Flower of Decay: Golden Body by Robert Garcia - HTML preview

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He fell asleep on the couch, without brushing his teeth.





“What is it? Why are people always disturbing me?”, Alteri whined, half-asleep and his vision blurry. His ringing cell phone had woken him up. His eyes were caked with green sleep crust.

“UUUGGHH. Is that my dad again?” Alteri got up off the couch. He almost fell over to his left side, smashing into the floor. He caught himself as he fell down to the hard, white floor.

“Oommpphh-!” The floor hit his chest and ribcage hard, as he caught himself with his arms.

He shoved himself off the ground with his straightened arms, and stumbled forward before regaining his balance a moment later.


He stumbled, walking clumsily and sloppingly with little energy, to his phone, which lay on a light brown, cedar wood table to the far left of his couch.

He grabbed it tiredly and picked it up, holding it to his right ear.



“Ya, dad.”


“Ya, Arthego.”

“Good. I’m sending that homeless guy up to you. Bring him in to your place and bring him into work when you go. Sit him down and talk to those fucking idiot people who fired him.”

Alteri let out the most massive sigh a human being has ever produced. The world shook. People fell off the planet.


“Yes, I did…. DAD.”

“Fuckin-ok, ok. You know what? I don’t have time to deal with your fucking bullshit. Buzz me in, now.”

Alteri didn’t have much of a choice.

“Fine.” He pressed the button to buzz people in from the lobby.

Not too long after, there was a knock on the door.

Alteri didn’t bother looking through the peephole. He unlocked the door and opened it.

A homeless looking man with greasy hair and an extremely long, extremely unkept and dirty-looking beard was there.

“Hi.”, homeless guy said.

Alteri said nothing.

The man looked even more disgusting, repulsive and hopeless than before. His hair was longer and greasier; Alteri could barely make out his eyes under thick strands, that looked like planets, of hair. His beard was much longer and more soulless looking, as well as becoming greasy and dirty. It wasn’t a beard of wisdom, but instead rather a beard of lifelessness.

Alteri remembered his name was Agonego.

“Agonego?” Alteri’s voice was straining with his forced friendliness.

The man said nothing. Alteri couldn’t even see his eyes, to tell what he was thinking, or feeling.

Alteri probably didn’t want to know.

Anger boiled up inside Alteri, when he remembered what Agonego had done to him.

Fuck this human being, Alteri thought. All intellectual reasoning was simply replaced by very strong emotion, resulting in a simple-minded “fuck this human being.”

“I don’t wanna fuck you.”

Oh. He had said that aloud. Oops.

He can go die in a deep dark hole where no one will ever find him and ever care that he is dead and gone from a world that is a better place without him.

That thought was more intellectual than the last.

“I’ll take you down to your work, ok? Come with me, I’ll talk to them for you.”

Agonego said nothing. He didn’t look Alteri in the eyes.

Alteri took this response as a “OK.”

He put his black dress shoes on and grabbed his keys off a shelf to the right of the open door.

“Shall we go?”, he asked Agonego.

Silence was the best response he got.

Agonego followed him out of his apartment, down the elevator, and outside.

They took a train going to the business.

They arrived in the lively, bustling city. People moved around like animals. A herd with a collective

Intelligence. People are animals. Well, they are. That makes too much sense. And they live in a jungle of

metal and cement. That makes even more than too much sense.

When they arrived at the business building, through the crowds of people, it was midnight.

Alteri had put on a nice, sturdy silver watch before he left. He looked at the perfectly clean, clear, crystal

analog display in the dark.

He could barely believe he had sacrificed sleep over this pointless life journey.

He had to go to work in four hours.

Alteri and Agonego went into the business. In the lobby, Yokokina was not working today. Thank god,

thought Alteri. He wouldn’t want her to see him with this man.

Not after what she had said and did to him yesterday. Not after she had teased him with her sexy body

the way she had done.

“What are you to my father, anyway?”

A silence of nothingness.

“That’s alright. You don’t have to tell me.”, he said to the man.

He turned his head away from the man, to his left.

