Educational Books

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Showing results: 61-70 of 166
Curriculum Teatru Forum

Curriculum Teatru Forum

Marioara Neagu | International
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Format: PDF

Acest curriculum este realizat de catre Asociatia A.R.T. Fusion, in cadrul proiectului “EXIT II”, un proiect ce s-a desfășurat la nivel naţional implicând un număr de 6 centre de reeducare coordonate de Administraţia Naţională a Penitenciarelor din: Craiova, Tichileşti, TgOcna...

Teatru Forum Pentru Comunitate

Teatru Forum Pentru Comunitate

Asociatia A.R.T Fusion | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

Acest ghid este realizat de catre Asociatia A.R.T. Fusion, in cadrul proiectului “EXIT II” si cuprinde informatii referitoare la lucrul cu metoda Teatru Forum, bazat pe experienta de lucru cu metoda in centrele de detentie din Romania. In acest ghid veti gasi informatii generale despre metoda...

Methods for Social Change

Methods for Social Change

Andreea-Loredana Tudorache | Educational
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

What awaits the reader in this guide is actually an ambitious initiative. It is based on years of experience of the Association A.R.T. Fusion (Romania) in working with Theatre of the Oppressed and it’s inspired by the project Africa - Europe focused on Forum Theatre: “Act for What You...

Organizare Comunitara

Organizare Comunitara

Irina Lomean | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

Acest manual a fost dezvoltat de către Asociația A.R.T. Fusion și Fundația Parteneri pentru Dezvoltare Locală (FPDL) în cadrul proiectului „Pornește motorul schimbării în comunitatea ta!”, pe baza experienței de lucru cu metoda organizării comunitare de-a lungul timpului. În acest...

Human Library

Human Library

Neagu Maria, Roxana Turcu, Cristina Miahela Stan | Educational
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

This manual is based on the experience of working with the Living Library method of A.R.T. Fusion organization. It includes general information about the Living Library method, the concrete steps for implementing a Living Library, examples of Living Libraries implemented ​​by us and...

Biblioteca vie: Ghid de Bune Practici

Biblioteca vie: Ghid de Bune Practici

Maria Neagu, Roxana Turcu | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

Acest manual este realizat pe baza experientei de lucru cu metoda Biblioteca Vie a organizatiei A.R.T. Fusion. Acesta cuprinde informatii generale despre Biblioteca Vie ca metoda, pasii concreti pentru realizarea unei Biblioteci Vii, exemple de Biblioteci Vii realizate de noi si informatii despre...

Fii Parte la Diversitate

Fii Parte la Diversitate

Asociatia A.R.T Fusion | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

Aceasta culegere de povesti poate fi o lectura de o zi care sa te aduca mai aproape de trairile, emotiile si ambitiile unor oameni pe care nu i-ai intalnit niciodata. Iti poate oferi invataminte, speranta si curaj pentru a accepta o lume diversa.Aceasta brosura este o Biblioteca Vie...

Challenge YOU and YOUR Community

Challenge YOU and YOUR Community

Andreea-Loredana Tudorache | Educational
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

You have now in your hands by chance or not a document that brings a new value in what concerns social street campaigning or street arts. Why is it so? Mainly because it aims at combining these two perspectives and enriching what street animation means by “using” its social change potential...

About Voltage Stabilizers

About Voltage Stabilizers

Everest | Educational
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Learn about voltage stabilizer, working functionality and gain better knowledge on how to buy the right stabilizer

Gathering and Sharing Knowledge: Challenges in Education Amid Knowledge Explosion

Gathering and Sharing Knowledge: Challenges in Education Amid Knowledge Explosion

Sharaf Rehman, Erika Grodzki, Clarinda Calma | Educational
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

The essays in this collection are about sharing knowledge. Sharing, as in imparting knowledge in a formal classroom setting; sharing as in disseminating information to large populations in a society. Teachers, policy makers and businesspersons are wrestling with two important issues: One...