principle must guide us in reconceiving how martial power could be realigned to preserve the sanctity of life. With humility but determination, we could gradually move from an age of necessary deterrence to an era of collective human security and flourishing. There are no easy answers, but an ethical path forward exists if we dare to see it.

Furthermore, we must examine the psychological and social factors perpetuating cultures of violence and division between peoples. A military reoriented towards common interests could play a role here

- utilizing resources to promote education, interchange of ideas, and understanding different cultures and faiths. The goal is to deflate the ideologies of extremism, xenophobia, and tribalism that sow seeds of future conflict.

Additionally, the war industry itself requires deep reforms. Arms manufacturers and weapons developers hold tremendous sway in perpetuating endless cycles of conflict and profiting off bloodshed. Their incentives must be realigned toward benefiting Humanity rather than fueling violence.

For instance, medical technology could be accelerated by the bio-engineering expertise within defense firms. And cybersecurity talent could be retasked with fighting online extremism, fraud, and traffick-ing - protecting lives rather than endangering them.

Of course, this transition requires complex, balanced policies and democratic oversight. Well-meaning disarmament could leave society vulnerable to those still bent on violence. But with ethical wisdom, military power can be gradually repurposed - from bombers to build-ers, tanks to tractors, missiles to medicines.


We must be neither naive nor fatalistic. The machinery of war need not always remain so; with vision and will, it can be reforged into instruments of life.

In the long arc of history, Humanity has overcome plagues, expanded rights, banished everyday cruelties - progress once unimaginable. The end of war can be hard to envision given its perpetual presence, but social evolution is real, if incremental.

Terranism dares to dream of a future beyond violence - not easily attained, but worth striving towards. We must neither renounce force prematurely, nor accept its dominance as eternal. With courage and creativity, the security of our children's children need not depend on ability to unleash death. That hope must guide us.

Of course, reorienting the entire military-industrial complex is a gargantuan task riddled with complexities. But the tide of change begins with ripples of action.

Terranism proposes that we start by devoting just 1% of military spending towards humanitarian research - into renewable energy, disease cures, and the reorientation of our economic focus. Also, training just 1% of armed forces in disaster and famine relief.

These small shifts alone could save countless lives, and they demonstrate rechanneling might from destruction to creation - uplifting Humanity rather than ending it.

1% might sound like a tiny amount and be worth nothing in the long run, but that may be because you need to understand the effort and the resources that Humanity focuses on in the efforts of war. Two Trillion USD a year. An unbelievable amount, absolutely enormous.

With 1% turned to nobler causes, we would be directing almost 20

billion dollars.

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This amount would be greater than the governmental budgets of almost 100 countries, and it would be per year. Imagine a budget more extensive than 100 countries by simply redirecting 1% of our efforts.

So while the effort to fight our internal natures will be long in the making, we do not propose a utopian idea of peace in our time. We do not suggest unilateral disarmament of all the militaries on the planet and the millions of people comprising them.

As Terrans, we propose that we take one single solitary step. We take just one. We aim to make the world better than it was before.

If, by taking this step, another becomes apparent, then we will take it as well. On and on, we will continue to walk the path laid before us by those who came before us. We will attempt to navigate the very essence of life itself, and we will do so together.

This is but the first step on a long road. But we must turn our faces to the light, however, dim - away from the last resort of darkness that is violence towards creative preservation and the illumination of life.

Terranism believes our tools of death can be reshaped into instruments of life, and our martial cultures evolved into humanitarian collaboration. There will always be a risk, but the greater danger lies in assuming we can never transcend the way of war.