“I don’t know why I expected you to, anyway.” He muttered under his breath, refusing to look at the

man’s face.

Alteri asked the front desk to see someone who could get the man hired again.

He was directed to a room on the lobby floor, far away from the pack of humans in the lobby.

He sat down with Agonego. They faced a man and a woman, who began asking Agonego things.

Alteri couldn’t be bothered to look at the man and woman throughout. He couldn’t be bothered to care

how they looked. He couldn’t be bothered to pretend to care what they were saying to his dad’s friend.

He was too concerned with his own thoughts. He was too concerned with himself.

He was too concerned with thinking about Yokokina and her sexy advances she had made to him.

Yokokana as well, he was thinking of, but she was in the back of his mind. He was daydreaming of how

sexy Yokokina was.

She was so willing to have sex with him.

“Sir? Do you have anything to say on Agonego’s behalf?”

“Oh…. huh?”

Alteri was completely lost in his daydreams. Reality was a shock.

The man and woman were looking at him, waiting for his response.

“Um…. Let me think.” He turned his head to his right and looked at Agenego.

Instantly, it became clear.

He saw the man’s eyes for the first time. Hidden under all the greasy, crazy hair.

Agonego had eyes of nothingness.

The same, selfish eyes of his father.

The eyes which showed no care or warmth to the world or to the people of the world.

Selfish eyes.

No wonder they were friends.

Agonego was selfish, just like Arthego.

“No. Agonego should not work here.”

“Huh? Why not?”, the woman asked, confused.

“He hasn’t changed from before. He will still continue to do the same terrible job he has always done.

He doesn’t care about helping other people by making himself proud. He only cares about himself. He’ll

continue to be lazy because that’s all he wants to do. He doesn’t care how his actions can benefit others,

or improve their lives. He will not work because he doesn’t want to work. If he is so below other people,

why would he want to help them? If he is so egotistical, do you really think he’ll work in a job where his

inflated ego cannot thrive, at least as far as he thinks? No, he won’t. You might as well have him live on

the street. That’s what is best for him.”

He stared Agonego in his eyes of nothingness.

They revealed his soul, his spirit…. of nothingness.

“He is useless to humanity as a life, this person.”

The man and woman looked shocked.

The man spoke.

“But he was just a cleaner. He wasn’t affecting other people.”

Alteriluther spoke.

“That doesn’t matter. Do you think he’ll be a useful life to humans if he refuses to be for a purpose that

doesn’t involve humans? He’ll be nothingness, if you put him in a life that only is about himself or only is

about other people.

“He’ll…. Just die on the street.”

The man and woman were still shocked. They didn’t know how to respond. They probably thought Alteri

was crazy.

But Alteriluther couldn’t be more sane.

“He has selfish eyes.”

Agonego was glaring at Alteri with the eyes of a beast.

Alteri realized he was standing. He matched his eyes to Agonego’s nothingness.

His soul was a beast of nothingness.

Trying to fight for nothing in a world that wants to kill it.

Humans want to kill the beast, but they can’t.

The beast isn’t anything worth being alive.

It’s nothingness.

People can’t kill nothingness.

Anger showed through Agonego’s eyes.

The anger did not scare Alteri. He looked the beast calmly in his eyes.

The anger turned to hopeless anger. Agonego knew he wouldn’t be hired anyway after what had been

said about him.

Alteri questioned if Agonego even realized what he was.

What a foolish life god created to fill his planet.

The man and woman both turned to Agonego.

“I’m sorry, sir, but we cannot re-hire you.”

The anger simply turned to hopelessness.

Agonego furiously got out of his seat and started walking to the exit.

“Sir, wait-!”, the woman called after him.

Alteri got up to follow him, a slow walk behind a fast walk.

“Not him too! Sir-!”, the man called after Alteri.

Alteri couldn’t be bothered to respond.

Agonego walked behind him. Slow steps of meditation.


Pik. PIk. Pik.

Agonego started to walk into a dark alley, to the near right of the business’s building.

It was about an hour after midnight, and very dark.

Alteri looked at Agonego as he marched like a beast into the long, dirty alley.

Then, for once, he turned around to look at Alteri.

Alteri saw his eyes of nothingness through the hair. Through the dark night.

Their eyes met.

Eyes of nothingness.

And eyes of living.

“You’re that retarted kid I fired a long time ago, aren’t you?”, the man asked him.

“Yes I am, sir. Accept I’m not retarted. There are actually retarted people who work there. But I’m sure

they wouldn’t like being called retarted. Non-retarted people especially don’t like being called retarted.”


Agonego simply stared at Alteriluther with his eyes of nothingness for a few moments. The eyes didn’t

penetrate Alteri with power, dominance or ego.

They rather just receded back into the man’s head, like they were trying to escape reality.

And failing.

Alteri always knew it was only a matter of time for this person.

Reality would capture them and their nothingness.

A nothingness, that has nothing in reality, a space where all things exist, living or non-living,


Reality had finally caught up to him.

It was not pretty. Yokokina and Yokokana were not his reality.

The man turned his head to his left and spun his body around in that direction.

He walked normally towards the end of the long, long alleyway. Alteri could barely see him leave as he

reached the end of the long alleyway, looking like a spec in Alteri’s range of vision.

The inhuman man disappeared into his own nothingness.

His life was no longer needed.

God took back his decision to birth him.

Humanity took back their decision to accept him as a life humans care about.

His father likely didn’t care about him, like he pretended to care.

His nothingness had revealed himself for who he was, in the end.

A nothing animal.

A nothing beast.

Clinging to ego in a world that kills ego.

Humanity’s ego killed his ego, in the end.

It truly was only a matter of time.

One day. In his life. He got what he had been deserving all along.


Such an ego-crushing surprise that life brought him.

Alteri felt a little sorry for him. He scrunched his face up in pity.

A little.

A little.

Did he really?

No, he didn’t. He hadn’t felt sorry for Alteri when he brutally, inhumanly disrespected his life.

Alteri turned to his left and walked away into the night.

The crescent moon overhead in the night sky was covered with dark clouds. The clouds moved over the

moon, illuminating the shining white light of the crescent moon.

He looked up at it. The clouds looked almost white.


Yokokina, Yokokana.

It was pretty like the girls.

He walked through the animals, his hands in his pockets, slouching over a little, but looking up.

He wasn’t going anywhere.

He was wondering.

That man’s eyes of nothingness….

They had truly reminded him of his father’s eyes.

Weird eyes.

He had never seen a beast in his father’s eyes, though.

He never wanted to.

Poor useless scum.

Agonego had created the pain to soothe his own blackened soul.

He felt sorry for him.

He thought about Yokokana.

Yokokana likely felt sorry for him.

Even with how beautifully, terrifyingly cold she had been.

They both worked at the same place, Yokokana and him, but they couldn’t be anymore different as


One was an assertive, authoritative, caring, hard-working, and polite girl who had herself under control.

The other was a belligerent, loud-mouthed terets having, crazy, complete lack of self-control, rampaging

disaster of the hollow inside soul of a man that was completely inadequate at his job, yet attempted to

pass himself off as something he was not by uncontrollably stressing himself and brutally verbally,

violently bullying other employees so he would feel so much better like an inadequate, stress and anger-

prone human being who lacked any manifestation on the concept of self-control. He was a useless,

laughably brainless animal trying to prove himself as useful and intelligent to those he bullied. Those

who did never even need or want to prove their worth, intelligence, and usefulness.

The animals that were simply those things-what animals should be to contribute to life-had nothing to


They didn’t do anything.

They were free.

They were the rulers of the animal kingdom.

He was the ruler of him. Without knowing he was, or trying to be.

That is how pure he was.

The brutal, impossibly insulting words cut deep into him and dug deep. They hurt, a lot. A lot.

He began to doubt his self-worth.

He began to doubt his life as a human.

Then, he realized.

He was just an animal.

And his bully….

Was just an animal.

One struggling for life.

Breathing for air that would never come.

And the other simply breathing fresh air.

The only thing he knew how to ever do.

When the animals are pulled down by fresh air,

The animal who accepts that it is fresh….

Will actually be the only one to breathe their life in.

Alteriluther laughed, in the center of a crowd of animals.

They gave him strange looks and turned back to their primal lives.

He didn’t care what they thought of him.

He ran to a quiet section of the city.

Apartment buildings surrounded him in a circle.

Endless blue and gold unit lights.

He breathed in the fresh air. He stood in the middle of the road.

Nobody else.

Just him.

He breathed in the fresh air again.

The cool wind blew on him. His hair moved in the breeze.



The beautiful night all around the city.

The blue and gold apartment lights.

The blinding red lights on the buildings, beautiful in the night.

Yokokina and Yokokana surrounded him.

The girls were everywhere he was.

He couldn’t stop himself from crying.

The city took his tears…. into the beautiful night.

The wind blew. The girls blew in the wind.




They shined in the city.

Beauty forever.

But why?....

Why were they so perfect to him?

The night.

The city.




His conscious was crushed by femininity.

He could see them in his tears.

Why did the girls come into his life?

Why did the girls infect him with their beauty?

He’s in desolation.

His tears put the girls to sleep.

Her life and her life are alien to him.

He cried himself to sleep.

He fell asleep on the road.

Dreams of her….

Never go away.

So, his life is hers.


March 2019



Her voice.



Not her voice. Not beautiful. A monster.

No, Yokokina, no.

Alteri smashed the door in. It swung open violently to the left, slamming against the wall there.



The first thing Alteri noticed was his father’s eyes of nothingness. They had a beast in them.


Alteri had never seen that side of his father before,

But that’s not what disturbed him.

Yokina’s face was twisted in an expression of ugliness.

“DID YOU DO THAT TO HER?!?!”, he shrieked.

“Did I do what the fuck to her, boy?!?!”

He shoved a pointed finger at Yokina’s face.



Yokina was a monster.

Arthego had turned Yokokina into a monster.


Arthego laughed. Yokina whined in distress underneath him, helpless to do anything in her hole.

“Looks like someone’s losing their apartment!!”

Alteri felt stress and hopelessness crush his ribcage.


A pause of nothingness.

A moment later, Arthego began to stop.

Surprisingly, he had listened to his son.

But the beast in his eyes was still there.

“Ahh! Ahh….!! Ahh….!!”, Yokina, with her twisted, ugly facial expression, was able to breathe again.

Arthego smiled evilly as he walked over to his son. His face seemed blackened. Only his smile was visible.


He put his big right hand on Alteri’s small left shoulder.

“Have fun living without a roof, son.”, he said, uncomfortably calmly.

“Ahhhh….!” Yokina was squirming around on the bed with her golden body.

“Ahhh…. Ohhhh!” Her face was slowly turning from ugliness to her distinct passionate beauty.

“Goodbye, Alteri.”

“Ahh….!” Yokina.

Arthego paused, taking a few steps forward, his hand still on his son’s shoulder.

Alteriluther simply stared straight. He refused to look his father in the eyes.

“You know, I always fucking hated that name. Alteriluther, you know? It’s a dumb fucking name.”

He squeezed his son’s shoulder with an uncomfortable grip.

“MMM-!” The force of the grip cause Alteri to cringe.

“It wasn’t my idea to name you that, boy. Your whore mother loved it. She fucking got herself off to that name.”

That surprised Alteri, knowing how his mother was.

Arthego continued.

“She convinced me to name you that. Persuaded me, if you know what I mean. That’s when she had that nice ass. Gave good sex. How could I say no to that?”

His hand squeezed harder. The smile on Arthego’s face twitched into a violent, aggressive scowl of anger. Anger directed at his wife and his son.

It made his handsome face, so, so ugly.

Alteri was frozen. Perhaps with concern for his father.

“But I see now that it was a mistake. Your name is fucking stupid. It’s like it makes you better than me.” He paused.

Suddenly, the evil smile returned to his face. His blackened face showed his right eye, as it widened to look at Alteri.

“You tried to save the Yoko bitch, and look where it got you? You’re going to be living on the street, and she’s going to be living on the street with you, for the rest of your life. You fucked up, kid. You’re not better than me.”

His evil smile and evil eye both grew wider with beast-like pleasure. They creeped through his blackness.

“You’re a piece of shit, like me. See, Alteriluther? We really are a father, and a son.”


“So please, go fuck yourself.”

Alteriluther finally spoke.

“Please get out.”, he said calmly.

“You’re not going to do your girlfriend when I leave. She looks ugly if you ask me.”

“And I dried up that pussy for you.”

“Get out, Arthegoisticus!!”

His dad laughed. A booming evil laugh. It couldn’t be anymore different from Yokokina’s booming, womanly laugh.

A laugh with so much heaven in it.


“You finally call me by my real name? And my full real name at that, son?”

“Ya. I guess I did.”

Arthego left.

“Alteri!! Thank you!! Thank you!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! OH, THANK YOU SO MUCH, ALTERILUTHER!!”

“Yokokina, you look beautiful again.”


He was telling the truth. The horrid, ugly expression on her pretty face was fading.

“Yokina, it’s being replaced by your heavenly beauty. You look like a woman again. Yokin-!”

Yokina leaped on Alteri, desperately, aggressively. She shoved her naked body on him, and whimpered.

“Mmm…. mmm-mm!” Her mouth, eyebrows and eyes twitched. Her eyelashes fluttered.

“Yokina, what are you-?”

“I need to thank you, Alteri!! He was going to kill me!! I didn’t want him to have sex with me. But I want you to have sex with me! Please! You saved me!! Take me!!”

Yokokina’s face was bloodied and bruised, even though her beauty shone through.

Blood began to drip on Alteri.

“Yokina, you’re bleeding so much.”

She had him pinned on the floor. She held him down, her arms on his chest, pushing down and refusing to let her saviour go with her hands.

“Do you like my touch, Alteri?!”


“I don’t care! I want you inside me!”

“But, Yokina….”

The drops of blood falling on Alteri’s face and body turned to streams of blood. Yokina looked like she was bleeding out of her body’s pores.

“You’re bleeding so much. You’re getting blood on me, Yoko.”

“Do you like it?! Do you like that?!”, she cried desperately, trying to please him.

His face was twisted with pure pity for her.

“No, Yokokina, no….”

“Smm! Smm!” Yokokina was starting to cry.

“Then how can I make you happy?”

“Please stop.”

She pushed down on his chest harder.


“Yokokina, you have a very sexy touch.”, he said, feeling her soft, feminine fingers, even as they were strong at pushing him on the feather floor.

“But I can’t have sex with you. I’m sorry, Yoko.”

Her tears and blood fell endlessly on him. Her face was an expression of sorrowful beauty.

“No…. Alteri…. No.”

Alteri looked at her with pitying eyes. He felt her warm vagina on his stomach, almost to his chest.


She had her naked, golden legs wrapped around his pitying head. Her golden hips curved above him.

“Clean yourself up, Yokokina.”

“Alteri…. no.”

“Yes, Yokokina.”

Her body twitched, her legs shaking on his head, but at the knees.

The girl fell over to Alteriluther’s left. Her whole body went limp and twitched, shaking as she fell down.


Alteri threw his arms out and caught her in his hands as she fell over.

She never hit the feathers. He wouldn’t allow something with less beauty than her to touch her beauty.

“I’ve caught you, Yokokina. It’s alright.”

Her head fell to her left in Alteri’s arms. Tears streamed sideways down the right of her face onto his arms, holding her from herself. Her hair flowed to her right.

He could feel her tears. He was an emotional man.

The lake of her sexual despair showed on his arms.

“I don’t want to die.”, she muttered, sniffling and choking on her sexual despair. “You won’t let me die, will you, Alteri?”

“No, Yokokina. I’ll never let your beauty be hurt.”

A small smile on her face. Her eyes cast downward, away from Alteri.

“Thank you, Alteriluther. Your life means my life.”

The puddle of blood remained on her bed.

Later that day, it was night.

The crescent moon appeared over Alteri’s balcony. The same moon with the moving clouds, illuminating its light whe

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